The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1914, Image 7

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In a
Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM, Caihier
T. TURNBULL, Vice President C. W.PLATT Asa't. Cashier
A Complete Line of
Writing tatummj
At the Argus Office
No Particular
Woman Ought
to be without an
astistic and servicable
Toilet Set. Besides be-
intr useful it adds Dainti
ness to the Dressing Table
and if you wish to present
her with a Set, the Kind
she will be proud to own,
look over our stock.
We have an endless variety of patterns of sterling and plated silver sets. If
you simply l .- i r .-. Button hook, a lirush. a Comb or a Mirror, we'll gladly
break up a Set to satisfy you. Please investigate the (foods behind this ad.
Your Jewelor
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot find it anywhere lift
Mint to us. We have it.
Dr. Korinek's Stock and Poultry Rem
edies are worth your while to try as every
package is guaranteed to give satisfaction
or your money back.
Guaranteed by
Dr. J. C. Korinek, Medford, Oregon
Sold by
Everhart Drug Company
Ontario, Oregon
BBJipif l
C?oorf Bank
Good Country
JawW 10 rf
I I I'll W Wk, :
Iff .it fjBjnjr bwm PV r I
HI 'JmWA y. Il..lwa awHT 1 . H '
After Operation Failed to Help,
Cardui Worked Like a Charm.
Jonesvlllo, S. C "I Buffered with
womanly trouble," writes Mrs. J. 8.
Kendrlck, In a letter from this place,
"and at times, I could not bear to stand
on my feet. The doctor said I would
never be any better, and that I would
have to have an operation, or I would
have a cancer.
I went to the hospital, and they oper
ated on me, but I Rot no better. They
said medicines would do me no good,
and I thought I would have to die.
At last I tried Cardui. and began to
Improve, so I continued using It. Now,
I am well, and can do my own work,
I don't feel any pains.
Cardui worked like a charm."
There must be merit In this purely
Tegetable, tonic remedy, for women
Cardui for It hns been In successful
use for more thnn N years, for the
treatment of womanly weakness and
Please trv It, for your troubles.
N I 11V,'. ' . .JiW AJvlirv nM. .-
nnoff.i Mpjlrlnv I . ( h utanont - Trnn.. for Rprfiol
JfMrrwrfinfM, evn I barm, "Hnmf Irrttmi-ni
lor Women," tent In plain supper, on rsqutst.
Oregon Irrigation Men Take Advanced
Position in Favor of Co-operation.
Portlnnd. Or. Tfce Oregon Irrlgn
tion congress took advanced position
on the quest ion of state und federal
cooperation In reclamation, and bear
tlly condemned the speculator who bar
handicapped reclamation.
Officers elected were: President,
Asa I). Thompson, IN ho. first vice
president, J. W. Hrewer, Hedmotid,
second Ice president, J. U Hlackaby
Ontario; third vice president, W. l.ult
Thompson, l.akcvlcw; socretary, Kred
M. Wallace. I.nldlnw.
The congress went on record ai
stipportlttK state federal co-operation
in reclamation of arid IhiiiIh In Oregou
on a dollar for dollar basis, .
Hunter Thought New Yorker's Car Hit
Animal When It Yelped.
South Norvvnlk. Conn.- I ii'ii Hitch
I cock of N'ew York city wns shot In the
j hand hy Lew llnrrelt. n hunter of Can
I noim. near here, who believed I fitch
: cock's auto had killed ids hunting dog
When Hitchcock's machine whisked
hy and the dug yelped from the sting
of s I the hunter fired point blank
and tho charge struck Hitchcock In the
I band, biully lacerating It. Barrett wns
Minora Would Bar Immigration.
Indianapolis Laws to prohibit
further Immigration until all surplus
labor, rs in I III- Lulled Slates ale fully
employed wen- hy a T -olu
tloli adopted at the convention ol the
! I'nited Mill- Workers ot America,
Tin- resolution was Introduced u the
Kohh ii. ash . union
Pekln. A bill prescribing the wor
ship of heaven and of Confucius by
the president of the Chinesn republic
was passed by the administrative
council, which took the place of the
Chinese parliament, recently dissolved
by President Yuan Shi Kai. The
measure was submitted to the council
by Yuan 8hl Kai himself.
It is understood that the president's
Idea is to set an example to the Chi
nese nation, which he thinks needs
the moral Influence of religion.
The question of the Introduction of
a state religion has created consider
able controversy In China, the chris
tian missionaries of all sects opposing
such a step. The constitution adopted
by the Chinese parliament made no
provision for any state religion, i
School Teachers of England Strike.
London. A strike of school teach
ers, the first of Its kind in the British
Isles, is in full swing in Herefordshire.
Klghty out of the 120 elementary
schools were closed. The tenchera
say they will remain out until they
gain their demands, which ore for a
minimum salary of ."iOU per unnum,
an Increase of $50.
Supreme Court Decision Knocking Out
Referendum Ende Long Fight.
Whether tho liquor Interest of Ar
kniiNiia en ii or will deem It irnlltnlile
to k further (linn they have In re
sisting the operation of Arkanaaa'
stringent tin 1 1 liquor law. which will
hecotuo effective Jan. 1, remains to lie
determined hy their attorneys mill leild
era, acoonllliK to advices fiom Little
Itoek. Ark. The recent decision of the
supreme court of the Mate Iihm provtsl
a severe hlow to the liquor men. iiml
it now looks ns though illiout nil the
MiOOH III Ihe relililllilllK "wet" I oilli
lies of the stilte inilst pa) out of hul
mm ;it midnight Dm m.
The hist legislature enacted a hill
which makes it necessary for u person
to 'resent to the county court n peti
tion signed hy n majority of the white
veins in Ills county asking that he he
i- ii.. I a liquor license. Kven should
Ihe negroes have lieell made eligible by
ihe legislature to have signed the pell
lions the effe. I would hae heell lr-
liinllv prohlhltlou: hut. the negro vote
eliminated, the liquor people realized
that they rould not meet the require
ment. The liquor Interests nt once, after the
I of the hill was realized, follow
ing its passage on I eh 17 Inst. began
lo circulate pellllous under Ihe Arkllli
Ml ennsiltiilloiial limei llmeiil n HI
providing for the Initiative und refer
emi. nil. and secured l'J.I.Vi mimes. 4 '
In excess of the legal requirement, lo the law voted on hy the people.
Since the legislature, anticipating such
e. had iittached Ihe "emergency
clause" to the net. which under the
itiieudincut precludes the referendum
in cases where the legislature may
deem an emergency exists. Secretary
it State Karl I lodges refused to call
ill election when the referendum pe
tltioti was presented to him
It wus the luaiidauius proceedings
brought to attempt to force him to call
such an election that tho Hiipremo
court passed on. sustaining the view a
uf tlie lower court, the legislature, the
attorney Reneral and tho secretary of
state at tho annie time
New Form of Cattle Stealing Developed
In ths Northwest.
Alleged stock rustlers to the iiumtier
if thlr(y two wuro arrested In M.ui
tina during tho quarter ended Sent
'.'i. accordliu; to repiuts of stock In
M-ctors 1 1 1 ;i it.- I.i i W Ibivinond. sec'
rotary of tho statu hourd of stock
oliiinlssioiiers Dttflag the .punier
ten stock rustlers were com bled. .in. I
it the end of (he qiiarlci there were
eveiitecn eiises pciulliu;
"There has been illllg this
. ii than in any previous year since
I have been connected with the otlbe."
aid Mr. Raymond "Thert- is practl
.ally no tampering with brands uny
mule This of rustling belong
si to (he days of (he ..pen range. Now
Bfa have lo contend with the slaughter
f cattle for licef Then- is iinuo of
'Ii.- noing on ban was (he MM ten
mn ago. bill Ihe augregalu (hefts
lit) Colislllerahl V lllllleecl
"Willi ihe coining of the dry farm
.rs to Molilalia and the higsW 'icmaiid
in the state for bc-ef there has Is-en a deal mere killing of cattle on
IBS ranges Ofleiitlines the hides are
l.urntsl und the meat taken to town
and Mold. The owner of the ul.iugh
'eied animal simply kuows his unlmui
has dlstippe'irecl an. I sometimes he
Minis the dead u-lies nf a (Ire on Ihe
range where that animal grazed. Hut
thl- Is not evldenc e "
2Pounder 11 Weeks Old.
Tacoma Kloreuce Virginia Cota Ii
a tut ure voter ol M a.-hlngloli here who
la atiructing much tttenUon h. . suae
at the- age o! II Ai-ekb she weighh Olil)
two pound.-. 'I ;,c nurse.- -,i she- is
j.. 1 1 .- 1 1 v in every way and
ha- not been sick at all in the weeks
Ol In r exl i.-iiie in th- ba.-kci iiiir
rouiebd by hot water LuUh.b.
Churchill Proposes Cessation
of Building Battleships.
Suggests That Qermany and England
uild No Vessels For One Year Be
lieves That Smaller Nations Would
Follow Example of Qrsatsr Powers.
Situation In Europe Is Now Clearing.
London. Winston Churchill. Shu flrat
lord of the admiralty, in behalf of tho
English government bus made a spe
cllle offer to (iermany of a year's "nil
vnl holiday." wherein hotli tint hum
would agree to halt the construction
of battleship.
Widespread Interest wns n roused hy
the proposal, mill much significance la
attnehed to (he offer, which wus made
while he wus discussing the naval ex
pcuillturc of $;1T.i.OOO,Oih) n year and
warning the nation of the Inevitably
heavy lucrense In nriiianients If the
rivalry continued
The pith of his speech was contained
In this paragraph:
"Now. we any In all friendship and
sincerity to our great neighbor, tier
ii.any: If you will put off MgtaatMJ to
hull. I jour two ships for twelvemonths
we will put off In ahsolute koimI fnllh
the hulldliiK of our four ships for ex
actly the an me period."
If Great llrltaln and (iermany took
the lead, Mr. Churchill added, there
was n kooiI prospect of success In get
tlnn other powera to agrsj to a iinval
holiday, (him relieving the taxpayers
of ii burden of minimis of dollars.
Mr. Churchill first advocated a iinval
holiday on March '.''. when hu wns
speaking In the house of commons on
the naval estimates, hut Cermuny did
not accept his offer
"The proposal I put forward In the
mime of the Itrlllsh gov eruuieiit for a
navnl holiday Is quite simple," he aaid.
WIN l, ,N c III 111 llll I.
"Next year, upurt from the Canadian
ships or their equivalent and npnrt
from any thing that may Is- reipiireil
by any development la the Mislit, r
i aiiean, we shall lav down four great
Copyiiglu, IU13. by (hu I'mi.anu
a T.aaw!.MnVL
aw sw A y M- k
sB caMM ' jSm Ml f 'm
aw MiWArSr wlaH '' Q Waw
BL. : i mam m & J
BWaWassssB-atMawH ji I W ' ' if mW r
STRIKING examples ,,f the d lathe -ul.iirc at Ihe Panama
Pucllie International BspOSiUon are Shown in llnse two lllua
trn'ions At the lelt I- Ituln." by Albeit lin--, r- i IgUN (hat
vvPI be a c-onipaiii'in to "Sun-hliie." I.v the line -c ulpl'ii. oina
ineiilinu' the Court ol the l'..iir S.-a-..n- in the lu.ili liTOUP ol exhibit pal
acua i he . illliei With lis Mcihllllillli 'llll I I. hi Is by I le.hri. k (i. It K"lU.
snips to uerninnya two. rxow, w
any to Germany. 'If you will put off
beL'liuiliig to build your two ships for
twelve months we will put off in nb-
l solute good faith (he building of our
four ships for exactly the sumo period."
Mr. Churchill then expressed the
I opinion that If Great Hritaln and Ger-
I many took the lend all the other great
I countries would follow suit, and they
I would nil he Just ns great nnd as sound
an If they had built the ships at pres
ent projected. If Austria and Italy did
not hulld. the obligation, he aaid,
would he removed from France and
Great Hritaln. and the fact that he
triple alllnnco (Germany, Austrta
Hutigtiry und Itnlyi wna building no
hips would make the prnposnl po-slbb-
without the slightest danger or
risk. The flrst lord then added:
"Isn't It likely that so great and
memorable an event would produce an
effect on the naval construction of the
United States nnd Japan? Scores of
millions would he rescued for the prog
ress of mankind."
Mr Churchill ndded. "That Is tho
proposal I make for the your 1014 or.
If that year Is thought to be too near.
for win
The llrst lord unfiled that npnrt
from such nn agreement "the nnvul e
netidltiire of next vear will lie sub
stantially L'reiiter than Hint of this
year Whatever irnv he necessary for
the sifetv ,.l ..ur intry umVthe innlll- of out Intlueiicc nil over tho
world will have to be done"
Mr Churchill thoucht the fiut that
the situation In Kurope was much
clearer now than It h id been for MSM
time the strong evidences of a desire
for ce:iee and the Clcatl.V Improved
fel.it1 e's between Cleat llrllaln and
flertl i.v rendered the moment favor
able f.'- the resumption of the con
-elder ait ii of the MMMMMI "f I naval
holhl'v tci which frlcndlv reference
wn imole In n speech by the German
Imperial ii-meellor "
Desert Land Board, State Engineer
and Water Board May Qo.
Salem A movement hna been
Btnrlcil to Inillate n measure at the
next election lo abolish Ihe state des
ert land hoard, the state water hoard
und Ihe slide engineer's ofllce. mid
put Ihe business bundled by these
t tit- lepartmeuiH In charge of one
hourd. thus effecting a considerable
sav lug lo the taxpayers.
(iovernor West stales (hat ill Ihe
recent meeting of the Oregon Irriga
tion congress In Portland, delegates
hciin Central Oregon put the proposl
lion up to him mid asked for In.-, up
proval lie said he favored the move
ment mid would give his support to
Ihe proposed measure lie suld it
large saving would he made h) such
u change
lie declared (hut Ihe desert lit tut
board, as now- constituted. Is a useless
all. en, mid Ihe slate engineer's officii
l mi expensive luxury. The plan is
lo give Ihe one hoard lii he elicited
III place of (he three depart melil H nil
thorilv lo appoiul mi engineer
Fishing Rules Protested.
AhIcii.i limine, t In- pa t lew days
quite ci number id letters have been
kciiI In packers mid fishermen to Col
I Ollel McKllisllv. id Ihe I lilted States
I KiikIuc i i incciestliig against the pro
I posal of the depai Uncut lo prohibit
. flsliiiiK within n pie. nh. . dUtrict at
I the mouth of the river
Few Dogs Show Symptoms.
Il.iker Km t two dogs have been
killed iii linker as the result of viola
tion ot the mn 1 1 uu ordinance panned
by Ihe clly commissioner us a preten
live lue.tsuie liejllllsl spread ll( lalcle-
Oul) six of tins.- have shown s nip
icin.- nt ihe disease
1 .. ill.- luui naiional Kxp.esition L'o.