The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
If you will subscribe to the
Argus for one year we will send
you four monthly magazines for
only 18 cents extra.
L. It. Clough, who had charge
of the Hnzlewood business in
this (section, has gone to San
Diego, where he will have
charge of a dairy. W. H. Blunt
will have charge of the Hazle
wood business.
The biggest bargain we have
ever offered our subscribers is
the Argus and four magazines,
nil oue year, for only $1.18
If your subscription to the
Argus is due, better pay up
now und get four big magazines,
all one year, for only IS cents
The P. L. S. company shipped
500 heud of fat cattle from Kcho
last week and their condition
showed what Walter (ilenn, who
had charge of them, can do in
the feeding line.
You can get four splendid
magazines one year for is cents
extra by renewing your sub
scription to the Argus.
Monday morning at :L:i lire
was discovered at the Star board
ing house, owned by C. C.
Forbes, ot Nyssa. The fire
originated in the kitchen and
gutted the center of the building.
The loss will probably reach
flOOftycovered by insurance.
J. K. Hoberts, of the Canyon
Commercial company, recently
purchased SO acres on the I'av-
ette-Orejjon slope, which he will
divert into a hog ranch. It is
sage brush land and Mr. Rob
erts will at once begin to clear
it off and fence preparatory to
putting on a number of hogs.
Moll Dowling, the telephone
electrician, has been promoted
to the Nam pa office. The girls
arc heart broken.
She is Coining! Who?
Open your ears and widen
your eyes and you will find some
Miing to put you wise.
N. A. Peacock is preparing to
move to the bench on the place
recently vacated by J. E. Colby.
J. K. Blackaby and daughter,
Mi Margaret, made a trip to
Homedale Sunday.
Mrs. L. Peffeile, of Baker.
was here last week visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
We still have a number of
tairs of shoes, mens, womens
and childrens, on hand. Come
in and if you can find sizes
wanted there will be no "kick"
on the price. Cash Variety
Mr and Mrs. Dearmond were
down from the ranch for a few
days last week.
Will Fiser has been home
several days renewing acquaint
ances. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKee,
of Weiser, were here Sunday
visiting with relatives.
Editor Whelan, of the Ameri
can, at Weiser, was visiting with
the local scribes on Saturday.
Mrs. II. E. Kyes, of Willows,
California, is here visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Titos. Kahout, the Jordan
Valley merchant, was here the
first of the week. Tom says the
roads were iut lovelv. He
rode out with the mail carrier
on a two wheel cart and it took
four horses to pull them through
an ! even then they had to get
off and pry the mini off the
wheels, they simply clogged
Business prospects in Jordan
are exceptionally good, the new
irrigation works are sufficiently
Walter (ilenn, who has been
feeding cattle for the P. L S.
company, at Echo, was visiting
his family this week.
Robert Copelund sold a bunch
of twenty horses lust week to
local people.
Near Newton, 111., last week n
Holiness church, known as the
"Holy Pollers," was burned and
several members of the church
were lined for beating two boys.
The boys 9 and 12 years of age
were tied and beaten with straps
; i I'll alielrs until ll... 1,1,.,,.! run
nave you read in the UUIM , , .. , ..
to i rivi not sin niw I tin. . i.i-i!
-..,. ... ...... .,. ....,.,
completed to make water avail-
O. II Luwson, the Parma 'able this year and it is expected
butcher, was here this week ' many families will move onto
looking after business. the lands under water.
BaKin6 Powder
Is the Housewife9 s
WHAT so tempting to the
laggard appetite as a
light, flaky, fruit short cake or
a delicate hot biscuit ?
Royal makes the perfect
short cake, biscuit and muffin,
and improves the flavor and
healthfulness of all risen flour
foods. It renders the biscuit, hot
bread and short cake more di
gestible and nutritious, at the
same time making them more
attractive and appetizing.
Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable for the preparation
all the year round of perfect
Home Journal, Saturday Even
ing Post or Womons' Home
Companion about the free dis
tribution of Homo Journal pat
terns'' We are distributors for
these patterns and have a limited
supply to give away "Homo
Journal week," beginning Mon
day, Feb. 23. Cash Variety
Dr. Dutton, who established
the Cold Storage plant here last
summer, has opened a dental
office in Caldwell.
Mrs. A. It, Shellield wos in
Boise to hear the Josef Hofmann
recital last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Taggart
were visiting Vale relatives
The Hotel Moore will continue
to serve Table de Hote dinners
Sunday evenings from f:30 to
B. Pinner rfi cents.
The County Sunday School
association will meet here the
balance of the week in the
United Presbyterian church.
There will be morninc, uftei-
noon and evening services.
W. W. Wood was in Yale
Wednesday looking after legal
Miss Mary Harvey returned
today from l'orlland und will
rssume her duties in the (irove
A- Kiley millinery store.
For first class painting, paper
hanging and tinting sec B. Ben
son. All work guaranteed.
Phone 75-J.
Dr. G. A. Pogue was a visitor
to Baker City this week.
The banks were closed Mini
day m conim monition of 'a-j-iugtou.
a bargain lot i iox paper
and envelopes, linen finish, at
!"( a box. An extra good value-
Cash Variety Store.
Sam Cneiii, manager of the
Alexander store here, was in
Caldwell Sunday attending to
Octal matters.
A. I.. Sproul was in l'orlland
und other valley town.- this
Y aft selling tlicPotind Oak
raoga. I' you want a range to
last a life time and give perfect
satisfaction these will do the
work. See McBratnev-McNully
John Keed, the gun man, was
culling on llie local trade this
Judgt Biggl "! Hi Vale Wed
nesday heuring some urgu-
Kenyon und Bull marketed
live curs of cuttle 01 the Port
land market Monday.
Incubutors the best kind at
McBrutney's. Ail sizes.
Yesterday was Ash Wednes
duy, the first of the Lenten si a
son. L. S. Mallory and H. Chris
man were visitor- to Bote Mon
day looking after some building
the boys having failed to uttend
church regularly. The same
church is trying to get a foot
hold in Oregon, and we
can expect similar atrocities
here in the namo of religion.
They were in Benton county
few years ago.
The Ladies Aid of the Con
gregational church will hold
their regular businoss meeting
at the church Wednesday after
noon, March I, at '2:.'10.
The ladies of the Catholic
church will hold a cooked food
sale on Saturday, February 'JS,
at Kudcr's store.
Subjects for next Sunday at
the Methodistchurch are: Morn
ing. "Moral Onwardness" Even
ing subject, "Preparation for
Eternity." These subjects will
be of interest to oil who will at
tend and u cordial invitation is
extended. There will be special
music by the choir. Thomas
Johns, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. H I.. Pooimun
made a trip to Boise over Sun
duy, whore Mrs. Poormun's
father is quite ill.
Have you registered at the
city haU.'
(io to the city hull today and
register while the registering is
The registration books are
open Saturday evenings.
McBrutney will sell the Hurley-Davidson
motorcycles this
year in this territory. Don't
buy a new machine until you
see his 10 1-1 model.
I. wants position on rarch
also outside work for man Ad
dress Noah (iilliam, Ontario.
s. e Aytra ! shipping nine
ears of cuttle, Bohcrt Stunhel.l
live cars of sheep and UrOVOI
I'os two cars of hogs PridtfY
J. P. Zumwult, who (I said to
he an oil and (4a- man frOUl
California, was here tin- week
looking over the field and He
undai land he i trying to get
some leases so he can put down
I U -t well, believing that thi- i
an oil and gai Bald.
The repuirs on the Cartel
house are making headway ami
the new quarters will soon he
ready for occupancy. Tim con
tract for the alterations to lit up
the moms for the Ontario Na
tional bunk will he let this week
The Uebekuh club met Willi
Mrs. Helen Clement on Satin
day und the fuvors were small
Bicycles and all kinds of sup
plies ut M Bratiiey-Mi ulty Co.
Mrs. W. W. I.etsou is home
from Chicago, where she pur
chased l stock of millinery und
ttgagad Miss Pearl Cofolt as hei
trimmer. An announcement ol
tin opening will he made later
The stock is now beingarranged
Fred Haines, the Harney mer
chant and also a din :tor of the
Ontario National hank, was hen
lust Friday, reluming Iroiu a
trip to Portland.
Telegraph service has been
established with t.Junturu where
Li. P. Delsole is the agent. The
rate is K cents.
E A. Eraser, of the If. II. Co.,
made a trip to Junturu Saturday
in Mr. Stevenson's private car.
We noticed two men in town
last week taking ordeis for men's
suits and they got some. There
are nine business houses in On
tario where you can leave your
measure for clothes and the
owners of these houses live here
and will be here to guarantee
satisfaction. Cope gf Dunnuck
have an announcement on
another page, they are not only
order takers, but they ure tailors,
know how to measure and make
clothes. Their prices will be
found right.
Elmer Orcutt was up from
Weiser Sunday visiting with
the family.
Wi-llium Welsh, the CJrant
county sheriff, was here Sunday
having come over for Charles
Hart, wanted for horse stealing.
He was arreted at Westfall. A
few years ago he was up on the
same charge.
Mrs. Dave Mugill is getting
along fine and was able to go
home Sunday from the hospital.
E. A. Stauffer, the Jordan
Yalley stockman, was here thi-week.
Hot bed sash for sale by th
Kmpire Lumber company.
There was no quorum at tin
meeting of the Fair association
called for this week ami they
djournad to meet on March 7.
If, Alexander was here thi
week looking ufter his business.
He took Sum up to Yale today
to show him around.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones ami
daughter are guests at the ('ni
ter today.
K. N. Stnnfiehl was around
this week trying to pick up soimi
For needles und machine sup
plies see McBratney.
Mrs. Hurry Anderson was up
from Weiser today. She is stay
ing with her mother there.
John lT. Hoffman, the mer
chant from Junturn, was here
this week on business.
One of the trains brought in
u consignment of tobacco, syrup,
flour and other merchandise for
Harney by parcel post.
Bon Brown, who was operated
on last week is doing line and
will be out of danger in a day or
Work has begun on the lir-t
section of the Pacific highway
from Medford In Central point
concrete with a granitoid sun
Tell your neighbors about our
big club offer. They surely
would like to got the A run and
four iniiyiiines, a'd one year, foi
only 1 1
Work in private family wanted
by competent girl. Apply Hi
Argus ollice
County Superintendent Mac
pherson is gradually sinking and
no hope is entertained foi Ins
The annual preliminary de
clamatory contest was held on
February ' I ami speakers WON
chosen who wi'l speak ut Dream
land on March 7. The wiui.i II
of 1 he latter will he entitled to
compete for the county silver
MeBiatncy M. Nully Co Mill
have a few large Axtuinistcr
rug (hat you can save money
on by buying now.
Kennel h Millikcu is now in
the railway postal atrviot, with
A L. Cockruiu was u visitor u run from Portland to Pocatello,
in Vale 'cdneduy. 'on Is und 0.
BawBaaaaaWBWwflry ffiSMW
E flBaWSsV'iA y'ML
LaaflaaaaLLmT' w firi i"
Bt . a
HRflnwaSaBHpiB Vw ' QfVRvTl
LFWvt aHrjaaaaaHL aw" LnOL n fBDT JkaaM
fepgfllaVtaaaaawlJB' V ;JiWi
Mcttkisv . &ga iw a'.j!
luaf sMHMllilk'
aWLTC! y3fcik.- iwlB
tak V ' ' sffi
The eminent Shakespearean Star, who
delivers a most interesting lecture in
connection with the vvoncbrful Captain
Scott South Pole Pictures.