The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1914, Image 4

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Entered in the pOHtoflice at Ontario
Oregon, for triuimifina through the
mail" ' " uml !-li- matter.
M. E. BAIN. Publiaher.
While the flute for the prima
ries is still smiie weeks (iff now
in the time for the people to net
together and make their nelee
tion of caii'lidates for the coming
election. If yon take no action
and the result Is that only men
who need the salary attached to
the office come out f or the nomi
nation, yon are sure to get poor
oflicers. Public ollice is not the
place for men who have proven
failures at everything they have
tried. Successful men are the
ones to he selected and these
can he nominated and elected
if the ptoplfl will take the neces
sary tronhle to see that they are
interested ami assured of the
right support. Talk over the
matter in your home, with your
friends on the street, in your
granges and wherever you meet
men, hnd out what your neigh
hors think and you can soon
liii'l good, competent men for
the several oflices.
giving us the benefit of years of
experience in all lines pertain
ing to the administration of the
oflice and in perfect sympathy
with the agricultural interests
of the state. Judge A. 8. Ben
nett is in a class by himself
among all the Democratic candi
dates for the position.
Although we have read the
county exchanges very carefull J
we have been unable to see any
men tii hi of the Ontario Commer
cial club having backed the corn
contest to the extent of 600,
The endorsement of the Mal
heur and Owyhee projects by
the Irrigation oongron in I'mt-
hiud and the recommendation
that the government investigate
their feasibility does not mean
that either of them will be built,
but it will probably result in the
government looking up their
The attempt to ruin Senator
(ore lias attracted the attention
of the entire country and words
fail when attempting to utter
the contempt felt for the attorney
and woman who plotted against
him. The attorneys of the
nation should demand the dis
barment and punishment of K.
J. (Jiddings, the attorney, who
was a party to the plot.
The New Time, at Mountain
Home, is now in charge of
Charles Hackney, for which the
good people of that town are to
he congratulated as he will give
them a good, clean paper.
The Washington program
given Saturday evening at Kp
worth hall hy the juniors and
freshmen was fine. The coloni
al costumes were varied and
suited to the occasion. A two
course luncheon was served aud
all present had a fine time.
A II McOonncll went to Vale
last week on business.
If rs. ('has. Stephens left last
Wednesday for Acme. Washing
ton, to attend to business mallei -
concerning their ranch there
uii'l will spend a few WOtkl
visiting relatives ami friends
lielore returning home.
N S. r'clthouse was appointed
school director to till a vacancy
made bv Mr Niswander who
Beginning next Friday. February
27. at 2:30 o'clock and twice daily
throughout the remainder of the week
will tie projected upon the screen the
actual motion ploture diary of Cant.
Hubert Ha Icon Hoott's memorable ex
pedltlon to the Hnuth pole. Tbepe
iiiciiiit'H are an ncrturate pictorial re
cord of life and scenes encountered by
the h i.ii'H it Hum greatest of all Polar
expeditions and are comprehensively
described by Charlea II llanford, who
was coached by Herbert Q, I'ontlng.
F. R. O. S . of Londou. tin. official
cinematograph of the expedition.
Aaide from the incomparable id
eat ir)n value of thin motion picture
renin), the general en'ertalniog and
educational ipialitlea make them the
foremost of their kind. Mr. Ponting,
the distinguished artist-operator, by
dint of hard work and unlimited
patience wa able to Mlm some of
the most unusual scenes ever obtained
In any climate.
The piece do resistance of the nt
artlc Dims, however Is Mt. Erebus In
active eruption. The supreme splen
dor of thin awe Inspiring pheoemonen
In truly indescribable. Every one on
earth should as a matter of education,
see this reniarkalble freak of nature.
Admission II .'la and fit) cents.
The Boise Statesman editorially
commends these pictures.
PW AdvM-tlrmrnt
For Sale 25 tons first crop
hay. 0, E. Rees, Ontario.
The little ads in the Argus anrely
do the work and reach the people.
The farmers are learning tin' value of
these aud are advertlning what they
have for sale and what they wish 0
buy. One little three liner for Kock
rooslera brought seventeen replies.
If you have something to sell, even
your farm, or waut to buy some
thing your neighbor has to Mil juat
have a notice inserted in the Argus
ad you will be surprised at the ra
suits. The charge is only a cent i
ird each week.
Money to
gated farms.
loan Improved irr
W. H. Doolittle Co.
Wanted horses to winter at
$3 per head, per month at the
Conklin ranch.
Kstray A yearling Jersey
heifer at the Conklin tanch.
Owner please call, pay charges
and take her away.
Lots foj Sale 3 in Riversida
addition, near sub station. In
quire at Argus.
Money Wanted 12")0 River
side residence, insured for $1600,
box 412, Ontario.
W a n ted Improved ' small
tract with buildings and fruit,
on lease. Address box 128 with
For sale one 1 3-4 (tray gaso
line engine. Address Jas. A.
Bennett, Ontario.
For Sale One I year old
Fereheron stallion, weight 1600,
by J. C. Fleming, Arcadia or
phone iiii-F-f, Nyssa.
For Trade Iniprovtd 4.80
acre stock ranch in eastern Neb.
to trade for western Idaho or
Oregon ranch. Address Ferry
Randell, Bend, Oregon.
surves covering these lands
and at least eomudering ,M. l'f last week f.r Pulaski, Iowa,
mallei The Malhelll piojecl
would cover the Harper Basin,
the valley above Vale and possi
bly other lands, while the Owy
hee will probably cover the
lauds west and south of Nyssa.
Both cover large tracts of good
lauds and would be ol grOUt
benelit to the county as a whole.
One frequently beats ftbout
what a nuisance sweet clover is
in this Motion, ll grows any
where, wet or diy. There are
thousands ul M Bf of hind- along
(lie i iviis, up on the lull lad
in sections that have not MOU
opened Up by WliliT systems
pyuere iweel clover win grow
and product an abundance of
I. -. d equal to the best illfali.l.
There is little preparation ueed
I .1 for tlie crop, bill It should be
i lipped down and thickened up,
-ii (hat the .-luck running 00 it
will eel it free!) tttock will uol
cat it when il Incomes woody
On the .-lope under the Black
Canyon projeol lhc are plant
ing ll cleiisi eh and win i 1 I i
tried ll has proven a su.
lii Baker county they are going
into it. having prot en thai it
is an excellent Iced. There is
also good lUOIiev in planting it
and raising the seed a- tin dti
maud i- i.u in exoeei ul the
supply. Mi-i ol the Dead ta
I'lal will product this plant
without water, beyond the i.iin
lall and it u ill eniuh and Open
Up the -oil, ihc Tin its going deep.
Sonic I I men are ditCUMed
as probable candidates or the
position of governor, bul iu the
bunch two men loom up big,
far ahead ol all the othen i"i
the position, qualified iu every
wav Or. Withvcoml'. the
dean of the Agricultural college,
to make his home.
Frank Mcllenry is on the sick
The Baptists and Methodists
had a union Frances Willard
memorial service Sunday even
ing at the Methodist church.
Warren Pnrothy went to Boise
last week to have his ears at
tended to by a specialist.
Raymond Albce traded his
place to Mr. r isiier lor more
Jay llankineon had a runaway
one morning hist week as he
w.i- driving the school wagon
home. He had two teami and
our of the mules gol its bridls
oil and he could'ul hold them
Thc ran nearly home bcfors
being -topped. Jay had quite
i" ride.
Thursday, February 19, being
Mr. I Li. li and M re, Halell's
birthday, sboul thntsiive ol
their Iriends u.t them s sur
pi fa p.u l at the home of the
latter. Refreshments weir mi ved
and a pleasant evening ps
M i and Mi- K. A. Sterner
are the parents of ten pound
boyjboru baturday, February -l.
mi- i ncritcntieM i- iuf
leriug with an attack m lagrippe,
The Baptist state evangelist
will begin a series of meetings
lit' t i due-day evening at the
Baptist church. Everybody m
Sited tO attend.
John AtkinSOU lOtd the pool
hall last Wednesday to W. A
Newbum, Of near New Ply.
Charlie Blob snd wife have
moved onto the Mi Coinsey
Vale 0971, Ham 08381,
Noiick Hilt PUBLIOATtOJf,
Depiirtiiieut of the Interior, U. H.
I. mill llltlcest ..I.', Oregon, Keliruary
nth, ION.
Notice Is hereby given that .Insetih
Little, Jr. ol Ontario. Oregon, who
on May 2Uh. 1000, luaile Homestead
Appl leal inn No. UtTl. fur NK NK
Hee. ;i. NW NWfies lt,IWIW,
See. It, SK KKJ, Sec. 11. Township
17 S . naSJS II K. , Willamette Mini
(lian. has tiled notice of Intention lo
intito' II i ii 1 three M'ir proof to estate
I e-li claim to the Imii.I uliove .i.-p-.-i ! .1 .
la-fore the Register ami Receiver ('.
S Land Ottlce. at Vale, Oregon, on
the lstl, day of March, 10U.
Claimant names as wituertes.
K. W. Morton. Thoa Kanady, of
Ontario, Oregon: (Jennie ' link ,)ohu
Taylor, o Payette. Idaho.
lance K. Kester. Register.
Hay for eale A. B. Cain, 2
miles west of Ontario.
would bot credit to the slate, I Argus BSUSS
Throe lots for sale 'J t 'lacks west
f 1'in.l.irtl.e al a tiaigaiu. lmniire at
lirnyage ordera taken at Moore
Hotel John I. NtcliiiKi.mii. realdenoe
I'll.....' Ifl
if you vent to locate near town
that has a very bright future I
have 70 aeroa of the very hoi. oat
land, has a nice slope to the
east, a lirst class w iter riht ;
30 acres in alialia, r st has Inen
iu grain, NOt having it all paid
for it loaves me unable to take
care of that much land I w ill
-ell an N here from B lo 70 ail is.
My prios ranges Iron l"o p
acre lip. About hall cash; good
terns on roat al s per cent m-
t reet. Band SXactlV the same
adjoining has been selling at
1200 to 1800 per acre, so here
is your chance if you want a
good tract of hind; '2 miles fioi.i
Ontario. Ore. near Malheur
Junction, where car shops and
round house will no doubt he
built iu the near Insure.
Ho 51 Onturio, Oregon
For Sale K0 acre, all in
cultivation . good well on place.
i miles north-west of Fayette,
Call on or write Mrs. Sarah l)e
Haven, I'avette, Idaho Route t,
W it n t o'tl (!irl for general
housework. Hood wages. Apply
at Bader's residence or phone
Wanted Work on ranch l.v
man and wife bv March 1
bachelor or widower preferred.
Address Argus oflice.
Avery under mounted tractor
engine, steam, Is horse, for sale
at a bargain price. L Walker,
phone M6.K 2.
For Bent Furnished room in
Villa Perk; saddle to trade for
hay. I. J. Dickson, with Van
Potion Lumber oompany.
I'or Sah About 75 tons of
Brat class hay, tir.-t and BOOOnd
cutting, live miles south west o
Qntai lo. l'i ice $tj 50 nor ton.
John W. Kiiiihrough.
Seed Potatoes--Barley Queen'i
extra early Netted (iem's from
acre winch broke the American
record yield in 1018, 758 bu.,
88 llis, also winning tirst priie
at State Seed convention at
Paoatello, Seed corn Qolden
Jewell, a '.'! day yellow dent,
fully acclimated, which .von
Idaho one acre yield. Write or
phone, W. B. Qilmore, Payette,
ii liilll
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
J. G. WALKER. Proprietor.
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Do Do Do Opens New Era
in Cure of Skin Disease
rrofssor Tludlftnir'a pos of pricma
Wi.h known to alrtumt every IiomiiIIuI
mill pnyali i.m of raputatlon throucnoul
the m.ii.. of Conns, llcul. Ills letter Is
another Interesting i.-moiiHira(i..ii uf
what Is I.iIiik a' .'.iiiiillNlii'il l.y tlio
fumnus sperltlc I . P P. I'reacrfptlon.
"It iimy be of Interest to you to know
that "iir ifi-i:i inir preparation. i.
1 '. I' I'rearrlpllon haa hc.-n r Iik-.I-.iili.t.lo
value to mi'. I ..s coven i
with ersemu from loin) lo loot when
1 I'.Tun uxiriR- rotir remedlea, 1 could
ITi'l no relief, iltl.oin I, I li i, .1 :l thi ll
H.llnt nieallN. I l.i.lleil I. lit two Lot.
ties of the I'res.i i.t ..n ; a rttrsj w..h
effoctvd la a vuiy shuit timu, In lu
than on month." rrof. C. J. Dudlonr.
South Lyme, Conn.
Ask any lru.:Kl t today for D P. D.
rresrrltitlon. II..1I tell you It allaya
the It. h lastaatljr ami noun there are
signs of cure.
We have han.ll.Hl tho remedy for
years and regard It aa tho specific for
akin troublei. of all kinds. Come In or
aMk un about l. I'. 1'. Prescription.
also about l l. 1'. soap eie.lally
lor tender skins.
We offer tin. first full slse bottle
on the. guarsnleo that unless It stops
I ha it.h at ouee, it custa you not a
A Complete Line of
At the Argus Office
Must Be Printed
We arc printing nu iv wrappers than any other two
offlOM in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Argus Office
Imj.n on the Job
If on have a jol of hauling: you
want iltuie, l:irg or sqihII, yon ran
alwavs dapsjajd on John l.ainlliiglmin
tielug tor you. t'all turn at the
Moor M.'t.'i
i 'lil papers at th Argus otMoe
.'.lite per linn .Ire. I. Just what you
need to lnu- your .'atiius .nut PUkM
un.ler the carpet
If You Want to Sell
If You Want to Buy
Otto West, man dressmaker, will he at our store 30 days commencing March 5th.
Mr. West will cut and lit a stylish gown for you, wh'ile you wait. Costs you
Only 12.00. Think of it! Others would charge $20.00 for what he does then
Mr. West's gowns possess the original Parisian twists of Fashions so desired.
He has made beautiful gowns, hundreds of them for Nampa
Boise and Caldwell ladies and they're all delighted
An Education in cutting and Httiug for you. Don't miss coming.
For further imformtion write us.
Nampa Department Store, M