The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1914, Image 2

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Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stats
Atkt Coeur d'Alene Data.
Coaur d'Alene. Postmaster Herb
ha received from the postoffli e de
partment at Washington n roo,OOOt for
flefnlled InforniHtlon as (o llM vHiiouti
Industrie, commercial enterprises,
pnved streets, aide walks, transport.-!-tlon
line, and other matters pertain
ing to the city's ami bus!
nean affairs.
Th" receipt nf thla Inuulry Indicates
that the pnstofflce authorities arc
planning i -nil inn I inn win k (in the fed
eral lu 1 1 1 1 i-. the site tor which Iiiih
been hough' ami paid fm b the gov
ennui tit. n appropriation hai ai
rood) i n in .nin for Initial work Mid
plana hove ! en adopti d
Hecla Dividend.
Wallace Tho Mecla Mining com
pany, Opontlng the lit la group nf
niineH at iiiirke, dlabumod dividend
Nn 118 for I COO! a Hhaii'. aimitintliiK
to Saturday. The dividend li
the second for tfct present m.U'. total
llig 40, for 1 ! 1 4 ami makini; the
urnmi total dlaboraod by toll com
pun M,01Q, of one cent niorelhar
$:: per hirv
Guilty of Manalaughtar.
I lolloj In the dlsti nl i null lien
the Jury In the rime of Km hard White
i ! Willi 1 1 1 1 r 1 i . alter being out
L'.'i bourn, returned a vcnllei of Invol
utilai mhier ami n niiiuniul
I'd the dofandant to the claBwno n
the iiiutt. Judge Walton will llilpni i
Keiiteiice Saturate) foraoooa
Willie M i miiiiih ram her who
While IntOlleOtod at u il.ime at tin
Gunnel '. Ii.miI tin i Inst tall, laiiilh
hIioi ciini'i wild. nn durlnf II ipiar
Ragatta Plana Started.
Astoria. A mass meeting of busi
ness men and citizens Renerally la to
be held on the evening of March 3.
when a committee will he aelected to
take charge of the 19th annual regat
ta. This meeting will also fix the
date ror the water carnival, but It la
generally understood that July 2, 3,
and 4 will be aelected.
Bonda for Road Urgad.
Coeur d'Alene The county commis
sioners have decided to tnke up the
matter of a bond Untie at an early
data to be aubmitted to the voter.
It la proposed to Issue bonds of $12.
NS the proceeds to be used In good
road building In connection with the
i. tain aid of a nlmllnr Hum which is
available for use. The state highway
commission propones to build 44 mllee
of roud Id cooperation wltlithe county.
Diphtheria Ragaa at Brook.
Brooks. With an epidemic of diph
theria prevailing, many children are
belna; withdrawn from the schools, nl
though the disease appears In a mild
form. One death Is reported.
W. H. Meredith Out For Congraaa.
Hanrinn. W. H. Meredith, county
attorney of Curry, stated here that he
would be a candidate for the demo
cratic iii-m ; na t if iii for representative
from this diatrict.
Goat Induatry Started.
The Dalles W. F. Ripley has start
ed a new Industry In this vicinity, that
of goat raising. He raisea the Tog
genberg goat, which is the mainstay
of the cheese industry of Switzerland.
This goat In of the blue blooded varl
ety, and with a pedigree, It la more
valuable than the thoroughbred cow.
Tungsten Light System O. K.
KolkNM KoIIom i" ""' "' ""' "i''-1
cities III the northwest In adopt tin
tungsten aerti art lyatom tor street1
lightllii; ami Hi" .en ice lia , I .1 .1
cuiiipli'te nucci'MN '.luce Iti Installation
by the Banker mil ami btelllvu eon
pnfi.i . the 1 II t i'i in lug I'll at I imptov
I'll llrllllln. while the NpoWM la till
Maine us helllle
Candidatea Out For Seat in Nation
Mill , Tin- cnlilesl III this Hlltt Inl
the tool oi Representative Fraook b
Hie lower house nt s hai
IniHii la 01. 1 .1 number ol candidate
tnmi tin- rank ami tile nt the lepiibll
cm port)
Kepi, aenlatlve in m li has an
11. nun 1 ii in . Intention in mi r ihe rm
I 1 II. ll il In .11. 1 eeil .1. mi 1 1 III. I
1 he 1 a u innouni 'i t an Unit al i
Mil. Johnaou ol lwleton mm
Tlinln.i 1 Korl "I In. in il Mi lie
1 1., ; 1 cllve 1 andld ilea in C M
I'utti . ' in .1 th i" W ait' 1 1 1
I I II. : , .11. .11 II I nllllOl , III
Hamlin. nil 11 Mien, ill Boteo; tap
tain !: 1; I . in 1 .iml Hnli.11 l Mr
t'rin ken, alao ul Uulae
.Inlill-.nll 1 .11 present plnsei lit till.
ottorov) nt Nm Korea county; Kir
w 1 .1 111. inl.. 1 01 tin- house ol n n'
soatollvM 1 Knnieiiai count) dur
ill the lllli sessinu nt the legislature,
I', in v . 11. , u.Hni from Koote
nn rount) durluii Ibe unt i
ii.iin-nii la .11 preaoni state aeiMtoi
from siin-inii . , 1 ml) . 'onnoi i
ut. ii, 1 . pre hi tilvi iii'iii Bonner t oun
ly; Alli'ii I in m slate i i
I term pi 1 '
n 1 1 1 prlvutt 'i ii
Uovi ruor II mv
Al Inl in i 1 !, i r.i. ,, a
mellllx 1 ul ,11 ,l.i . nun
1 v .1 ! nil Ul III. .
g t 1 . indi 1 1 and
1 ; I 1 : , I I I i 11,
i t 'i turn nt f
nolle) at not 1 iv - laud owued b) In
-I .in approprluiloi
li, nn 1 hi I i.'
in ilefraylm Hie m u - ol con
s'i mi lua 1.. 1 1 iiiu 11 la ml a
were twi . ,1 , ,,i. .1
b t lie lli! Ullt) linnil Una,
su-i.uiiin wiiiiii held ii. second mH
inn III III ni.'.i'N tile
, .
SAM! 13 aaT17 BT
jSyB im,? gBl'' fl liar a92
' '"' & Af8L',1, ' "aaaaaaT
' lMa"" . lW '
w , - -y-j ! fi ra 1 i-snrarj .- t-
VI SW tA'WWI ! I fl7 T J
v vi 1 m m m r i m i
JfWnfti ilm ltffl.Ji
t'npyrlKht, -ii 1, hy the I'uii un.i I'.n itte Ini.i nullniial Kxpnsltlon Co.
Wife Staya Hand Bearing Drink of
Champagne Upward.
New York- With a glass of cham
pagne almost to his lips, William Jen
nings Bryan was prevented from drink
i.ig the wine by the quick action of
his wife.
The Incident took place at the first
annual dinner given by the Authors'
League of America. Four hundred at
tended and Winston Churchill presid
ed. In the course of his speech the guest
of honor reached for a drink of water.
Inadvertently he picked up a glass of
champagne Mrs. Bryan, seeing her
husband's mistake, sprang from her
place, two seats away from the secre
tary, and hurrying to him, put her
hand over the glass Just as it was to
rench his lips. Mr. Bryan looked sur
prised for nn instant, then laughingly
picked up a glass of water.
Till: ilniiilniitlim iirehlleetiiiiil feature of the nipoaJtfctfl the Hiiperli
Inu.i of Jewels, ulilili will inminaml the south enframe of the
nun nf Sun ami Sin-, at the i'liuauia I'm III.' I mm n in. mil f.
MMtlllO0 In Sin I' Ism III I'.ll.'i Tills towel. 4JO ft'cl In
heiuiii. win have a I .i -i' nl i ,. iii i.t eii i i a., lower will 1 1, upward
In terraces), tiring way at last in a iroajp ol Bguroa supportiua a uinbe.
typlfyltui tim world, The rtirated Icuroa ol arawred hiiraemon and of
e.nlels of the im'IIII will lie 11-.1.I mi Hie nwer. w III. II. with Its statu
iin, mural piilMlng ami innsili s. will lie hides. 1 lli.tll lieaiitltlll.
Messra Can ere ,v llaatlmpi, architects in chief of lb lan tnwrk nn Kx-
LlMislllmi al Murrain in IIMI, ale the all litecls.
BJBJBI - ' " 1 .
World Noted Sculptors Produce
Marvels In the Plastic Art
Superb Decorative Statuary Fast Assuming
Form at the Panama-Pacific In
ternational Exposition --
Chinrkr Drnnnnti atrs A'nlity
Buhl Sill : 1 1 1 . I inii.t.
I'him se ti"' 1 knot k i out n ouu !
I mil 111 Mii'.n I iml 11 ii 1I1.' ai; il',
1 mil rout 1 "i a hat a a i bed i
In he .1 In round 1 ''lilt 11 ,
ni ihe boat bat Hi ii)
iiinntiis Ho in deuioui 1 . u
norlorily frow the n
Nex Perce J, Levsist. 1 High 34.
1.1 w let on Krlda) nigbt il I ha hti I
school n inmistuni the 'i '
School Itasl, 'tluill ! teatfd Ihi
Lew i.ston llih b) 1 aoo t :. tO I
'I li, v.. nm aim iiuesM I ) the I
eat crowd that eei lutnetl OOl lo
gajaa here
PROIMtllOI'S worki " uliwura are now Iw4ni completed in the aeulp
iiirai warohouaea of Ibe I'm mi I' .i International KnMlth
Mmii.n of Ihelii hove alienl. oi I Illllalletl I'lie WOTlU He aa
111 11 k 1!. e I.11 hiii .l 11. I i! ISIUl) nl mi. ."'I mil.
V't fur Ml) ii'iiv Will the World '' V en. ii '".I tn ei.n ,n man ,...u, col
ic, -iii ni of the a i , ol 1 ieiii..irai, sculptora The World'a t'oluhiblao K-
HNtlllon at Tin. I-.. Ural proved thai the areateal talent uilghl he employed to
produce even, nl lelii'..ial.N Value Mine llnn limi , an. I III. 'IV attention
h 1 he. 11 Lilien at e II li sii, . . e.lini; PKMtktlon I" s, il!ituie as a tmin of ileenl.i
llou, a ini uou tim I'.in 1 n 1.1 I'., ni.- 1 11 ie 1 u.ii m n. 1 1 I . i 'i -i 1 1, . ii ,i', nn i -,s to aurpaao
tVeU In. aim's lKlUlalte ill-
View Inn the superb roiiia nml Individual idecea of statuar)' Ihe visitor
fecla like i i i ii 1 1 in i.i ii w ii i baa liocn t m-' rled im a la ltd of itl mta Somn
ei the ureal uru . - .ue ol i ol maal dlun ualoua M Hi) ol those uieat idecea of
Km I uar) will adorn huge triumphal archee. and vvimii s,. placed will seem of
natural al u 1 1 . v sltor wbn si iiula uan Ibe Hours ol the expoall on courto,
i preat'iil Uin this page some cluaalcal examples of the sketch uodela
Sli. I (lie eillai.. l lire-. liuinl.ei of ttttcrlcu's I have
been engaged lu Ihe i lu llou ul ibcee injures. m iu the scultora are
ui i ii miiiies wklel) kuown belli in Ameiia a ud s broad. The list in. in. lea
A tfllrllug ('aldei actiiui director of aculpture; Albert J aenora, rutin ri. . nniii.
1 ." I eiilelll lillU'l'l I A.ll.Ui tllolpll einiii an. Is elm,' Ivnuti, Kvel li Hea
tn e UuiKmau, Mi ii.ui i'a ae Whittle)', Uouglaa Tlldou, tiutaon Uorglun
ii Uac.N'ell, Jauwa K r'raser, t'harlea C llumaey, I la In I'ailgan, Paul Mm
hip, I-' i; li Until. Chat Kelluiua, l i l 1,1, ii Id ;.! A da ma a ud othefg
The sciililuie of the Taiiini! I'.n ill.' I met nallnual l.'nsHi,ni Will COIff
out the tmte of iho osptialiloii in 'eleuratlug the oiwulug of tho Pnnonu canoL
ihe splrli of .ii'inewiii, i.i as exemplified li) tutcrlca's work will be kleallsod
lieu rlie s. uli'tel- iuvau In plan their Work Ihe) had a- an inspll at mil ail
uudertaklut whU'h has amteoled t" the Imagination t the wnrM for couturlao
in the oiwnlng of the I'auauu canal the) saw tho tinai reauli nf four centuries
of effiut to secure i poaaagewa) Uetweeu the oceona The atatuary will ropro
i1 i.e upon a wonderful scale the biatorl luchleuia itinue ted with the Poooiu
i i. ml lie nu of ihe early esplorera ol Ibe o"aua grouia aynibollalng tho
i ii pie . ihe rocky bock mm of ihe cotlnouta, comiuialtlona dealgued
t. - mh, iii,-, ocohteutal and or leu ta I tbeiuea, ioloaaal ropreaeulallona of stru
lia ami achievement, iii Uluatrate many of Ihe dramatic toptca Inaaporably
aaocbttod with the search for paaaagewo) to the PavlSc and with tho tins'
building of Hie anil at I'. mama
ml while the sculptor iro foal completing their iplendld iroductlooa,
whuh rvvoal the Ideal ! sculptor of tho proaonl day, ether work upon the
agpoaltlon la fool lurogreaalag whoa the ajoteo of ihis. Aaoertco'a rauania
ranol colobrotlou -wine oion to tha world on roh SO, 1015, it will be upon a
fully completed and perfected apectaclo, the settlui of the jjrt'uu'st iutcrua
timi it celcbt itlou that Ihe world ka ever bohoki
Highway Stakea Are Set.
Central I'olnt. The surveyors em ,
ployed by the i unnty lu couuectlon
with the I'aclflc IiIkIiwiiv, and undei
the direction of the Btnte engineer
are here settltiK grade stakes' between I
this city ami Meilford. This Is the Inl
Hill move In the actual deielopuienl
of the highway here The surveyors
after the) have finished work in this
locality will move to the Siskiyou
mountains, south of Ashland.
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Argus Office
Citrus Crop la Bumper.
Chicago. After three years of dis
appointments, Pacific Coast citrus
ffulturowerK this year have produced
n bumper crop, according to a atate-
nient made hero, by K. 0, McCormlck.
vice president of the Southern Pacific
railroad This year's crop of orange I
nlnlie, according to Mr McCormlck, J
will be sufficient to provide at least
15 oranges for every person In tho
I ' ii it .-.t States.
Attorney General McReynold Advlstt
Governor West Decision I Final.
Salem -Announcing Hint the decl
Ion to separate the Southern I'aclflc
and Central I'aeiric railway lines was
final, Attorney General McKeynolds
telegraphed Governor West t tint the
Institution of suits could not be le
liivi-d for further hearings. The At
lornei General said that a careful in
vestlgatlou had been made ami that
the consolidation of the system was
clearlv In violation of the and trust
New Spring Goods
We don't wait till the season is
over to cut our prices in half
and quarters. Look in our win
dow at the new prices and goods
made to your measure, and sat
isfaction assured all thro.
Cope & Dunnuck
The Only Tailors Ontario, Ore.
i mmmmm'mm'mMmm' lmmm SBal a
Malheur Merc. Co
We are now making our con
tracts for 1914
Let us have your specifications
for what you may require.
Remember our goods are all
guaranteed lines.
We stand behind everything we sell.
Malheur Mercantile