The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1914, Image 1

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Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 9
The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of "
m ouom MUMW
Local Lodge in Line, Hold
Meeting in Commemora
tion of Occasion.
Last week ih.. Km mhi- of Pythias of
th world held services to oouimemor
nte lis ."0th anniversary of the found
IH of the order. Tim principal innnt
Ing wdh held at Washington. D. C. ,
where tin- order whi started, with
representatives (nun nil t ln grand
bodies present,
Locally the Knights held I meeting
and after work In I he first riuik they
tiud a aoi-lal notion, with W. W.
Wood and K O. Bailey M the prlnol
pal speakers, who reviewed the hiatnrj
of the order.
The order now number 7 1 5,05 I
m.'inlii'ra 71,1)00 of tbem cany ing
i it mi 1 1 itni'i- in the order to the iimount
or M million dollar. Id Oregon tbev
bare 7, 1 H i membera. The local Indue
baa a membership of 104. It waa
Instituted In IIM with eleven charter
members., four of them still active
and 1) U Hurcall waa the drat C. U
mid James Connor la the preeeutCom
Mexican Situation
Looks Serious
Killing of British Subject
By Insurgents Cause
El Faao, Texaa Clement Vergara,
an Amercan rancher, who waa recently
captured and taken across the line into
Mexico, it ia reputed hua been executed
by Mexicans.
Thia following the Killing of William
S. Benton, a British subject, has
caused considerable excitement along
the border and it ia aaid that U. S.
soldiers may be allowed to cross line
when eecessary to protect foreigners.
The fact Ihit Villa persistently re
fuses to deliver the body of Kenton or
allow its exhumutiun lends argument
to the belief, by friends, that
he was foully murdered.
Villa In giving the record of the al
leged court martial of William 3 Hen
ton, made public at Juaiez late, us
aerts that the Scolchmun was present,
that In- was represented by a rebel of
ficer as attorne), and was permitted
tn testify, and that the session was
lie was executed for attempted
armed violence against (iem-tal Villa,
declares tlie record, and was luiind
guilty of giving aid and comlort to the
enemy by giving them cattle and tor
Hge and b giving tilt-Ill Ion
Benton s friends on this side oi t In
itio (Jrande received the report with
sneers Tliev pointed to their know I
ciUc nt many years that he guarded
against possible serious results of his
high spirit and temper by never car
rytng a pistol The statement that
Henton was allowed to testify und that
the proceedings were public carried
no conviction to the men who ass.-n
that their friend waa deliberate!) mur
"The accused, says the report, was
arraigned and having been to
name someone to defend him. Captain
Mariano Tamez was designated for
this purpose and wus warned to de
fend Benton loyally."
Washington It la understood a
complete report on the execution at
Juarez of William S. Benton, the Brit
iah subject, is awaited before the v,.-w
of this govt mm. nt levari tho Ui('
dent is made known.
On the tnitl or tulsity of Villa's
statement that Henton tried to kill
hilll will deiietnl the view which the
British and It;. ted State, govern
menu will take
The furniture for the Commercial
olub moms ks arrived and been put
In place.
Tbe above is not tin attempt at n
joke. It la a fact
Tbe furniture It high grade oak witb
leather trimmings and when the rooms
are fitted with n lew ruga and picturea
will be a place one can feel at home in
It ia less than a year siuce the com
mittee wus appointed to puichase tbil
fiiuiitiir" and their promptneta will
be duly rewarded.
Cove, Or. Mlaa Kern RoMl
"marched right In. turned right around
and mnrched right out ngaln." uftei
passing little more than two hours In
vestlgntlng the saloon situation here
complaints against which caused (lov
ernor West to send the young woman
here to probe the affair.
The clicking of I moving picture
machine marked time for the fair and
lonely Invader. But the word "lonely'
cannot be taken literally here. The
movie miio came on the same train
with Miss Mobbs and kept her In focin
practically during her entire visit.
Just what Miss Mobbs accomplished
or what the result of her vlaB and
Investigation will be, remains to b.
seen She aays she, herself, does not
That the conditions here are differ
nt from those at Coppcrflcld, the sa
loona of which place she caused to hi
closed by virtually Inaugurating tin
m. mi. ii law, which was declared there
was the announcement of Miss llobht
before uhe left Cove.
Mayor Wilson and the council mem
bera ahowed HUM Mobba every cour
teay and eagerly watched for an op
portunity to aid her in any way pos
sible. The young woman later aald
she was delighted with her reception
and treatment while here.
With little formality "Miss He)ttl
met the city officials and, with thelt
aid. she went over the city ordinances
covering the llipior uestlon
John J. M'Govern, the New Jersey
judge whose success in curing boys of
the cigarette habit has attracted wide
Sunday Closing is Intent.
Salem. To prohibit the conduct of
UalMM and gainlul amusements on
Suuday is the object of a measure to
be initialed at the next election by
the Washington County Christian Kn
itavof l 'nioii. The bill was approved
as to form by Secretary of State Ol
cott. The measure . . t. .pts drug stores,
physicians shops undertakers, liver)
tables, butchers and bakers.
Long Lest Diamond in Chicken's Crop.
Clatskanie -About eight months
ago Mrs. Robert Hrant lost a dia
und setting out of a ring Long
search for the missing gem proved un
availing. A few days ago, on the o
casion of her husbands birthday, as
she was preparing a fowl for dinner,
she found the lo.-t stone in the crop
of the fowl.
-a J
" .ssssssssV
fsWTmffwi i1 WaMJiMJi it i xflLB
Boulevard Grange
Hall Feb. 28.
On Successful Farming By
J. S. Stinson, a Noted
Farmer of Nampa.
J. 8. Stltisoo, of Nampa. Idaho, a
successful corn grower, uud dairy
in. hi lu Ins hi i i. .n tor the past J-'
years, will be the speaker at a lec
ture to be delivered at the Boulevard
gi.uige ball Saturday evening. I chin
ary '-' - Tbe lecture will be Mlua
tinted by a working model of a silo
In auooeasful operation.
There la probably uo one In Nampa
who baa dune more for that section
than Mr. Ktinsou who, besides cou
ducting one of the most profitable
nun lies there, nnillil al n ing 'J I brad of
dairy stock, three horses and a large
number of bogs and chickens ou a 20
aora tract and ia also the secretary and
muuager of the Cooperative creamery,
tbe best known example of a coopera
tive creamery iu tba state and about
the only oue tbut has managed to
avoid the, pitfalls that bava been
carefully laid by the trust.
Not only has Mr. Htiusou kept in
touub witb all of tba latest scientific
met Inula lu fermiug. but be has ao
adapted those methods to the coudl
tious iu this country that lu many
ways bis ideas are iu advance ot
anything to be found unv. where, slid
especially ia this true for those who
are Interested lu farming uoder the
cooditious that obtalu bete.
His knowledge of feeding aud food
values aud their proper combination
bava been favorably coumeuted ou
by all wbo have bad an opportunity
to oLaerve lna methods or hear him
talk uud the iirauge is particularly
pleased to be able to offer this leu
tura as aa attraction. The lecture
will be tree aud opeu to all and every
oue is most cordially iuvited to at
Master Conkltu deserves muub
credit for the list of speakera he has
nbtalueil for tha grauge meetings and
he promises a number tor tbe luture
that aie equal to those be bus pieseuted
lu tbe past, some of them beiug of
nation wide protuiiieuce.
Amoug those who are t appeur
-lining the next lew webksaie. I'm!
K C. Hodges, whose lecture ou
"Couutry Life" illustrated with
stercuptlcau views, has been enlhtial
astlcally received wherever delivered,
Prof K. I''. Bhiuebart, dairy expert
nt the University of Idaho, will also
deliver hia famous lecture on feeds
and siloa at a date to be auuuuuced
later, and Prut. Olin engaged in the
extension work iu Idaho, will deliver
bis beautiful illustrated lecture,
"Scenic Idaho. "
A meeting of the Cumiucroial club
waa held Tuesday evening with a
good attendance.
A communication from the Pari lb
Money company wus referred to tin
Bea association.
The matter of a display at Ashland
during the fair year waa tabled.
The matter of better train service
to Momedale waa referred to the
transportation committee.
D. P. Deal born was elected a
member of tbe club.
It was adopted that tbe regular
meeting of trie club be held on the
third Monday.
The president was instructed to
appoint a ciuin Lite of fifteen to at
tend the taxi a i meeting at Vale ou
Jos. Kcls, Pr'.ron of Single Tax, Diet.
PI lalpl ia, In.-eoh K'-l, million
ain nap I ..iiini.n Hirer, single tax ad
I ami, died in his
home her from pneumonia after a
bt.ei illn- o Me was til ears old.
Potato Growers to
Hold Meeting.
In Commercial Club Rooms
Tomorrow Night Will
Organize District
A meeting of the potato growers
will be held lu tha Commercial club
rooms touiorrow evening at 7 .30 p.
m., by tba North Pucillo Fruit Dis
tributors ami South Idaho Producer's
association. Tha principal speakers
will be:
W. N. Yost, vice president North
i'... i'h Fruit Distributors; John V.
McPherson, general Held aupt. potato
department; L. M. Campbell, assist
ant manager Southern Idano Produ
iter's association.
Tba a. eei log la called for the pur
poae of oragul.lng a district local, for
the purpose ol discussing the purchas
lug of seeds, sacka. the building of
potato cellais. tbe iiueetlun of casli
advance, the marketing of tbe crop
aud the other needs of the potato
Be sura to al tend yourself and see
that everyone In your locality is
informed of this meeting and as
iiiuuv, as puaslble be present.
Alfalfa is one of the must valuable
crops In tbe country now. but It
never would have been here if the
government hadn't sent a scientist to
Asia to at It. Something like :io
million dnllurt' worth of Durum
wheat waa groan in tii (Jolted
States last year, hut there never would
have beeii a spear of It raised here If
some scientist hadu't gone luto the
ti -". dry steppes of Bussla and found
It and brought It here. It was the
government that first Imported Kafir
orn and the agricultural axperi
nl statlous that showed the gov
eminent how to rulse it It was the
work of the farm advlsei thut showed
the farmers of the South bow to grow
cotton In spite of the boll weevil or
how to raise other crops if the weevil
got too think for them It waa a
farm adviser who showed the fruit
growers of Oaliforn a that it wasn't
riacessate to cut down their orchards
in order to get rid of the Kan .lose
scale. It was a farm adviser in Con
necticut wbo showed the tol.ircn
growers there how to prcduce tobacco
that would. sell for 2 a pound instead
of for 20 oents If a proper mail is
-elected for the farm adviser in this
county he will revolutionize many of
the farm methods iu this county
and materially increase the incomes.
The U aldington party at tbe home
0 Mi. and Mrs. L. Adam Ofl Sator
day evening was unique in many
respecli. Powdered hair aud antiipie
costumes were worn by both meu
and women. Home had beeu handed
down through several generations uud
thy represeued the styles of the
past century. The home was da
oorated, wltb rlaga. bunting and red
caruatious. About tbiity guest, were
Mrs. Wbitviortb euertaiued Mouday
afternoon lu honor of Mrs. John
Wood. Auction bridge wa. played
Mrs. Kmlei'i winning the prize
ffcOM present were Mesdames A. I.
Cockium, K M. Grasf, O. Hi I-aw.on,
K. A. Fraser, C. K Kuuyon, 1, Adam.
.1 ). Bllllngsley. K. C. Van Petten.
J. Filming, C. Kriiiroti. and Cleinci.t
Wm. McBratney has decided to re
enter the undertaking tmainass, has
ordered a full line ofooflln, casket
trimmings and an elegant hearse and
will have rooms fitted up. Mr. Mo
Bratuey was in the undertaking bust
tiess at Welser for nine years, has a
license to practice in Idaho ami
tlregou, so he can handle any bul
nesshut cornea tribuary to thia place.
Mr. McBratney ia an accomplished
graduate embalmer. The stuck is nil
new and purchased under the new
tanil prices, lusurliig duality, style
and prlcii.
llelllngliam. Wash. When three
passengers on Great Northern passcu
ger train No. :i.'iN, bound lor Vuticou
ver. II. C. undertook to resist otic ol
u trio of holdups who entered the day
coach when the train was running
along the edge of the linv nine miles
south ot here, the robber pulled an
aiitonuitlc pistol and shot the men
dead in their tracks.
The robbers got on the train at Hul
ling! on. Shortly before the train
rem bed Samixh the holdups stepped
into the vlstlbule between the smoker
and the day coach and tied haudker
chiefs about their faces.
line ol them t lion entered the day
coach and walked through It to the
rear door. A second oue stopped In
side the front end of the couch while
the third one leiii.iin.d ou the well
bale platform.
The robber who walked the length
of tbe coach started to lock the rear
door when the three men who were
killed, who were sealed III the ex
irmn rear seats, grappled with him
and were shut.
German Marines Land in Mewlco.
era Cruz The commander of the
Herman cruiser Dresden shipped to
tlie (ieriuaii legation in Mexico city
two nun blue guns and lii.uuu rounds
Of I. HI
Miss Alice Paul, head of the Suffra
gists' Congressional Union, which is
trying to secure action by Congress.
Party Lines Only Test.
Salem Attorney I raw ford.
In an opinion, holds that a iiialitied
elector was not limited in winning the
petition Of one candid. ile loi an office,
but may sign petition of all .null
dates if they are incmbfin of the party
with which he affiliates
Hsnry M. Tsllsr, Ex Senator, Dies
lienvir -Highest state honors will
be paid to the meiiiorv of Ibni)
Moore Teller, ex I'nlted Stalin MM
tor. whose death at the home of Ins
daughter, Mrs (1 K Tyler, in this
city, marked the naaalsM Ol IM but
ol the earlier da. It I -linen of Colo
California Storm Worst In History
l.o Angeles With a loss ol prob
ably more than I4.M0.0QQ and a total
ot seven human lives Southc-ii Call
,- reiowriug riom the effects
of the won. I storm in Its history
Jm&fc i
Will Have Capacity of Five
Thousand Horse Power
For Irrigation
The announcement made by W, J.
Kerris receiver of the Idaho Oregon
Light aud Power company, that tbe
work of llnishlug up the construction
of the power plant at t) Bow will tie
started at once aud tin i -lie. i before
.luly stiltlcient to furnish ."lOdti horse
power is the most Important In many
respect ever made here.
It Is the tlrst .t. Unite Information
we have had that the llniilicliil -it mi -lion
was such that money is now
available for development purposes.
The ability of Mr. I'ciili to tlnanca
this big undertaking will place the
company Independent of the other
power eoiupaniea, give them more
power than they have contracts lor nt
present and will enable tbem to go
after contracts which they have had
to pass up f t want of power.
Many gasoline pumping plants are
b'lug installed thia year, where lee
trlolty would he used If the company
could furnish it.
Snake River Pro
duct a Winner
Few Kara of Corn Brings
Owner Hundreds of Dol
lars in Prizes.
The inhubiants of (he Snake river
valley have known that this valley
was the best III the world, but it takes
a practical demoualratlou to make the
other fellow believe it. as they are
all troiu Mi At the tcceut
national coin exposltou held at I al
laa, lexas, com, Alsike ami red
clover seed took prizes iu competition
with products of the world. T. M.
Nelson, who lives near the state line
in a tyou couuty. exhibited cum at
the Canyon ty fair and took the
prize and he then weut to Pocateilu
and repeated tha success. Thia In
duced liltu to go to Dallas aud tbe
judges there decided in was eutitled
lo the 11000 cash oltctcd for the beat
ear of corn, aud the thousand dollar
trophy for tlie best teu ears. But
I hat is not all. IiV unv means, the
I'eckbauis of Wilder took the giuud
championship of tbe world ou olsik"
clover aeed, a Deer Kbit man. Wm.
Mitsoli took third ou red clover need.
aid another Cauyou county in. in Imirth
on timothy MOd Then- also a
IIIk tui the best sheaf of altnilu
'I iiia niaguilicent result again
deiimusti iitcn tlie value ot tbe county
fan. The busmen men ot Caldwell
look up the matter of em -imaging
coin glowing and olfeted a big in Be
III-1' at the last lair. The lioinii
weul in loi corn hi coiiseipiencu aud
Mr. Nelson brought riiw products to
the show in Caldwell. Super III tend
eut Niobol and I'ml. Ireland saw al
once that Mr. Nelson's corn was
pri.e wiunluu stult and imlin cd him
to send It to Pocateilu and alter wai da
to Dallas, wiu-ii it swept the hoerde.
(rover Bros will ship tour car
loads ot bogs tbia week, two Tin. In
aud two Friday, biiugingaomu -.nuiu
into this Meet ion. The bogs shipped
In. in lure ure hi ingitig tba top mar
kelal I'm t land, tb.-v aie i.i.iin led and
weigh about 300 I "inula, put what
the hovers want. It umiallv lavs to
cater to the wbiun of the buyer, ami
it cerlaiulv does when II OQsSN U
raising and inaiketiug hogs as the
gQO pound hog is tlie cheapest to laiee.