The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 19, 1914, Image 7

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eJfJft'""""BBr SrBaWV
In a
Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM, Cashier
T. TURNBULL, Vice President C W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
A Complete Line of
At the Argus Office
No Particular
Woman Ought
to be without an
astistic and servicable
Toilet Set. Besides be
ing useful it adds Dainti
ness to the Dressing Table
and if you wish to present
her with a Set, the Kind
she will be proud to own,
look over our stock.
We have an endless variety of pattern of sterling- and plated silver nets. If
you simply desire a lijtton hook, a Hru ih, a Ciimh or a llirror, we'll gladly
break up n Set to sutisfy you. I ' I .-- -- investigate the fniods behind this ad.
Your Jeweler
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot find it anywhere else
come to us. We have it.
Dr. Korinek's Stock and Poultry Rem
edies are worth your while to try as every
package is guaranteed to give satisfaction
or your money back.
Guaranteed by
Dr. J. C. Korinek, Medford, Oregon
Sold by
Everhart Drug Company
Ontario, Oregon
S4 VfBBx. " A )bV " TBBSnBBBBw ziW.
Good Bank
Good Country
ii. NrA
ir7, Wk. 1
i m vi iwaa , h i
I -Wjsl7 I
Real Facts In Regard To F. R.
Huffman's Illness. Relief Ob
talned By Curing His
Stomach Ailments.
Waynesville.N. C Mr. F. R. Huffman,
Of this city, says : "I suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines in vain.
After other remedies had failed, Thed
ford's Black-Draught restored me to
health. I would not feel safe without
Black-Draught in the house. I consider
it worth its weight in gold.
It cured my indigestion, and by this
means I was restored to health. I can
not express my gratitude for its benefits."
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedford's Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and set in order your
digestive system.
It has done this for others, during the
past 70 years, and is today the most
popular vegetable liver remedy on the
market. Try it.
Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c.
Minute "Movies"
of the News
Right Off the Reel
Of 1,113 I', ii mini college graduate
elnce 1 sua only 'J.H are nmrrti'il.
Simplified spelling ho been adopted
by llio Unlvinilty of Mhoiourl.
The I . ?i. 1 1 1 in-.'iitii department has
passed u rulliiK forbidding children to
! nsked to si. -!..
Pennsylvania sheriff delayed nn e
evuthm three hour to let tho condemn
ed mail enjoy a chicken dinner.
Herman doctor have gone on afrlke
against attending patients under the
new national Insurance scheme In that
Carmelite nun In Si Louis, ninety
two yearn old, celebrated tho seventy
flfth anniversary of her entrance Info
tho order.
A twelve year-old boy who Uvea near
Albany, N. Y.. hna received a prlr.o
from the state fair board for tliu
largest yield from one good tn to.
The hoy'a crop wna ustl pound or
twelve btiHbelH of perfect quality and
a lie.
Indlan'a Right Urged.
Philadelphia. -Kull riKht of cltlxen
hip for the American Indian were ad
vocuted by speakers af the ronu til of
the Socket) of American lmll.ui-.. held
at tho academy of uutural clenca.
Oregon Irrigation Congress
Takes Favorable Action
Regarding this Great
Tract of Virgin Soil.
One of the first definite prefects Ii
which the Oregon Irrigation congress
and its newly -elected officers will give
their support Is the Owyhee rerlama-
tloii enterprise In Malheur couuty, ou
the extreme eastern border of the
hi it... gays the Portland Oregonlan.
This project consists of about 10,004
acies, and has been the subject or re
pealed suivc.vs for period Of more
than II year. It has been pronounced
feasible by the government engineer
ond by all private engineers who eu-t luiiilred Into It
levers recn ago $:,,,uno,uoo wan aet
aside by the reclamation service fur
Itn lopnient or the work, but there ftp.
parent ly was a lack of Interest on the
pan c.r many Oregon people and 1
000 WI,N withdrawn and later
In h ligation work In Idaho
At the initiation meeting In Port
land last week the delegate; regard
less of the section or the state In
whit Ii they live, were heartily i., ,'avor
or OBTt attention to this project. Tlo-v
adopted a reiolution calling upon Hie
federal authorities to provide funds
lot the work and promised their sup
port In enlisting the aid or (he Oregon
reproooautlvee in ooagreM it is pr
posed to take the water from the Ovvv
hee river. A storage dam la to In
built In tlM liver about M miles above
J. K lllackuby of Ontario, presi
dent of the Oiituilo National Hank.
wlm was elected vice pieslilent of the
it ligation congress, declares that the
Ow.vhee project will be an Impoi l.uit
tactor In the development or Portland
. i .. other part of the itate
"I am afraid." he said, that the peo
ple of Portland do not appreciate the
r.ict that Malheur county la directly
i tiuturv to the city. They are Inclin
ed to Ignore the Importance of mn
I'. in of the state. That la, I believe
ihev have Ignored It in the past, but
the are beginning to rwOso oar rehv
tlvc position now.
With the support or Portland unl
the I'liitl.iud merchants I believe we
ran obtain a lederal appropriation to
make a hcgluulli-. at bust '
Ofliceis and member ol the I'oit
laud t'ommerctal club ale lutein ted
III the Owv hee project, and have proiu
l ed Mr. Illackaby that lhe will et
liehlnd die movement for an earl) be-
ii.iiiiik of opeiatiouM there
The OHMatrclal club. however, will
mil center its effoi tn on thl puillcu"
lar project Ii will support olliei fea
sible and worth) project recomiueud
ed by the Irrigation congress, nut In
asmuch as more prelimluar woik hua
lieen done on this than ou other,
it U pioiiHbie thin imiiiedlute actiou
will be along the direction of the
Owv hee
When this work la coiupluted the
laud reclaimed probably will support
-DUO tannin- It la planned to cut it
up into 4u-ui le tract It has an eleva
tion of 2100 reel and a deep, feitilu
ml well adapted for fruit i .lining and
diversified agriculture.
According to engineers' estimates,
tile woik will cot uppioxiiuafel,
$.'..0110,000, and will require about :t
ear- n -oiiiplete. An effort will be
made lo procure an uppropi latlou or
at leant li.niiii nun ho l bar woik can bo
tailed this
Complete report have been sub
mitted lo Franklin K. 1-an.-, M-iielurv
or the Intel lor, and It 1 understood
that he 1 well and favorablv impres
sed with the ieelroblllt) ami the aoo
Milt) of (his wm s
ll thO 1100,000,000 bolnl i.n.nlle iln-
DOOOd by Secretary l.ane Is atithoilzed
b) oonsreei the people ol Malhem
oouot) believe that enough mono) win
he available lo ooooplele the entire
p:oje I as the rOOOOl ii ligation
eon i ins went on reoord as ravorlon
-tit. and lederal cu-npei atiuli, il IS
probable, too, thai the Owyhee work
will In i, ii, in. ei I iii tin- manlier Siic'i
a plan, an s Mi lllackali, will be fa-
i in i .1 i. 'in people or the
affected aectloi
i resolution adopted b) the ini
Batloa eongreu indorsing ibis iu
VVbereoa, it appeen thai the elate
i Oregon iia eouuibuted larger
sum n ih. Halted statin reclamation
.mid than BB) ol lie i arid i-tate. and
Wbereati, The a I'jiortioiiiin-iit or the
ie( laliialiuli mini in Oregon Is so lli-
adeiuate a.- to roBstituta actual dis
crimination against the people of Ore
gon; and
'Vhereas, It appear' thaf Owhee
and Malhetit tirojects are among the
iciest investigated by the reclama
tlni service and b) slid service rmi:id
.ensl'ile. and.
When as. The early reclamation or
the lands or the Owyhee and Malheur
districts is desirable, both to the sec
tions to he developed and to the state
of Oregon, In tecurlng an equitable ap
tortionmont of the Pnlted States re
carnation fund: nnd. therefore be It
Ke-olved. That the I'nited States re
clam itlon service be and It Is bOfOb
petlt'oned again to take up the pro
jects or the Owyhee und Malheur dl.v
trlct with a view to the early re
clamation or said lands, and thnt
copies of these resolutions be trans
Bitted to the secretary of Interior
lion. Franklin K IstM, and to each
d the senators and representatives or
the state of Oregon In coikics.
A. P.
Laurie Discovers Scientific Meth
od For Verifying Pictures.
Great Interest bus been aroused In
srt etrclee in Baalaad by the discov
eries of lr. A P. I.nurle, prlmlpal
of the llerlot Watt college. lallnburgh
nnd professor or chemistry In the Itoy
nl Acinleuiy of Arts, l.mid.m, who has
Just illinoilliced the results of Investl
gallon be made Into the genuineness
or old masters by inlcrophotography.
Me used a special camerii deslgneit
by himself and photographed portions
of picture In the National gallery In
London, the National gallery of Scot
land and In galleries at Amsterdam
and The Hague. lie found that n
microscopic photograph greatly en
larged reveals character In brush work
Just In the snme way us the magnified
BhOIOgtMph f the sltiiature on a check
shows characteristics which even the
writer Is unaware of. Ho by comparl
son between a imignllled portion of nil
authentic picture nnd a doubtful one
he Is able to establish the Identity with
He ha already proved a Trident
and a Woimci iiiiiiin In private collec
tion to Ih and has found that a
picture In the National gallery In Lou
don labeled "The Did llray Hunter,'
by Paul Potter, la really- by two artists
Posture League the Latest.
The American Posture league has
Just been Incorporated at Albany. N.
Y. Its piiiHise Is to Improve human
health mid ettleleney through the me
ilium of correct physical postures, and
III sucb other ways as may be best
calculated to pnsluce such results.
Among other thing it Is proposed to
establish a fund to be employed ex
cluslvel.v for llliproxlug the general
health of the human body. The
league's operations are to lie conduct
d throughout the Pnltitl State.
Oregon Trlea Out Soccer.
Eugene Soccer fool ball, the latest
eport Introduced at the unherslty ol
Oregon, la Increasing iu favor with
the students, and this spring the unl
vwislty will put out Its rirst team.
Men Who Guaranteed to Make Marks
men With Spectacles Indioted.
St I.ouis. Mo. "Wearing theaa
glasses will enable you to ahoot the
Minnlhstt bint from the tallest tree) one
busy morning "
This laleuieiil . oiitulned In a circular
was one of the of a federal In
di. tm. mi agulnat Morris and Hurry
iolilmiiii. who faced trial.
They sold -'' '' pair of the glasses
a year. It ts stated The aMctucle coet
them -i His apiece.
They guaranteed, the government al
legea, that the uee of the glaasee would
make any one a crack shot.
Orange Scheme That Has Worked Out
Suooesefully In Ohio
The BJUBje trawling library Is a fea
ture of cite ntioii work In some Mat. n
that Is proving vci valuable. Our at
tentmii whs roeoatlj directed lo ench
a library scheme in a hl in (llili.
llele the os gllllil.-e- of the Collll
ty hale formed a III. nil itssiH-iatlou
the oltieers of w lib h lire a siiperlnteBil
hi of Hbrarieaa ami tin- llltrarlen of
in h grange thai owns a III. ran Tin
libraries ost fJ e.o b, inn) en. ii grair-'e
In the asnui-latliiii has one llliiiuv In
its posnennl. in all the lime laich grange
has .iintrol of lln own library, can buy
or nell books, pfOt lib d the v aliie or Ihe
llbrer) it not allowed to rail below 13
It l the iints nt tb librarian to keep
a record of the books the cool of eacb
volume nnd tin- number of times ea h
book has been drawn from the llbrari
on those, rerloua wattera be reports to
tin- superintendent ol librarians eve
three iiioiifbn )t Is the duty of the
latter noli ef t" preaenl the eabjecl of
llbr.uien to e.ii h grunge in the county
asking those not iiieinU-rs of the II
br.ui aaaoclatiuu if tin- will purcbaae
a llbrer) ami become metubere, or. In
'use Ihev are aire, oh in the BOBoeta
Hon. if they will add new book i"
their llbrer) ('are le taken that there
Ik- no duplii ales among ll..- booka
Thin neellis to be II very feasible work
lug plan for a granfe tO have the betie-
tit of tin- reeding of large number r
books during Ihe vear at a v ei v slight
expense, ami u in to be unintended to
gl Ulges l-Vel.V VV here
President Will Veto Burnett Im
migration Bill if Literary
Test Is Embodied.
Washlngtoti. -President Wilson will
veto the Burnett Immigration bill If It
conies to him for his signature with
the n.u ailed literacy test contained in
This became known from an outhorl
tatlve source after Chairman Smith, of
the senate Immigration committee,
had announced that the bill, virtually
as tt passed the bouse. Including' the
literacy test, would be favorably re
ported to the senate soon, I'rospecta
are that the bill will puss the senate
as reported from the committee, but
the measure never will become law,
according lo close friends of the presi
dent. The president dors not consider lit
eral v a test or characti r, aiul bellevcH
some other means should be devised
to prevent undesirable aliens from cn
terlllg Ihe lulled Stales
It i ' a) became known that sugges
tions with relerence to Chinese mid
Japanese Immigration made to th
house committee on immigration last
Krlday by Commissioner Cnmlncttl, of
the ImmlCTBtlOfl bureau, were not In
accord wllh the views of the president.
Mr. t'limlnettl's views were expressed
without previous knowledge by tho
white house. The llurnett bill con
tains no Asiatic exclusion provisions,
the house having voted dowu all
amendments In that direction.
Reserve Time Limit Expires Feb. 22.
Warning has been Issued to nation
ill banks b) M. C Klllolt, secretary of
the federal reserve bunk organization,
that to comply with the currency act
the) must slgulf) within liu days of
Its enactment their Intention to Join
the new k)slem. Several banks bad
expressed the belief thai the law al
low.d them 1- months to make known
their Intentions I'nder the law na
tional hanks that do not so signify
within tit) days must prepare to II
ipildale. and are allowed PI months
for this process.
The circular explains also that state
banks and trust companies which sig
nify their Intention of becoming mem
bers of Ihe svslein will be allowed to
participate lu the selection of dlrec
tors of reserve banks In their districts.
At the close of business al Ihe trees
ury department Saturday, i.M'i nation
al banks had applied for membership
out or a total or "Mill in the lulled
Stales The lime limit tor uppllca
lions Is l'i briuir) H
Investigate How to Make Hena Lay.
How lo make hens lay more eggs
was one ot Ihe multitude ni Investlgu
lions authorized in the agricultural
appropriation bills reported.
Congress will continue to distribute
rree seeds, ihe went her bureau service
will be extended to the I'anama canal
and Insular possessions, more than
l.'on.uou will be spent si ud) lug how lo
eliminate ihe waste and pi out In
fOOilnliltl:. helWe.ll the producer llllll
the consumer and a general n-organl
latlou ot tin- department or agilcul
ture along Hues or great efficiency as
laid down b Secretary Houston were
authorized In uppropi latlou aggregat
ing :,.'.,uiio,itim
Higher Naval Rank Created.
The bill to create six vice admirals
In Ihe navv was passed b) the senate
and now awaits action by the bouse.
Their sularles were rived al $11,000
a year and the age or retlreineut at
45 years
How a iirltlsh naval commauder iu
Mexican water might assume com
iiiaml over iiierican forces by vlriu..
of his senioiil) ol rank was iIihciisiciI
in animated fashion in the course of
the debate on the bill.
National Capital Brevitiet.
I'l.-ni.i. ni Wilson will likely name
the men to compose the new federal
r. 'ive bank hoard by about March 1
The senate passed Ihe Smoot hill to
open withdrawn Alaska coal lands to
hoinenteail OBttry, but reserving lo the
government title to the coul
ProcidcBl Wilson spent several days
in hod last wiek iiui.jiif a cold All
engagements neie . ,1111 elled
The new appropriation bill provides
for an iiitii) ol 500,000 linn I ban.
in Ihe artii lis of war which had not
been disturbed for maliv veai-, an-
provided In the meaaura wblcb Just
passed the ' nate.
As a re ol the nicniiig of the
i ii diii hi hill bj ' Idenl
II, a tm nil it nn. hi. has ! en
I art " W aahlBviton, i C felit
supei . .. on ol moving picture shov.-
in i ontemplated
Teuiporar) method ol alectlai aena
tors in In ea wbieb have noi been
provided with the machiuer) for ear
rymg out thi seventeenth amendment
io the constitution is oppoaod hy
southern uatoi
'I lie senate Committee ban couiple!
ed tin poatofflci appropriation bill,
the measure belui I ii ii'iii iii excess
ot tile amOUOl as H came 1 nun the
houi.e Maximum ilarb ol rural
oarriera wooi be iucrtuued lu l-oo.