The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 19, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
Do Not lie
Mrs. I. F. Arnold is visiting
relatives at LaGrande this week.
Pearl Doane Las sold his
place and will leave in a lew
day for southern California,
where he expects tg make his
M. N. Fegtlv, editor of the
Jordau Valley Express, has been
here several days this week se
curing endorsements for the
position of receiver of the Vale
land oflice.
The Hotel Moore will continue
to serve Table de Hote dinners
Sunday evenings from 5:30 to
3. Dinner 75 cents.
The Ontario Commission com
pany shipped a ton of oats to
Harney county this week by
parcel post.
D. Pt Dearborn has been ap
pointed register for this city and
can be found at the city hall
from 0 a. m. to ! p. m. every
day during the week and on
Saturday's he will be there from
7 to 0 p. m. Do not delay, but
register now before the rush
L. G. Olsen, of the U. S
IMumbing company, left last
Thursday for o trip to Portland
and down the coast to San
Diego, taking in all the princi
pal points. Ho will be gone
several weeks.
Hot bed saeh for sale by the
Empire Lumber company.
Mrs. Boyer is in Portland
this week selecting her spring
stock of millinery.
Robert Duncan, the Vule at
torney, was here Friday on legal
District Attorney C. T.
Godwin, of Baker, was here a
few hours on Friday. Mr.
Godwin is the man whom
Governor West slurred because
he had only one arm.
Randall Sage was a Boise
visitor last week.
Dr. Bartlett was here Friday
from Vale looking after a pati
ent in the hospital.
K. E. Slugle, who was here
several days visitiug with his
sister, Mrs. Wm. McBratney,
left for his home in Lewiston,
W. F. Goldbacber is now in
the railway mail service with a
run from Portland to I'ocatello1
How to Detect the
Alum Baking Powder
"Which are the alum baking powders;
how can 1 avoid them unless they are named)'
asks a housekeeper.
Here is one way: take the can of a low
priced powder in your hand and read the
ingredient clause upon the back label. The
law requires that if the powder contains alum
that (act must be there stated. If you find
one of the ingredients named alum, or sul
phate of aluminum, you have found an alum
baking powder.
There is another and a better way. You
don't have to know the names of the alum
powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only;
that assures you a cream of tartar powder,
and the purest and most healthful baking
powder beyond question.
See McBratney's ad in this
The morning Pony out of
Boise is now .a handsome train
composed entirely of Bteel
coaches, several feet, longer than
the former wooden ones and
equipped with both gas and
electric lights and a smoking
compartment. The coaches are
lighter, more sanitary and will
accommodate 12 more people.
This it the first move on the
part of the Oregon Short Line
to substitute steel coaches on all
of its trains.
There is an active campaign
on in Payette raising funds for
the rebuilding of the Y. M. C.
A., recently destroyed by fire.
Wm. Jones bought 15 head of
thnioughbrod Hereford bulls
from the Chandler herd at
Baker, last week. He will have
them driven across the moun
tains and will receive them
some time in March. Mr. Jones
bought yearlings so that they
might become used to this cli
mate before growing up. We
understand that he had to pay
rather a fancy price in order to
get these animals as they were
the pick of that famous ranch.
Juntura Times. Mr. Jones is
the kind of man who builds up
a country.
Mrs. C. 0. Farrady and Miss
Kllen Brady, of Mountainlinme,
Idaho, were guests of their sister,
Mrs. E. F Goddard, this week.
You'll long to be a farmer
with such gardening imple
ments as Mi ni-v handles.
Subject for Sunday morning
at the Methodist cliurch "True
and False Religion." Evening
subject, "The Lord Delighteth
in Mercy." There will be spe
ciul music by the choir at both
services. All the people of On
tario are cordially invited to
attend. Thomas Johns, Pastor.
Work in private family wanted
by competent girl. Apply at
Argus oflice
A bargain lot of box paper
and envelopes, linen finish, at
15c a box. An extra good value.
Cash Variety Store.
A "Lenten tea" will be given
by the ladies of the Episcopal
Guild on Thursday afternoon,
February 25, at the home of
Mrs. Harry Chapman. Every-
body invited.
For first class painting, paper
hanging and tinting see B. Ben
son. All work guaranteed.
Phone 75-J.
Among those who attended
the Irrigation Congress at Port
land from this county were
noted: G. L. King, J. II, Dun
can, C. W. Mallett, T. W. Halli
day, J. R. Blackaby, C. E. Beld
ing, Henry Blackwell and Judge
Miss Hazel Record was operat
ed on at the hospital last week
for appendicitis and i8 getting
along nicely.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rice, Tuesday, January 10, a
We still have a number of
pairs of shoes, mens, womens
and child reus, on hand. Come
in and if you can find sizes
wanted there will be no "kirk"
on the price. Cash Variety
Have you read in the Ladies
Home Journal, Saturday Even
ing Post or Wnmaus' Home
Companion about the free dis
tribution of Home Journal pat
terns? We are distributors for
these patterns and have a limited
supply to give away "Home
Journal week," beginning Mon
day, Feb. '.'::. Cash Variety
A fat woman is willing to do
almost anything to reduce her
weight, but eat less and exercise
See our ", 10 ami 18 cent bar
gains McBratney.
Quite a noticeable improve
ment in the copdition of A. B.
Macpherson is reported.
The Homedale Lin pi re Ex
press lins been launched by
Frank Trotter, a well known
newspaper man of this section.
It is a very creditable issue and
should prove a success with the porty families settled in the
large area of irrigated land Homedale section last week. An
around it and the back country otner colony is expected in a few
to draw from. days.
E. V. (ioddard has arranged February 24 the directors of
for the sale of his buffet to D. the Commercial Club and man
Keeney and A. E. Price, of hers of all the committees will
Pocatello, who will take posses- hold a meeting,
sion on the first of the month. Febr u the stockholders
The new proprietors come well o faU A880ciutjon wil l()(1
endorsed bv the business men
a meeting.
of Pocatello.
On Friday and Saturday, Feb.
W. W. LottOB has been ap- 27 ull, js, a fare of 70 cents for
pointed local watch inspector tne romi tri, to Wotatr will
by the Short Line to cover all prevaji M u trains, for the il
their lines in this section. Thll histrated lectin l.y Charles B.
will cover the runs to Home- anj,,r)i ,, Captain Scott's K
dale, Juntura and Brogan. pedition to the South Pole.
Dr. Whitney was called to! Mr. and Mrs Ralph W. Kck-
Boise today on professional bus
Horn, at Paette, to Mr and
Mrs J. S. Tharp, a son.
A. J. Blakely is home from
Jordan Valley, where he has
been looking after work on the
irrigation plant.
Harry Stine, who has been
looking after the business of the
Eastern Oregon Land Company,
is taking a vacation in the val
ley for a mouth.
Letters and post cards when
mailed without stamps will be
forwarded and double postage
collected of the addressee, if it is
a case of carelessness.
The employes in the postottice
have installed an automatic can
celing machine, with a speed
of 220 a minute, which will tave
them much labor.
The State Bankers association
recently named a committee to
appraise all lands offered for
sale and appointed J. I." Black
aby as one of the committee.
This was deemed advisable be
cause some men had sold lands
under misrepresentation and
caused dissatisfaction.
Elmer Chapman and wife, of
Ontario, were Payette visitors
on Thursday of last week. Mrs.
Chapman says that she is able
to secure better bargains here
than can be found in Ontario.
I'm ' Mr Enterprise. That is a
good boost item even if there
are no such people living in
I L King is home from Port
land where he attended the Irri
gation congress and visited with
his daughter. He has a new
gas wagon.
J. R. Blackaby arrived home
Sunday evening from Portland
where ho spout a couple of weeks
on business.
George W. Chambers left for
Portland the first of the week
for a short visit with his son.
Hayfor sale A. B. Cain, 2
miles west of Ontario
Mrs. Gertrude Grove returned
this week from Portlond where
she had been to select her
spring stock of millinery.
II. c. Boyer i.n for Portland
last evening to purchase stock
for the spring trade.
Sheriff Kerfoot returned this
week from Wyoming with C. G.
Holt, who is wanted for embez
zlement. Ball and Kenyon shipped two
cars of cattle to Portland and II
Eldndge one car, R K W'vant
two cars of hogs.
Mr and Mrs Rogers are in
Weiser this week.
hardt left for Boise today and
are located at l.ll ami u ;i i.
iugton streets.
E. II. Test is down from Jun
tura visitiug with his family.
He says they are laying track
and building bridges beyond
John Fairmtn, the Westfall
banker and merchant, was in
the city this week.
There were fourteen opera
tious at the hospital last week
and about half that uuiubei
this week, and all patients do
ing well, showing that the hos
pital Is drawing cases from all
directions and doing a world i
Thos Clagett is home from
Boise, where he hah botfl looking
after boainMI fOI lbt Balitun-
Outbria paopla
i . . . t . i i in i
A. in i . of this place and
Miss Nellie Record, of Boise,
were married Saturday evening,
February 14, at the home of the
bride's parents, the pastor of the
Christian church officiating.
About thirty relatives and
friends were present. They will
be at home to their friends here
after March 1st.
Clyde Harrv and family mov
ed to Pocatello Monday, where
he is employod as mail clerk.
Chas. Boor had his arm brok
en last week working around the
feed chopper at Mr. Melcher's.
Mr. Melcber met an accident
Monday of this week working
at the same machine. In putting
the belt on it slipped off and hit
him, bruising him severely
about the head.
Mr. Gardner will have a sale
March 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tussing
have a daughter, born Feb. 4
E. A. Blair has purchased the
C. Lackey property south of the
Rev. Fulkersou, a returned
missionary, preached a very im
pressivo sermon Sunday morn
ing at the Methodist chun h
At the close an offering of $IMi
was given for foreign missions.
No pledge asked for over 10.
Miss Mildred Steelman is en
joying I visit from her sister nl
Miss Lillian Winter is qoiU
sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. S. M. ThoniHS ami hei
mother left last Thursday foi
Dillon, Montana.
Mrs. Fred McCarty, of Sand
poiul, Idaho, is here visiting old
friends and neighbors.
J. G. Nelson, formerly of tin
place, died of paralysis at hi
home in Iowa, February IS.
QoiftJ I number of the W. ('
T. U. members attended tin
I1' ranees Willanl memorial Her
vices at Payette Tuesday.
Miss LoftM Greenfield DM
resigned her position as teachei
at the iSuuuyside school.
Guy Graham returned Wt I
uesday from Missouri, when I
was called by the illness of fell
Dr. Wright is the owner nl
Ford auto.
Messrs Jones and Conklin
spoke to the schools Thuida
concerning the corn club of tins
community. Mr. Jones tgptetf
to go to San Francisco mxi
month and arrange to take
charge of the corn exhibit at tin
Panama exposition, lie intendt
to have about 76 per cent of the
corn that is put on exhibit to be
pri.e corn raised by the boy's
and girl's clubs throughout the
United States.
Uncle Dick Rutherford and
A. Hi McGregor, who voted for
Lincoln in 1840, were among
those who attended the Lincoln
banquet at Vale last Meek and
they speak very highly of the
manner in which they were en
tertained. J. W. McCulloeh
made a talk on the irresponsi
bility ol the present system )'
men not being bound to partit -
Dr. I'rin.iug was also present
If in Webb, ol Seattle, is vis.
jiting witb Mr. ami Mis alk. i
for sending into
your home mat
tresses laden with
germs of disease,
endangering the
lives of your loved
are guaranted
pure Cotton Felt
in layers
not shredded rags
saturated with
filth, germ laden
and unfit for use.
Reg. $I5.000:Q AA
Reg. $12.00
values now
Reg. $8.50
values now
Replace those old
worn out bed
springs with a
pair of those new
springs that are
guaranteed for
20 years.
$9.50 "LeKKott" Springy
now tfiO.OU
$7.00 Iron Frame
ItiiHt Proofs $0.00
A beautiful as
sortment of Pic
ture Frames at
less than cost.
Our 5, 10 & 15c
are going fast.
Better hurry and
get what you need
Saturday Only
200 yds. Window
Curtain Scrim
at Cost.
AHHortcd Colon.