The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 19, 1914, Image 4

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Entered in the aattoflM lit Ontario
Oregon, for IrntiMniMioB through the
mailx u4 "iTimri i-iitiM matter.
A, complete progreaalva ticket will
be put in the field In New York at
the electlonw next fall. The name of
Theodore Koonevelt, while not men
Honed directly, WH referred to n the
pro(?rennlve c;indld;ite for governor
Roosevelt la now In South America.
M. K. HAIN. I'ubliaher.
We tre particularly gratified
with tlie spirit of hearty good
feeling manifested by the Ontii
rio Commercial club in response!
to the request of the Owyhee
Irrigation district that they co
operate with them in the matter
of acquiring government aid for
the Owyliee project. Ontario
Iiiih shown herself to he progres
sive and we leel that their help
in this matter mean" much to
the success of the project. They
tiuve a Commercial club tbat is
a live wire for advancement.
Nyssa Journal.
The above is merely another
evidence of the policy that actu
ates the Ontario Commercial
club and that has proven such
a success. What benefits one
part of Malheur county benefits
nil and while the lauds under
the Owyhee project are all south
and westof Nyssuall other parts
of the county will be benefitted
by the reclaiming of these lands.
Hoiso i8 boosting for a local
cooperative cheese factory hav
ing a daily capacity of from
r.OOn to 8000 pounds. The fore
ign butter being imported is
going to cut the price of Ameri
can butter when the supply gets
too heavy for the butter trust to
ferry, but so far there is no
cheese being imporleil, Hie
world's supply being short.
The terms of the ofliceri of
the Vale land ofliea will expire
soon and then- is a general
scramble for the pie counter by
Democrats and near Democrat!
who need tin money, as well iih
by men who have been eon
sistcnl party men all their 1 1 .
S. K. Taylor, of Ontario, wus the
first lo file an application for the
position of register and there is
no question of his qualifications
from a business standpoint. Tom
Jones, of Vale, is also a candi
date l'r the receivership M.
N. Kegtiy, the Jordan Valla?
editor and It. V. Mulkey, the
Vnli banker, are candidates.
People in the News
Mrs. Bertha Irury, wife of a Spen
cer county, Ky., farmer, gave hlrth to
three boys und two girls. The girls
The court of appeal of New York
has derided that heeiniHe Mrs. Bridget
0. Pexlotto Is mother of a baby she
Is not eligible to teach In the public
chools of New York.
James It. Uarfleld, secretary of the
Interior under tho Roosevelt admlnis
tratlon, has announced his candidacy
for the progressive nomination for
governor of Ohio.
Sir Lionel Carden, British minister
at Mexico City, will go to Washington
to confer with President Wilson. His
visit was suggested by the British
foreign office.
William Marconi, using a inn horse
power engine, lighted an electric bulb
at a distance of six miles, by means of
wireless. It is hoped Hint In course
of time houses may be lighted and
heated by wireless.
Willie Ritchie, lightweight cham
plon. and Harlem Tommy Murphy will
fight un rounds at Han Francisco the
night of Filial. April 17.
Orvllle Wright, one of the ploneei
aviators, expresses doubts of the abil
ity to sail across the Aatlatille ocean.
He says engines will not stand the
Senator Borah of Idaho, addressing
the republican club of New York, pre
dicted that the party will he reunited
at the next annual convention. He
said that evolution, not dissolution,
was the result of the recent trend of
political events.
Tammany Boss Charls Murphy
says he will not oppose plans of I'res
Ident Wilson and (ioveruor Glynn to
reorganize the democratic party of
New York, although he does not see
any necessity for the change.
Announcement of his candidacy for
governor of Ohio on the Hoi-IhIIhI lick
et lit the primaries next August MM
made l. (ii-p. -r: I ' I, I (iix.-v. nt
Mioxllllon. Ohio. aIio led an army of
unemployed men on a march rrom
Massllllou to MTaSBlagtM In IIM
Justices McNary and Bean. Justtci
Ramsey, the only democrat on the su
preme court bench, has announced
that he will be a candidate.
According to reports received by
eastern Oregon sheepmen, R. F. Blck
nell, a buyer of sheep and wool. It
now In Morrow county endeavoring tc
contract for the 1914 clip at prices ap
proximately 2 cents in advance of
those paid last year. Acordlng tc
these reports some sales have beer
made, but most of the growers ar
refusing to contract.
According to figures recently Issued
by the Southern Pacific railroad, tht
Rogue River valley has changed from
a non-supporting to a self-supporting
community in two years. The balance
of trade In favor of the valley now
totals 1175 cars. Of these, more than
100 cars aro of fruit, but hay, potatoes
onions and hogs are produced here
and sent out. Two years ago these
products were shipped In.
Governor West states that begin
ning the first of April he will issue
for publication monthly statements ol
the expenditures of the state fish and
game department and comparisons of
the figures with those of the corre
spondlng month last year. He said
his Idea was to keep the expenditure!
down to a minimum and to show the
public that he Intended to have the
department operated on the most eco
nomlcal basis.
R K. (Innton, ex master fish wnr
den and now superintendent of hatch
crlcB. In IiIh report for January, sayi
that because of the mild weather the
araaaaattaa work at the aaaavtUi
fish hatchery has heen more gratify
ing than usual. Superintendent Wll
son haa on hand H, 106, 790 young
salmon. The fry resulting from thr
fall chlnook eggs are all hatched
There are 1,250,000 eastern brook
trout egga which are under dlffereui
periods of Incubation at the station.
The women of tho Civic club hav
Inaugurated a new plan for making
Pendleton a better looking homa town
and have announced prises In a con
test between pupils of tha grade
chools In a contest of home Industry.
Four will be awarded, one to
the boy or i;lrl who makes the most
luiro i-inriit In his or her yard at
hnnm. one for the best showing of
mi i t pi (ni. (or the best showing
of .iiiahlis and one for the best
ahowhm of vines. The contest will
hot in.;. I ihr close of -hool.
Pld Advrrtlnrnirnui
For Hale 16 tons first
hay. 0. E. Rees, Ontario.
Money to
gated farms.
lonn improved irr
W. H. Doollttle Co.
Wanted horses to winter at
t-'i per head, per month at the
Conklin ranch.
Estray A yearling Jersey
heifer at the Conklin ranch.
Owner please call, pay charges
and take her away.
ioia tor naie . in HiVOTBiaa
addition, near sub station. In
quire at Argue.
ForSale youngJersey heifer.
Will be fresh about January 10.
Inquire at this oflice. tf.
Money Wanted $1250 River
side residence, insured for 1600,
box 412, Ontario.
Wanted Improved small
tract with buildings and fruit,
on lease. Address box 1 '28 with
For sale one 1 3-4 (tray gaso
line engine. Address Jas. A.
Hennett, Ontario.
For Sale One 3 year old
Fercheron stallion, weight 1600,
oy J. U. Fleming, Arcadia or
phone OO-F-5, Nyssa.
For Trade Improved 480
acre stock ranch in eastern Neh.
to trade for western Idaho or
Oregon ranch. Addrtss Ferry
Kaudell, Mend, Oregon.
At RADER'S still continue
A large list of Eatables
CleanPure Wholesome
Try our Grocery Department this
week, it will reduce your expense
If You Want
Good Weights,
We Give Them.
Mail Us Your
Wants. We
are Careful.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
J. G. WALKER, Proprietor.
According to the Payette
papers there is a big inc icu-i ..i
trade noticeable since her mer
chants have inaugurated a cam
paign foi' more
buying public
Brief News of the Week
ArrungtMiieuta havi been dinted for
a snrdhit' cannery on the shore of
Oalll.'f. I'al.-Miiio
Oaa and Ceil Hint were Hi
d n aaaa la Calaaaa ,or utttlaj aa
Tiu rateaataa authorized th. (fat
man pataiB Miuliculo to huii1 HM,
000 on an fxhihil M Iho San l-'raueiM-o
A nationwide rampalKn will bo
waged by tht Mxuorhttloiitt ooaed lo
woman ituffriiKt) rrotnot.ra rlaiui
that ihi baaatai Mraajta of the tuf
flllglNte in 111 ill
Six hundred lot n (he towiiHlte ol
Akuh l'lleta. Honor, conflacuied from
Arturo Moralea. mttd to be a llueiiu
aiiinuthuer. will be apportioned
MinoiiK poor cltUena bj the coilblltu
The t'nltimhht. Tnoliinine enmity.
California. Wella Kurno otfiee. t M.ib
Uaaad la IIM, ami tatoaca vaich -:.
MMM hag aaaaai, aat rlrrirt Iti
diKirit alter ti.' years of eoullnuoua
aert Ire
Oaatfai for maintenance and aat rai
ing on ret l.uii.ituni projects for the
year l!U4 will not be collceto.l at the
kaghutaj ,,f laa taaaaai aal at it
alata Milwi m Ma pvejoota win
be great l rcllcic.l . the new aiMcni
After .in tl lumr taM the tofTON in
Han Quontin prison, California, ur
remit reil to the authorities and par
look ol too, I The had (OM on a
tniuger Ntrilw bfailM thai had I . 'ii
segregated from the whiten.
I.'rectlon of a eaniiery at Junction
(Mly Ih pin lined by the Juctlon City
OreKon him H4 nnllonnl bHnkit and
7.i kppllaatl in to jota tha ttdwal la
. ii .- . .. i li e !it"-:i reeelved
Saturday will bu tho day (or Ml
Ing itppllcatlonH.
Oregon'it buihlliiK nt the Han Krun
tlaM expoaltlou Ih lo hi equipped with
furniture mitili by the manual Ir.tlniug
i'Iuhhi'h In the Oregon puhlle HehooU,
uri'.iiiling lo luinoiini enient of Atntlat
;int Htute Huperlnlendent K. V. Carl-
County Judge Frank L. Toil Velle
htiH gone lo Chit ago. where he will
turn over (o the bond buyers the l&UO.
000 road bondh voted hiai tall by Jin k
Ml eounly for the iini'un i-meiit of the
I'aelfle highway from the Callforula
bonier to the Josephine eounly Una.
Senator Chamberlain has introduced
it hill to allow the longevity pay claim was tine l.lellleiuiul lieorge J
Campbell of I'ortluud. The uiuount
of the ilalm la $.r.lt2lM. Dr. William
Campbell, of Cortland, U a son of the
tl. eeased t l.ilnianl
The parent teat her forees of I'eil
ill. inn are le.nllng a fight for the an
nihilation of the cigarette in i'eiidle
ton. The city eoumll Is expet-led to
aei on un ordliiauee prolnhltluK use of
toliaeeo In any ttiiin by box s less than
Id jeara old
The Utile town of Holdman, I'matil
la eouuly, nod the x u in it in ngul
guarautliie, established by I r K. J
Mi'Kaul. eoiint) health offleer, In an
emleaxor lo slop the spread of sin. ill
pox. an epidemic of which haa reached
alarming pteportiona.
The l.luu couulx grange haa adopted
r. solutions urging the submission of
an luiliatlie measure regulating the
courses and departments of the urn
ersily of Oregon and Oregon agricul
t urn I college to prevent conflicts In
DlHiipproxal of the ex
tension bill la expressed by Culled
St. ues Senator l.ane. because of the
fact thai too many agricultural ex
perls are provided positions und not a
single fanner haa urged the paaaage
ol the bill
The matter of getting a good road
from Wheeler to Nehalem city la tie
lug strongly agitated In Tillamook
count). Wheeler is almost entirelx
isnl.iUsl by laud, having uo direct con
aaottaa with either the north or south
beaches and other parts of the Neha
Kin valley, since the onl outlet la a
pool I. v constructed road leading tc
M ohler.
hot litr.u ions of intention t be can
diil.ttes for justices of the aupreui
court on the republican ticket haxt
been filed with Secretar of State Ol
coll by I'lucf Justice McHrido auc
Gore Branda Suit aa Political Plot.
Oklahoma CUy, Okln.-- Denouncing
the allegation us an "infamous lie,'
Culled Slates Senator T. I', tiore. from
the witness stand, declared that
charges of improper conduct, the ' i
of the HM Iiuuiige suit against him
b Mrs. Minnie K. Ilond, were the In
vent ion of a coterie of disappointed
office seekers Intended lo bring him
Into disrepute and wreck hia chances
for i
For Snle 150 an-, all in
cultivation ; good well on plm .
' miles north-west of l'liMltc,
Call on or write Mis. Surah I)c
Haven, I'avrate, Idaho Route .'I.
Coal to Ouard Mlnea.
Denver. A tux of one cent a ton
on all the iiial mined by the prim ipal
operators In f'olornilo since the strike
began last September has been used
to pay the expenses of guarding the
mines aei ordlug lo the testimony ol
C. L. Ilaiiin before the house aubcom
miiiee Investigating the labor wur.
Wante'd (Jirl for general
housework, (iood wages. Apply
at l;.,.i. i s residence or phone
Wanted Work on ranch by
man and wife !v March 1
bachelor or widower preferred.
Address Argus oflice.
200 Acres for Sale
Wheat Club. S7c; hluestiim
red Kussian, Ma
Hay--Timothy. $17; alfalfa. U
attar CraaaMiri S5c.
Kggs -Candled, 36c.
Wheat -Him stem, 8c; club, 87c;
red Baaataav "6c.
Hay Timothy, f 17 per ton; alfalfa.
$14 per ton.
Kgf;h :i7c
Duller Creamery, 36c.
Avery under mounted tractor
engine, steam, IS horse, for sale
nt u bargain price. J.. Walker,
phone M6.K S.
Hurtle is prepared to
youi shears for ten
and guarantees satisfuc-
Hcu Hrown, the deputy slier
Iff, was taken to the hospital to
day and operated on for appen
dicitis. Prices have been cut, slashed
and slaughtered in order to
make a sweeping clearance at
Mcllratncy's. Come and see.
Cdrd ol Flunks
The family of (J. V. Downs
dsiic to express their gratitude
to the many friends and neigh
bors tor the kindness and
sympathy extended in the illness
and death of their loved one.
if you want to locate near a town
that bus a very bright future I
have 71) acres of the very choicest
laud, lias a nice slope to the
east, a first-class water rigbl;
;!0 acres in alfalfa, reM lias been
in k'riiin. Not having it all paid
for it leaves me unable to take
care of that much land. 1 will
sell anywhere from 6 10 70 acres.
My price ranges from $160 per
acre up. About half cash; good
terms on rest at per cent in
terest, band exactly the saint
adjoining has been selling at
200 to 1100 per acre, 8o here
is your chance if you want a
L'ootl tract of land: 2 miles from
Ontario, Ore. near Malheur
Junction, where car shops and
round house will no doubt be
built in the near future.
Box 1 Ontario, Oregon
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Klec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
?12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Skin Sufferers-Read!
W want all akin auffarrra who have
uffared for many yui tho tmiuraa of
diirusr and who have aoughl mdical aid
in vain, to rud thia.
AVr. aa old ealuMlahed druasiMa of
thl community, xvlbli to ret-uinim-nd to
you a product tliat haa lvt-n raiiny re
li.f and may mean the end of your
The prmluct ! a mild, almpla
waah, not a patent aaadlolna eonaoetad al
rarloua wortnleaa druua. but a eclentlfte
,111 .un, i made of xxt-u known antlai ptic
Insredlenta it i" aaada In the P D.D.
I.tlioratorlea of riilcut.- and 1" Ballad tl.e
D.D.D. rreaerlpUoa for Ecxen-.a.
Thia l doator'a apactal praaaripttnn
i, p.- ht ha effecteJ many wonderful
The effect of D. D. D. la to aoolhe ln
atantly, aa aoon aa applied: then it pene
Iralea the porea, deatroya and throwa
off all dlaeaae ii mi and leavea tha
Hkln clean and healthy.
We are ao confident of the marx-eloua
power of I. D. O. that we have taken
unviiiitaite of the manufacturer guar
unt-.', to offer you n fult-alie wttlg on
trial. You un- to Jutltro the HatHli of
the remedy In y..ur own particular caae.
If It docn"t help yau. It conta you
! 1. r. Soup la made of tho name
. ua nhout it.
Three Itita for aala '2 blooka waet
nt iiieitfti.-e at a bargaiu. Inquire at
Argua iitllt-o.
I Mil I'MlX'ln at ill
t'i'llta or him. In ii
iiet'il to llni' your i
under the carpet
Algili oltiif fi
Juat what .n
aldue und I'l.iro
Vau- 0071, HaraaOattt.
I. i -a i tiuriit of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Otfli-eat Vale, Oregon. Kahruury
..ih. 1014.
Notioe la hereby gireu that Joaeph
Little, Jr. ot Outario. Oregun, who
ou May 'Jith. l'.0'., mailo llomeatead
Avpllcatiou No. W9T1. for Nr.'l NK,
Sec. U. NWtNWJSet-. IS.IWiSWi,
See. It. Ml SKI. Sac. 11. Townshi(
17 8 . Kauge 40 K. . Willamette Met!
itittu. baa tiled notice of Intention t.
make final three year proof to eatab claim to the laud abofe deeribed,
before the Keglater and Keceit-er lT.
S Laud i Mile. at Vale, Oregon, on
the hili day of March, 1014.
C'lalmaut names aa witueaea.
K. W. Mortou. Thoa Kanady. of
Ontario, Oregon; QaOBfJ x'lark. John
Taylor, o! Fayette, Idaho.
Mruce K Kt-ttet. RaaUtaf.
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Argus Office