OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Bteelhesd for Yamhill. Bhrrldan - Stcrlhead Kiilmon hnvi ever boen found In the Ynmlilll rlvrr, iriMnr.h they are found In many rtrenms of smaller die on the past lde of the Wlllnmatta. Kopresenta ilw It. L. Graves Is determined to ink' the Yamhill one of the beat TiKllne streams In the Mate, and to thin end has secured three carloads of young Mi ni nalmon to Htork thtt ati' ini OM of those will he llhorat Cd at McMlnnvllle, onp at Shprldan and oii' nt Wlllatnina. A car of trout fill he liberated at Carlton. GATES A SPEEDER UNTIL HIS DEATH Many Exciting Experiences In His Short Career. $1,000,000 A YEAR IN TIPS i Nab Portland Chineae Woman. I'liitlund Mr.-t. Toy Yoke, who la all' kimI to have nlopud on November 27 Troin tills city with Won Wall, the latter having In his possession finno In motipy ami Jewels. belonglnK to LM Hour, wiik arrested In 'hii-ago, tie cordliiK to word received hy Hip local police Slu' will ba brought Ihtp to niiHwcr to a iliiiui' oi r.i.iiiii larrii . local of flelals say. II la alleged the couple eloped Ininii'illately after the theft from Hong. O.-W. RAN. Buying Land. Pendleton Kllsworth Hctihain, of Portland. rcpiesontliiK the 0 W. It. At N Co., arrived nt Hinnficid and at owe ln'giin hiiylng land for Hip right ot 'iy of tin' propoood Ooyota ool off. TIiIh action apparci'ly conflriiiH the report which has bi'i'ii current for the pant few iIu)h that the railroad com patty expects to coinini'ticc operations IIiIh Hprlng State Hanga Man, Suet. A i"ii i The count) court inaile an order (hi. i iiiih thai 0. C Kitltnn ba piiipliiMil to proMi'cutp a mi In I'lpniy to foreclose a lien of the state In I he aiim or Btfftfl attains! th tntc of Oswald C HaiiHi'l, who w.ih executed nt the mule penitentiary recently. The iimoutit due Ih the court costs ( ,riy niiiliitiil I that he and hU "Speed la Life," Said Qataa Onct, and Ha Lived Up to It Had Mania Tor Special Traina and Faat Automobile. Alwaya a Plunger. Ha Delighted In Lavlah Expenditure. Chnrles G. Clatcs. dend nt thirty-Haven, lived up to hl motto, "Hpepd Is life." Following In the footsteps of his father, John W OotOOi In the lav l.ii dlatrlbvttofl of tips, gaming for high stakes and plunging In the stock market, lie made himself conspicuous also In the last few years for his rec ord lirpaklng ilashps across the conti nent In special trains. It was on one of these occasions that a friend asked him why he spent thousands Of dollars to get to New York n few minutes sooner, and he replied. "Speed Is life." It was not until lie went to New York ten or twelve years ago that he bagSJi tO loom up in the news columns. As a youth he hud lieen in the steel mid wire htislness with his father and Inter had entered a t'hlcago brokerage firm, whero he learned the details of the business Then he went east ami bought a seat on the Stock I'.xi'hnnge Did a Hug Wall Street Butineaa. The heavy operations of John W flutes were transferred to Charles i. QatOO V Co. In which the fat her was a member, and In the boom times that preceded the panic of HMi7 It did a tie inendoua business. It was nothing un usual for the linn to carry at times more than tlOOjOOOvOOO worth of OtOCI for Its ',.-(o customers, und John V tiates Hiild that lor three years it did about s per cent of all the business transuded on the Stock F.Xchailgc. In May. 117. the firm went out of business, and the two tJatescs, who were const.iiii comiiiiilonH. left for Bl i"P" The house hud been billish nt the top of the miirket III I'.nh; and was siipposisl to !e greatly extended. Wall street llgureil that It dissolved with u Ins of $ii.(mni.iimi. but John w Qatoa NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of The Past Week From Cities In Our State Coeur d'Alene Men. Coeur d'Alene. In the appointment of the three Idaho poultry commission era for the 1916 exposition at San Francisco, two Coeur d'Alene poultry raisers were honored H. D. Tyther lelgh, secretary of the American Foul try association for the atate of Idaho, and Oscar Nelson, president of the HUM organization for Idaho. The third member of the commission Ih Miller Purvis of Wendell. Idaho. This commission is to have com plete charge of the Idaho poultry ex hlblt nt the exposition, and plans will be put on foot Immediately toward siimul.itlng competition among the fanciers oi the slate for t he production of the best possible exhibits. Bank Officiate on Trial. Numpa. The preliminary' exnmtna lion of ('. I Lore, J. A. (ilvctis und C. L Kobbn.. officials of the Hank ot Nan pa. limited, which failed 8eptem her L'7. 1911, was held before JuKtlce lllunck here The defendants were hound over to llie district court foi trial and were released under bonds Lore and (livens being required to turnlhh bonds ot (lu.ouii i ,i li, and Hohblns lltOO. for the trial of the case against Han acl, when he was convicted of murder. EXPRESS RATES LOWERED I State Railroad Commission Say. Tumble Will Come About March 1. Salem KxprcsN rates In Oregon will tuUe a big diop about March I The extent ol the tumble was mad. known by the state railroad OOMOtfl i.iuii UPOO i.ielpl of word from Ihe Interstate crminorci' coiiniilr-i Ion thai ci i latn i i llfli utloni tit In il to l m.ide in 1 1 1 1 slali troin the nil' ihtulc iiiieiiiiii- smii be favorabl) eonaldarad i here .ii. time I.. din. k abOUl the il, 'w rata thai are or aarttoular im put ' oie a nai .in i ta i atao Will l;er, .illcr lie (Uoled 1 1 "In any pond ,n I'tigon iii an oiii.i point i : H. Another Is that the Vaatt I ill pin iti a H cut iiiIiiiiiiiii 00 compared with Ih. 7u .cut in,- on interstate shipments and the Hind la a special inodllicntlon for the ! in ot Oregon, adjUKting rales within the state to coiiiinerclul conditions, instead of following In ev ery 0000 LM rate basing points ae Icclid tor the interstate rule I Ice a use the rates tar) with ills tame and wild the w tight of (lie pack sge, Il la impossible) to stale- the per i. on were (lllttllig at It profit. How 'vcr. the elder (lutes suddenly return ed at the height of the October panic and. In common with other holders. sold bis Tcuiice Coal and Iron stock to the Steel corporation Utile was heard of Chirles (1. tinles for two years of more, but In July. I01Q. he returned from Purls, where he li nl fallen III. anil was operated on for appendicitis, from which he soon (H'0 ,',', The next fall he llvruiod In ii story Hi.it be had lost JKliHdi In a gombllog house In New Tofk, mid although he I h bed Hie -inn. It was generally credited He hi I long been a familiar II. in f on the rare trucks ami at gum hliug resorts, and on one oc. alon was Mild to haw- "on f'.'omk) at a sitting III tlelio Record Breaking Train Trip. Ills II I-1 lee.ii.l bieaUlig trip was in ulc In I'clit'iiary. I'M I. when he poflf to New York In a speelal train from Yuma. Arlr. . :i.isi miles, hi aeveuty four botira and nineteen inlnutes In cliiillng st((is It wiiii admitted after ward that the purpose of this trip was to attempt a reconciliation with bJO wife, hut the explanation uiHile when the train arrhed was that Mr. (lutes was siiiTeriug from an In lory to bl leg received while he was cranking a fractious automobile In I'ullforuht and ib it he bad hurried to New York for the surgical attendance he preferred. I'lie trip averngisl about forty miles ind the final centage ot (lecicitse. bin in a general way It may be said thul the rates 'rom ,our. Including xto Portland to (.el. 'in Oregon poind, will dash from Albany was deal exa-tl. ba lowered troin J., to t',u pi r 000)1 mile 0 minute The fittest time was from Toledo to Cleveland. ION miles in ninety seven minutes i'liu run from Chicago took sni'-cii hours and forty nine minutes, an hour und five minutes less than the Twentieth Century Urn itc.l boiit s weeks liter Mr Hates' r rlwtl It bOOMM known that his wife was to sii(( for a divorce Slie was Miss Marx Y Martin of St l.ouls. and The decre.ine to (.outturn Oi(gon (owns will not be ao greul. as the illsiauic north uud south dues not al low so large a variation, and the blocks ;ui' loncer uoi ill and r.iilli ili.in east ami west "Shoot Up" Country D nice I'ciidletoti H) shooting up" a Startling Charge Made. Ilolse Snipped ol his clothing, placed III solitary confinement In an asylum lor the Insane at Laurel. Md irboro he was unlawfully held a cup tlxe at the din (turn of his wlf" so that she could gel his property, Is on. ol the iimiix sensational charges Hindi b) Marshsll l.angton i'llic, a promiti em llaltimoic citl7.cn, In a suit foi illxorcc niid by him in ihe district court here against his wife. WOULD HAVE STATE "DRY Prohibition Party Plana an Extenalve Campaign Against Liquor. Ilolse. 'Idaho dry' in 1'JIJ." This la tht slogan of the prohibition i'ii i 'ih lie) has gone forth from die "dries " Hi, it a fight will he ma. I. straight (low a the due to elect only those candidates who are professed '(Irlea." With L'l of the U counties "dry' under the local option law, ."...uiiu ol I people ol Ihe state rcslil lug ill pioliildtioii territory and Inn Jim saloons leinalning In business, tin piohihltioiii : . ire Mitigullle id sue cos I'lace.s of loon population or more Ih.ii li.n -..loi'ii . 0ft BOlOO, Coeui d ill BOi '" ili.'.i'X Hie. I lalle;, , KollOd Moiiiitain Home, Mull. ii. Salmon Sandpotnt. Shoshone, Wallace and Wardtii i '1 he i in ol 1000 population Ol more thai are dry iiiv IWOflOOP lulls. Klackfool. Caldwell, Klumett Quoding, Horriao Idaho KaUa i.exis ton, Malad. Mont peller. MoOOOWi Nam pa. Oaklex. I'ails I'axelte. I'ocalello I'reston. UexhnrK. 81 Anthony, Twin Kails and etser The dries have succeeded in placing 011 the htatllle liooks legislation 01 W lOWl l.ocul option law. search ami Ot i.iiic law. aim bootlegging ilrua s liipior law, law leipilrltiK all tailroails to keep a record of llguol shipmeii's rccehc.1 In piohibltluu ter ritorx. law prohibit lug (he sale ol Ibpioi to habitual drunkards country dame I ..hi Caper and Jack i ""' ,'m, '"'''" "iiincd lliiile.n xeais Mm dock, two (arm laborers, staged a li.nitiei d.i' 1 1 aula at Juniper No on. was ihii.ii.l Put (he Iwo sue. I ed iii ili.uoiiclilx terrifying the women and completely lutininlatliu: the men. Ilaallx e.c.ipiiig on hoi.s l.u I, u.nlei iot I nt tlicir kiins Mjmmoth'i Tooth Found. Albany A lairly well pre- . i tooth of i in.miiiu'th xx i toun.l lif J. ,w im. I i local ai. :. .. ..I,' , in a car of traval wbleb ind ! u re- i eixcd here lioin i anbx The to. nil Is scxcii Indies loBJ live in his high ami llilec imlii s w id. It i.llOWS fOIIIK (hi .' Oram to Have C n iery. ii. i'ii A 00 0M I t .'.". x aoclai loo atao orgoul il l n x. .iu capital ol f-'ooo, practlcall) all sub s. ribc.l The asMKtation cpcts to have tin (.iiinerx rcidy for the ruBtiOl fOOf'l crop ot xeg 'tables ami ti ill Kautui are i nihil I tstlc out I lie pro lor .1 it 'I lot' ui i (' 'i Oil fOgotabloo, The details of (lie (estlinony were not made public, but Mrs dates got her tii 1 1 doeroo oo viu S, 1011 lust a week liter, xv Ii 1c Mr (i ites xx is in Tails In ...unction with Ills father's funeral, the news canic from Mlnneupolls thai lie was to many MNs I Inreii.e Ib'pw.i.'l and the wedding took place on Sept ft, l!'ll Boasted of ,1. 000.000 Yearly Tip. lie xx as noted for the cti.uiuous slxe of the tips he gOfO xiut w hcrex er be xv cut a isiint ah uit xxlil.h be xx.is ,. ccislin-l. proud Asked about It once, after the trip menu. nasi, be said: "I gixe lj00O,Q0Q away In tips everx year I can't take It with mc x lien 1 d.e 1 belicxc In inOBdlug it xxlule I'm a tve I dot. t kii"W liow much it cost ne to live. have more money now t i w bat I 'icr :(" i im I a nt '. Mid file utcitet pari "' cver.x d.ix. and I .v.. iu speiiilitu; n. x lit uiex "I'liis Is h Ufa "f s.i,',.," he said, ro farting t'' his tup i'lie faster the bcttet I'm uspil to specials They arc iix onlv due shot I like to go fust The conductor didn't like the spvd at which xe traveled, but 1 told him It suited in.' When I start for a pliK'O I like t" (( there " Mace Folk Fear Snowalidet. l 1 lie warm weaiher has cans n a ininor OMVOlMOO Vu tin xiiown pedestrian wan knocked down ami cotuplci. Iv burled by a small uva l.iiiclic He was not seriously burl Several pet son. haxe repotted the de stllKtioll ol the. I vxoodsh(.s e, slides A general teeliug ot upiireheiisiou pre vails Atotln May Ply on Snake, l.ewlston The Lewiston commer ci.il . lub has re. -. 'ixe.l a . iicr ftotn the Ins''' DfflCO at Tort land stating that the steamer Asotin would probablv be placed on the Snak river above LowlOtM MX) IHMtt af ter blgb water lor improving the chati lie I Exam for Pottmaater Set. .,,,..,',' n , vauilliat.ou will b( held h.ie March M to make ecrtllU.l lion to till a i oiiteiiiplatc.l vacancy tit the position oi tourth class postm i-t.t at St Maii.s Emmrtt MoOM Defeated. I dwell In a i-pu '. I and ticrc( l) Oughl Lame, the OOllegi ol Idaho has k.thaii lean dofaal d the tmnun clalmaal ol i t irtbwootoi i chaiupiiui- !:p her. fl te l'( R.'Jd St, ll Blocked. Van Wxck The Idaho Northen railroad bj still blo.'kc.l by a slid. There lias b.en 00 train service for t ' . , s t m . u BAN PHOTOS IN WATCHES. Picturea of Loved Onee Not Allowed In Trainmen'e Pockete. Chicago. No longer may engineers, conductors, brakemen and other em ployees In the operating department of the Illinois Central railroad carry pic tures of their wives, sweet hearts and babies on their watch cratals. An order ngnlnst the practice wns Issued by the mnnogement. Offlclala of the company have decided that auch pic tures are likely to distract the atten tion of employees from their work nnd that aeelileiit.s might result. When an employee pulls out his watch bis atten tion should be devoted exclusively to the time, they any. Tbe order also specifies plain dials of a uniform de sign. "This rule may seem to bo a small matter; but. after all, It is the little things that count," said Vice President W. L. Park In discussing the order. "Every railroad mnn will admit that success In the operating department re-1 quires strict attention to duty." HONEYMOON IN JAIL Town's Only Boarding House Full, They Have to Sleep Somewhere. West Salem. Wls.-"I)lrect us to the best hotel." said a youthful bride groom, (ieorge Kvmis, Chicago, as ho shook the rice from his hut and balled the night constable of this village. "Cun't do II. mister." said the con stable; "the bonrdln' house Is nlreody chock full and won't hold nnotber. Only pine.. I can put ye Is In the cala boose." There was no other accommodation to ho hud, so the honeymoon couple was escorted to the town Jail, w hero ' they spent tbe night In one cell, while a bibulous wayfarer lodged In tho other Embn rrusxed hy this occurrence, tbe vlllngo board Is preparing to pass an ordinance i'c.tilrlug villagers to open their homes to travelers In cases of this kind. New Spring Goods We don't wait till the season is over to cut our prices in half and quarters. Look in our win dow at the new prices and goods made to your measure, and sat isfaction assured all thro. Cope & Dunnuck The Only Tailors Ontario, Ore. BUTTER WRAPPERS Must Be Printed YOU Can Add NEW A 'BUSINESS to Tout PRESENT BUSINESS by JUDICIOUS AD- VER VISING OUR WANT ADS. GET RESULTS FOR YOU. We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of Butter Wrappers to the Argus Office Malheur Merc. Co. We are now making our con tracts for 1914 Machinery AND ALL Implements Let us have your specifications for what you may require. Remember our goods are all guaranteed lines. We stand behind everything we sell. Malheur Mercantile Company