Brief Newt of the Week Aecordlns to lata reports given out at Washington ttaa number of farm animals in the United Slates hiis In j oraasad 7.1 per cent. The supremo court of California raps the mitlnnnl poiley of wlthdraw trig from taxation grnt IfW of land, daclartng the act U a departure from the aplrll of the constitution. British Columbia labor federation damands Impeachment of Judges Mor lison and Howay, who sentenced mi ners in connection with Nanalmo dls turbanree. A obange has been made in Bohemia pemiirtliiK womou to vote, according to announcement of the premier In Austria. A franchise for a trolley car system to operate from Jarusiilom to Ib'thle hem, and for the operutlon of a liKht ing plant In Jerusalem linn b'-i'n grunt ed by th Turkish government. Contracts for 4400 new wooden freight (in-, to h' built Immediately t a cost or li.'twnen $5,rMi,iion and $ti. 000,000, th" first big rnilioiid eciil ment order In several months, kiave Just bron let by the Union I'nclflc sys tem. Hy order of the Interstate eomnierro commission low.T express ruins throiml I 'be United States will be- oanii' elective Monilay It Is estimat ed tin' ftTvTMt pduetlon In cburnis will be approximately 17 per hi Kepresentatlves of the ngrlculturnl collegt-H In the far west are to meet In . ontiKiu" Hi' bitter part of the week at the tate agricultural college of t'lnli Tin' conference Is to effect a permanent organization and discuss Ibf aliilldardlxltlK of extension work anil the securing the needed state and national legislation to aid them In carrying on their work. People in the News K Senator Lyman it asey of Jamestown, N. I. died at Washing tun. Uinpeiur William or (!.riniin cele brsted bis fifty fifth hlrthda recently W'tiiifi ! T Dililsoli tills been DM flrnpil li the semite iis secretary of the Inter) r for the Philippines and HieinlM r nl the 1'hlllpplne (.iiiinlsslon IHlKiidler (lenernl KuiiMon has re turned rrom service In Hawaii to Hike command of the second division on the HntaM '' Charles il Williams, for years treas nrer uud business mauuKer of the Chi cago Cubs, Jumped to the Federal league The body or ei-Seoator Shelby M Cullom. who died in Waahrntn. tu brought to Springfield, III., for burial. P. P. Claston, commissioner of the United States bureau of education, urges nn all-year around school term, In order to stve the pupils from Idle ness during the summer racatlon period. Kenneth Murphy, aged 21, serving a life term In Nebraska, for murder, who was paroled In order thBt he might enter the University of Nebraska, has been denied admittance to the school by Chancellor Avery because tha youth Is a criminal. General Francisco Villa announced that clvllUed warfare, particularly with reference to the treatment of prisoners, would hereafter be adopted by the Mexican rebels. Scores of Filipino politicians who are active In the fight for the Inde pendence of the Islands are paid by Japanese, In the opinion of Edward K. Dyer, mnnsner of the Philippine Is land Telephone A Telegraph company. wlm has arrived at San Francisco. The anonymous letter received by Chief of Police Sebastian, of Los An Hides. statltiK thut Francis Lewis Clark, the Spokane millionaire, who disappeared from Santa Barbara, was held by blackmailers for a ransom of $7r,,000, was written In part by a wo MS, and in part by a man, say ex peris. Frank I" ihbhs of Alabama lost his fight for a seat In the United States senate by one vole Class was not entitled to be seated because bis ap polntment by Governor O'Neal came after the direct lenlslation law went Into effect Representative Sinnotfs bill to au ihortse the secretary of war to detail two army engineers to work with en glneera of Oregon and Washington and the reclamation service in evolv lng a plan for the development of the Celllo Falls power project, seems to be meeting with favor. Hereafter It will be unlawful to work any woman employe more than 64 hours a week, and employers will be required to pay experienced women workers not less than 18.25. and Inex perlenced workers not less than 16 a week. This Is the ruling of the stats Industrial welfare commission. Governor West several days ago tel egraphed President Wilson that the contemplated action of separating the lines would be harmful to the business interesta of the state, and asked that action be postponed until hearings oould be held. The state railway com mission made a similar request. You Know What You Are Doing. Other People May Not. Tell Them Through an Advertise ment In This Paper. Eight-Footed Hon 2 Months Old. Ashland The four winged duck on the Cyoster ranch, east of Ashland has a rival In an eight footed pig on the lleall ranch, south of Central Point Both sets or feet lire well tie veloped This freak Is now 2 months old and promises to attain the sUe of the average hog Its legs are nor mal down to Hie ankle Joint, each leg terminating In two feet Instead ol one. Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone ! This Is the artimt eiuerlonce of Anno CrniiiHii Kunltt Itusa, I'al . with the won derful I). V. f) Prescription It l I) Ih t hi- proven K seina Cjfre the mild wssh that gives Instant relief In sll forms of skin trnuhle ('P'nnm-s the skin of .ill Impurities wsHheg away blotches ami pimples, leaving the skin as smooth and healthy as thnt of a rhllil. Oat ii Mi' tiottle of this wonilerful Kcsema Cure todny and keep It In thn house We know that I. D. V. will do all that Is clalmsil tor it ONTARIO PHARMACY ONTARIO OnCOON Prisoner Eats Evidence. Port land Mthoiigh he ale the doc unienlHi evidence against him while on the witness stand. In full view ol the court attaches and spectators, ac I cording to officials. Sam Matheaon. a Seattle contractor, was bound over to to the itrami lut t by Municipal Judgu - , Stevenson on a charge of passing a bad check for . I .... . ' . -i i'. ."I '' oa no ri IMIli "! ;'l"r""'" "JH"1 BenTiikis.'h, M.-i.i ..i iTi"!" "t rats SI- .t..,lllHIIY CIlll riui.i airsaiNoss eoar Srnl J i-enu in Mnnii !r InvalaaMe hrjo on HOW TO Olllin i liu ri.-i ."W w.H pT. II"" '" '' ssnsjf. l m ml valuable inlomiaiioa. 0. SWIFT & CO. satist LAWvaaa, 303 Seventh St., Washington, P. C: Malheur Merc. Co. ggigBggBiHIHBIBiBIJJIHlaBBBBBaBaBaaBBaBBBaBaaaBBBaB-- We are now making our con tracts for 1914 Machinery AND ALL Implements Let us have your specifications for what you may require. Remember our goods are all guaranteed lines. We stand behind everuthina we sell. Malheur Mercantile Company I SOME MORE OF RADER'S larii! Prices Corn Meal (white or yellow) per sack 25c Graham Flour " " 25c Whole Wheat " " 25c Mayflower Oats (was 45c) " " 35c K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounce can 20c Good grade Pea Berry Coffee (was 35c) now - - 25c Toilet Soap, such as Buttermilk, Oat meal, Tar, Glycerine, etc., a bar gain, 3 cakes for - - - 10c These prices with our long list of last week should bring you to our Grocery Department We have plenty of all kinds to supply your wants Give this Department A Trial We are in the business to stay you better deal with us. RADER'S Ontario, Ort(jon Good Service is included in this list of prices, 1