The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1914, Image 6

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Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Night Cooking School Attracts.
Wallace. Kxeellent progress Is be
ing; made by the n i ' t clsss In cookltiK
recently opened by "fs Caroline Kiel
of tln liiK'i school. Eleven students
are enrolled and the fifth lesson has
JiiHt been completed. The work con
IhIh largely In actual practice In mak
Itii; funds and luindlinK the various
utensils, which are supplemented by
brief lectures on food vnlues, methods
of preparation and reclpeti. Several
married women nre In the claim.
In the domcHtic Hclenre department
of the high Hchool 130 Klrls are learn
In to conk under the direction of MIkb
Kiel. The department among othi'i
things Iiiih 10 small and 10 large elec
trie 1 1 1 s k h , two large stoves and two
nviir . and the apparatus la In almost
constant use during school hours. The
loini'stlc science l'partmi'iit In popu
Senators Desiring to Speak on
Woman Suffrage Question
Will Delay Voting.
Court Orders Retrial.
BolRe. Dr. Charles ('. Hrnlth. osteo
path, convicted of mannlaughter In the
death r Clara t Key, a King Hill
school teat hi-r, will be retried in tlM
district court for Kltnore county. The
supreme court In an opinion handed
down reversed the conviction on the
ground that tlu complaint agninst Dr.
Hmlfb was not specific enough In Its
Converted, Says He Is Thief.
Kellogg- J.J Mahnr was converted
here recently and as a result is now
on Ml u.i li;n It to Montana to face
a chargi- of horse stealing, committed
In 1 ! 1 Mahar, shortly after his con
version, suffered remorse and he
ITfOtaj UM Montana sin-riff setting out
the i-rliiK' and acknowledging his guilt
Postpone Hearing of Bankers.
Naitipa The prHlmin.ii ) v.iiolua
lion ol I liiMiis and (' I. Koblilus,
tin in. i ofrictnl ol tin- bank ol Natnpa,
rluirgi d with making a falsi WpOTt tfl
the stall- bank ciiminlssliinir. was
postponed until Saturda.x.
Company to Sell Seed to Farmers in
District About Lewlston.
I.i-wlhliill line tliiini ami bushels ot
Marqui wheal Ik,:, in in received l
(In- iiIIiiii-i ('leaiwaler compan am. i ' ' "" '""" ",:l1 opi-raliun. by BonlM
will be aiuouu farmers ol nHni by the Irrigation diatrtctl
Washington. With their minds pre
sccupied with Immigration problems,
trust legislation, treaty obligations nnd
President Wilson's determination for
reversal of policy on the Panama tolls
,'iuestlon, administration leaders In
r-ongress had almost forgotten that
they were face to face with the equal
suffrage question.
Monday however, a resolution to
provide for a constitutional amend
ment extending suffrage to women was
first on the calendar of business In
the senate. Senator Ashurst, who Is
guiding the destinies of the resolu
tion, does not expect It to come to a
vote because several Senators served
him with notice that when the subject
did come up they would like to dis
cuss It.
Action on the repeal of the section
of the Panama Canal act exempting
American coastwise ships from tolls
is expected In the course of the week,
the president's purpose In the subject
now being thoroughly understood by
administration leaders.
Money Order Service Is Enlarged.
Ily President Wilson's signature, the
bill to regulate the payment of postal
money orders became a law of the
land. The new statute will not be
come effective, however, until rules
and regulations for Its operation ure
promulgated by the postmaster gener
al The bill provides for the Issuance
of postal monc) orders payable at any
money order office even though drawn
on n specified office and will, accord
Ing to the postmaster general, greatly
Increase the postal money order bus
iness and be a gnat convenience to
Measure to Help Irrigation Sections.
Representative Kitih i Ml of N'eliraska
lias Inlioiliii ei , which provide-
fof nop. ration bat a ma tba aaen tai
"t tin- Interior ami Irrigation districts
oil anl.eil under stale laws. This bill
int ii 'i ie-. Hi,, ateit tnrj oi tee later
ior to make ooatraeta with state inrt
gallon districts to con mi net reaeTVOil
.Hid canals and to Operate tin in im
the purpose of furnishing water to
such districts with power to terminate
the operation ol such reservoirs and
canals and turn them over to the Irrl
gatlM districts on die DQjmonl to the
hovi rumen) of the at lual t osi ol
this district at practically the cost ol
importing It.
The oIIiihi -ei. ai water company
has been investigating the dlfleient
grade,, of wheat to Irani which an
best adapted to the soil mid cllm.iic
of this termors li was found the
Marquis wheat is one of the I. i
spring grains which Is put out b thr
Canadian government It has a pro
llflc vli-ld. the production in r.iu.ol.i
ranging from t" to ,'iti bushels an acre.
t In o Hi' b the levying of taxes on Hit
lands of the water users, payment tc
be m. elc in Installments
Wilson Wants Warships.
Unqualified Indorsement from Presi
dent Wilson Is behind the two battle
ship program proposed b) s.-i retar.v
I .nlels for the coming naval approprl
Nliou bill This was made known at
the While House, when callers askeil
.iiioiit Mi. Dnnlela' teetlaaon) reoentl)
before the novae naval affali i i oai
nnd government irata show it has high I mlttee
milling values i matures at an earl)
dale and does not shell when halves!
School Lunches Urged.
Moscow All exieusive bulletin on
rural school lum lies has Is en pi.hlish
ed In the department of linn colli.
lilies ol the univeisil.v ami is now be
lug distributed among the count r)
ObOOl districts ol the state. The pur
p. Of Hie bulletin Is to elicoiilagi'
tl.e ii. i. .nation iii rural aehoolbouaet
ot a complete equipment tor the prep
illation ol hoi lunches at noon lu or
ibr thai ever) young ti r In the school
uiav in- provided with at least one hot
article oi food lo supplement the ooM
Iuih li vv huh he i ai i n . from home
Eagleton Heads Engineers.
Hoi , I he I, . ill, i sis lei ol ellgl
n i In Ion In ic follow ing the
colli, lellee ol II llgllleels ot the re
. i.uiiai ioii service, elected the follow
tug OfftOera tor the ensuing Ve.u
Presiileiii Ian U KagleeOB). BOMtj
vue president, it J White, Wallace;
georetery. In f siiaifner. Bolae;
n. iii.i. Pied ii Uct'ohnell, Cald
well; executive committee, J. H Cong
don. Iloise, Pred a Wtlkie, shtoa
ami w Ueoi, Twin Pell
Phone Operators Strike.
Hcih", I lie lolephone girls of
llfiii'h, . went M a strike here, but the
manager soon had (heat back g theil
places The trouble stalled over a
phoae director) The business men of
,-e held a III,, In.;' .iii.l :
that they would not call by imiubei
and rwfuscd to use the books On ac
count ot this the girls went on a
Arrest Leads To Suit.
Bolae otto Weal a gartaeal ftltei
of this en v . has brou I ill I
.mm i against the i" com pa ii)
ol gall lai.e lot images lor
mental an
gulsb, humlllui li m uud lu ur)
to character Caused hv talsi I) all,. -I
i md kidnaping bin
The geneial board of the nav) hi ad
ad h) V.lnilral Hewey, advocated a
more elaborate construction program
While the opponents III iuiutim, of II
"big uav.v are not inclined to approve
even recommendations of the seen
tarv. With the support ol the admin
istiation. however. Ihose favoring pro
vision for two dreadnought arc s.uis
tied that the neceeaar) approptatlon
will go through both houses without
Power Plan Is Offered.
V. comprehensive plan tor the de
veiopiueiit oi water power on pubip
land, under government regulation
. nihi, die, I in a lull introduced hi
Senator .loues. ol Washington It
Mould provide thai permits, for ooon
living pOWer sites should be i-sind
onlv to states, municipalities and pub
in- service corporation which are sub
ject lo regulation and control hv such
governmental agencies as public s.-iv
Ice commissions Where the develop
tnejit is interstate the bill would pro
vide that the federal government shall
have supervision as to rates
National Capital Brevities.
The senate passed the agricultural
extension lull It provides for govern
men! aid to state college expemnent
A threatened loss of 1300,000,000 in
hog during the present vear from hOf
cholera led the senate to agree uuan
imoiisiv to a inii appropriating fsoo,
IM tor the department ol agriculture
to tight the disease
That eOC rotaf) Ol State llrvan Is
seeking the I'okio Kovernment's con
sent to a ,laiatiesc exclusioii .u t stint
lar to the Chinese exclusion law was
stated on high authorit)
Hearings on the Mclxellar cold stor
age hill have In on indefiultcl.v post
poncd Strong object tons tiiadc
to it hv trull in. ti .md salmon pachen
loie than a hundred laciubcis ot
the house are listed for speechi
the Bhachelford good roads bUI Mm
bin propoeea a maximum of 126,000,
000 in appropriations, allotments tc
he bas.d on eipial local ii'i'iopiiatlons
Secretary Lane Invites Discussion of
Reclamation Work.
Denver. Governor Amnions has re
ceived a communication from Frank
lin K. Lnne, secretary of the Interior.
suggesting that a meeting of gover
nors Of western states and Individuals
Interested In reclamation projects be
held soon to discuss In detail the ques
tlonB of Irrigation nnd reclamation of
arid lands of the west. Secretary
Lane suggested that the meeting be
held simultaneously with the Western
Governors' Conference, which la to
convene In Denver, probably In April.
In accordance with the secretary's
communication, Governor Ammons
ent a statement to western governors
setting forth his Idea of '.ho conference
and suggesting the second week In
April as a suitable date.
Admiration of Bryan By Wilson.
Baltimore. In a letter to Wllllnm
L. Marbury, published In a Baltimore
paper, President Wilson condemns
free tolls through the Panama canal
as clear violation of the Hay-Pnunce-fote
treaty and Incidentally takes oc
casion to pny a tribute to Secretnry of
State William Jennings Hryan that
shows the terms of intimate friendli
ness and cooperation existing between
Fall Kills Army Flyer.
San Diego, Cal. Lieutenant Henry
B. Post, of the First Aero Corps, con
sldered one of the most skillful United
Stntes army aviators, plunged to his
death In San Diego hay when the right
wing of his hydroaeroplane crumpled.
He wns descending, after estnbllshlng
an American altitude record of II IL'O
feel. Post fell i;.h. fMi Jlllo bJmUIow
V. M. C. A. Meeting May be Repeated.
Vancouver, Wash. The Trl-State
convention of Young Men's Christian
associations of Washington, Idaho an
Oregon, which met here, was so In
tructlve, harmonious and enthuslas
tic that there Is every possibility that
a Trl State convention will be held
again next year.
Trial Cost Is $250,000.
San FranclBco. The cost of the
Western Fuel Company conspiracy
trial In the United States District
Court here was estimated to have
reached a total of $250,000.
Bridge Bill Is Signed.
Washington. President Wilson hns
signed the hill authorizing construe
Hon of the Portland-Vancouver bridge
across the Columbia river.
New Spring Goods
We don't wait till the season is
over to cut our prices in half
and quarters. Look in our win
dow at the new prices and goods
made to your measure, and sat
isfaction assured all thro.
Cope & Dunnuck
The Only Tailors Ontario, Ore.
Why has our PROFIT SHARING SALE shown larger
receipts than any four successive business days of the
past year? Because those who have visited our sale
acknowledge we are offering the best values ever
offered in our line.
Rocker for $ I
Other Values in Rockers Just as Good
A Good Comfort for $1.00 I I A Good, Big Blanket $1.00
We W ill Close Out All Bedding
See Our 10 and 15c Counters
Dish Specials, Pictures.
28x42 Quartered Oak Li- C ?p:
brary table $).LJ
A nice selection of Library Tables
A number of Axminster C I 7 fifi
Rugs, 9x12 I pUU
Remember you can buy anything
in the store from 20 to 50 per cent
Goods valued here up to 75c
All Oak Dresser with (TO AA
French plate mirror for mO.UU
We have a number of Dressers that
are drop patterns and we wish to
close them out-they are bargains.
Lace curtains, less than 3 pair of a
kind, for one half price.
Bed, Beds, Beds-all kinds of Good Iron Beds for $1.95, Guaranteed to you
We make this offer because we must clear our floor for Spring Stock
You will find Here a Selection of Household Furnishings at prices Worth While for you to Investigate
Sale Ends Sat Feb. 21.
Ontario Furniture Company
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