The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
Mrs. Gertrude Grove left last
Saturday for Portland to pur
chase an extensive line of mil
linery for spring.
70 B. P. Rook and S. C. black
Minorca cocks and cockerels for
sale. Henderson, Holterman
and Papes strain. Wilber Clay
ton, Payette, Idaho. R 1.
P. S. Doane, who lives four
miles south of Ontario, is adver
tising u public sale of all his
farm stock, machinery, house
hold goods, etc., Friday, Feb.
13, as he is going to California.
In the rabbit drive on Deer
Flat last week it is estimated
they got 5000 of the pests.
Mrs. Arnold was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett,
at Drewsey last week.
For Sale One 3 year old
Pernheron stallion, weight 1600,
by J. C. Fleming, Arcadia or
phone (Hi-F-5, Nyssa.
Miss Mary Harvey left for
Portland Saturday where she
will spend two or three weeks in
tho wholesale millinery houses.
Miss Agnes Graham, of Twin
Falls, was visiting Mrs. Grove
last week.
The Ontario Pressary for sale.
Phone 84-J. N. Sims.
What a difference there is be
tweeu saying something and
having say. With
some people speech is nothing
but words while with others
words give expression to
thoughts that enliven and en
rich life.
An Ontario man oppose!
eugenics because he fears a
knock-kneed man will have to
marry a bow-legged woman in
order that the next generation
may strike a fair average.
Dick Dearmond was around
this week looking over the stock
and market conditions.
The Hotel Moore will continue
to serve Table de Hote dinners
Sunday evenings from .r:30 to
8. Dinner 75 cents.
The ground squirrels are
coming out and dying on the
Dead Ox Flat. They seem to
have got mixed in their dates.
Charles Watson, of the Onta
rio Pharmacy, made a Hying
trip to Wyoming last week.
Hot bed sash for sale by the
Kmpire Lumber company.
Karry Near, the well known
traveling man, got an ankle
broken iu Baker last week while
dancing and it wasn't the tango,
just a wait.
There seems to be some doubt
as to whether one should term it
a flock or herd of candidates for
I.' J. Stone has sold his ranch
on the island to Henry Beier.
Mr. Stone had an ideal place to
raise stock and hogs and made
good money with it.
Tom Brosnan returned Sun
day from a trip to Portland with
some cattle. He caught a good
murket and was well pleased
with the sale.
Miss Margaret Dunbar was
home fiom Vale over Sunday.
Ben Crummett was in Weiser
last week closing up a real estate
C. C. Muller, the Vale abstrac
tor, was here Friday looking up
The Ontario Pressary for sale.
Phone 84-J. N. Sims.
Fred J. Palmer and wife, of
Jordan Valley, were here last
week on their way to Portland.
Mi- s lie il it lil was in Nyssa
Monday looking after her hold
ings there.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tyler aro
now living in Pocatello.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were here
Sunday from Nampa calling on
Bert Galafant, one of tho
brakemeu working through here
on the local, lost an arm Mon
day at Payette and was taken to
the hospital at Boise. lie
w.ts throwing u switch and in
s une way slipped and fell
against a moving car, stunning
huu and his aim was thrown
over the rail.
Come and investigate, "we
know the verdict" McBratney.
The conductors made a shift
around this week and George
Miller is now on the Juutura run
J. B. Cayou ou the Vale run,
and George Oram is on the local
from Nampa to Weiser. He
took the excursion train to Wei
ser Monday evening. Cayou
has just returned from an outing
in California.
It is noticeable that all of the
politicians are eager for free ad
vertising to boost their game,
but there is no reason why they
should receive advertising free
and the merchant who sells re
liable goods be made to pay
regular rates.
See McBratney's ad in this
Mr. ami Mrs John Wood were
Boise visitors this week.
The Fact Remains
No amount of misrepresentation by the
peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug
gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis,
or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of
any kind, can change the fact that
Royal Baking Powder
lias been found by the offi
cial examinations to be of the
highest leavening efficiency,
free Irom alum, and of absolute
purity and wholesomeness.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
for making hnest and most economical food.
(Jeorge Mcknight, the county
judge, was here Tuesday for a
few hours, urging the local peo
ple to attend the Lincoln ban
quet at Vale this evening. This
will be different from what has
been customary in such events
as the ladies are expected to at
tend. We believe Vale is the
only place in Eastern Oregon to
commemorate the event.
E. A. Fraser, manager of the
M. If, Co., has been iu Boise
several days this week.
Dr. (Joldsberry is now at the
Lavina Sanitarium nt Pasadena,
California, and expects to return
to Oregon in the spring.
Solid comfort written all over
our couches. McBratney.
The regular monthly meeting
of tho Owyhee Ditch company
was held Saturday. John Kay,
John Ward and James Duucan
were down from Nyssa.
Harvey Hatch, the rancher of
the Big Bend, who produces re
cord crops of clover seed, was
an Ontario visitor Tuesday.
M. B. (iwinn is at the Butter
field ranch, near Mallett, this
week looking over the crop of
February lambs.
Mrs. Etl Durbin was operated
on at the hospital Monday.
(Jeorge Mills, the Vale real
estate man, was here several
davs this week. He was on his
A'ny'bome from Portland.
8everal local people are in
terested in the failure of the
Portland Cash Machine Co.
There's no place like home,
no home like the place furnished
by McBratney.
In connection with the preach
ing servico next Sunday at the
Methodist church the Sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will
be administered and we invite
all the members of the church
and all others who have not
their church home in Ontario
and are in good standing in
their own church. In the
evening at 7:150 the Kev. W. A.
Winters, district superintendent,
will preach and the business
meeting of the second quarterly
conference will beheld on Mon
day afternoon at 1:80 in the
Thomas Johns, Pastor.
Theannual stockholders meet
ing of the Fairview Drain Ditch
company will be held at the city
hall in Ontario Saturday, Febru
ary li at 10 o'clock.
Win. Johnson, Sec'y.
if you want to locate near a town
that has a very bright future 1
have 70 acres of the very choicest
laud, has a nice slope to the
east, I first-class water right,
30 acres in alfalfa, rest has been
in grain. Not haiug it all paid
for it leaves me unable to take
care of that much land. 1 will
sell anywhere from B to 70 acres.
Mv nrice ranees from $150 per
acre up. About half cash ; good
terms on rest at 8 per cent in
terest. Land exactly the same
adjeining has been selling at
$300 to .'i00 per acre, so here
is your chance if you want a
Mod tract of land - miles from
Ontario, Ore.' near Malheur
Junction, where car shops and
round house will no doubt he
built iu the near future.
Box i Ontario, Oregon
Cheap Furniture
Is Dear at Any Price aa
Furniture of First Class Workmanship
At the Price of Cheap Furniture is something unusual
Quality Tells the Story of True Value.
Each Piece of furniture Bears the Original Tajr as well as the RED SALE TAG
Any Woman Shopper Can Estimate
These Savings
Very Attractive Rugs
9x12 Axminster. now $17.00
9x12 Wilton's Best Grade $38.00
Iron Beds.
$3.25 Values now $2.35
4.50 Values now 3.25
5.00 Values now 3.50
9.50 Values now 7.00
Specials Saturday Only
Household Utensils
20 and 25c Values now g and 1Q(
These Reductions are Not Visionary
Dreams. But Actual Realities
$3.50 Mattress $2.40
5.50 Mattress 3.95
8.50 Mattress 5.75
10.00 Mattress 6.95
12.00 Mattress 8.00
15.00 Mattress 9.00
Special Monday Only
Wearever and German Aluminumware
25 per cent Off
We have 300 nice Pictures and with every Purchase of $1.00 or over we will
give one free.
Mratney-McNulty Co.
I'.i'l Ailvurtiwmciit.
For Sale 2f tons lirnt crop
hay. ('. K. Keen, Ontario.
Money lo lixtu Improved in
KU1 farm.. W. 11. Doollttle Co.
Wanted horses to winter at
$3 per head, per nion'li at the
I'unkliii ranch.
Kstrav A yearling Jersey
heifer at the Conklin nun h
Owner please call, pay charges
and take her away.
Lots I'm Sale '' in Kiversido
addition, near rob station, ln
iptire at Argus.
For Sale young Jersey heifer.
Will he fresh ahout January IU.
Inquire at this oilier. tf.
Money WtoUd I IMP River
side residence, insured for 11500,
hox 412, Ontario.
Wanted Improved small
tract with building! ami fruit,
on lease. Address hox 181 with
For sale one 1 H-4 Oray gaso
line engine. Address Jas. A.
Bennett, Ontario.
The Ontario I'ressary and
ladies and gents slum- parlor
good business and good pay
would like to sell at onct very
cheap. Call or phone i 1-J.
Avery under mounted tractor
engine, steam, 1 horse, for sale
at a hurgain price. J.. Walker, I
..!.,..... baa ur a '
Sat, Feb.
We start our White Sale.
Our Window show many
pretty things Saturday.
Everything in Spring White
Material will Want
Your Inspection
From 2 p. m. 'till 5 p. m.
Souvenir to Ladies
Sheeting, Pillow
Tubing, Towels,
Our Goods
Eipress their
1 M M M 1 '"- - .