The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1914, Image 2

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Conducted I .
J. W. DARROW. fUlttll. N. Y.,
r,dUnr nf ii" Wm Y'H RaM 'irnnge
Subject May Come Up Again at the
Next National Meeting.
Will tin- ijUCHtl.'ii of proportional rrp-rric-ntiitlon
In tli nutlonnl grnncp
come up nun In for dl-n us-dmi It the
noxt meeting of the niitlnniil body?
Wry lllii-ly The fact It It Is likely to
foi-m n HiilJ-'t Of discussion then' mi
til some form of proportional rcpre
sentntion In mlnpti-d. TIiIm Is the ri-so-ut
Ion tlmt wm presented last year ii ud
Totnl down:
HiMi'.lvil. Thnt every stnte. master unit
wife (OT liuatmnd) shall hivvo vmh MM vote
On ell SJUSOtlOM "n roll rail every state
annater am wife fur husliiind) ahull have
no vote inch nivl for each iiml ivei.v 1 '".
tin mi-inher n I. ove Urn Mint 10,000 ahull
eve MM vole esetl ni11lttntinl
There ON tWO sldl'H t" this ipntitlon
f representation according to itata
BMOIUOflhip "'"' "l''"' ballww that
tho foil 111 li'ii i if I lio Order wen- vv Is,, III
their adoption of Itata ioiii'si'iii.itiiii.
giving einh ststo mi (vpml vote with
even other, nml they cite tin- fin t tlmt
that IjritOBI Ims winked well for those
forty six years Tin' oilier side holds
Hint II Is only fillr 0 the metiiliel-.hlp
of tin' ornVr tlmt vnrtna atrenatli be
Imsiii mi tnerabarahlp In the itata
There iiio two or three counties In Now
..i' i io each of wlili h lins inoro
nipiiiiiois than n half dnaoa of Hip
western states combined, I'nt n itoto
v ill I 00(1 iiii'inlii'is, for liistmii e, lias
Ji.1 Li'iil rotlOJ stnniilli iis Sow
v w nil p'.". 000 niPtnttpn, Tho ns
till loll Hint ' ;l Voted lllX II III I 111' III
OOOlotl Pilled for si In representation
on nil quest I ill i I when ii roll
nil w in oiil.'ir.l. linn for membership
r. ,!. 'iiinilon Will tin' noil nation
ai meeting '"'no mi nearer MtlvUaf,
this rofj porploilnj iiroblonf
Oppose Centraliinjj of Power In New
Jersey' Do.ircl of education.
Tl,. Sow let ! si. i..' grange iiml
tin- Mbnrdln itf granges, iniiim on
their ". ii inoilon. If nrnteotlM
Munliisi whni tln' roll ii ntroll i
lion oi - iio.ii power in ihr iinnis of
Hip l. lio luiiiiil l.'i'iiii-iiil.nn i's of
ilfty triuik'i's mil tho data board of
1'ilin ntioii .imi stated iiio roaaoiH lor
tlli'lr pl'olost'ng Igalasl proposed in'
tton nf Hip lionnl Tho) believe III I'll'
principle of I ii- rule In Mil-. miMer
'fliry ulijo'l In Hip li'imrp of till' in I
under wiiiiii ipmi'Iii'is who limp bad
thrp pears of oiiiimio'i- aarvk'o pob
imt dp ii'ino imi oi 'i't for i:im-p Thojr
hold Hint under this ln ti-m hers bo
nmii' .'n' (rorj and n ntriM to ai dhv
trli'tM of i ho nnwofi thai MmuM rest
In i in-in Ttip) abai nl ii" tod to tha
exppnV.' in . i r. til bo Iimiiiu'iI lJ
Hip I'pipin 1'ioi-ni of I II. 1 1 hi " I ion
'I'Iipv I . Hot Mi H tl"' :" l l"' mis
hIioiiIiI id i.'i ulna In tlii pi Mi' i
Tin- ' ' -I thp
. itnpul i for 1 1-. 1 1 -1 it :i
i .i i in tha
trj 'i hi ki 'i iii 'i ii '" atmlbihod
'I'd i nhui boil Hi il on i.' nl Ii hi "ii lip
, . llll II Hi " s
1 i IP
I. ii, I
hnoi hiiibl ii iim
till' I o ii lot al II I. llll. I
a iii, nai 'i di t'-i i ii'ii nun i i'p
,. i 1 1 , i . J) . . .. .
IIIHIIV of I'l alliis arc innlli'ls nf
ww, ion lli i miiteiiil thai tin' Malo
board i i- i in Kottlim
Ibaaa lawa iMllHod iiealod 'I'liU
lM sill' I lo In' llli' 'i'-lll..ll of pl.nlli III
it ovary Miiimriitiiiiii' graaaja m tha
Wlut I Community Service?
At II livtinvi ionf, imi loilK
ajja tin' ini"iii"ii . is n-i.isi, inn Ii
your grauao dulna la tha Itaa of com
iiiuiiii.v ii-it i. i 'i tin- ibnoii or
moil' franinM rviiroaeiiiod not i roiild
ii...ft il.ilnc or hat m. duUO III) ill
i lot l lie oi'.
Wharu I", aliil. Si' .ini lln ii' 'Id
not Ki'i'ill to Is IUlhlDJJ tint nllld
.1.1 ai, . I oilii'i-. Ii a.l iiiioiuh lo tin iii
k i u I II ul i HI) I
i II Itul
nmflnaa ill lln aaTurta hi Inaurotrlaj it'
nninliriH r.'ii lltloli Iri'cr-i Ii p i'l' nth
l'l Ollltlili' II till'" in hoi lllllll iiik ,
km tiiiiii' iii abm Tin' sraaga lhal
sitiis its t'liiiinni'iiti boal torvoa
hiiil. mid (In- ikhI ill', .1 iIhiii' for nth
pn ri-in is it for Us nun good
Ak Hios,. tth.i baVO I'i'i lotiiiisl s.'ini'
Mltiiilsll.- ii'it i. p fur llll'll i IIIUH i ly '
If U not so
Public Sentiment Daveloped.
Tin National UraUg1 UoUtlll) la III
llioritt f.o I In- --t iti'ini'iil thai thO Ni'
HpjjblBd stales hate total grioaa)
Iiu'inlit'inhlp of in. a' than ISO.OUO ind
imid aoarij HMMO Mootlaci ovafj v''nt
It is in thooa mootlnaja. orbvro faruajfi
nat lust nhnt lint t ti I ii k. boat i i bib'
niaaauraa. thai public M'ulltuoBi I do
ti..insl Hint niak.'s Ibatll fe-lt al Hip
Hi.ppr limp iiml plan- iiiul so makes 1 1 1 1-
faruior u potent lnflupn for tMd ip;
Ultitiou in roiiuit and -lute
Quick Action.
riu'ii' Ih ii ' doubt ti'it a Iranlte
Slate irriBeTP bobia tha palm tor In
situik' thai tho K'aui.1' i ii .'. .v
in inlaitlon " At IBJ rate. It ilti-s
tha ' aaa of raw m lad) Jolaluj on
i bl ni'l al tin- I ' " t i 'At iiu'etnii:
tln.iiiiK' hi'iand Tho Biai SToraooi
wants it uni.ixooti. that ii. thai tha
r ran t u irantaa I u h qui k
action ai oi'. t a
Luke 11:37-54 Feb. 45.
"Me aol itrrrtvttl; iiml l iwt morktd." Oat
Unn 'J. 7.
HMOItOffT tha .Tpwiah MOai of
onr Iord'R dny we huvp pvpry
MM to believe that the
Pharlsooo oooatitatad tho one
most loynl to God Thp Sndilni'eeH pro
fpssed no fnlfh In u future life. They
were Infidels mid polltli'lHiia. The Ks
kpiiph were ii h mil 1 1 sect not mentioned
In fin- Hlhlp. n kind of HUhpr Crltlro.
of little fiiith mid confused by mixing
piiKiiulHni with .liidiiiHin.
The PhirtOOia werp What mlRht be
teiineil orthodox .lews. Their nainealg
ulfluH "holy pi-ople "
In todiiy'n Study HsTp T.
.leniis, not oi'iKoioft
to mention the oth
er mrtn, whlrh hnd
entirely departed
from find, nddli'ss
ei Hlmnplf to thp
I'lnirlsees, pointing
out wherein, with
all their lioiisted
holiness, they I'litue
fur hIioii of What
would in- scoptahto
to find
A I'liiirlupp Invlt-
A rharitrt InvU
Jimuh tn litnr.
isl .lesus to dllie nt his house .lesua
I paaaad In I snt down without the
forma Hani of u-hkIiIiik. coototaary to
the I'li.ll'lsees The host thoimht of
.leoas iim ii holy iiiiiu. Mini reiiiiuked
thai It wm- slianu'p thai 1 1- had not .leMis then polnti'il out Hint
iniii'h of tvluit pvpii tin- holli'st .Iowa
pr M tbwd was nieielv ri'ii'inoiiy, tint
true lelk'loii iliilwnrilly tha) were
rienn. imt Inwardly thotr booiti wata
llli'le.iti trltell to extortion spllltllill
wli keilness In lonl's slclll the llelirt
In lln, linlioltnlit nuiller The llislde of
Hie i up should III si lie I'li'.'ilisi'd.
I i. .in our lauds expressions. Ippar
inllt one of Hie I'liai'lsees' meat full-
iiiks was rovotuuaiioaa Aiioidlim to
tin. l,ii..l Ii as ciillisl than "nioney-
lovers " ini. a lio told thorn thai thlo
, .,.i iol. Iiess lei) thODI lllsholle-llt (O
dlareaard ntbora' rurbti Bo said. "Y
ilotolir willows' houses." iiipiiiiIiiu tlmt
(hoy took adranlaaa of wtfhrara to m
J '.i llielli -I'll I p
i. roiitl) man) Chariaaaa arora rtah.
lesus poUltod "in thnt with sue
wninii hi'itrt I'oii'liiioiis Hod "iMiiil no'.
I. p , ,.,. ,'ten llionull tlie.t et er no
enreflilly oli-eiteil I he nillwalil H''U
lntlulis or the .Ii tt i-li Law Whllptlipy
wiie i i rili ul. ii lo till ten Hip small
aood ot whkii lb) aiaw bid i trldlai
piaiitlt.t. tn Diet iipcIis'IiiI tin- weight
ier ir ill. is of lln Law -to deal Justly
mid to lot e input
A Pharneo Invitee Jeeua to Oina.
Tiieir rot imnoaa tooh tho form of
pride, lis well as illslloiieHtx l'lio
waiiti'd In P.- t ,i t iroinllient In thlnua
relltlo'is iiml In Iip Imllisl as "UiiliM"
lllilslel' leal in il 'HIP .leOls llii I.I li-d
that Hi"t were HI-'' sepnli hres. nut
arordl) aan id n hltowaaln d Imi
Inwanll) full nl iiirrwialoa Tho
arora ladlnoaii inoiie u ii In the
out w aid foi in or i ei eiooin il
S ot lllO I'll nl e oeeatli eil
! tt.'ll tel- I III III-' i l
Ul.e ,, i.i. i . - ill I In-
JIW. eiillt ali-lll of Willi are
termed I mi tois of I'Kiiilt.t .lesim
nplui Hii'iii Myliiu Ih 11 ft a)
I urlel mis l.tinleiis u i- on n
mi. n i.i I 'i Hi.'t tin- M
I ii. a IhM I He lliealil llial tlir)
Hate alll'll bard interpretations of
Hods .a as dlsi'oiirauiil Hie poopl
h ' He in s' indanla id pof
fOCt bill whl.h Ihe.t IhelliselVeH did liol
try lo lite nil to A'ialeiil It t he t
aria I In lmiroan tho noordo with Hn-
si tut nf tho flora) Tho) hunt aap
ul s for the I'lnpliel- forgetful that
llit'lf falheis. whose silri they had.
were Hip inn--, tt hn Killed those I'roptleta
Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Waal
We are u.'l to think ot JoMM M Mh
lloUIUlHI the I'liailsis's In elernal tor
iiieiil or as iiiiiioaliiiK tliil this would
In Hie woe lominu upon llielli The
wee nrao Hint iho PhaHoaaa arafv
.iIhuii in miss Hie I'l'ssinu wkl. h
II. i.i II III ioinlseil Islae. i lllef .is-n
III I loll lli Messi,lis Kllindoni .lien
Is i 1 1 a.l llieie Lien eiiiiuuh Is
laiiiies Indoad" i" i'oio.ieU' UwTo (ota
oliliiliieil Lli" I the KlBfdtHU oflVi
tt i.'ild imt Ii v . . Ill Hie i' lit
I he I'M. II i us eie in the iuo( fil
tuiiii i.i'i toi iitalalaj Jolnt-boli
ship Willi Messiah, lull t li- NCagBtOad
iinl what Hut were losing .Ipsiu' ex "Wiie oiiM ton," is tharafora
lo he le.aili I st inp.ilhi'lii'ally. Ills
iboUlhl is I'oiue out by Hie touti-xt.
win, Ii foretells the ureal time itf Irou
Lie (UM
Upon Israel Ht Je
a u ' iTuelrixluu
and rt'iii'lnsl i-oin
plotloa lu A l.
7i. in the total do
ktruttion of that
1'ity mid polity.
Aa I e S II s ill'
rtarad. that tvaa
tile whs a ett 1 1
nii'iit of Jehovah's
a 0 o o u ii t for all
rtfhtooua blood
for w hi h uo ex
piation bad boon
1 . si ! I is,
NuMil '
made Little did Hi. we HiarUeet. know
that tliPli 'li poi list hindered from prep
iir Hon for a iliii-e in alOOltah'O King
.! I'i'tli the uselt es mid (he people,
ivteix t this satiiiu. "V' have
ti i away Hie ket of knowUslUP"
Itllih- BtUuVuta tery nenoially In-lli-i-
that the (rout, e whnh cltwed tho
lewlsh je i'1' thp Tune of Trim
Mo whi. Ii Will .lose lliia t!iiHH'l Ajp
and brtnn woe ui'.'ii uiiuy model ii
PharhMoa u wall u ttibulattaa upon
all etil doers II a prelude to tin- Mea
s nil. lie U ''' UIlM
d -
Assessment for Sewer Lateral No. I .
I, D. V Daarbora, the duly appoint
ed, quallfli'd find acting Commlsaloner
appointed by tho City Council of the
City of Ontario to r.pportlon the cost
of the sewer Improvement ordained by
ordinonce No. 24a between the differ
ent pieces of property bonefltted by
said improvement, the same beinn
Lateral Sewer District No 1, do
hereby certify that the following as
sessment roll has been prepared by
me, and that the same correctly
showa the names of the
same correctly shows the names of the
owners, no far as known, the descrip
tion of tho different iteces of prooerty
asspsHed, and the MMVHt of benefit as
sessed to each of the said different
pieces of property; that said assess
ment mil rapraaaotl a careful and
equitable apportionment of the entire
cost of such Improvement against tne
different pieces of property assessed,
as hereinafter shown.
Dated this 17th day of January, A.JD.
Filed Jan. 17, 1914
City Recorder. J
Fred J, Palmar, lots 1 to 0 inclusive,
block 188, A 111.72.
W K. Human, lots 7 and block 12H.
17 M,
Mrs. Con Rvnn, lots '.i ami 10, block
128 tIT'JI.
Prank Bannatt, lots 11, U and It,
liloek 12s 70.H,
Jaaob Priming, lots UtotO Incluatvo,
block r.:s pi...2t;
Marv l.oiev. lots 1 to .1 inclusive,
block 119 1118 10.
J. W. Met ulloi'b. lots il to lo, block
li". lln. 10.
f. ii stiiples, eitata, lots ll to I '.
block IN $11 l"
(initio- AHiertnii, lots 0 to ''u ini-lu
ilvt . block 12)1 HH. in.
Illackiibv & I s, lots I lo lu Iticlu-
Iva, block ISO 1286.60.
C E Bokllna, lot 1 1 to 2o inclusive,
block ISO s'.' May Moriitt. nil of fractional,
blocl i i -'-:..''.'.
Joiophina Iroton, lots l toSlnclualva,
137 flKlO
t buries R Kmisnn. lots ii lo 1 ' inclu
iva. block 187 ll.lo.
J Blackaby, lots 11 to IB ineluaive,
block 187 1118.10,
llarrt B. Criuu I, lotild nnd 17. block
III. 14, 21.
T II iiml Kate Finer, lots Is in and
20, block Ll. " NH,
Jiiines A Linkiy. lots 1 to lu unil 16
to VHncluaivo. block UH 1854.80,
Adilie M laiiki v. mis 11 to l'i inclu
iva block i:i- ll lo
.loseph I' Sehiill lots 1 to ., block 2jU
ll. 80.
Anna M lliuld, lota 0 7 and . block l.Ti
i r,s
Ooorn '.n ilerhoof lots H and 10, IdiM-k
III 4. 12.
William It.iver Iota 11 to 1 inclliMte,
block tan in; si i
I) (i Kailpy lota 10 17 and 18, block
ISti 1701
William T Bandar lots lUaadSO, bloch
Ufa .; .1 '.
.1 K lllai'kiibt , all of frai'tioinil, bliK'k
no 122 .1
Fni-li mi. listed paraon and propprty
owner ia hereby notilled that tha ig
uiti'iite amount of -mil aaaaaami nl for
s.ini iinpii'M iiietit and earli individual
t will be piiyable in th.rly ".0)
.liss iftoi tha data of eooflrmatlon
oi , . ti,, cit) i 'ouncil, raid t "U-
tii ttuit i..ii boing dated February 2, 1"14,
ainlaltei t lie epir,it inn of MM thlrt)
(Mil days, -'.aid IIBOOamant Will bear m
I, i. t at the rate nl elK'Ilt per .'ent por
annum ami will he payibla and enforce-
respect! H ordinal) city
Buch intaraatad paraonaor property
owners Hie further notified that if the
amount Of Mich assessment assessed
aaainatany individual prapart owner,
shall t-iiuaf or exceed tha maiol twont)
lite dollar. s, such property owner mat .
at any tune within ten days from the
data of this notice, tile with the city
recorder an application 0 pay such as
sessments in installments, said install
ments payable yearly for ten years
with interest at six per cent
Saul application must be made upon
the written form iirov nled for that pur-
i.i-e, which mas be secured by applying
to the Cit? Kecordai
Halt I .Hi da of Kehruiirt A.
1 . I
i.t ordei of the City Council
Citv Recorder.
Applications for Grait IVrmit
Notu-p is heiliey aivt-u that all ap
plloatlona fir paraalta togra. eaattli
horses and sheep within the Malta in
Natioual I'niesta liurlug the season "t
1014, oiusi le tiled in uv ottlee at
.Iiiiiu Day. Oieyon. on or Ixfnie
hVlu'iiui'v IS, 1114. Full iiiformatiou
hi regard to the greiug tees to be
ebargad aud tilauk forms to be used
iu uiakiug application will be fur
uishfl ii on request.
t'y. J. Hingbaui, Supervisor.
Loidl Mdrkfl Keport.
I'.uiecled OOt, 1"', for tb beuetlt
of Argua readers by tbe Malbeur Mer
caiitilf I'ompauv.
Eggs, per ilni n Hoc
Hotter, per pouuJ, 25o.
Oats, per hundred. 11.50
Wheat, per hundred, ll.T.'i.
Hay. per ton, IV
Potatoes, per hundred, 1 U0
Oulous, per huudred. f'J 00
Apples, per box, ILOOi toll."0
Cblckeua, ill eased, per pouud,18c
l'ork, dres.eil, I l to 9 : C.
Pork, live, 6"0 to 7
Veal, I a 10o
Heel lie to Itf
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilon Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
J W McCulloch R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch, wood & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Ptl H AlllllKT ISAM
Mil. I'Al'I.INK Nl-.UIS
rinl mi ten American School o( Os
teopathy. Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 184 Iiik.
office in I. t). O. F. Bldg..
Ontaiiio. - . - Oreqon
Will Practice in all Courts
N'ltarv Public, Mliee over l'ost'illne
rulM Y
Rob t 0'deil, Ontario
Bro ii. V'ala,
(' '. Morton, Old'i I eirv
N. 0. White, Weiser Hrilg-.
J. E, Holly. Riven iew
Ala Heiinv. Jordan valley,
Joe Baiikotrer, McPertuitt
J Ibitilell N i
W IL Mi'Williain-. Jimturn
Will Kille, Hnrpei
i iiiultiittf fil M is.,.iui Amtioii
Sclioiil. Phoilt in Willi' inr
l.iii -
I'hone 201-n I Ontario, Ore.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention (iiven
All o nl. T-.
Huuday School- 10 A M
Preaobing Service 11AM
Junior League I P M
l'lorlli League 0 :.'I0 P M
Preaching Service 7.1:0 P M
Ibomas .Inline. PASTOP.
(ongregdtiondl Church Notice
Suuday Services.
Suinley School 10 a m
Ptaaahlaa lavvlaaa ii
0 K Meeting 7 p in
Preaching BaffVtOat M P '"
Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock
Philip Koeuig, Pastor.
Mass at s A M on 1st and tfd Sunday
of each inontb. On all other Sundays
at 10 AM.
tl. A. t'aniio, Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Davidson D D Pas
tor. Servioee at 11 :00 a ni aud 7 :30
p in Sablath scbool at 10:00 a m
Kverv Saturday
Sabbatb School -10:30 a in
Bible Study 11 lM a m
Touug pei pies llietitlug 1 M P m
Alvsdys on the Job
It you have a job of hauling you
want done, large or small, you can
alwavs il-i't-u.l on John liudiugbaui
being ready for you. Call him at the
Moore Hotel.
Al 1 1
IMPRESS on the young man who is burning the candle at both endi
and who is spending his big salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today.
If he is not hopeless he at once will sec the error of his ways. The open
ing of a bank account has put a ste: to many a youth's wild desire to be
The Ontario
eei s niperior man in you when von tart each day with the iim of
brain-clearing, buoyancy induing modern plumbing eitiipmrnt.
The indicating mark and ever ptrirni
a. -i oinpaniment of i ii ili.ition it the incieaned
regard for convenient bathing facilities.
Von know llat a "Standard" Modern
bathroom el mir installation ii proper equipment
for the man who value, I. mm If.
2 hour Pa at
Cintar iu l urnllurr (V
I V J. r w At
Means Not Only Time But Money.
l)u (iu tvar fiiiisitii'r how long it ttkai to tttvni thd dtstonoi
fi'um your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you lava iy tiU'iihoninK? It your time is worth anything; you
cannot uil'onl to bo without a Talaphona.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
I.din Service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregou Wasb Ltd frtft a m
No. Ifl lluntlugtou Pass b.tOem
o. 9 Fast Mail 6:15 p m
No 77 Huntington I'ass fill p tn
No. B Oregou Witeh l.te llM in
East bound
No. 18 Oregon Wush Ltd 2:Mnn
No. 76 Hoist paasenger IsM a in
No. tl Fast Mail 1 1 :.'T a
No. 7H lliibt- 'hbs iikd-r I :."i(J p oi
No. IU Oregon Wash K press 1:40 p m
Mulbeiir 'allc UimucIi
Tbe Villa tram letirea Vale daily at
Hn ui. arriving lu Ontario at b:10.
Keturoiug will leave, except Suudny,
at 10 a. ui , arriving at Vile at 10 :40,
leaving (or Brogan at 10 50, arrlv
mg tbete 11 :.''.'. returning will leave
Hi mui at l'i 30. airive at Vale 1 :30.
Leave Vale at i .'io. arriving at On
tario at I'M, aud returu to Vale
at i p. m. Ou Suudny tbe train will
come to Ootario iu tbe moroiog nod
return at 7 p. u, . making tne run to
lluuiedale on that day mstea.1 ot
Tbe Juntura tram will leave Outa
rio Mouday. Wednesday and Suturday
at 7 a. m , returning at 0 p. in .
reacbiog Juntura at 12:05 aud leav
ing at 1 p in.
Transfer. Btiggaye and
Meet All Trains
National Bank
t ;
,-,'.. r
j 1
-; 1 ia n ,i
jgAJk tL.
For Sale
Short distsnee from Ontario, tK)
acres of the very beat of land,
with first class water right, 1
aeres in high state of cultivation.
Will take 50 an acre for tract.
I'u-t trade. Address
Postotfice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
--"sJbW JlsaVaa. T sal
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Wklskiy the 8EST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Ciood brands, bv
L. B. TETER. Wholesaler