ONTARIO- EASTERN OREGON Wm $uUti The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVII ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1914. NO. 7 The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of W mm. VICTIMS OF MEXICAN BANDIT ARE BURNED Fifty or More Passengers and Crew Believed to Have Perished in Tunnel. Cumbre, Mexico Nothing but char red bone and buttons were found by the rescuing party which, by the aid of oxygen helmets and pulmoters, sue ceeded In penetrating- the Cumbre tun nel from the south portal ns far na llM locomotive and first two cars of the passenger train. They were probably killed when the engine of the passen ger train crashed Into the burning freight train, which had been pushed Into the tunnel by Castillo's bandits several hours before. It Is now believed that every one of the 60 or more passengers and the crew aboard tho train when It dashed Into the tunnel are dead. Hallroad men are furloua at Castll lo's act. Last week 22 of his men wen captured and executed by the rebels and the next day. apparently In re vengn. he captured the freight train, ran It Into the aouth end of the tunnel about 300 feet and there aet fire to It. Castillo's failure to aend back warn tng of hla act la regarded as the most cruel and murderous act of his career of outlawry and there la a disposition here to criticise General Francisco Villa for not having crushed him long go. CELIL0 CANAL NEAR8 FINISH Big Bint Removes Last Obstruction to Flew of Water. The Dalles. Or. About 80 per cm of the work or. The Dalles Celllo cannl wu completed when 10,600 pounds ol powder were exploded by the preaalng of an electric button. The last ob atructlon to water flowing from end to end was blown out. The completion of this Impertuui Improvement will give a large portion of the Inland Empire the benefit ol water transportation. !( will open Ic ni.Miiitiu.il nuvigutlon the Coluuihln river from Priest Itaplds to the sea, u distance of about 400 miles, and dur Ing the greater portion of the year th Snake river from l.ewlston to the aea a distance of about 466 miles. May Sue Rockefeller for Taxes Cleveland, Ohio County Attorney I.orher received Instructions from At torney General llogan to sue John I) Hockefeller for his personal taxes The Cuyahogu count) authorities hai estimated approximately f U'.OOO.oOf was due them. AMERICAN-JAPANESE RELATIONS IMPROVED Washington. Notable Improvement In the relations between the United States and Japan Is believed to havi resulted from the events In the hous of representatives last week connect ed with tin' passage of the Hurnett im migration bill id-pint from Tokic are to the effect that a profound im presslou was caused In the Japaues capital, not only by the refusal of tin house to Include In the bill the pro posed prohibition against the entry ol .laii.inet.i- into the United States, but eveu more by the non partlsun appeal of Representative Mann. The Japunese statesmen are declar ed to have lit rn much pleased, by tin house's reception i (lie appeal for fait treatment of aliens ami for abstention from legislative Interference with tin executive department in Its efforts t urflve at a settlement of the open Is sue between the' two countries. Rabiss Reported in Baksr County. Baker Keports of rabies Infected dogs have been received in Uuker and county health officials are taking steps to advise the populace on how best to escape infection, and on what to do if Infected. It is believed that the disease is spread by coyote! oc the range. Gold Strike Made. Canyon City The gold strike re ported on Canyon mountain several days ago has beeu followed up by three other discoveries. Miners here say that it now has the appearance of ledge mailer The ground is the same that Dan O Shea took a :'5u0 pocket from last summer INCOME TAX NAN CALLS ON THE ONTARIO MILLIONAIRES .1. mies B. Godfrey, Internal revenue agent for the Income tax, was here this week oheoking tip tn eee who are going to pay an income tax. All those who have had an income in ex ceeds of 12500 from March to Decem ber will have to report. This virtual ly means for n man and his wife a there is hut one exemption for family anil is iiriiinililv arranged to hpitd off the men who might want to place , iiinm of their property in the name of their wife. Mr. Godfrey states that there are a number of men In this county who will bave to pay end the law it suoh that it Is advisable for all who are ml. j. it to this tax to report as the penalties are quite heavy end the gov errnment has accese to ell hoiks when tracing the incomes of Individuals. It does not make aoy difference where your property la located and there are do exemptions for living ex pense. Mr. Godfrey located about twenty persons here who are subject to this tax and If they do not report the penalty will be Imposed. SALOONKEEPERS SUE OREGON GOVERNOR linker. Or. Suit for an aggregate of 18000 1 1 mm been brought against Gov ernor West, Colonel 11. K. Lawson and Sergeant Waltou, mllltla offlcera, by the saloonkeepers of Copperfleld on a complaint charging wrongful, mall clous and unlawful conflacatlon of property, consisting of wines aud II quors. Governor West Is made a Joint de fendant with the two offlcera In the action and, If Judgment Is obtained, each, all or any one of the defendants will be liable to the amount of the Judgment The complaints set forth that the plaintiffs were engaged in the saloon business mi Copperfleld under licenses duly Is iii-d by the town of Copper field and by the United States and that they were In lawful possession ol the business and the property at the time It was forcibly taken from them, by force of arms and sent all out ol the town of Copperfleld. GENERAL PANCH0 VILLA A new portrait of General Pancho Villa, leader of the rebel army In Northern Mexico. Round Up Buckaroo Killed. John Day In a drunken row Vel son Pope, 18 years old, son of a well known pioneer, shot and killed Jim Green, a half breed Indian The shoot lug occurred at (lie Pope rauch, a few miles out of John Day. Green was employed at the Pop r.im to break vvilil horses, and on hit return from a trip to John Day he took a (uantity of intoxicating liquor with him. Green was noted for his prowess at a buckaroo, and was a star performet at the Pendleton Round Up last year He Is survived by a wife and a child about one year old M . m m Bf$ - j l Bar BBMaW '''' '' if lit 1 aeBBsaBBflv WW MF bsbbstJ f - &j Commercial Club Annual Meeting Officers Are Elected and Many Other Important Mat ters Are Handled In Judicial Manner The annual meeting of the Commer cial club was held Wednesday veu iug nod a new set of officers elerteii The minutes ol the previous meet tng held about n year ago were read and approved. The president, Mr. Doolittle, theo called on Mayor Phillips of Nyssa, who addressed the club and naked the endorsement of the Owyhee irriga tion proposition by the olab and on motion this wu done and com mittee named to draft resolutions and forward them to the Irrigation board and the senators and congreesmen from Oregon. The officers were also instructed to notify the delegates to the Irrigation oongreaa at Portland to have the matter brought up there ami endorsed. A telegram waa read from K. A. Krascr, who Is in Boise, Hinting that the Boise club would endorse the proposition It Ontario did ami the .tl. cere were Instructed to notify Secretary Ohilde of the Boise club of the action of the Ootario club Mr. Blodgett, of Owyhee, was called on and asked for the eudorssment ot Mr. W ade. of bis section for the posi tiuii of county farm expert. Mr. Kingman was culled on but had little to say us Wade Is bis son in law Oo motion Mr. Wade was endorsed uud the secretary ordered to notify the county court sod Mr. French of the Agricultural college The secretary was cnllsd on for his report, which wm read show Ing the club bed paid out about 8000 an. I was out ot dsbt. The newly elected officers are Jamea Lackey, president; K C. Van Petteo. vice president; II. B. Grauel. secretary treasurer. For directors. H. C Move.. J. K. Blackaby, W. U. Hattderaon, M. K. Newton, W. li. Doolittle. H. P. Taylor .and A L. Cockrum. The matter of a ladies' auxiliary was discussed and the president iu I r in teil to lake net lull Oil the mat ter. A vote of thanks was glveu Preal I. ot Doolittle for the able manner in which he baa mauageil the affairs ot tbe club during the pest year. Mr. Ulodgett thanked tbe club for tbe endorsement of Mr. Wade. Mr Kliumau tbauksd the cluh on beiialf of the Pomona grange for tbe Woman Keeps Long Vigil By Body. I.oh Angeles Without having made connected statement of any kind, Miss Nanette Warren, who was found In her apartment alter keeping a lone vigil of L't) days over the body of her sister, Miss Mary Warren, was placed in the Insane ward of the county hos pitul It was learned that she was the daughter of a t. inner pioneer bus! uess man and munufucturer of Toledo, ti and that she was heiress to a for tune of $500,000 Two Marysville Defendants Convlctsd Marysville, Cal . Hichurd ("Black le' i Ford anil II I) Suhr were found guilty of murder in the second degree, for the killing nl District Attorney F, T M.inwell g' Wheatland in the hop field not Insi vugiist William Hers and Harry Hug. in, ihe utber two do fenduiits, van hi quitted. Wages Higher on Canal. Punaiiiii i clone! Goethals, on re ceipi of notification that I'rt siileti. Wilson had signed un executive gfsji i fixing the eonaiiioiis of employ bbsjbI In the permanent canal organization, began arranging the wage scale, wlm I will be :'.". per cent higher than in tin United States for similar work. Banker's Shortage Is Now Million. Memphis, Tenn. With the dlscov ery that of $5.7.S67 listed aa actual cast, on hand lien the bank . Its doors, $41' i mi was represented hv personal ekeckl ol IBS pit i-nlcnt. C Hunter Uaii.-, now imprisoned. Basra, ed ..i'Ii embezzlement, the amount 01 the pparent discrepancy In the ac counts of '.he Mercantile Hank advauc ei! t' liloi - than $1,000,. Jho The i-iari amount ill not be known until the audit Is completed financing of the corn contest to be held this full. Mr. Grelg suggested to Mr. King men that tbe granges urge their mem l.ers to start In now und arrange for exhibits for the fair to be held this fall. This Is tbe time of year to start tbe work. Mm mot Inn I l.e oHlnurs sum ill atruoted to ask the county court to appoint a man as registrar who would beve an office In the tatty ball, where tbe books would be kept and be avail ble at nil times. Prof. Bailey and 0. W. Piatt were appoloted to audit the books of the secretary treasurer. The furniture oommlttee appointed some time ago to secure furniture for the rooms, was called oo, but none of tbe members were present. It is generally understood that tbe ftirol tore has been ordered and will be in stalled some time this year. COLONEL THATCHER GREATLY ENCOURAGED Finds a Feasible Route to Boise and Idaho People Enthusiastic. ' The location of a route for the Washington highway from Ontario to Boise Is proving more suciiessful than drat anticipated and Mr. Thatcher has secured a route nearer than It was supposed could be found. This Is extremely euoouragtng for Ontario in .1 Brogau ami will inspire tbe entire citizenship to boost with greatest eu thuslasm. Tbs Idaho campaign has opened In a most eiiooiirsglng manner. Many of the best oltizsus are ouly too glad to join hands with Ontario Iu seour lug the great Washington hlghuy. Mr. Thatcher spent Huuday at the home of tbe speaker of the bouse of representatives. We will have Hon. O. B. trench, the speaker of the Idsbo legislature with us iu i int. ii lo (Saturday, Kebiuiay 14. to express bis views on this greut public utility enterprise. A gieat highway aoroes tbe coutl nent that meuus millions for tbls section to i constructed by the gov eminent. Is without doubt, a pearl of tare price. We have beeu ioug pray ing for the hour of deliverance from the mud aud bumpy roads reigu and now is our chauce for freedom. Kveryoue Is oomiug to Ontario "u Saturday, Feb. 14 to celebrate. Come neighbor and bring your family aud show your appreciation by boost ing for tbe Wasliiotgoii highway. Come ami foil the auti gloom army workiug for progress aud the enricu mei t of tbe Knake river fruit belt. be a good spurt aud come out Cab iiiary 14 and help celebrate you will leel happier aud more self respecting sii.l tbis la at least worth sometbiug Ml men like to be called great ami it certainly is a heroir feat lo get out of tho old rut. A great fuu feast will be served nloug with wisdom feaat ami youth restorative. Come early so that we oau place your name In the pot l.sdits are enthusiastic for tbls govurumeut cou strooted roadway. It surely is high i line that the men were getting abour.l tiie baud wagon. We need yuu to cheerfor the paradise that good roads and the Washluguu highway Mil create. Yours for Success. Chas W. Thatchei To Prison For Fourth Tims. 1'enill' ion Four times a convict is the record held by Bert Plxier, found guilty In the circuit court of the theft of four cattle The crime for which he has just been found guilty was com muted within in days after he return ed from tbe state prison He was sen t .. . 'I to s.-rv e In ears MUCH WANTED CRIMINALS ARE CAUGHT IN ARIZONA Sheriff Kiohardson, of Harney county, and Robert Odell, marshal of Ontario, returned Friday morning from a two week's trip to Arizona, whore they arrested Kruest Ksniond aud Put Mussel I. Kussell Is wanted at Drewsey for passing bad checks seven years ago and also in Nevada and Culifornln for stealing horses anil saddles. Osmond is wanted in llnrnney county for stealing seven horses and a mule from tbe P. L. H. Co., seven years ago ami for crimea In ..Hi. i states. I.'if-Hfll has been shot through the neck and through oue heel, while ee csplng from i. Hirers and is known by different names In different localities, being known as F. D. Kent at Urowsey. These men have not committeed any crime beyond petty larceny while in Arizonn, but disappeared for sever al months each year during which time they are supposed to bnve been making raids. When Ksmond stole tbe horses be was followed Into Nevada by Frank Mortlt. then deputy shsrlff and two horses reonvered. Sheriff Richardson and Marshal Odell ure tireless when after criminals and have a knack of always getting the men they go alter, no mntter how long tho chase. BUT LITTLE DROP IN PRICE OE WOOL JS LOOKED FOR John Johnson, tbe wool buyer from Boise, was here Friday looking over the situation, lie auys be does out expect to see much change In tbe prloe ot wool tbla year, probably about twenty live per cent reduotlou over what wae paid last year. There Is no great surplus Iu tba world and the market cannot go to pieces aa some predicted. While the wools are clean ed out of tbe local warehouses there is still some in tbe storage ware house. The sheep are wintering well suil tbe grade of wool should be good. Cooperstlvs Store Burns. Redmoud Fire swept the plunt of the Farmers' Cooperative Warehouse compuny here, doing damage estlmnt ml to be In excess of l ." Insur ance will cover about $H000 of tbla loss, but valuable contents of tbe structure were unprotected. DR. HOWARD A. KELLEY Or. Howard A. Kelley, the Baltimore physician who is an authority on the radium trsafment of cancsr. SUITS WILL NOT BE DELAYED Attorney General McReynolds Advisss Governor West Decision Is Final. Sali in Announcing iliut tin- .1. . . sloti lo separate the Southern Pacifli and Central Pacific railway lines war final, Attorney (ieucial M Hey uold lelegraplied (joveruor West lliat Un institution of suits rould not be il Ihyed tur further hearings The At tOTM iji i. ial said thai a curelul in vesligation bad lit en mude and that I lie consolidation of the system was clearly in violation of the aim trust act. This means il.at the business Iu terests of the slate will not have an opportunity lo make protest through beat lugs 1.1 .-' Jk ' 'm jSHsa CORN CULTURE THE TOPIC ATGRANGEHALL Plans For Corn Contest Are Outlined Prof. Petrie Gives Good Talk Corn was the keynote of n meeting held at the Ornuge hall on the Boulevard Inst Saturday evening, with I). C. Petrie, of theOntiuio high school giving a lecture mi oorn culture in the main hull, while Mils Juue (irey. also of tbe Ontario high school, mnde corn fritters end guve un sddress on the values of the various foods products, demonstrating both In theory and prctice in tbe realm of domestic science. Master Conklln, of the grange, out lined tbe plans of the corn oontsst to he bcld tbls summer and a number of the tanners present spoke of their personal experiences in this region In raising corn over a considerable period of yeuia. For tbe men tbe main attraction of tba cveniug waa the address glvsn by Mr. Patrls, who explained In detail ths methods employed In tbe most modern agricultural departments ot testing oorn for gsrminution. By soleutlBomethods the uvcravte pro duction of corn has been great I v in creased without any additional labor cost, making the service a net gain for the farmers who have employed these mstbods. The lecture was much up prsoiated by the farmers, as it not only solved many of their problems, but gave them a clearer Idea of whut the schools are doing In a practical way for tbe pupils in directing them along scientific lines in farming. In the kitchen Miss Orey gave a most eatertnluiug and instructive addreaa ou Ihe cooteuts ami valuss of tbe vsrlous kinds of food snd si tbe ssms tlms demonstrate, i the practical work of the school by preparing a luoobeon for those present, a tusk of uo meau proportions when one const deis that there were about I no iu at tendance. In outlining tbs plans for tbe corn contest Mr. Conklln auiiouuced Hist tbs details would soon be rsudy for tne publlo ..n. I tint ulready there were a auffloisnt number who had sign i tl.-. I their mi.. nt un, of entering the . iiut-st to Insure Its suci E. R. SLAGLE OE CHICAGO A VISITOR HERE LAST WEEK I. I: Slagle, Who Is manager of ths construction de m tmsnt of the Pullman Car Co., was here last week visiting with his sister, Mrs. Mi-Brut-uey uud his brother, Hubert, who reuie over from lewistun, making in.ie a family leuuiuu. Mr. Slagle says his oompauy has all the work they cau do lor the uexl two uud a halt years, most of it tsslog due to the orileiu of ii,,. Interstate Commerce coinintslsou reiuring steel cars. J'hey are workiug 14,001) men. Mr. Slagle slated that the geueral Impression iu his section was that the Kepiihlicuu party was a thing ot the past ami that Mr. ICooseveit would be nominated ami t-lci ted president at the next elect i..ii Up to the present the people arc satlslled with the mult of the Democrats, but uow that the party planks have beeu worked over and new measures are to In In ought up it is expected that aiillloluiit mis takes will be made to cause a change in administration. It is thought it will require most of this year to get business accustomed to the change iu tat iff and banking laws. NEW PLYMOUTH CHEESE FACTORY ISSUES REPORT Following is the annual report of the N'tvv Plymouth cheese factoi y . Amount of milk received during year. ,6T36IH pounds, cheese made, 164, Of I pounds, Miles for the year amount to IS4ttQt.4ft. luvoice of the cheese on band shows that there is a0Ml.il worth of cheese iu ex cess of lust year's excess. The total value of cheese made this year amounted to 1,140.01.