-BROOKLYN PEFtNACL W-BIBLSTUDY'ON tr WHO MAY PRAY AND FOR WHAT? Luke 11:1-13 Feb. 1. "A'l.. nnd II sli'itt ' - 1 1 r n tnu; wlt, oifl ye sAulf flm!.' nr. nnil it thall bt ukiwI untn ioii." l.ukc 11 u. J 'ESCI iimmIIv iinivi'd :ilono. On SlUIII' (H'CllsiollN ill' SKTlt tin; entire night In prnyer to C i 1 . Ilnvv Inconsistent thnt WOttld llll VI' lii'i'ii If Up Himself were the Pn- flier. Wbo fur I time wild with men mill nutwnnlly tpptfW ns "the Mnn Christ .fi'stis": lint how consistent It In with UN own declnriitlon: "My Fa ther Is uri'.'iter Hum I"! I nullities, the disciples noted the Master's frequency in prnyer nnil the TilfMslntix resulting therefrom. In lime they rcitiestod Instruction. saying. "Loril. teni'h iir to pray!" It In well t h n t we Inquire who mny prny nnl for whnt. lent wc iirny without au thority or prny nnils. tin St. Jnines eleclures some ilo Iniue 'I :t There Is n differ MCt between Wnr nhlp mid pni.ver. Any one mny offer Inituiigc t the Lord ir express iippreel lltlon Hut the priv ilege of iiiiikliu: if Jtmit I twilly I'ruu lit Alnne Uests Is limited. The .lews were irh lleired to prny. liocniiso they were in eoveiuiiit rehitloiiNhlp with Ood un der the l.nw Coveiinnt. Hut the (Jen tiles hud no MM privilege until the .lewlsh fnvor li.nl enileil-three nnil a tin If yenrs nfter Jesus' crucifixion. While imy one mny worship, none lire privileged to prny except Jesus' j ronsecrnttsl followers nnd their Itiiiuii- ' ture children Kverywhere Jesus" I words, "Our Knther." will be mlaln i terpreted to signify "the fntherhoiMl I if (3im1 nnd the hrottierhooil of mnn " ' The fnrt thnt consecrntisl disciples, not ! iniiiikltul In Kciiernl. wore Instructed to I firny "Our Put her" will he Irnored Copyright, I US, by flit .'..ri.ini.t r.,. rTw-f r E ,iiJai pWf I ft i SUPERB STATUARY FOR PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION. SAN FRANCISCO. 1915. TUN Illustration alioe BaMWf I of the colossal work of ariilp ture to lie set In I lie vast curls ,,f the l'n nama I'm.IM.- lulein.i liolinl i:.osili,in m Sun I run. Is... In 1018 ,e left nre fig- or a iin.iin I mini ami an li group Villon, ot the Kiisi.'- M.i the Ar.h ,.( the Klslug Sun In the Cowl Bl the Sun an. I Sluis, nel is "Suiishliii' ." .1 n.l at the right Is "Itum " A .l.o :;,'!', I lino I 'I. .li 1 llll anil A SIM lluu l 11 1. lei are the sculptors. atW if r 2.0 Lf i '. 1 kiit, t ' (lit- I. hi. no. 1 I'.e.tt.' initi ni' iioi ..1 Bspuaitloa Co. "NATIONS OF THE EAST" AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC IN TERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. SAN FRANCISCO. 1915. T ills suerh group - I w t :. ! I . SUI ! -I Hie I ol iiie 1 Jesue Usually Prayed Alona. There Is n general tendency to Ignora personal faith In the redeeming blood the fnct flint no man cometh unto the Father but by the Son. (John 14:fU Adatfl was crenteil n son of Ood. hut his disobedience nnd denth sentence cniicelled the relationship, which enn not he restored except In (tod's ap pointed way through Christ. I'rnyer Is n wonderful privilege. It Is not for sinners, but for those Justified by the Advocnte whom the Father has ap pointedJesus. "Aftar This Manner Pray Ye." The model prnyer which Jesus gnve Ills disciples Is grandly simple. It opens with a reverent acknowledgment of the greatness nnd snrnslness of the Henvenly Fnthcr's nnme. or character. The petition. "Thy Kingdom come." is nn acknowledgment of fnlth In (lod's promise that event unUa- Ills Kingdom will be established on enrth. and nn expression of the suppliant's henrt sympnthy with (Jod nnd righteousness "Thy will be done on enrth. us it Is done In Heaven." signifies full confi dence thnt Siitnn will be bound; that the reign of Sin nnd lienth will end; that the knowledge of (Jod's glory will fill tl nrth and that all wilful op posers will be destroyed. The reinet for dully brend Implies our renlinlloii thnt our snstennnce. both temporal nn.l spiritual, must come from (5od. The failure to specify the kind of food Implies full resignation to I i . llie providence. When the justilled pray, "Forgive us our trespasses." they do not refer to original sin; for they were freed from It In Justification. Trespasses slg nlfy those unliiteiitlonnl linierfeetion which appertain to all and which Jesus' followers strive to overcome. The re quest that we shall hnve forgiveness ns we nru forgiving townrds those who trespass against us Is a reminder of the general terms of our relationship with (Jod. We ennnot grow In grace except as we cultivate the spirit of love a forgiving, generous spirit In our ilea 1 1 nt with others. "Abandon us not In temptation" In 'ilcnies flint we are awnre thnt we n. ntrmit1th;il KxiHmttlon Co Aral' Sheik win. li will be In the i model "f I he "Nations .f the Vi'' ' s.i, U. . International I! I.-II t.' 2k vi MfmJKfim? " -c AST J 1 1 surrounded by the powers of evil, which we ss New ('rent ores cannot withstand successfully without Divine Bid. "Deliver us from the Kvll One" Is a recognition that Sntnn Is our grent Adversary; nnd thnt we are on the nlert to resist him, yet realise our need of Iilviue nsslstnnce. "We are not Ig norant of his Satan's devices"; "We wrestle not ngninst Mesh nnd blood (merely, but ngninst wicked spirits In lilyh positions." "Seek, Knock, Ask and Receive." In the concluding verses of todny's Study. Jesus ndmonlshes thnt prnyer be fervent not merely formal words. lie gnve the Illustration of the mnn who wns finally moved by the earnest f-' ness of his friend's petition. So we are not to think that our prayers nre un heeded. Although we are not hasten ing the Kingdom by our prayers, yet we nre entering a bless ing of rest through fnlth In God's prom ises 7,ora. track Vi to Whnt God renlly I'rnv" wishes to give Ills people Is Ills Holy Spirit Rocsuse of the Itnperfcetlons of the flesh none of lis can he tilled with the Spirit lit first. Hut we enn come to (Jod. desiring to be in Ills character likeness; nnd to our knocking the door will he opened. Nor should we fear. Our Father de lights to give His Spirit to those who sis'l; It. Japan to Patronlie Fair. Toklo. The ministry of commerce mmle offlclnl announcement that Japan will participate In the I'anama I'nclflc exposition THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club. 86c; bluestem, 96c; red Russian, 84c. Hay Timothy. $17; alfalfa, $14. Hutter Creamery, 38c. KggH Candled. 37c. aattla. Wheat Hluestem, 94c; club, 86c; red ItuKHlnu. 8:ic Ila Timothy. I7 per ton; alfulAt. 14 i r (OB. I" But! r I re.'itu. r . :tc. Mi'lhnJists. Siiinlsv S. Iiiiol ll) A M Fri'Heliliig .ser ice 11 AM .liit i i li ague 1 r M BpWOflb Lesgtle t ISO F M HreHiliing S.tvlee T:i;( F M TboMM Johns. FST()K. - at i ( jNflreoatloial ( hurch Notice Siindnx Si-r is, iSiiinley Si'lionl ill ii m I'u ne in n k' Sr vices 11am C K Me.-tlllg 7 p 111 Preaching Services H p m Miil.M'i'k Lectiiiis every VVeilneailav evening H o'clork I'hiiip Koenlg. Pattor. i - a CATHOLIC CHIKCH Masnat HAM on 1st and Hrd Siin.lav of each inonth. On all other Sundays at in A M. II. A. i 'mm o Rector UMTFI)FKFiUVl'KKIAN CHUKC1I !. Kob't J. Davidson D D Pa tor. Nervit'th at 1 1 :00 a m ami 7 :.'I0 pin Sublath school at 10:00 am ADVKNTIST. Kvery : tor.i.. s.ihl.ath School 0:S0 Hible Study 1 1 S0 a m Young pec plea meeting 1 HO p m Nollce of lien Sdle Notice is in ii given that uml. r and by virtue of a possessory lieu held an. I claimed by me under the authority id the laws of the State of Oregon in MM casea made and pro vide,!. IIDOfl the lemonnl propel ty liiii'iii.ifUT MMI ibed. I will, ou Sat urday, the 7tb day of February. 1014, at the hour of one o'clock p in of -ii j I ilav. .it my I iv. iv ntnlile in On l.irio, Oregon. In nu as the Onturio I.imiv i .in sell at public auction to the highest au. I bent bi.l.lur for cash III linn, I the fulliiMitig described per ten il propei ty i u m y possession, town: one certaiu jack kuowu iy tbe no., of "llailey Junior" and being iIckci lied as a black jack about seveu or eight years old ami weiubing about si Kl poinds and laving white points and beiug about fourteen banda au.l two niches high by jack measurement The said sale is made In order to Ml uu. ii just ami reasonable charges for board tug ami keeping said jack at m n sai.l livery stable from the 1-th day of August, lt'Kl, until tbe present lime, and nut il raid day of sale unless en in i redeemed, at tbe reasonable hi. I agreed rate of fifty cents per day for each and every day of sai.l board and keep; and which said animal was iritt with me mi August 12. I01S. for boaiil and keep by (i. K. Uulberfonl at'il II M Hutln'iford. co partuersl a l.'uth.i told Irot'.ers, who were then and there the owners ami lawful -- oi i-si.l Hiiimsl; and m.ie tMe .i I i - i laci i la bi i -l at Outat . lj M i DRS. PRINZIN6 k WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilfon Block. DR. D. C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door east of Ontario Thar macy on Nevada Avenue Near R R Depot J W McCulloch R W Eckhardt Mcculloch, wood & eckhardt LAWYERS Rooma 1-2-3 First Nafl Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Hit 1 1 Mini i i Skahb I)K. I'At'UNK SKAHS (iradnates American School of Os teopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block Telephone. I. VI Hlk. H. H. WHITNEY THYHICIAN and SUROEON Office In I. O. 0. F. Bid-., Ontario. - . - Oregon C. MC60NA6ILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all Courts Notarv Public. Office over I'ostoHice Transfer, Baggage and Express Meet All Trains JOHN LANMNOHAM REX MARQUIS TOOK INSI-Ki Hli OF MAI. HI I R riUNTY DKIMTII'.s i.'oiit 1 1 deli, Ontario. Hell BmWIli Villi' C C. Morton, nid's l-'crry Mi 0. White. 'eie- HrMlf, J I Holly Riverview Ah- leiiux .Ionian allay, Joe BiiukolTcr, MeOermitt J Bovdell. Nyssa W II. McWilnaniM . Jimtiira Win. Kllie, lUiper J. H. BROWN Auctioneer (itmlunte of Misnotiri Auction Bohool, PhODC Of write for tJOMti I'ln. in- 201-nl Ontario, Ore. Short distance from Ontario, IK) MNf of the very best of land, with first class water riht, 4 acres in Ine-h stat.- of cultivation. Will take SO an acre for tract. I'o-t trade. Ail.lre-s Poslotlite Hox 94 Ontario, Oregon The Most Uualifiod Judges Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST Vo SALE in quantities h n One gallon up. and mat . ol r i I hrandi bv L B. TF1FR. W' I QaV iijaV, i Tti y rineTaV y m mjkkmr'' b. W Wt CHANCE OF A MI K.TIM F. a little cath. It is the man who can take the immediate advantage. START AN ACCOUNT TODAY. If you already have an account add to it and be prepared for the business opportunities that are often offered you. The Ontario National Bank nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n YOUR COMMUNITY B n n n n n n a n rr .i tuperior man in you whrn you un each day wiili the uis of brain-clearing, buoysnry infilling mnilcrn plumbing equipment. The indicating msrk and ever prrient srrompaninient ol civiliuition ii (he increased regard for convenient bathing facilitiei. You know that s "SumUrj" Modern Hsthroom of our inttsllstion it proper eipiipment for the man who vajuei himielf. U. S. PLUMblINO 2 Piinr Kant Ontario r urnllurr Co. Onturio, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D. D. D. In Hospitals; Standard Skin Cure How many hospital putlents, suffer Ina tho frluhtful li. li. iha raw oercb Inir n.iln of skin ilisesso, have heen soothed t sleep by a soothing fluid washed in by tho nurse's huuds? Thnt fluid Is Hi.- famous D. D. D. prescription for vesetna. tiz sunavisiNO htjkbe of one of our prominent Catholic Inatltullnns inatiiB of nut no and Institute on appll Cation), writes reKurdlna: a pntluiit. "The iIIni'iihu had eaten her eyebrows away. H..r homo unit ltps ha. I lie.'.iiuo dtHllmir.'.l Sin.'u the use of If I. I' I .-r evi'l.r.iws u'.' criiwlim, hi r hoho mid faro have assumed their naturul xpresslon," How many ersemn sufferers ure pay ins; their doctors for rek-ular treat ii.. nl and nre belnu treuted with this ame soothlns. henllna fluid? DM. OMO. T. aiCKAXDIOW frankly ONTARIO PHARMACY Train Service. West 1)01. nil. No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltil I'ffc m No. T8 Huntington Pass 9.40 a in No. 0 Fast Mail i':I5 p m No 77 Hunting-tun Pass 8:11 p m No. 5 Oregon Wash Kxpresa ii :."0 p ni I...-' bound No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd a ni No. Tti linisi' passeugnr ItM a in No. fl Past Mall 1 I ;61 a m No. iH Ii.iim- i 'Usui n.'iT 854 i ni No. 1U Oregon Wash Kiicss 4 :40 p in M.il lii-iir Viillcy Hraui'li 'I'lu' 'ale tram leaves VhIb daily at Ml E in in u. in Ontario Ht I h1. iteliiruiug will leave, except Similar, at in a ni. . arriving it ' ilc at lu in, leaving for Hrogan at 0:60i sniv ing there 11 :.")'.!, reluming will leave Hrugsii at Lt:8ttUMriM at Vale 1 :!1U. Leave Vale at ;98, arriving tit On turio at 3:10, und return to 'ale at i p. III. OnSillliluy the train will come to Onturio in the uioruiug ami return at 7 p. in., making the run to lloiiii lull' ou ii. ui day instead of Wednesday. The Juutiira train will leave Onta rio Mouday. WeduemlaN hiiiI Saturday tit I u. ni., returning ut tj p. ui.. reachiug .luntuttiut l:0B ami leav ing ut 1 p in. ONTARIO LAUNDRY Leave Bundlet at Any Hotel B ': nliiiii DOLLAR BANKED IS A DOLLAR SAVED UNTIL YOU NEED IT presents itself. All that ii needed ia who has BANKED HIS SA VINOS D a a a a n n a n n n n n n CO. Ore. "SluitJrO" "AMui" Untiiir wrltea "P. r. D. la euperlnr to anjr tlniii I hnve ever found. Hurt and soothlns. yet a powerful agent." To do the work. I) I). i I'u .rip tl'ni must be upplled according i. dlrsctloaa given In the pumphlet hi mi ml ery bottle. Follow these di rections und see! And It certainly takes away the Itch at once the moment the liquid la ap plied. The akin Is southed culmed ao thoroughly refreshed delightfully . "Ilt.'.l. All druggists of standing havo the famous specific as well as the eflVlent 1). 1). I). .-1.1 li Snap nut we are so confident of the mee ds of this prescription that we will i. riii.il the purchase price of the first full else bottle If It fulls to reach your case. You alone are to Judge. Ontario oacooN loidl Market Keport. Corrected O. t. 16, for the benefit ut Argus readers by the Malheur Mer oautlle Company. Kggs, per .1... a 35o. !' ' i. per potiud, 'J5o. Oats, per hundred. (1.50 Wheat, per hundred, ll.T.Y Hay, per tun, 85. rut.iti.--s. per hundred, 1.00 On inn-, per hundred , 12.00. Apples, per box, 81.00. to 81. "t' Chickens, diessed, per pmiud, 1 he. Pork, dressed, 8l, to !'... o. Pork, lire, 1.50 to 7 Veal, 0 to lOo. UeeW lie to lit Delighted with Malfheiil A" . ho use it, like it most reliable. ju ib!e roo.'ino we ell, and wc like to el! it becaue it ih..m oed " it ar.d for u. ipireLumberCo. "1." U i-v i s .