The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 05, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
The Ontario Pressary for sale.
Phone 84-J. N.Sims. I
During the week of March 9
the pupils in all the schools of
Washington, Oregon and Idaho
will find their studies centering
around alfalfa and corn. The
school superintendents and the
members of the Holden Im
provement committee are work
ing together and will distribute
seed corn and pamphlets on
For sale one 1 3-4 Gray gaso
line engine. Address Jos. A.
Bennett, Ontario.
Clifford Boycr, of Bnyor Bros.
& Co., the big store of Ontario,
was in town last week, returning
from on extended trip into the
interior. Mr. Boyer is a live
wire and sees a great future for
this section of the country and
sees no reason why a good live
town like Ontario cannot profit
by the development of this terri
tory. Juntura Times.
Miss Agnes Carter who spent
a month with her sister, Mrs.
(trove, returned to her home in
Long Valley the first of the
70 B. P. Rock and S. C. black
Minorca cocks and cockerels for
sale. Henderson, Holterman
and Papes strain. Wilber Clay
ton, Payette, Idaho. B 1.
Oeo. E. Rutherford, the Iron
side stockman, has been in the
city this week.
Thoinus IfeGiwn '' down
from Adrian over Sunday visit
ing with the family here.
J. R. Blackaby is in Portland
this week looking after businese
The Ontario I'ressary for sule.
Phone Hl-J. N. biins.
Mrs. David Magill was operat
ed on Wednesday and is doing
The Hotel Moore will continue
to serve Table de Hote dinners
Sunday evenings from MQ to
8. Dinner 7." cents.
Mrs. A. L Sproul left for
Portland this morning. She
will visit Harold at Mount
Angel, before returning.
There will be an excursion
train to Weiser Monday evening
leaving Ontario at 7 p. m., re
turning after the performance
of the "Quaker Girl. Fare for
round trip 70 cents.
Born JaDuary 81, to Mr. and
Mrs. Lew Jones, a daughter.
Lyte Howard and son Frank,
returned Tuesday irom a trip to
Portland. Uncle Lyte is look
ing and feeling fine.
E. Cope made a trip to Cald
well Monday to close up a lease
on his ranch in thai section.
W a B 1 1 d Improved small
tract with building." and fruit,
on lease. Address box 12S with
full particulars.
There will be an excursion to
Weiser Monday evening leaving
Ontario at 7 p. m. returning
afte r the performance of The
Quaker Girl. Fare for round
trip 70 cents.
Glover Bros, snipped two
more cars of hogs this week.
Marriage licenses were issued
in Caldwell Monday to Walter
Clement and Rosa Rudsell, of
Notus and Ben H. Cannon, of
Vole ami Sadie A. Farke, of
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hoffman,
of Juntura, were here Wednes
day. Ralph W. K.kiiardl, who has
been associated with McCulloch,
Wood it LYkhardt, has moved to
Boise, where lie liu opened an
oilice in the Kmpire building.
He is un ollicer of the Western
Securities Company and will
also follow the general practice
of law. Mr. and Mrs. Kckhardt
have many friends in Ontario
who regret to see them leave.
Hot bed sash for sale by the
Empire Lumber company.
The Ontario Pressary and
ladies and gents shine purlor;
good business and good pay;
would like to sell at once very
cheap. Cull or phoue SI. J.
Avery under mounted tractor
engino, Btcum, is horse, for sale
ut a bargain price. L. Walker,
phone M6K "2.
Baking Powder
Saves Health
Saves Money
Makes Better F
James A. Pinney, one of the
pioneers of Boise and Idaho,
died Wednesday night after a
few hours illness.
Francis Xavier Matthieu, who
cast the deciding vote at the
Chompoeg convention in 1843,
died Wednesday at the age of 90.
The convention was rolled to de
cide whether Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho, and port of Wyo
ming should be under British
or American rule.
Floyd Reed, brother of John
A. Reed, who was in business
in Ontario a few yeors ago, was
murdered in Colorado this week,
having been mistaken for an
other man.
Col. Thatcher did not make a
talk here this week as advertised
because William Haywood was
here. He is working among the
farmers of the Payette valley
this week and will return to On
tario on Tuesday for a talk at
Dreamland in the evening and
on Suturday, the 1 1th, there will
bo rousing meeting in the Opera
House in the afternoon when all
the farmers are expected to be
The Dreamland was crowded
Friday evening to hear the
operetta, Cinderella by pupils of
the '2nd, 1th and "th grades.
The applause showed how well
the audience was pleased, the
youngsters doing splendid in the
several roles and showed the
affect of the careful training by
the teachers, Miss Stoet.el and
Miss Curry.
Born January U.", at Suboh
ville, Culiiot nia, to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert L. Weir, nee Fannie
Tonningsen, a son.
H. N. Ford wus here last week
as u witness in the circuit court.
O. II Luwson has sold his in
terest in the Ontario market to
Alfred Anixdule, of Boise. Mr.
Lawsou will move his family to
Carina, where he has business
A team from the Caldwell
high school were here Saturday
and played a game of basket
ball with the high school team,
winning by u narrow margin.
K-ndMdhatne.v-McNulty Co.
ad. Big sole now on. Prices cut
down to low murk. All goods
must be sold.
Thcannuul stockholders meet
ing of the Fairview Drain Ditch
compuny will he held at the city
hall in Ontario Saturduy, Febru
ary 14 at 10 o'clock.
Win. Johuson, Secy.
if you want to locate near u town
that has u very bright future i
have 70 acres of the very choicest
laud, has a nice slope to the
east, u first-class water right.
.;n ucres in alfalfa, rest has been
ingruiu. Not haing it all puid
for it leaves me unuble to take
care of that much land. I will
sell anywhere from ' to 70 ucres.
My price ranges from $150 per
acre up. About half cash; good
term on rest ut H per cent in
terest. Lund exactly the same
adjoining has been selling at
$200 to j-'JOO per acre, so here
is your chance if you want a
good tract of laud ; 2 miles from
Ontario, Ore. neur Mulheur
Junction, where car shops and
round house will no doubt be
built in the neur future.
Box 21 Ontario, Oregon
Furniture Prices
Go Down
We have decided to offer our entire stock of Furniture
Rugs and Carpets at extremely low prices to close
them out. We must have room for our Hardware
stock and will close out the furniture:
Iron Beds
Reg. $3.25 Bed for $2.35
Reg. 4.50 Bed for 3.25
Reg. 5.00 Bed for 3.50
Reg. 6.00 Bed 'for 4.85
Reg. 9.50 Bed for 7.00
Reg. $3.50 Mattress $2.40
Reg. 5.50 Mattress 3.95
Reg. 8.50 Mattress 5.75
Reg. 10.00 Mattress 6.95
Reg. 12.00 Mattress 8.00
Reg. 15.00 Mattress 9.00
9x12 Axminster Rugs go for $17.00 each
9x12 Wilton's, best grade, go for $38.00 each
Good Window Shades go for 30c each
We have some Matting we will close out at 20c per yd. High Chairs for I. do
each. Several hundred KoIIh of Wall Paper-one and two rolls of a kind : for
5c a douhie roll. Paper that retailed a.s high as ."() a roll goes during
this clean-up.
Everything in our furniture store goes
at Reduced Priees.
McBratney-McNulty Co.
I'aid A. ,,,,!.
For Sale 2.r tone first crop
hay. C. K. Reo, Ontario.
MnnHj to louo Improved irr
gated i i in,. W. II. title Co.
Wanted horses to winter ut
$'! per head, per mouth at the
Cooklin runc'i.
Kstmv A yearling Jersey
heifer at the Conklm laiuh.
Owner please call, pay charges
ami tuko her away.
Lots for Sale '' in Kiversid.)
addition, iiiai -ul station. In
quire at A i nus.
For Stile young Jersey heifer.
Will he fresh uhout January 10.
Inquire at this oilice. It.
Young pigs for sale hy David
Mugill. Phono S06 N. 8.
Lobt, Strayed or Stolen Hay
horse, hluck mane and tail,
roached inane. Weight ahout
1100 pounds, half circle S on
left hip. Suitahle reward offered
on return to ('. (J. Heslup, H. F.
D. No. 3, l'ayette, Idaho.
Money Wanted $1250 Jtiver
side residence, insured for $1600)
hox 112, Ontario.
Always un the Job
If you liavn it job of hauling you
omit done, l.ii k or small, you omu
always dpeud on Jotin Lsndiughaui
hotel ready for you. Call liiin at the
Moore Hotel.
Three Iota for aale '1 Llocka wset
of posloftlce at a bergsiu. Inquire at
Argu. office.
Assessment lor Sewer Idlerdl No. I.
I, D. I li.! burn, iho duly appoint
ed, (iiall(l'd Mini in I Iiik ConUBUMlOMf
appointed by Ihr Ctt) Council nt llii-
City "f Ontario to tpportloo the rust
of the Htivri' iiuplnv. liuhl i,!,,l B)
onlmoucc Nil MS between the .litl'. i
out plOOM of propel iv benefitted b)
sunt improvement, tlir HUM Mini
Lateral Bower District Nn l. so
torODJ certify that the follow inc Bl
Hishiiniit roll lias been prepared by
me, and thut the OMM DOrrectl)
shows the name of III,-
hum oorraotlj imwi too momm of tht
owners, OB tU M known I In- de.-icilp-lion
ol lb,- different llOOW of iiio'mi I
assessed, unit iliu ainoii'.i ol lii'iii'lu a
scssed to ivch nl tin' sabl differ.' I
pier.-,, of piopi-ity; tlia: Bald I
inuiit roll rOOraMOtl u raii'lnl and
qultobla apjioi tioiinini of tM eotlre
f audi improvement BJOjMl Uli
different plecei of prop, it;
II-. In-: I'llialti'l shnWII.
Doted this 17th day of .lauuury, A.JI).
Coninlooloi er,
Filed Jan. 17. Ill I
City Recorder. J
MmRBMBUI ok i.atkhai. skwkk
iustkk t no. 1.
Fred J. I'almer, loth 1 to ImIuoIti.
block 188. 141.72.
W. F. Homan, lota 7 and , block 12k.
47 24.
Mm. (on Kyan, lots 0 nd 10, liloek
12H 47 24.
Frank Hennett, Iota 11, 12 and l.'l,
block 12s 70. X.
Jacob I'rinzing, lots 14to20 inclusive,
block 12s $16&,M
Mary l.ocey. lota 1 to B inclusive,
block 129 Ills 10.
J W. McCulloch, lots toll), block
UN fllH.lo.
C. M Staples, eatate, lots II to 1ft, 12!) $118.10.
Charles Attierton, lots Hi to BjOincIll
aive, block 180 (lis I"
Hlackaby & l.eea, lots 1 to 10 inclu
sive, block 130 1286.60.
c K Balding, Iota 11 to 2o inclusive,
block 130 $23.1.60.
Liuie May Morlitt, all of fractional,
block 131 4.68.
Josephine Ireton, lots 1 U6iMluive,
block i:(7 ! Is. id
Charle- K Finiaon. lots I to 10 inclu
sive, block 187 1 IK. 10.
J K Hlackaby, lots 11 to IT, .mlubivc,
block 181 1118.10,
lluirv It. Criuiel, lot- in and 17. block
13. $4; 84.
T l and Kate Finer, lots 1 1'' ami
Ml block lit. 870.88.
James A I. nek ey. lots I to lo and 111
lo M inclusive, block 13s :t,.'lll. M Lackey, InU II to I incbi
live block I3H lls m
Joseph I' Schllll. lots 1 to ,, blorl IM
Anna M lludd, lots i, 7 ami . hlocl. l::i
n Vnndai t lots u ami 10, block
l.f fi. 18.
William ftavur lota 1 1 to 1-1 incluaive;
blo.k ISO all. mi
K I, Baili . lota 16 17 ami H, block
180 870 ' '
William T Samlei I ,l I I .u ,1 80, blo.k
!.; -I 12.
I It Blackaby, all of fractional, block
llo 1188 74
Flicb Ititi i , tdl I , i .1,1. ami prO
owner bi hereb) notified that the i
i-1 1 -cite amount ,,l ai.l . I lor
anl Improvement ami each individual
at , imiii will be payable in thirty (30
da aftei the dob of confirmation
thereof by the Cit) Council, raid con
Urination beini doted February 2, 1014,
and after the expiration ul aid thirty
etui .1 1 it will bear in-
o -i. i at the late oi eishl per etui par
annum ami will la payable and enforce
able in all re ordinary ell .
Buch interested persona or proiierl
owners are furtbei noliliiil I tint if the
m, unit ol slab aaaei .llienl assessed
ainatanv Individual profairty owner,
shall equal oi i teoad the sum or twenty
Dye dollai . u,b property owner Ri
at any him witbiu ten ,!.,, , ln,n. die
date of in,, notice, tile with the city
recorder un application to pay such BJ
o.t nts in mstitllineiits, said install
inentn payable yearly for ten ytai
w'lth interest at si mr cent
Saul application must lie made upon
the written form provided for thai pui
..bub m.i be secured by applying
to the ity Roeordoi
Dated this day of February. A
Hy order of the City Council.
City Recorder,
Applkdtions lor ordinq Permit
Notice Is heibey given that all a,
pi leal ions for permits to graze eat i If.
boraee aud sheep within the Mulheur
National Forests during the seusou of
It'll, niiisl lie tiled in uiv ottl. ti
Inlin Day. OtagOli, on or define
Feltiitury 38 1814, Full infoi uiatiou
in regard to the tliaiug fees tu he
charged ami Mank foi'ns to be used
in makiuK iiptli'-atp ii will be fn:
itislici npnii request,
Cy. J, llihgbaiii. rvH ,-i Vlnor.