The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 05, 1914, Image 2

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Senate Invites Suggestions Re
garding the Regulation
of Trusts.
Washington, Winding up n week of
oonaldnratlon of the ailmlniBtratlon'
antl tniHi legislative proKrainnii', mom
IX'rH of committee of Um he-tine and
aenate predletwl that thp iHI m
geated In Preaidnnt 'llon' mpflanee
would b rnid for congreaa before
March 1.
IloaiingH before the hotine Judiciary
and Interntatn committee, It wan an
nminced, would bo prolonged and the
annate Inleminti coinimri I (iPtmnlt
li(, with HM approval of the president,
will receive HUggrHtlonK bjf mull from
men of iiffnirH IStSfSStsd Iti the sub
ject hi'sti .ill of i iiTnJ lift i in- formal hear
ing. DssldSS glilm- the Ir.i'l"' r-otnmlHHlon
iiuthorlly lo regSjatS tin- alBS or cor
SOfatlooa, Senator Cummins Iiiik pro
pOMd ;i iiM'iulriif nt h which uould also
etspowsf it to dstermlna whether nny
SSTSOS or i in -poratlou I" iloliitlng 111'1
litw with reap art to sslss below urinal
-.ti for UM puriioMi' or Infllotlni In
jury upon a oonpeUtor, and whether
any i nt iioi.itlou i. vlolni iiir, the law
itii reaped lo the ssaounl i II i ifd
talUatlon aa conparad with th raise
ii ha property.
Monopoly of Wirei Urged.
Clll I'l'lltlH III lllllllllll.lltill III llll'
graph, telephone and wlrHe 00S9
tit ii ii if ii i Kin "and hiiiIi other meeni oi
transmission of Intelligence an nay
hereafter develop." i recommended
in a repot (knitted to ihi aeaata
l'. Co 'in, !' i Qeucral Bui ii on
iinmi'diiiii' novi'i iimh'iii owner Mp ol
telephooi How hi recommended! with
a ayatssi ot lloetwe for the other si
li ol oiiimiiiiiIi iiUun. rain I
komi ii mi-ill monopoly even whore
tin n a not net ii.i i ownerahlp
The reporl recommend! Immediate
goooleltlofl by pun mi al appralaed
Value iii tii- i-oiiiiiii-ri la I lelephi
MtWOffc," I'xicpt tiic i ii rtii-r linen
Waiting Treatie Ready for Action.
Reepondlni to lreeldenl Wll mi
nppt'iil. mil ) nt ill.- white SOWM con
rofenoe hii week, the aewtte rommli
i.-i mi rotates relsttoas orders! a h
voniiiic report on n Inrge ssssbof ol
arbitration treat lea between the lull
ed Itatss and the leading oouatrtea
of tin world
Til.- i. aching obaracter of thi
icroup ot no. inc. i ahown b) lh lonn
it ot in 'i.ii.- powi'D nii which
tln' arc in. ni. . ii i ludlni in. Il nl I In
grcni poa ' i of I in'i" Houl h Intel t
i and ii i lent
a from llu Impoi lanci1 ul Ihi
treat lea In t he t a
BOSSS nl I hem I ' i.u'ii
mi ! iii .ii'.-. hi: tie political and III
duett la I rel illon ; rti I be i nlted
I other i ountt lei
I , .-.-. Hlr.. . i Wilnon.
m in. i. ii hi the
p. hop and III. 'i. Ini-lc
nl III. i I I. ill pic nlcd a .III I'n I' m
. la) ini Li. naalalance lo
tin . u ul i um hi miff i un The
proakleui regretfull) told I hem, aa tic
it id a delegatloa las) December, thai
he cinii, i inn urge anytblnf on con
gieaa which bad not received Ike ot
kuiiii i lerallon ot the democrat Ii
Paraooa cloea ua the pre Ideal .i
be bellevea h i a problem for ti"'
atatea to decide, although there in rea
aou to believe be aever baa made up,
liia miiiii defluitel) mi tiic in . ri I n of
iii.. in.'-.i um ii.. dpe mil I., i ti in
oumbenl upon him, however, in take
a hi. in. I on it lint il I lie i. hum i.tiu
part) baa fully coo ildi red II
N.itoiMji capital IrevUlee
a ii'i.ii oi iu i.ooti i'ihi li pro iiie.i
i..i in iii.- record breaklna poel office
uppropi i.iiimi lull paMNi'il ii tin
'I'll' IllH. Hi,' .111111. ll llll I III
OUlUuu bill culllllH I" ' W) lur
i. . in llic .nihil i ilcleii .
ii. iu i I'm i. li, ni r. ,ii i i eon
firmed ' at u iiiibui ador lo
H t. ha ii..-.'. ii : . .- iauulton
In iiciii red to be iiue to i be i ael that
i a is reported lo bat uki
lo proic; i ugaiuai iin I'eorla man, not
a IthataudltiH that i but - pro
si unwarranted
, The I'll imlii i l.i a . I, iin, mi till ,m
i linn, lug tin' rouatl uctlou m iiie I', ii i
land-Vancouvei bridge aeroaa the Co
liiiiitni rlvei baa farted the eiuitu
and miH goea lo Ike pr ildei or alg
uaiure With aaaurauce thai the i e a ill
In .'. I . .l.'. l'l .'-l.lelil : - " -,'!(
tn iti. .en. it.' ih. formal nomination
ni I'oloiiel Uoethala in in overnot of
I be i. null .-one
I'llc ncn.ile VI a Ullli li .-III led I'v
the churn.' '' Henatoi of 11
i reporl ol the lutei
couimlaaion bad been I'tored
il i pre -lent i II
I ...
A white blackbird haK been een at
Cottage Qrove, It in declared. The
bird renemblen Its fellow in every
way except in color.
The Kngene commercial club plan
to I... $700n ror use in continuing
actlvitle of the club for the enHuIng
Hcpri'scntatlvc l.afferty ha Intro
duced Senator t'hambnrlaln'n bill ap
proprlatlng J2.SOO.000 for n drydock
on the Columbia river.
The Flrt National bank of Tllla
mook and the Hyjjiboro National bank
have applied for membemhip III the
nw federal hanking Hystem.
The onion crop In the Sherwood din
tfial thin year will net the growers
more than $75.ono and the return from
hop will be i 50.000.
An Oregon man Nnt the treanury
department 2' entn "conscience mon
ey" to rei:i I lie ko eminent for use
of a cancelled threcccnl pontiiKe
Htamp 4u year ago.
DepUt) State I'reiiHiirer llyaii ell
mat. m that 11,000,000 in unpaid war
rants will be outntiindliiK when the
taxes for the year become available
In April.
I'rcllmliiiiry nrnitmcmenls have
i i mini.' for a lam there tunkel eari)
In Maicli rrom Mnllord to North Yukl
ma. Weiiiiii in Hood River and other
orchard center In the uorthwi'Mt,
The report on the practicability of
creetlag greel power site at The
Dallea will be ready tor the aaal sen
lea oi the Oraajoa legislature, aoeord.
inn in Sinn KiikIih" if LtWkl proj
eri engineer win i elected.
Repreeenlnilve llawley has Intro
dUOed a bill nuthorlzliiK the use or
Ike revenuea oi "rater Lake National
paii. in defraying tke ooal or tka park
mane gem eol and for Improviag roadi
ami i in 1 1 a ii Inn ih1' park
rmpor.itlon Commissioner WiiImoii
has caticelli'd the permits lo do Imsl
Hess iu ibis atate ol the Inveetora
Building i Trust louipniiN ami the
stale iteposii btortgage ootapaajri
oi i. ml, mil
Oregon win gel Mid less from
ihe i ti i iii ii appropriation bin than wai
recommended kj leeretarj of the hi
tirlor I. nne In his reporl of Dooember
1 Tin appiopi ialloii of $l.i. I for
the addition to the assembly ball. Pfce
mawn si liuol, was In the cut
'i he war department Informa lena
tor hamlierlalli that atniv t ralispuri -are
limited k law to currylnit persons
connected with the rederal or Insular
aervloe aad cannot be rooted for Um
tianspiu Ml am ol iiKi'lcill ural OOllOgO
i iiiei to iiie Panama eipoeltlon
I he hill ol Senator Line aiuendiiiL'
. RlotlOg law teipiirliiK reOOOH bound
i.. i Portland lo stop at Aatoria( wan
favorabl) reported b tke oommerce
i .ii.iiniii Tke laa prat Idlag for Ike
, a le anil an oh
lion to oommerce, it i pointed
SO Weak thai he could Hot lie lil-
1,1111 i .-in ot hlmeell with the bullet
! i yd I..I Ills sell dcSI rilct lo'i '
laiiiei than stai i c lo death w i
I I llll III Nell. . III a ' lllllll I III I la
ivooil smile mile tram V'ernonla by'iu
a p II '
Unit had been scan Iiiiik I'M
i tie mm ratal i ol the aat doee not
bclieie in II. ami be sat" M foarleo
Iv bul he bus Jiii-l iilhiwed an OrOgW
mail to roalga from the nm Thin
wan a apoOMl case bOWOVOT, and II
eemed proper t Um tke young man
have an oppoi Minn to make a fair
In tug lot his ratuili
Scii.-i.irv lane ha- allolleil $LM.
ti.ii.'iuii io caui on work under the
reclamation law tins year, ami ot ihis
total. Oregon receive H.3I0.1S6 Thin
i.ii' aiioiuieiit oshauata all OMueya now
available fir fciiM'i'iniieiii Irrigation
M .a i including the full
letii by congrea teveral feai ago
but Ik l.'loloi. ihhoii, n, ,1
I'm I laud II i mp proh
..ia ii do. - i. ,n amount to an emer
i;eiic and li i- um io acute a In
moel ntiie ' roughoul the conn
II x Si.lill Itlll l. lioWl'l el leli.l. 1. .1
more difficult bj the okwlng Ike
rock pile .. aaaguate plan ha
been audi i i agoac) to handle
the altualloa There are accordlug
i in good iii, a, there
w ho liav a mi w m k
laatructlon to laatltute criminal
proaeculloua agalual iiii the oommla
an nun linn- doing buelueoa in tins
late without complying with Ihe laa
enacted b the ' - legislature i
latlug tiieie bualneaa have been eni
out h the tate railroad rommiaalon
to la dlatriel attorneys in the stale
hi the couatlee ol Multnomah Marlon,
i mat Ilia, Joaephiue, t'lataop, V
Linn Maker. Jackson ami lane Only
uwocwtloa or firm ut tke ttati
, omplled i'h tke ute
.aw te.-tnic aa a, i.ii ioii baa been
organised In the I .wis ami Cktrh dli
lop count i ami' her
id) for urganliailon ai gcappooae
' ,1 tile WO. k Ol
aluati i .' i
iirganiilag ike dalr)
. ell under a ii
ictor ii .
ill nt lol I I. .u
Canductcd by
J. W. DARROW. ' N Y..
K'litor itf Out .rr Tnrk Stat ftrqng
A Glance Backward Recalls For
gotten Events.
Th Order of Patron of Husbandry, a
Fraternal Organitatien, Shown by
It Contribution For the Relief of
Suffering Farmer In the Early Day
of the Order An Educational Ven
ture In North Carolina.
In April. 1S74. the Mlllppl river
overflowed It banka, carrying disaster
ami viifTerlng to a large number of
farmer, in Lottlataaa ami Alabaraa
many Of whom were I'atrmis of Hits
bandry, The execuUva committee of
tke iiatimiiii graofi leoi 11X100 of tin
grange famfe to relieve tke stricken
farmen and later oapeadod aboai Ik,-'-"I
in purchaalng flour ami boron,
will, li were dletrlboted to the offer
in.- I'att s through the maeten of the
-late grange Nearly every grange
-int.. contributed t" their neeit-. aome
uh lug as ii i ti h as 13,000 to thi-i calamity to the faro
ant lame the graaahopner plague, ntnl
again the national grange 'cut about
i i.ihmi to the maatera or atate grange
in liftra, Miiiiieiita. Dakota. Kansas
ami Mita-'.a t. relieve the aranta of
Patrona, Later inKM) wai aenl to Ar
kanaa Patron and ISjOOO to the Knn--iis
atate grange to enable it to pay its
'lues to the national grange During
the following year other contributlona
Mere ti i.ii li-. Iii' It lirollglll lliese III
ternal glfta up to ii.nmi for the rear
f.illow Itm
in IH7H tin- ttate grange ol smith
Carolina r Ivod from the national
grunge ireaaary the aum of si, mm to
aid auaTerer from a anlonged drought,
mi a anerial loan made to the St
i.ia-i.a Mate grnnga amounting to :i.",
lino was made it donation on accotiitl
of the eoiiiiiiiieii dlotreaa la that atate.
The i null llxillmis of ihe Ohio state
grange along alaml this period amount'
eil lo nearly 16X000
I hoc wcic the 1 1 . i - when Ihe nil-
ii.mai grange treeeurj araa idetkorlc,
anil It afU so been use of the laphl In
i teae In 111" number of grange. In
laaaary, i7i 2.110 nee grangea were
iirganl.i'il ; Iu I'elii'mir.v . UBDi III
Maieh. J.oJI; in Ull. I.IS7. anil li
Ill . t lime on the ileellue WO notable
on .Ian I. s7.-,. there WON -l'il'7
grange In the I'nlted Itatea
The grange baa alwaya given it
t.ei effort t" the advawemenl ad
mallon. i! Iiil .-if -I - A tmlalilc illus
ration la-cur In the hlatorj ol the tr
mi- in the ' t hern atatea, where tke
rnngH M ' ii "lie time atrangei In
ii . ii.ei id a in nuy other pari of the
, ..111,11'. 't"l III III. HOIltlllTII -I Ite-
. i were very luadenuate Tke
slate : mi .e of Norili I irollllH
miiuieiiili'il lli.n Ike --uli.'i'ilinate
rrauge Intereel tkemaelvi in eatab-
i-iiIiil i.n -ul achool, ami ir fouml larac
in aiii. ii area adviaed thai irluiarj
lal el ell III II s liuol- lie e-t ll
emu Hon with couuty an.1 ui
inlluale grawgea Tke natkmul grange
iruceellug of ivv-' atate that grange
-, iioois Merc patnlillaheil by utxnll
n. ne grangea la aoaae pints of loulal
ana. North Carolina ami Alabama ami
p..--ll.y in some other southern Mate
The griiiu:e fair now no ileer veil ly
pupuliir In some males, U no new Idea
As eailv as I STVJ ii local gtatiue in Mis
laolppl held a grunge fair, and In
S7.'i a stale griini:c fair was held In
Alabama tirange fair- were early
cry popular In New Knu'laml. as ihey
e en now are A grange crop report
inc aiatogj wit- orfjaakaad in is;i. an
ihoil'eil by the national gTOOga but
a, the urnnue illil not respomi very
a . nii'li it wan not continued after
ls7. although the reporis were MtM to
in o i considerable value
tumping grouud of Ihe inler
in IsTI ami ts7". were the -tales ,t In
diana anil Iowa Theie Ihe meat lint
ics or ihe grange in its arioua a ti I
tics wcic fOUght;'wai legislation.
griiuge -lures, grange Imalneaa agon
i les and , o opeialiv a s, hemes and ill i
li - ea, h ami all bad their times ,,r
grcalesl suci ess, ami then came illlc
failure Theae sine- had about the
same uuuiber of grangea, the iii;h wg
tei n, ai k h.n iii in en i.a bed in i.ii'u
i.v is.;;,. :iii ghoul :'.im graugoe Ul
either state There were lta),ou) meni
ben of the Order in Iowa at thai time
Missouri was al-o In the t.'Bjtl grange
a--, though with smiiew hat fewer
uictiilicis As cull as ls.r'' I'ttn had
ci'iie luio ihe bualueaa ol grange co
Hpciiiiioii on a urge s, aic According
to the publlabed imp edlng ol tke
Iowa state grange of that M'.n a third
of the grain elevatora In the ttate
ii,- ei i her owned or eoutrolled b) tke
grauge li la atd thai aumiinm im-ii
els m gialll ii i nl Immense nUUllMMU Of
a eattie had been ,,ai m 'iu
grange ageuta, and Iu tke pui
, h.i-cs of fill Hi lUlpleiUeUt It Is said
thai Iiie laiincis of Ihe slate were - n
,.,i v:,; ,,i,i ml( i a- reported lo tke
state grange thai yeai thai the agent
of the I'liim bad i a bualueea ol
, mi cite, ted ii aat log of r
per if III en family suppi','- aid 'Jh pel
I Ural llllplellle: -I.
The Flrt National bank of Payette
hiiH applied for memberflhip in the
federal reserve ytem.
The following nomlnatlona for poet
niiisieia have been made by the pre
Ident. Gregory Jones, Blackfoot, Ida
ho; Honora M. Murray, Priest River,
The government ha deslgnatpd
Mo-cow a a depository for postal sav
ing from the offices at Spirit Lake,
Ruthdrum, Coeur d'Alene and Post
J. C. Hague, a rancher from near
Trestle creek, was shot in the abdo
men and probably fatally wounded by
Ooodberg Piatt, a former merchant
of Siindpolnt.
The iipteine court of Idaho now
has the case involving charges against
Mayor Arthur Hodges or Holse, that
he knowingly permitted objectionable
house to run In violation of the com
mission form of government
The Mlackt. et Kvettlng Courier at
Boise has been placed In the bunds
or a receii it and the sheriff has hoard
ed up the office and locked the doors.
The tnaiiiigiug editor blame- the Iron
ble on .indite Itevena for trying to dic
tate ihe political policy ol the paper.
The l.ewlnton Commercial club has
been liilormed that Sen nor Chamber
lain will Introduce a bill in congress
taking lor an appropriation of $1111,111111
for suney or the Columbia and Snake
rltfOI arltk Ike Intention of canalizing
tkom lor use by steamboats.
The National company at Mullan has
encountered 1 new ore bod) ok Um
L'l"' level In the raise. The ore I a
black copper sulphide In the Itevett
formatloa, similar to the rich ore en
countered in the upper workings of the
Snowstorm mine.
"The No Cerce county fair.'' given
b local tai. ui under Ike direction or
Miss llei k. a ho also w rote the musical
comedy, was staged at lawlstoli he
DON 1 large and appreciative audience.
Tke proceeds will ui, 1,1 'ii,. lihrary of
Ihe pllhllc schools.
Raj Christiansen. Um champion
beavywelgki ,,1 idako, it akuadpotnl
defeated Sill. a , .Miller or Sallilpoint .
and Ives Boylngtoa Of Hope, gelling
two rails From each In one hour Hi'
ait I lo throw both twice in an hour
ami a hall
Kev o. p. Christian ha been ap
pointed b) Governor Haines a member
or the Idaho stale sanitary hoard, that
has iu hand the proponed home for
the feeble minded near Nampii He
-on 1 ceils Kilgur Wilson, whose term
expired some line ago, and In appoint
ml to serve sl yearn.
B) an order recently Issued, ihe
public utilities commission penults the
l.ew ..ston ( Iarkslon company lo lib- a
Sllpple III. Il Bl heilllle reducing the
former rates on lighting and heating
1 lor heiai ffeotlve February
I. waiving the staiutory notice pro
1 liled lor In m h 1
Idako s repre entatlvee la tke so
iiomii leglalature win obeorve Ipple
day with the test 1,1 ihe atatO throtinh
the oourteey of thooe in ckarga or Um
ceii in anon Thuradaj boa ol the
1 rule has boon forwarded ' vYaeklaa
ton for each ol Ike lenatora sad repre
entatlvee aad their frleoda
The Indian appiopriiiliou bill as re
ported to the lioiise carries 1SO,000
HUM lor Idaho than wan recommended
in ihe annual estimate 'Ihe appro
prtatlon for the Kort Hall Irrigation
project was cut from MMM to -'.
1 The Fori l.upwai requent for
natiltarliim and unpleiueiit fuinls wen
deeded, also dm Hveetoah gppropria
Ho a lot Ho I'm 1 Hall Indian.
Notwltkataadiag that the provision
ol Ihe hanking laws of Idaho itppur
eiuly burn banks operuting under a
charter iroin ihe mate limn entering
iin- rederal reserve ayataea, tks pro
lilhilioti m not a real one This in Ihe
opinion ol C I itohin-mi, oaaklei
of the Idaho Tiu.-t A: nuvings bank
01 Boiss
Welsei has taken the laugo to Its
iio.-om iu osrnesl ooioty, almoal ea
masse, turned out to take laaaooi in
the Hew il. ilices trom Miss llalllel
Harris, an innti uctor who came from
lor thai purpose The Wash
Hilton club, the largest social ornaiil
latloa sat as official mdoree
ment and almost ever) member now
Kepreseiii.ii.'.- Smith ol Idaho ha.
requested the Interstate commeroi
oommlsskm lo tiikc up the qusstlos oi
dlau rlmlaallag trelgkl rates on uipol
iti fullers earth, pumice stone gad
aoapetoae ast quaatltlea ol which
are being oUsed b) tke United Miser
-oci. nam 1.1 Boise, it ia Mart
IMted that the rate on these mineral
n'lil." per hOOd fed pounds trom
southern California to Chicago, wklla
th, tin. from Hoise ami latermediati
poluta la (3 cents to L'hlcat
IgarOUSl) pratSStlSg against i1
ailment into law ot the proposed Dill
thai has jui been introduced n
tin-- withdrawing trom euir radiiin.
I mint 1 si lands, the Idaho M li
-iniaiion has ti
' ' i' ah a las
I1 -a-.-. I
."I I iAimtm ma t
HBLafaTalaB BraB"aTaaaBBaTaV aaaaawlgaaaaaaV
r A
In a
Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen ana individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM. President; H. B COCKRUM, Caahier
T. TURNBULL, Vice President C. W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
New Spring Goods
We don't wait till the season is
over to cut our prices in half
and quarters. Look in our' win
dow at the new prices and goods
made to your measure, and sat
isfaction assured all thro.
Cope &
The Only Tailors
No Particular
Woman Ought
to be without an
astistic and servicablc
Toilet Set. Besides be
ing useful it adds Dainti
ness to the Dressing Table
and it you wish to present
her with a Set. the Kind
she will be proud to own,
look over our stock.
Ui- have an mil, -, variety ol pattern of Nterlina and plated nil wr tela. If
ou bIibbIi il.'iir.- a II iitoii hit k. a Broth a Cumb or a Mirror, well giadl
break up a Set to aatiafy you. Plsoss invest ijfate th (.noils behind thiaad.
J. 6. WALKER. Proprietor.
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you 0Vr COtltidor ho lona it takes to travel the distance
from your houM to tho Doctor tnd Morehant ami what time
1 by tolophoning? If your timt to worth anything, you
cannot afford to ba witho it i Telephone.,.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
nJ l?,
Good Country
Ontario, Ore.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.