EASTERN OREGON ONTARIO" Ofte (Mwct0 The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of " v$m. The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper af Ontario and Malheur County. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1914. NO. 6 VOLUME XVII 41 LIVES LOST WHEN RAMMED LINER SINKS Atlantic Steamer Goes to Bot tom in Ten Minutes After Struck by Nantucket. Norfolk, Va. The story of how 43 parsons went down to death In the chill waters of the Atlantic when the liner Nantucket rammed and Bank the steamer Monroe, wan brought to port by the 99 survivors of the sunken ship, who were rescued and brought to shore by the Nantucket It wns :i story of awful nnd sudden death, sweeping out of the dark and fog and taking unawares the doomed half hundred with the heaviness of leep still on them. It told how the stricken Monroe, with Iwr side "ored deep by the knife like steel prow of the Nantucket, Oiled rapidly, rolled over on her s. It, and In I few min utes turned over and plunged to the bottom, carrying with her the pas sengers and member of the crew who had failed to get clear of the wreck. When the crash c:iiiie those aboard the Monroe were In bed and asleep. Only OSBtaiS Johnson and the crew on deck wire up. Hut the shriveling of the strl'Ueu s :i ixl her listing motion, hh the water poured through the gash In her side, awakened the sleeping passengers and sent ihem clambering toward the deck. Warned by the officers, they hurriedly adjust ed life preservers and nmde for the tilted deck. The time wns too brlnX. Those rescued agreed that from the time the Monroe was struck until she settled beneath the waves not more thHti 10 minutes elapsed. DEMOCRATS FIGHT MURPHY National Club By Resolution Rsads Tammany Boas Out. New York Disorder ended a i i Ing of the national democratic club after a resolution demanding that Charles K. Murphy be retired from Hu ll '! rshlp of Tammany Hall hail been declared adopted on an aye and nay Vole When the chairman announced the n -nil ot the vote, Murphy partisans and those favoring his retirement started a demonstration Fasti were shaken freely, threats were made and hard names used It was In minute. before a semblance of order was re al ored. Friends of Murphy assert the reso lution had been carried by an illegal vote, and they will lay the matter in the form of a protest before the board of governors of the orgunixallon. MANCHUS' RELIGION ADOPTED BY CHINESE Pekln. A bill prescribing the wor ship of heaven and of Confucius by the president of the Chinese republic was passed by the administrative council, which took the place of tUe Chinese parliament, recently dissolved by President Yuan Shi Kal. The measure was submitted to the council by Yuan 8hl Kal himself. It Is understood that the president's Idea is to set an example to tbe Chi nese nation, which he thinks needs tbe moral Influence of religion. The question of the Introduction of a state religion has created consider able controversy In China, tbe chris tian missionaries of all sects opposing Miib a step. The constitution adopted by the Chinese parliament made no provision for any state religion. .. School Tsachsrs of England Strike. London A strike of school teach ers, tbe first of its kind in tbe British Isles, Is in full swing in Herefordshire. Eighty out of tbe 120 elementary schools were closed. The teachers aay they will remain out until they gain their demands, which are for a minimum salary of $5ou per annum, an lncreaae of $50. West Will Rtlsase Liquor. Salem, Or -Oou-rnor West notified the saloonkeepers or Copperfield, who were put out ot business when he de clared martial law In tbe town, that he would give them until next Satur day night to take from the warehouse in Baker the wlu.-ky and other lutoxi cawug beverages which were seised by Colonel Law son and his men. DOG POISONER BUSY AGAIN KILLS SEV- EkAL GOOD DOGS The dog poisoner was around town Monday afternoou and as a result there am number of dead and dying dogs around. A person who will spread poison around a town where children aie as apt to get it as dogs or 1 cats must either be a fool or a mur 1 derer at heart and that there has been no child dead from tin- wholesale distribution of poison Is no limit of those who spread it , Whoever did the job thoroughly understood the pnlsou and anatumy of the dog. The poison was wrapped up In slices of meat and held together with rubber tianda. It is pi uliiil'le t lint civil action will be started when it Is detet mined who dlil the work as theie were some valuable animals killed. There is uo question about the city being over run with worthless curs that disturb the people day and night with their barking and MMtplBaT. but there are other mi ana of doing nay with the curs, where I here is mi danger to the children and valuable dogs. COLONEL JOHN M'ELROY. f fiiimin of Maine Memorial Celebration February 16, 1914. HUERTA JAILS MANY WEALTHY MEXICANS Mexico City Jose Requena, one of the wealthiest Mexicans and former chairman of the Felix Diax party, was arrested at his mansion here and sent to prison charged with beiiiK in a plot to remove Ueneral Huerta The dictator is now discovering dally alleged plots to overthrow his government and assassinate him aud arrests are common. On pretext that they are plotting against Huerta, many rich and powerful Mexicans have been thrown into Jail. I'julro Del Vlllar, another rich man. wairarrested soon after Kequena was taken Into custody. Hotting was charged against him. It was not H plained whether Del Vlllar was con necieU with Kequeua or working in dependeutly. On the demand of Secretary of State iiryau, the Huerta government releas ed from prison Samuel Cantu, an American, who had been sentenced to be shot aa a spy Oregon Tnss Out Soccer. Eugene. Soo-r football, the lateat port Introduced at the university ot Oregon, ia increasing in favor witb the students, and this spring the uni verslty will put out its first team. Adams Hsld Guilty. St. Helens. Uuilty of manslaughtei was the verdict of the Jury in the case of Green Adams, charged with first degree murder for shooting an killing Robert Mcl'herson at Ver .cm; last summer bt Jbbbkb'BB0'Js , vfhBm fcf jti ' ' ' V 'VC' st-4. I BWr vCW ' i ,: w (fcw CORN EXPERT WILL LECTURE AT CRANGE Meeting Next Saturday Night Prof. Jones to Talk Tuesday Night Heed corn will be tbe ti .'0 of dia oussiou at Hie next regulA- meeting of tbe grange to be hold at the grange hall ou the Boulevard Saturday eveu ing. February 7. Aa the grange has scoured an expert on the ei'bjeot the meeting will be thrown upeu to the public aud all are ui st cordially In vited to attend. On the same evening and whllo the lecture ou corn is lu prcgress a special meeting for the ladles will tie held in ttie bsjHQUe( hall where a well known auttiuiity ou domeatlu science will deliver a lecture on sujbrcts e-i -c ally pertaining to bouse mana gemeiit and cooking Sen ntltlu tests applied to considerable seed coru lu this vicinity hare shown I 'rat much of It Is of uiteiioi ipiallty and ot pour geriiitnatluu. With befer methods and more sclent ill.- main gemwul it Is believed that this can lit i ade one ol the best corn BSCtions in thrt nl hi aud the grsngu Is taking up the matter with the object of bringing the most enlightened views on tbe subject to I lie aid of tanners F.very tanner is asked to bring a -ample of bis seed corn to the incut ing that the lecturer may have a sutlloleiit variety of samples to illus irate his discourse. Ho much de pends upon the seed coru in com culture that great ei part of the Ucture will le oonllued to that one uepaitmeut. but If tbe time permits titer will be further discussion on methods of cultUiO paittcularly as applied to irrigated corn. On Tuesday evening, February 10, Prof. Jonas, on of tbe foreuiott authorities ou the adrt,..ct uf corn culture it) Him United Mates. Will deliver a lecture ou corn at the liouii v .ii l grange hall. For a mini ber of years Professor Joues aasoci ute. I Willi Prof. Iloldeu, ot toe lout titatc Agiicilltuial depai tuient. iccoguicii as the greatest corn expert in the world. In recent years Professor Joues has been a resident ot Idaho. A praotl cal taruier bltiinclf aud the owucr ot a uutuher of latins lu westeru Idaho, be was BBS of Hie llrst to recognize the possibility of converting tins part of the couuty luto oue of the greatest corn sections in the lulled Htntea. Fitted with a fund of theoretical aud practical kuow ledge on this subject, acquired In the Middle West. Prof,., sor Jones proceeded ' adapt tbls knowledge to the conditions existing In this section nnd the results of bis experiments have beeu startling. During a course of lectures lu tbe state of Idaho he baa beld his audi en. as spellbound, in some cases the people keepiug him uutil the small boura of tbe moiuiug. Tbe grange, wishing to share its good fortune, invites everyone to attend tbe Loture giveu by tbis famous expert, following aa it does the disousslou --f seed corn, to be beid Saturday oven ing, gives the farmers of tbls section a particularly compre hensive aeries on the subject. PIONEER OF NYSSA DIES AT HOME OE DAUGHTER David T. Klgaby, one of tbe plo neers of western Oregon died at the borne of bis daughter, Mrs. Amy .-in olair in Nyasa. January 24. He was born in i,l irg.iw, Missouri, April 7, 1834 and moved to Colorado wbeu a young man. There be received a medical education He en Hated iu the war aud row to tbe rank of brevet oaptaiu, i -log promoted on tbe Held for brarery. II - came to Oregon in 1 si 1 aud i eiiian d here until his death. lie leaves tour children, M. A. Sinclair and Mrs. Hubert Harris, of Nyssa aud t'l.erles and auotbei sou at Tbe Dalles. For a long time be was the nly doctor io tbia vicinity. He was a mem tier of tbe Metbodiat cburch and went icgularly to services uutil he became very feeble. The burial waa in tbe Owyhee cemetery. LR. WITH CLUB MEMBERS May Be Possible to Get Aid From National Govern ment For Irrigation Will K Xing, chief counsel and one of the commissioners of the Kecla niatioii s n ice. was here last week and met with tbe officers of tbe Commer clal club. He stated that he thought It would he possible to get sora money for Hiis section if Hie loan of one hundred million dollars is made to the recla inatiou department, hut it must lie a clean cut deal that will pass Inspect tion. There are a number of propo flltinus to he presented to tl oinmls i. in i - mill they will select the most desirable one. if themuuey is appro priated. Judge King is at rrcsent in a post Hon to help this county nnd stale and the people should cooperate and settle on some dcllnitc plan of action. A project should not be extended to cover lauds which can he reached oiilv li.v long and expensive ditches throogh sections that are at present watered bv other means, but cut down to wln re they are thoroughly pracll al, keeping the cost down anil have mill le water. All propositions ccmiug (rum this section will be compared with those coming from all others and ouly the best selected. Judge King left for bis borne Hat urday. BENEFIT SUPPER FOR THE HOSPITAL ON FEBRUARY 7 A benefit supper in behalf of Holy l: -my hospital will be given on February 7th, lu the huildUig tormei lv occupied by W. T, Uimpklu and kludly let for Hie pui pose without cost. The ladies in charge will pro ide a l ic.il and substaut lal repast that is sure to please the most fastidious at lift cents per plate. The institution is alwavs doing a large amount ol charitable work and even were all the l.itieiits Io pay the low hospital i lies it would still have to depend ou out side assist. nice to meet its hravy general expenses. Tin- supper will he under the auspices ot a committee of ladies aud it is hoped that tin numerous friends of the institution will give tbelr support to the under takiug, aa the work iu which the sisters are eugaged strongly ippoals to i he good will aud sympathy of all wb can give assistance. COUNTY PAYS BIG BOUNTY ON PREDATORY ANIMALS During October, November aud December, 1911) the bouuty paid out iu Malbeur county for cupluriug pre dstory auimala amounted to 4TJ20. Tbe mil. oil paid in October was MsBwMi i" November r 11" and io December 1 lo'.i. .ill. Tbe aiuouul paid out duiiug Jauuary will total more by aeveral hundred dollars than any precediug months. It is usual that February la the heaviest mouth iu tbe year for bouutiea. One buyer so far tbis wiuter baa bundled 200U coyote pells, .fun wiltl cats, .ou badgers. Iu0 wet.sels or ermine aud 40 ooons. GOVERNMENT MAKES APPRO PRIATION FOR FARMERS Tbe nation. ii government has made an appropriation so that each state will have tan thousand dollars for extension work among tbe furssers. 1 be state antioipated tbis and made a like appropriation so there ia now twenty thuoeand available fur tbis stale. The nalioual government will increase the apprnpriatioueacb year. It appeals that the farmer is liually goiug to get aome assistance and it is about time, since be baa to compete witb the world witb bis crops sod pay protection prices for wbat be iii j. MR. HA YWARD OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY GIVES LECTURES William Hayward.wbo haa been in charge of the athletics at the state university for many years, was here several dnya this week trying to get the boys and girls interested In athle tics. He made a talk to the school on Tuesday afternoon and again lu the evening at the Dreamland, where he gBve an illustrated talk, showing what training and clean living had done for many young men. Aa was stated in the Argus January 22 there is great need for a place where the linjs and girls can spend their evenings In healthful exercises and amusements and these talks are along tin- same Hue, trying to iui press ou the children anil parents the great importance ot systematic excr else for the development of the bodies of the chlldten in order that they may get the benefit of the mental develop incut. Mr. Hay-ward will return later and give other talks, at which time he will have moving pictures to Illustrate his work. 0RVILLE WRIGHT. Famous American Aviator Vho Has Perfected Stsbiliisr. JUNTURA EDITOR SEES A GREAT FUTURE FOR INTERIOR 1. J. (iallagher, the Junlura editor aud attorney waa a pleasant calllei Tuesday. He had some casea In the circuit oourt and took a run to Onta rio while waiting. Mr. (lallaghei is very enthusiastic over the prospects tor the ulterior section when the rail road Is extended. He believes the work will be completed without luter ruptiou to Iciverslde. They are at pruseut (luisbiug .up the bridges be tween the tunnel aud Juntura. trying to get the work finished before high water. It will take several months to build between Juutura aud Itiver aide. RAILROAD WILL GET TO RIVERSIDE BYAUCUST FIRST The foliiiwiug appeared in the Juutuia Times last week 1. (J. MoOoy, tba engineer io charge of cmistructiou work, tb'nka that they will be able to get to liner side by tbe llrst of August if uot sooner, us tbay will sboo lly the crossings between here aud that i ml and afterward put iu peiinauent bridges, as tbey did between Juutuia aud tbe tunnels last summer. K. II Hi vers, one of tbe meu high Up iu tbe managiiient of tbe I'tah (Jonstruollou company, was in town several daya the past week looking after the company's interests lu this sectiou. Mi Kiveis was unable to shed any light ou the lallroad pu-n tioii beyond the fact that hla company still have the contract through to Dog Mountain aud that they would be ready to start work as soou as the poweis that be give them permission. cm CITY COUNCIL MEETS Liquor Dealers of City Pre sent Resolutions -Usual Bills Allowed. The city council met In regular session Monday evening. The usual liquor licenses wera granted. K. b Phelps (lied bonds for his contract on the lateral sewer. I In- matter of back tilling trunk sewer No. 1 waa referred to Hie street aud sewer committee and work or dered done by competitive bidding. S I). Dnrman addressed the council relative to a sewer system for Villa Park and the unit tor was deferred to the special sewer and sidewalk timet Ing to he held February Hi. The usual grist of hills were allowed. The monthly report of the condi tion of tin- construction ot a lateral sewer district No. 1 was prrseuted by the engineers showing ."i0H,:)0 dun Hie contractors. Tin- reports of the city officers wore prepared and placed ou (He. The liipior dealers of tin- city pre-seiili-d a ic solution signed by nil of them, except l,te Howard, who was nl ..en! trom the clt v. to t HVrt that no Inpiiir would lie sold to Persona de clared to he common drunka or per in it them to enter or remain lu their saloons, also not to sell to nliy person who Is Intoxicated, that they will not hire or keep in their employ any per sou who lu any manner violates any of the provisions of these resolutlona. The recorder was ordered to nc knowledge receipt of the rcsol itlon and certify intention of council to stand back of the resolution and also that the license granted to l.vte How mil be hehi until he signed there solu tion. The charter being ileeuisd inadeipi ate let the requirements of the city the mayor, attorney mid Councilman II. were appointed to laka the mallei under advisement and pieseut t li-1 1 Mailings. The hood of the oily recorder was Hppmvcil ami placed ou Ills. '1 lie bond of tin- city treasurer waa appyovi d and p luce. I ou Ills. Tin- city engineer reporli-l OB the condition of t In, ill tin illteli for the i-HSt side nf I lie ilt, which HOW iiieaiidi-rs lu uncertain lines should be cut as lollnws. lb ginning at tbe inter. rctiun ol California ami Owyhee sire. Is I hence ion Hi to the intersect luu ot 'w v liee street and Idaho avenue, I hence west ou Idaho avenue to tbe inleiseetlon witb Kimball Btreet, theme IIDO feet north of the northeast i in in r of I lie old city limits at a cost of about $:I5U. P.ugiucur ordered to ask fol bids. Ordinance No. M comllrining the assessment roll to cover cost of Lateral Sewer No. 1 was passed. Council adjourned to February 16. MARSHALL LOCKETT READY TO BEGIN SERVING SENTENCE Marshall l.ockett, convicted of steal lug cattle, ou Sal oi -lay abandoned bis appeal tu tbe supreme court, dis charged bis Httorney and deul.irod Mo. sell ready to go at once fl Salem to begiu seivlug his sentence of from 1 to 10 y.ars iu the peuiteu tiary. Marshall l.ockett, with Hick Lock ett. was convicted of sleaiiug 4'. head cattle aud driving them across im Malheur county where he was caugbt witli the stolen cattle. He ami Hick Louketl appealed the case and Hick obtaiued tUMll) ball money, but u. Maishull Loi'kett was not able to ob talu. U.ikei Herald HARNEY COUNTY PEOPLE TIRE OF WAITING FOR ROAD The pauple of Haruey county have got tired of waiting for tbe railroads to build into their sectiou aud are going to build a lias themselves t conueot with the Western i'auillo aud thus get a shoit cut to San I'raucisco. The ptopostd route would open up tbe Kin n. I'atlow, Puebluaod other valleys aud eiiable those people tu market their prudune. That section Is Hit- farthest from a railroad of any part of the L'uited Stutes.