The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 29, 1914, Image 8

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Events C xurrlng Throughout
the Sta 3 During the Past
Fruitgrower! Plan Work.
RoMbnrg VI i meeting of the
fruitgrower! of imngin ; oovnty, hid
btrii it tu dot iiird to affiliate with
the. North Pacific Fruit Distributors'
n Kocl.r nn in 'I posing of thll vizir's
. -,p Thli i oclatlon 'i'if nut ban
die thn produoti of individuals, but
tin -it lotll fl lit oreatiiatimiH uf
r.ic state
it id nisn planned by the fraltgrow
m to Mgnga iii thp Mtenalva culture
of Oaallflower during the next year
An cxpit ma) bo employed to direct
this work
Short Weight on Butter Found.
Ci.ini- I'. i Iii the MM Of thp
tate of Oregon vs. K. f Aball, trieii
here, thp Jury found the dafMdant
guilty of selling butter one mbm abort
In n lWO-DOUnd roll DODOtlM of the
itata food commUeloner collected tho
artdaoM from looal groearj lora
The deputies have DOM bttay In
('outherti Oregon for the past two
WMka collecting evidence for tha pur-
p i of locating violators of the law
Convict Camp Abandoned.
M-dford Owing to the dally In
flux of unemployed and Iba thrMtMod
approaM of the "Idle army," resident
Itlghwaj Kngtnoar Klttradga has an
Don need the abandonment of the pro-
loaad eonvhi lamp iii the giaklyona
) if work on the Pacific Highway, ami
ijeclarao thai tho preliminary aanava
tlon will be done h local and I run
alt lit labor.
Farmers to Get Advice.
Harris. The annual short course In
agriculture and llt allied Interests will
be held In Hums h binary II to 21,
Imlii ive, with the following lie trie i
nrs in in Hie Oregon XgrlciiHurnl Col
lege I'rof, ssor II II. Scuddcr, In nk
roiioiuv . Profeeeor Potter, iti animal
husli.iuilry . Mrs Calvin, in di slip
epicure. K II nils, III ll.lll v III! ml
Mrs liolniaii In domestic science.
Mr. Churchill Arranges For Schools
To Celebrate.
alOBI llcllevltlg all. ilia trow I in- of
o much Import. nice, not only tu the
lIVeMn. h llllelesl, ill tin iiellltrv. bill
also In Its relaiioii to Ihe mnlnlcn
am i and iipliullilini: oi soil it Utility,
the Mtlra aecond areah of March has
Blazing Trails In Glacier National
Park With a Pathe Camera
" ;
T 7
' . fclffi
.la I'jitv tu gaul
r -. 'i"r V t :aman .mj"ci
iVianir I X v- i cvji oistur Park i:oui Ifijsjj Jvi'fa.
" .!T V-ammraW
' iaV a " s ' "v ' - dw aaVs
J..k. I(p.,t ll..,u. t y 1 vj Sdly pX.0,.,,.10,. Expend .Huvh T.m.
Wttk Caaam o it,, ltd . PT fAi ran H.rd.h,P .nj Evo
v'.'UV t..t..uv to Us Cive . J ' to iit the Pno.u. W
Ti include the aromlcrful si-cnerj of tlbtchH Katl uil park la thai new s.-,. America First" series, llalph R.
.ii fur ti,. rule I'tcie . oinp.niv ic. ciillv nuiile a trail blaalUg tour ol unexplored rOglOM
in the gtval t iloual pUygrouud l iMler the gutdauce ul Tom Imweou, a veteran guide of the UochlM
of noiiiiw,' i, M.'it.nii iiie I'.uiie man eevurwd aaaw uutteual pb(urea uf lUe vv.aeii'aiN. wountaUMb
glaiiora, Ivers - which make tha parb mora famoue for lie aceuW womb-i ihau the .ip of SwltaarbUML
. ii . - ieahlUg Si ethillg in vv and uiarv elou- for the UatrOM ''f iiiellon pi line (le.iiei all ovi-r the vvoi d.
Futile (ouip.iu) hue yc"t its north weateru reiureeaatatlea Into timriet National park on several tripe.
MM designated b State Superintend
ent of I'ubllr In l rii' 1 1 r : t i Churchill a
"alfalfa wepk." Rvpry Hehool In Oro
uon. Including the one room rountry
-chools, the grades Mid high schools
of tho pIMph, will he asked to observe
the weeks through placing special Mi
phai i:; in the language work on thp
ubji ' t of alfalfa gron Ing.
Bullatlni of the Dragon Agricultural
Collega arid of the Holdati Improve1
in :i t ( ointnitlee. whleh give valuable
Information about the growing of al
falfa, will be ii irihuteii among the
BupcrlntendMl Churchill annMncM
thai bo) and girls' laduatrial oluba
ire 1.1 inc. ori'anleil throughout the
Itate, the work to Include poultry-
. spwim;, pigfaadlng, garden
Ing, dairy racorda aod manual arts.
lit is pianneii to add alfalfa-growing
Mil year.
Fruit Union Wants Packing Plant.
Moschurg. M the annual meeting
of the DoUglM County Fruit I'nlon
lield here, steps were taken toward
i- tabll ah Ing a fruit paoklag plant here
lor the union, and a resolution favor
ing employment by thp county of an
agricultural expert was adopted.
Immorality Charged to Indians.
Pendleton Major a) I. IwaitalaaeV
pr, agent on the Umatilla reservation,
and several witnesses are In I'ortland
to lay before the federal grand jury
chargM of Immorality on the part of
I-. itatlon Indians. It Is said a num
ber of red with wives are living with
other sipiaws
Coqullle Coal Is Moving.
Coipillle. The output of the thre
i-rni I mines on the Couulllc river at
on, nine miles below this city,
per ii m greater now- than it
was a year ago Their production Is
ii".' running Ion" tons a month, and
In" laborers ate ,,i work In them.
Justice Urges Rockplle.
The Dalles hi lice or Hie Peace J.
W Mien Is urging the establishment
of a rockplb' on which to work the
pity and county prisoners Most of
the Hit criminal cases which have come
before Hie Justice ill Hie last four
months lime I n for minor offenses.
Sliver Gray Is Captured.
Bond A silver gray fox, the fur
of which is believed to be worth from
Hag to it.viu. was csught by 0, I.
Smith, a rancher, near Mend
Haiti Revolt is Growing
I'ori Au Prince. The revolutionary
move ill In Haiti Is growing strong
er daily All the towns In the north
are In arms against the government
and several ot the most Important
places have been Mptnred by rttvolu
lion lata.
t fr- aynw
-? W-ew :1S.'S'-mr&
m t it fji
at . II : Mi
aaaaa r ar ..i. ..viini r t
kW Wm':mirI?M
, ih,u h v- .. Maiieeel " viu vvki, in Otawa Ki rrZ
Portland - Warm as it gives prom
ise oi batagi the ootning primary ale-
tion campaign In Oregon will be only
a mild forerunner of what the voters
may exppct In the campaign preceding
the general election, November 3.
Undoubtedly the issue orerahadow
Ing all Others IB Importance will ha
that of slate wide prohibition. Ore
mii this year will In- one oi ihe inn in
battlefielda In the struggle betwoM
vv ei ' and "drys."
ProblMtlM Mmpalgna are to be
. i:ii next summer and fall In five
i western atatea, of which four are In
i lie pacific coast section. The five
slates are Oregon. Washington. Idaho,
California and Colorado. The autl-
llqnor forces are preparing to center
their efforts In the three states which
appear to them tu nave the best
chances of success. Thes,. slates are
Oregon. Washington and Idaho.
Woman Wins Own Suit.
Olymp1' Wash Mrs. Clarissa Hall
ey, of Seattle, who during the Inst
term ot Hie supreme court was allow
id the unusual privilege of arguing
her own OBM alter she had dlsagrepd
with her attorney, was awarded a re
ductlon of nearly $17, nut) In street as
sessments against her property, In a
decision handed dOWfl Saturday.
Municipal Store Opened in Chicago.
Chicago Chicago's first municipal
I tore, which Hie city council recently
authorised with an appropriation of
.'.'.. and at which groceries are
sold at cost to the poor, has been
opened. If the market proves a sue
cess, meats and wearing apparel also
will In .old. and oilier stores opened
In different sections of Hie Pity.
Dry State Predicted.
sttiokiitip VA'nsli "Tilt Mint,
Washington will be voted dry at the
! November election of this year by a
I majority of at least L'li.noo votes."
This Is Hie ptcdli Hon ramie by May
or lllndlev. who has jnsl returned
from the coast, where he talked with
Hie Mayors of II Washington cities
and prominent coast business man on
the present Issue of prohibition.
Cltliena' Alliance Exonerated by Jury
Calumet. Mich The grand Jury In
vestigating the assault upon Charles
II Mover, president of Ihe Western
Federation of Miners, who was beaten
and deported from the strike district,
reported a complete exoneration ol IT
members ot (he CtttSMS1 Alliance,
(dutrged with participation in the af
err jmir.- v.-' .
Martini, wife of ,11. M. Oralg still
tnothtr of Mm. 'J'. L, Mliicktnan, Mrs.
I i.-uili Hhi ilmaii. Mrs, Hi uce U'ilicwar
and I ie.iiiiiH Craig, died uf cnucer at
her borne iiiv-i of the nity ou
Weilueartsy niylit .Ihihoii v 21 and tvas
bnrlad Friday afternoon from the Ail
vent church. Her old friend and
former neighbor ami the teacher Ol
her children, Kev. n L Milliagn,
delivered the funeral sdilreas.
Martha Sk W ilnnx was lorn near
Nashville. Tennessee, October It. 1H
and her patents moved shot t ly after to
Oakland, Mississippi, where she grew
to womanhood Sue mat tied II. M.
Craiii October 1. I HOI. They niovpd
to .lobtiMiin count v. I kniis.-is. in 1878;
to (irant county. Oregon, in lH8:i and
to Ontario in 1 90S, tjgf religious
life began half a century ago wheu
she identified herself with the Chris
. n cliurcb.
Like many true women Mrs. Craig
Imnc in tier home rather thsn hi the
sonial arena. In tbst home she was
the central figure, its animating soul
and its brightest ligbt. Iler children
deferred to her always, yielding a love
'i J homage rare in this age. Finding
their i i-i.t est happiness in mutual love
and regard, the family feels most
keenly tills breach In the domestic
wall which nothing can III!.
To the friends and neighbors who
were to kind and helpful dm nig tbe
illness and death of their loved one
the family wish to voice their sincere
thanks and heart warm appreciation.
Three men were seriously Injured,
but none fatally last Nuoday after
noon wheu an electric railroad speeder
jumped the track on t tie Oregon and
t -intern rsilroad. 18 miles west of
Vale, near Little valley.
The Injure 1 ones .en Francis
Hogg, Oregon Short Line clerk at
V He. knee cap bio ken. will be laid
up for mouths; Chief Operator Kisen
hart, Vele. t ight arm I token at elbow ;
II. C Hmltb, clerk at Drexal natal
Feared lie Is internally injured. I o
conscious almost J I boura. Wouud
on bank of head, i e. pin ing l si Itches
It a understood the speeder struck a
rock causing it to jump tbe track.
The iloidau Valley K press had a
wain: roast for tbe wsy scabby shetp
are allowed to range near clean lisuds
au.ltlie many favors granted nun real
dent sheep owners Here is some of it :
"rem men as Maker, who, we ere
Informed had 2..tHUi .beep last spring
Hiil gave in to the assessor 5600 and
raised particular h I wheu lie was
raised to in. Him bead. Ibis tear be
has 15,000 sheep out on the desert.
all uf which have been ep"sed to
scab and had colli d out .'.'Jim beud ol
poor ewes and lambs and lias brought
them up tbe valley to the Hooker
iMiicb to feed. They claim to have
I ecu given a light of way to feed.
inoiber ootflt, two mMM( broke
i larantlaa ami went from neat' Ban 1 1
B i ll c t" i.liiuil nivi ii n I u 111. near Rod
Hut and hare bang manning tawli
scabby sheep near clean sheep.
Another oue "hold" Young, did the
MOM, Now all ot Hicmc parties hare
not even the claims of real estate
Htid are not helping to improve the
county one lota.
It Ihe r.xpress editor is right the
assessor thould get tuixy with those
I "i iidli bead that vvre not assessed
and the stock lin-pectoi should iiiarau
i me the scaii v abaep
County Attorneys' Election 1911.
siiein. Or. Mioriiev Ueneral Craw
la an opinion, hold- iliat under
the count) attornej acl do diatriol ai
. can i ic( led until Iglt, Ul
ruatti r bow the) occur,
i il, muel ha fdi
e,i ii appointment by the Qoveraor
until IMI
Neittier President Nor Secretary Bry
an Have Asked Him to Quit.
Spokane Wash Jndge Qeorga Tur
to r returned from Waablngton, D c.
and (Ualared that lie had not roehjned
from the lateraatloaal loldl oammli-
ioil. and have not luen pressed fori
niv reatgnatloa h) either the preaidenl
or j acre tan Hr.vau. 1 did say to
aoma af mj frteada m Washington
that 1 should resign if I became u can
did. i'c for the senate.'
The lodge decllaed u declare him
self a candidate tor I 'ruled States sen
ator, hut stated ,,li'1 ha i consider
ing the auggeatlM made to me by
many friends in dilfcretit part of the
state that I become a crvidld
b Formally Opened With
Appropriate Ceremonies
Befitting Occasion.
The dedication of the Ontario pub
lic library on Mondav evening marked
the I'ompletion of a task started m
1900 by Mrs. L Adam. Mrs J. It.
Haekabv. Mr,!. Win Laurence. Mrs.
t'ouue. Mr. K. A. Fraser. Mrs. A A.
Hrown and Mrs. J. A. Lackey, when
they organized the Work and Win
A few years later L, Adam gave
them the use of the home they have
occupied these several rears. Home
two years ago it was thought the city
wa large eno igb to warrant a p Tina
neiit Inline A petition was sent to
the Carnegie Llhrary commission for
the funds necessary to erect a build
ing ntid tbe handsome well appointed
library Is the result,
For the maintenance of the library
there in ti levy of one mill made an
utially by the city council
The llhrary cnmniissinn, consisting
of Dr. Whitney. Mrs t.rcig. Mrs.
Eraser, Mrs. Adam and 10. A. Fraser
have bad direct charge of the work
and are entitled to the credit for the
completeness of every detail.
Wm. Mallory was the architect and
W. P. M luster and II. L Poorman
the contractors.
Miss Finney haa been engaged as
For the dedication exerclana Dr.
Whitney acted as chairman and gave
an account of the work necessary to
tiring about the completed building.
Talks were made I v Dr. Davidson.
Prof. Knlley and Mayor Trow, all
commending tbe work of tha com
Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Fraaer
served light refreshments.
The library hea about 1200 volumes
of I omul honks, pamphlets from the
government and Agriooltural college
and many niagalnes and papers have
l.(i-n donated and au tiler I bed for.
All of tbe library equipment la of
tbe best, a credit to the committee
and tbe city. There la still need of
many hooka to till tbe shelves uud
complete tbe library. Nn doubt
friends have been waiting to aee what
booka were sent to before making tbclr
donationa. Now It Is possible to aa
lect hooks that are needed. Tbe com
mittee and librarian will willingly
give aiiv desired Information and ar
predate any booka donated.
A most pleasant and enoyable event
look place last linn lav evening at
tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Secoy Id
Villa Park when the S and C. olub
wiiicii is purely a woman's club, en
tertied tha gentlemen wboare insoma
way dependent on their good will ami
kindly ministrations, and so mere
men wtie much in evidence.
1 1 aiinpoi lat ion aa furulshtd by
the kindly host and on arrival it was
discovered that we were unt to have
a dull time lor a slugle minute of
tin- evening. There was music by a
ladles' quartet, composed of Mtsdaiuc.i
Hingham ami Dickson . Misses Miauo
ami Hull, instrumental .elections by
Mrs. Mniater, a male .piartet, Messrs,
1'roxell, Tracy, Dickson and Laxon
a duet by Mr. aud Mrs Dickson, and
a humorous duet by Mr. Dickson and
Miss Strane. Some popular songs
were joiucd in liy the whole company.
Mrs. Iliughaui enlivened tbe even
iug by a humorous reading aud the
telling of a story of personal eperi
oner, both ol which were well render
ed. Mrs. Calkins also gave a reieliug
of a serious character which vas well
rciived. Some tune nm spent in
contests w Inch chIIi I torth the skill
and sgilitv of tbe m l oil ants.
dainty three course luncheon was
served at the close of the eveuing.
1'lie ten t lemon gave the ladies a vote
of thanks for the good time aud M
ressed the hope that they would do
it again.
u I at (lull, lie; blueoiem, 5c;
red Ruaaian, 14a
lla.v Tiniothv, $17, alfalfa, $14.
latter Creamery, oic.
gga- Candled, Ite
Idaho Names "Apple Day."
atoe Idaho Qovernor Haines is
sued a proclamation setting February
I H app ( .l.iv and lUKing the people
of the state to make BJ mm Ii
the apple on that dav as possible.
Five Die as Trains Crash.
Jackaoa, Mich Ova persons were
killed and poaaibl) a score vv,-re In
lured when a MichlgM t'eutril pas
i i ram collided head on aith
freight train near tins city.
Brief News of the Week
Turkey and Bulgaria have con
cluded nn offensive treaty against
; i .-(-.-, It is reported.
The nuthorllles estimated that $20,
onn (latnae was done to the Pot any
gardens at Glasgow by a suffragette
With 11 cases of smallpox at" Snn
Jose, Ctrl., the school aitlliorltieri were
requiring all pupils to show vHcclna
tlon certificates or leave school until
the disease has disappeared.
Robbers early Saturday dynamited
the sale of Hip Farmers' National bank
at Ludlow, Mo., and escaped with
0M, They left no clue
Wednesday was celebrated as tint
birthday atinlvprsnry of ITesident Me
Kinley One of the most notable of
the observances was a banipiet given
bv the Ohio Society of Washington.
Arguments in the government's civil
suit against the Chicago Putter and
Kgg Hoard for alleged violations of
the Sherman atiti trust law were sched
uled to Mgln Monday before Judgit
Landia In the federal court at Chicago.
The Oregon Agricultural College.
basket ball team was outclassed by
the I'nlverslty of Washington five In
the second game of the series at Spat
Hp. Score, II to !).
The Herman Imperial Parliament, in
order to demonstrate Its Indignation
over tho recent InctdMta bataraan tho
military and civilians at .abern,
adopted by a Inrge majority, u reiio
lUtiM ib manning government action
lo prevent the use uf troops against, unless at the rcipjcst of tha
civil authorities.
People in the News
The I'anama canal Is now ready for
the passage of large vpsspIs, accord
Sng to Colonel (ioethals.
Formal announcement of thp candi
dacy for the Republican nomination
of Fnltpil Statps senator has been
made by Charles Curtis, ex United
States senator from Kansas.
Rollle .leder of the New York Arner
leans and Claude Hendrlx of the I'ltts
burg Nationals have each signed a
three-year contract to play with th
Chicago Federals.
It is said that Sir Richard McPrlde.
premier of Hriii-h Columbia, advo
cates Ihe plan of llrltlsh Columbia
taking over the Yukon country. The
development of railroads In that sei
tlon is one reason for the policy.
Mrs. I' (irnhuiii, of near
Bond, Oregon, is here visiti ojr
her pnrontu, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
SI ou n.
The Clyde Harry "ale held
lahl Wednesday war well attend
ed and things brought good
U.K. Bonnier is having his
Holobtin cows tested. He hits
one gagWlorod eow that gave Uli
ou tit Ih of milk per day for three
suci c-sive days and tested -1.11
outler fat.
The new Baptist church here
is the tinest church in this pail
nl the country it was crowded
Sunday at the dedication ser
vices. There wus gl'JOO to raise
which was partly subscribed at
tlic morning service and the bal
ance in the cvcniii",.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, of near
Horseshoe Bend, was here visit
ing her sister, Mrs. 0. K. Wil
cox. The Farmer's Movable school
is in session here this week ami interest is shown Lvt the
fanners of the community, then
beino seventy-live present at
the opening meeting The wom
en's sessions are also receivicg
much attention.
Mi- Charles Uich and Myil
Holii 'iiU'ck were married at
Caldwoll January -2. They re
iiiiik'I home Saturday altera
ihoi t trip to Boise.
The Fiuitland grange won in
the idiite-t for the Victrolu.
Mr Black, of Homedule, was
a buiinOM visitor last week.
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Fruitland
State bank the following direc
tors were elected: JJ. 0. Scritch
lield, Mr. Edgeeomb, F. F. Hun
ter, C. W. Voting and C. H.