LAUD ARMY ENGINEERS IN PHILIPPINE SERVICE. Hitherto Unsung Heroes In Unci Sam's Pay Highly Praised. Hitherto (mating hero in Unci Hum's ervlce wtTf dlacloaed In N port l.v I I U I'stciliuii-i'. acting ill rector of tin' bllWM of jnilillo works of tlio I ti ; I i i ( it ii c. recently iniitlo public iiy the ImraM of Inanlar affalra in Waanlngton Tiny am the dletrtcl engineer! In rberfe of the ImpfOTo- mi'iits lii thr Kl.uidn. Officiant uriMoti f liieed by Director Weeterhoaee'i d wri;itiiiii of their dlitli'S Hint the liil necn must lie of heroic mold, or Hhp wedded to their pwfe Ion beondtbo poaatblllty of dlront 'Were lhe iiiirii't engineer, to glTe mil nrojeri the time required f"r in eeatlgntlon end HMpectioii in keeping with good enirltienrlng prnctlce," sniil Mr Wi'siiTii'iiisi', in renewing the! their nctlvltlee extended ovei nitty is land, nini BTntipa of labinda, "the I area t.v 1'inr bmira of tba day would bo more timn curded, "Their reepoaalbtNty not only in roleea rurreel location, luflldent de hIl'h nini economical proaecutlon of eonntrtiftlon worn, bnt alao Inclndea 'oi accounting property acennnta blllty in Hi eemreet form, and mni iiiinii' of iiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiioii mattera." in audition, Mr tveaterftouae do dared, the district engineer wns forced to deal witii native and not too honest labor, and wrap bald "peraonally r ponaiblo" for all anppllea and expend Itnrn Re added alao tii.-it tba la proremcnl work in the labinda una hampered by the lack of fttnda. BOMB IN DEAD LETTER MAIL Deadly Nitroglycerin Contrivance Was f'ostsd at Cincmnti. a receiving dlrlaloa clarfc'a maplcior niiont n package be ns handling in tba dead letter ofneo in vVaahlngtnn in all probability tared Ma Ufa and tbnaa of tin- nii'ti mi iiitn Tbe package eu mi infernal machine deelgned to explode on Ih'Ihk opened MuiiihI in Cincinnati enteral day be fore and addrwwed "fmnk Goldberg, Wellington, Mew Renlnntf." tba pack age araa anl to tba dead latter office becniiaa it did not carry anfJIi lent poel ago To learn the name and nddrea of tin- Bonder the clerk unwrapped it and dlacloaad n pnatnhoard boa six in" lies long, four wide and Iwo deep, rnntalnlng n wnnditn box with i cop per a Ira Rttachmenl on i it wna tin' wtfa timt warned the clerk r n. Vandetneter, chief of tba re calving division, took the box to Major Sylvester, raperlntettdenl f pollen, nml lie tool; it to the WiishitiL't'in Imr- racka, There Captain T M Roberta had the box placed In n hole hehlinl the college and n itgbt charge of trltmi pat under It nnd detontited li.v electricity, the upectatora Rtandfng 100 feet away. Tlie trlton merely Maw the box apart mid the rlinrire In the bomb burned Inatead of exploding. It wa found to be nn Ingenlooa nnd very iieidiv contiirnnce containing nitro giycetin The ioatal autborltlea nre trying to find the sender in Cincinnati, Idaho Rates Protested. rtoh' A sweeping lavaettgattofl of the oonl frnlgbl rntaa that nre ebargad by common oarrlen in this stntp, pnr- tiinl.irly thoBf of Southern Iilnho. In- oludlng the Oregon short Line, win be made An exiimlnntlon of the tnrlff sched ules on file nr" sulci to show thnt these rntes nre In many InnUUaOM unrenson nhle. Kor some short hauls It is snhl that the tariffa abow as high na $1 a ton tor a 60 mile limil. LAST SHOT KILLS BEAR. Final Bullet Fatal to Charging Bruin Thirty Feet From Lad. Poi'lliind. ore. Percy, the twenty- yeiirnlil son or C. S. 111)1 of Boko Point. Wnsh.. In Cowlitz county, shot what is believed to be tba largoot hear IT killed III til it section. The young man Imd to lira seven ibntJ with his :;u:;ii rifle to end the life of the monster liruln. which churn d him from ii distance of 800 feet lfter his (Irst shot had wounded It. 1'iie seventh Imllet lit'okr its hack and laid the animal low when It was with in thirty feet Perry. In grant excitement, ran two tulles In seventeen minutes to his fa ther's home with word that lie had killed "the largest Mack hear In crea tion " After the lintte had heen skin lied and dfaaaad the meal of Its careass nlotie welched Itfl pounds. Giant Ledge Is I Wallace Articles of tba Olanl Lodge John I, Taylor, D, I. Johnaon and Jamaa kane, Incorporators. filed The oompany der the Inwi of Was kana ii dealgnatad place of bualnena, for 1,600,000 shares, ncorporated. of Incorporation Mining eeapnny, ilurkhart, W. W. Crickson, Hpo- have just been is ofgnnlnnd aa hitiKioti and Spo ns the principal It is capitalized par $1. Oregon Is Well Represented At United States Land Show JM8 e . 11' ' I JHHI -' ' Int. vB iWatKslB rsB ?3B liaT ufHaaBB I SpV aaH , sMawrHsfA - ,MM V&Jn 1 I O L aiB 11 I, Jt Hk4 K L Hr P 1 dKnKTXV VPw jisvjl, . w 4ML4 rtt "4a4VH Z H M W LatLaaAsbagBVfaafl B3 ' IsH Ag4JkVflL sl W :' !V1siLIrnBHHLIfl EZBv aOHxaanmBeaasi . PH PJaBsl sBBnaslBmBaw raisanaT'B tar i i a Ppa aw Ba ? aam. tSbFT H HWal ' -vWT "n BHBMvJ ub9C3bs iLa 1 " t 'aaB ?Xi Si, . I MfBHiH -m lMWnt 'jn H 'ir yEasBBBsH HgpNt' " ' si HP. awj ah m "ii ' MBAf v 1 tJH Bh .sjIrnTi , maik bwbwhL , kswswfaWi saaJ 4 J " k xiaM I itrMmtL H 1 wW - m , i. BfV 'it' ifwa 3Barli9i . vsTS-b pciLH' i BBWk I 1 1 aub9 ' ffls. IkswIaWmBwtBWBWaaBWaHBa BWWBWsWmsM-' Ba' --- Br aWkM . 1 1 tr mm ' nT !'' H n v iWsl P B swr. I rsP-JK .", I afliAafl BWWswHlBf V- f ' wT l Saw L1 sVI Cnii (.ii 11. 1 Uregi Maud cut pruuiiiietitl) al the I ulted state ljtud show durlnu the tnraa wvks it waa held el tho I'ullaeuui Son at) b laj H Aatfle feaan the bountiful tflaulaya of the atntVa prodnctn In tbn Ote giHI Uuuth and tin- inn intuoth ilnli eg the Hiviit Northern Kallwa on the main floor, the (tretit Northern itiiiiwu' cxciush 1 lecture kail uruvnd a lafllng nrndlnm irf aniualntlng land abun rhUtoea with the state wuuikrful ichouivc. buth agrkultural and horticultural Tbla kuHure kail, conaletlnn of one half of the t'oiueum annex, had a aaallng cauai t) eujual t i (hut of n gaud iei ibenlee MuUoa iVturea and ateeeupttcun view were uc,i to Uluatrate ih laeturea of the Uuni Nnrtbara Kallwny'a expoftA nnd hMklaa 0 0 Cbnnannn of the Portland c'ouniuu' i.ii ciuh ,'thci Oregtm man 'cre given the ana of tbla Us t . kail a tbeougb tin- conrlany ' Louis v Hill Ne ef boflota ha thei , i'. en am ii a i ti a miaaaonar) work .tone ananng aonaaaekefa for the state of Oregon Si.'ii'N ,f jms of fiuii- kirge section of trnuaiaareuctee aboarlua etvuee m the fruu growlug dlatrtcta of Oregon tin. i great raHellea "f fruita in ibeii natural state ware exhibited " tbe bugobooth of the Qrenl Nnatbern ttaiiway The dr) fartulug anctlona of uregun were not nvarluubad either, nwnj antcnlahlng varletlea of K' and oth- or IhhiI pnagnrta badna exhibited The) nm much itteottnn CMonel IUII Unnle) lltsl the show nng Ontnplai tba platform of the iSreat Northern Hallway' lecture ball on Orvgou lij I'oloiiel I liinluy Blwmya Is i Mtt drawlnii card In ChkngO and ttaudlun room wan al a piemluin when bl .ai' i charaCterUtle talk on the i.-ivt poaattillttles til home slate holds ittll to the honiestx'ker l.eiil V Hill ar illlipanleg Mr, Uanloj from St Paul to CbaaagO to attend ih laud stiow. LOSES FEET AND WATCH. Surgeons Cut Off First and Thief Takes the Other. Philadelphia. While rargnona of a boapltal in this city were nmpntnttng (lie feet of John liuest. who was run over hy a train at BattgOf, Pa., his (fold watch was stolen from his pocket when he recoTarod oonncionauaaa from the annesthetle he missed the time Die c. and the loss caused a hurried seanh. hut nothing could lie found to explain Hie loss. Suspicion fell on Piiul Helker. an or derly at the Institution lie was nr rested, confess",! mid was held f'.r trial This led to the dhwoeufy that nothef patient Prank Price, was roh lied of ii dlmtioi 1 Itll li'ln w lille niider the Inlliicii f ether in the BnfgtcUl ward, nnd llelkcr also c.itifessed that theft EOY'S DIVE AT LAST FATAL. Lnd Who Brok Ntk Year Ago 9ue cunil.'S In Hospital. Daliylon, N -i h Wecka la de d In the hnapltnl here !' mi tic c, !n of mi ncclilent July ". 1013 lie dove into shoal water nnd situ, b Ibn bottom 1 1 ant ii P t,i break bJa i. Ha would bare drowned bad H noi been tor the alert' neaB "t Jueefifa Dorall, a friend, who pulled hiui aal Week-' mind remained bright to ton Mt, hut he lii'irl was nhle to i.'i'nlll lie ij, e of Ills bOdj Me Wis llf) i s ' beerful nml hopeful) mni no patient in the boapltal received mora attention I' loin rfadton, tin MVenl occasions he wns wheeled about tba village, and he even attnndnd bull gamaa in his reclin ing chnlr. BLOW UP WARSHIPS BY WIRELESS NOW Now Invention Is Secretly Tesied In El::! London. An Invention whkb, when fullj developed, prumlaaa i" raform war has bean given a Bucceeaful ten) .11 Portsmouth. Altl lb the ad iiiir.iit.x his attempted t km p tba mat mr ii e,ret. It is no dellnitcl kttOWH thai n mine attached to die bottom ol the llrltleb crulaer Terpalcbora was exploded at dl tanca of algbl mile bj Ireieefl Impulae S wc.l.s ago the Terpsichore, a .third class cruiser of kVoOO tUM dls i l m cincnt. 800 feet long and fort '., feat beam, wns tut. en into try iio.k. where dockyard hinds attached a tiiciai h" i" her bottom Tbe crulaer wis tow id 0 bUJ, Her wnter Itlllllt colllplirtlilcllts were then closed and nil aaauibera of Ibn oran kefl tba sill a few momenta nitnr tba Tar pelt hora 'half man out of the watar amidst a vast upheaval of water She ;it OMa mob a heavy list to port an.l the dock I rnrd lUKs came t" her assistance, kts p In.- her with their pumps while Ithej towed the linking ernlaar lain I'liitsinoiith BOY EARNS $40,000. Hu Skirt of Profits Coming From His Expert Knowledge of Farming. follet. in - Werner Kralmer, nine- teen car old son ,.f .1 P Krcliiier, a farmer of Jackson township, w i it ounty, has bought 100 aera farm far siiiimn. nil Of which he has icilled myself from his ibnra of tba pruflta of 111 father's farm. The lad Is a student of scientific Bgrienltera and has taken kmgeonna f home study from the I'ldxerslty of Mi'ii--ts. Be has applied his knowl- due In the man Igemenl of Ilia father' farm and tins In lease,! the eal'liint; of the farm 40 per Matt The lxrelmer farm la said to lie the most prorttnhle lu Will county as a re sult of the hoy's modern method. PEARL FRAUD IN PARIS. Enamaling of Defective Gam Deceive Even Experts. Paris.-The I'ari police are luveetl -ntliitf a remarkable pearl affair. An individual, whose mime Is timllvultfed. i. is iIIscovhi sl a means of hiding1 de :'cts In pearls by a process of en amellng Many pearls prepared for the market have kgN seired liy the police. Hue pearl valued at IQyaaa) franc by an expert Is declared to have a real value of only U.iHK' francs. SAVING TIME h TELEPHONE sVcintt Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and MerchanT and what time you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords A Souvenir Spoon is ajvery inexpen sive yet a very appropiate Gift mi many uccasions. n you want tn please a once resident ut' our Dommunitjr, or simply surprize a Friend, look over our stock of Souvenir Spoons, send tlii'iu niie or a Set of Six. Hcsidi's luitiK InttMSting they are useful and ornamental, you cannot fail to please the recipient Think of some Friend and DO IT NOW! W. W. LETSON m r A aV ( wr' II Your Jeweler ONTARIO. OREGON Ul ' i JL) ONTARIO LIVERY Best Equipped Livery in the city. Headquarters for Stockmen. Horn Bought and Sold. J. G. WALKER. Proprietor. JAKE WALL LAUNDRY Now open and ready for business. Can do Vtrything in starch clothes. Shirts and Collars sptrialty. Good Work Gua ran teed Millinery Announcement Rawing had several years experience in handling millinery, and believing that there is an opening here for such a bus iness as we shall conduct. We have decided to bring for your inspection, the very latest and best in Spring Millinery. We shall also place at your disposal the services of an artistic trimmer. Mrs. Let&on.