'ONI ARIO ARGUS I Brief lltW.if Week r iiaid 11 AAA t .LIU PUBLiHHED EVEKY THUKKDAY Ent'r'l in th tnetiflirp at Ontario On-tjoti. for tmtiHiniHRioB through the matin an H:onl-c1aHfl matter. M. f BAIN. Puhllaher. There is every reason for tin merchants of Ontario to look forward to a larger bVttDOFS during I'M I tlian they had in 1913. There are many more families to be catered to and much more money was received for tho crops than the previous year As Ontario expands and develops the circle of trade ex pands. The recent election showed a good, substantial growth during the past year and the pinspects are bright for many more families to move in this season and reclaim the lands from sage brush. On the tracts West of here many had the work started and will move their families here this season and the same is true in all directions from the city. Team work in what ciHints. When all are palling together for the develop ment of the city and country re sults arc bound to follow. If it takes a lady as long to got ready to register as it some times does for her to get ready to go down town she had better hurry as the registration books Will olOM on May I ami the lime is already getting short. People in the News Mr nml Mi'. Btjrrt Ii.ivi1 nrrlviil li. Purls on ihi'lr wadding lour Mrs H.n 1 1 i dau i.i- i ol I'm Idi hi w ii on I'oIiiIiiInhIiiiii'I -lii in nil ol lliiiiiut.i tloli I ' inilii. 11 1 Is mil lo mii ! ii ili.. Inli' .Inliii II M n ili!.-. aj in. 111I11. r of tin' Inli rliili' i'iiimiiiiti i. -oiiiiiiIhkIiiii. l(iiri'Mi.il;il hi. Ilri nimr of New York Is h.ilil lo lin liiiinovliiK us ri nil of tri'iiliniMit of OtaOOf hy nullum ItH'llnnI W.ir hulllil ft' III. 1., I i . i mil . i . twenn imlloiiM, hiiIiI Sii ri'l.iry of Bjtatt Wlllliini .1. Itr tin. iiililri-HxIiiK an :nnll mi' ul Lincoln, Nil. Hi uri'd in. n to live, nnl In illi' fur llirlr riiunlrv HiiiMii i,ii. in lin. i v, York iissi'iii bl.V Mm kril iitlilliplt- ul AhM'lulil) In, ill mill . liuMiiiiif Suii r for an laqolr) lulu Mtl of limn in litni nl of h i in i n Tin' rumor Is afloat tli.it I'ronlilini Wii.nii ih eonaldarlni tat pits ol si liniiii lin- i I'n i.linl Tall i lii.r jus iii iii tho i mii ii Bialaa aupramt oourt in sucei'i ii Chief Juatlos Wblu on tii- i. in. i I. tlrmnant hr John Qranl L) man, the Panama I.MI'I nli I. I.iili, i , lillilllllll Hitiiiiii. of mmiiii- iii Hi.- United HI. ili i. .li ii h I i mill ;il I. ns nr.i lei for In lin- ii . il ih. iii.. 1 1 iii .I. ii. iii. I Taa s.i.ii.iiui.i tribunal, tba hlga linn ul iin Kmii.iii Curia, ivii'i t il lin. appeal oi I ha Inn in ss ii,. Talle) r.nnl (for I) nii.i (...ill, I nl , Bj Vmi, i iii. iii iin- Miiin i nt tim Rota tribunal annulling bai mai i lai lo Iht fii i (iii band, Cooal Boat do I In ii WEST WON T INTERFERE S.iy Trouble Merely Squabble Br Iwffn Mayor and Council, 'rim 1 1. ill. i li inn i rum V divl.u.ii inn thai h0 will linl cum.' tO The Pallet baoauai tho Iroublo boro, he un. Ik laeivl) it Hiiiubbli hetWtOS M.nui inderaoo and tho council, baa (.in. id I'Xclli'iiiiiit OVOf llu' in, iller lo die mil. nml Ml oltilOOJ ON Mtftl) tatorootod tad nmob roUavod Koiiiiu inn tho m nun of tho council men In icIiihIuk tO cunflriu any of lite taayor't alaa oppolBtooo for tho otftca Of chief of police, AJtStfOOB -.tiil lu would briai 'a ' outoldo help," noan liiK thO "I. He lliilllla, African Colonies Under Martial Law I'rcluii.i Sixty llimiB.uiil iiilhu.i Were c.illei! mil bOOaOOO of thO iilarin iiik apoaad of iie rallwai Mrtkt mid tiic Traaovaal tad Ovbbs River Oot on) waro tlaood aadof twriiaJ law Glrla Starve But Won't Be 8ervanta LaSi iikcIcs MiIkiukIi IhO) sa t ft i arc ttarVlM and a .ml VOtfe, nearly all of the (Ml mid women i ck talered at llie inuitit-lpitl employment bureau lura down irr) Otttf 'i tO aioaUo lorvlca Bij Steel Plant Heooent wiueiiiiK. w t The RlToraldo plant Of ''' t'lUteil Stales St. .1 t'nr Dotation lia lesmiied opiiat loilB III full alter an iilli in ,ss ui fmir months Approximate!) .."no nan arc tffacttd or about 11,000 Texas children ex amlned during 1913. 46.3 per cent had hookworm, according to the annual Btiito hookworm report. The United States forest service Is experimenting with ammonia bombs for extinguishing forest flrea. Tho Iowa Blate conference of the Progressive party, after a two days' ecsslon, declared itsolf opposed to amalgamation with any other party. Tho I'nlted Slates stands second among the powers In the mAtter of naval expenditures for last year. QfSBfl Ilritaln leads. Seven great countries expended 1797,948,000. Sixty six state institutions of Cali fornia will use the parcel poat exclus Ivefy for transporting freight which amounts to $40,000 to 150,000 annual charges. Board of education of Chicago dla contlnned practice of teaching aez hy giene In the schools until the people have had a chance to vote on tho ques tion. . In the two yeara since the Wiscon sin workmen's compensation law went Into effect, employers of the state have paid tH,M4JI as Indemnity to Injured workmen and their depend ants. llrlck red hair, green coats and cork screw skirls are to be the new vogue for women, according to a New York man milliner who has been atyle hunt ing In I'arls. Stato Game Warden Klnley aiding, In an advisory capacity, Max Muller, of Portland, will purchase a number of song birds abroad for use In propa gating tho wild apecles In the Oregon woods. linker was the scene of a unique Christmas celebration when fi00 school children sloinl In nine inches of snow In Hie open streets and participated In Yuletlde ceremonies before a greut Christmas tree A course of lectures on Infant sci ence dealing with problems of chil dren up to the age of alx will be given at the I'areiils Kducatlon Htireau, Portland, beginning Friday. January 2, and continuing each week thereaf tor, until June 7. lielng desirous of seelni: Alaska properly represented, Senator Cham bcilaln will IntrodnOO a bill providing for IhO liiiiiiiilallon of IMi to enable aultablo exhlblta nt i i, produota to bo taado at tho las Ptaa Cisco and San IHego exposlllona. Just four hours niter she appeared in tor sketch at the Majestic Tin ili i at lioseburg. Mrs Al Overton gave til rt li to it sou. Mr Otcrlou Is of In ili. in blood mid tajM the new arrival 'tiled i'i a (SO tOfO tract of land III the ROOOB I i.iliini Tin- prulilcin ul llu- iiik uiploved in Ot o i'n Oregon, which Is acute at present, will be relieved b) the com tin in .ineiii ui actual cotisti'iiciiou worli on the first In. nun acre unit of tin- wc--t t'inaiilla extension irrigation project. I'm- leailtng live hiingrv ami iiik in pi .ed men into a Portland rootaartal Wllcle thev ohl.illliil fOOd Wltltollt ptj r Millie. Municipal Jli;;e Stev eiisoti tontenood Wayno it Jones to five da) I mi tho rot kplle. J Tliuilntiii Rooo, pi'- ill. nl of the Title en. t .mill ami Tin i company, which failed iii I'util.iiiil iii I'm;, who wai convicted ot nlaapproprlatlai st.tie fundi and aontonpod Pa tho pen Hi nl Lit . has been ciM-ii a full panlun bv Qovernor Veol iiu-s aoYOf ton 'd a ll.IV ul Illi. M-lllellie Uoohlai tho norvoua wrech thai ho h i i.. rn . be m sb found guilt) ui polygamy, i i l on Kbria up p.. in. i in circuit oourt a' Portland and rcci u i il a BOUtl nee ol mil iin nt Hutu mii tu li nt vim. in llie peiiiicnii.il the tovorott penaltj pro ruled. The Kugi He charier oommlooton has led tho whole rooorl of tho ft M ii. ii oommlaalon, which recom ondod thai the proaeat obarter bo ontlrel) superaeded b a nea doeu incut, and thai lite new charter be bated upon the managerial system of guv ci ntneiit Appeal in Iht Saleiii brewery case, wherein Judge Calluwav of the Mar lon i mints iin nit court held that the piohil.luou chiirlcr aiiiciiiluivlil voted at the city elect lull Heccinlicr 1 wai. Illegal, has been filed In the supreme court bv tttoraoyt tur the city of 8u lent ' 'Straw baft was the nmne ghen to a new voting tfOtbttl created t the county court of l.tiiti counlv The preolaet adjoins the ttt) limits afbtb anon on the bouHi. ctibt mid west Bides and in dofofOBeo to the ttaaataaajot of l.elisnmi as a si i aw berry center (lit nmne wtib iikSiKued In view of the early completion of the I'. in. una canal and prupcctlve gicaicr aclivilv in naval BtattOfl on the l'Holflc coast. Senator Chamber lain win latroduoe a bin on the re llsenltlllllg ot CQBjroat for a .60O,' tf4 approprltiiton lu buiKI a drydox-k on the Columbia river I'i -viple tl I'elulleluli ttrv Ulglllg that OOBfrOM urease the appropriation for it. eit public building from 170,044 to $130,000 1)1 the original auin, 18004 was spent for u sue Thev uys the bulMlug khould accommodate the I OOUHb as well u llie poBloifice. v HAND HEMS 'I'lie Baptist church is finished and will he dedicated Sunday, January 25. A hig dinner will he served in the hasement. The Farmer's Institute will he held the last week in January at which time the II. L. A. S. will serve dinner each day. The annual meeting of the Farmer's Mutual Telephone Co. will he held January 19. At the Farmer's Ditch Co. meeting held January 3, the fol lowing directors were elected for the ensuing year: Hvron Brown, Mr. Stolzenherg, Floyd Creasy. Walter Burke, J. H. Ilannigan, N. S. Felthouse and 0 Hi Sargent. Milton Bowers of this place and Miss Kllon Burns of Middle ton were married at Middleton New Year's day. J. M. Philips, the harher, is enjoying a visit with his hrother from Nehraska. Tho patrons on mail route No. I, presented tlie mail carrier Howard Snowherger, with a line fur overcoat to show their ap preciation of his good service. Tho Christian Endeavor socie ty of tho Methodist church held their husincss mooting at the home of III EL I'owoll Saturday evening. After tho meeting a social hour was spent playing lvalues. Dainty refreshments we iv served. The high school gave a Imx slipper Friday evening at Flunk's hall for the lunclit of the athletic depni Uncut. Thev took in about $85i Mr ami Mrs. James Clark loft iliiirsiiay tor pokano w thev will make their home. THIS LADY'S G00D APPETITE Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From Mobile. Tells How She Gamed IL Mobile, Ala. "I Buffered for aeren years, with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. Sigurd Hannen In a letter from this city. "I felt weak and always had a headache and waa always going to the doctor. At last I was operated on, and felt better, but soon I had tho Bame trouble. My huBband asked me to try Cardut. I felt better after the first bottle, and now, I have a good appetite and sleep well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells me I am looking better than he ever aw me." If you are sick and miserable, and uffer from any of the pains due to womanly trouble try Cardul. Cardui la successful because It is comnoBMOf Ingredients that have been found to act curatlvely on the woman ly constitution. For more than fifty years, tt has been used by women of all ages, with great success. Try It. Your druggist sells It. N. tt. Writf In: l.idln' AJvlviry Dpl . Chitti imnfa MfJlrlmCo., C'tiitunnofn. Tnn , fnf Sprrial Ifvitnirtinni, md 64 parr honk. " Hom IriitmMl r Women," lint In plain wrapper, on requtait. For Good Rigs and Prompt Service The Eagle Livery G. L. SMITH, Proprietor Horses Boarded By the Day or Week Train Service. West bound. No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd lilt a m N". "') Hunt iiik'tnii I'iihh 0.4O a in No. 0 Fast Mall 0:15 p m No 77 Huntington Pass G:i3 p m No. 5 Oregon Wimh KxpreBB 0 :.i0 p m I ii -i bound No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd 2:51 a m No. 7(! Ilium" paBaengur 8:50 a m No. li Fast Mall 1 1 :67 a m No. 7H Holae pasaenger 3:50 p m lore Mr-. SiiiinhowiT I'litertaiinil tut' l'hilathea class at dinner Siindav. There were fourteen of the i;irls present and thoy re port a fine time. Mr. Scritelilield it'iiil" ;i Kiim ui--- 1 1 1' I" I'mi-e 'e,liii-dnv. Mr. and Mrt. C. II. S.i gout have the sympathy of their many illeinl- ill tle dentil ol their luihy bO film -il.iv The I'liniiiil took place at the home ThiiiMlay. II. .1. I'uil.eit mailc a Iiiim- m ih trip to KiiiiiHit Thursday. Levi Slinkcr and Mi- Susan Scliiiuck of I'i- Moines, low a, mn1 mail led . h iiniary 8, at the homo of Mrs 1 A. I'ri'jjar, a dnngbttf ol M- Blinkor, in th Dl . rinT ol the relatives of the . . : II n l. l coiiiiai line; panic-, ii. r,. noi'iii ton ottioitting. Mr. and Mr Sliiikcr hit Wednesday ror Califomil lO ipOOd the w inter Mrs. Moody is here from Wobington visiting si lbs l I,. Ingtrd home. No. 10 Oregon Wash KxpreBB I :I0 p m M.ilin nr Valley Hniuclt The Vule train leaves Vale daily nt Ho m. arriving In Ontario at H:40. Ketiirning will leave, exn pt Sundny, nt ma m.. arriving at Vale at 10:10. leiivintr tin- llnu'iiii nt 10:50, arilv ing there II :.V.i, returning will lotVS llniuiiti Ht II in. arrive at Vale I llO. I Leave Vale nt '.! 'I.V arriving at OB turl'i at 8 'SO, ami return in VhIc nt i p. ui. On Sunday the train villi cntne t" OmIhiIii ill the iiiiiiiiing nml return nl 7 p. in . innUmr tlie mil In llotni'dale on thai day iimtead ul Wednesday. The Jiiutura train will leave Outit rln Monday, Wednesday and SaturtUy nt 7 a. ni., reiiirnii u t ii p m.. rcHcliiiig .liititiirn ut 11:08 and leav ing nt 1 p. in. Mid Winter Excursions to California Via Oregon Short Line and Salt Lake Route January 30, 1914 from Idaho, Oregon and Wyoming Points. Limit, April 1, 1914 Round Trip From Ontario To Los Angeles Via Salt Lake City $55.30 Tickets on sale on same date to San Francisco and Los An geles, .via Portland and 0. W. R & N. via Ogden and the Southern Pacific at Proportionately Low Kates. Special Trains Will he operated out of Salt Lake City via the Salt Lake Route, leaving Salt Lake I'liiiui Station 11:00 a. m. on January .'Hst. arriving at Los Antfeloa the following af ternoon. Onlv one nijfht en route. These trains will hi' personally conducted and will consist of the most up-to-date standard and tourist sleepers, hulTet ohser ation cars ami diners. For further particulars consult any Oregon Short Line Agent or write I). K. BUKLKY, (.en. Pass Agent. Salt ltke City, I'tah LOUIS HURTLE MOVES BARBER SHOP INTO NEW QUARTERS KORINEK'S Dr. Korinek's Stock and Poultry Rem edies are worth your while to try as every package is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back. (uaranteed by Dr. J. C. Korinek, Medford, Oregon Sold by Everhart Drug Company Ontario. Oregon boats Hull la tiaa him I hia tttroer SBSSJ Si "' ti rat door unitli of the liBriu'.n htuiii, oiniomte tlie M M. C". .(ore. Tho rnnni litta liaii to larked itinl in. i. Ik uvrr lutu ona of the oolet aliops iinMniiiai'li . llisre are two I nth rooma an. I a lavatory aud new ttxturva are to bt Jiuattt llil. He will in 1 1 it the O. K. l.irtuT bIioii and S0S4S 'or a rum nuian. i'f iiatiouaiie tr.iii iin people who appreciate wood work. K.Ltkjh v I ike Notice You are urged to he piiSOOl at tin1 next regular meeting of Beslrlos RoboksJl Lodge No. 1, 1 0, 0. P., .lanuary '21, as there is busiOOSS Oi isBDOl tun-f to ti.insaet. Tin re will be B bonqusi Mrs. Doisy Kutlur t'ord, N. ti. Empire Lumber Company, Limited WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal SOLE AOENT8 AND DISTRIBUTORS OF Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot find it anywhere else oome to us. We have it. If ou have a job of buulinu you , (i . K. and 11 N. Uutlu riord I Heury Ciritlin has traded his ... J.. . !.... ... ....... I I .... ...... . . - waut done, l,re or auall. you oau j u. ,tovllUvU (lf the ltotmfo alwav .l-i'i'ii I mi John l.au liiitmin baiiiK ready for you. Moore Hotel'. fall turn at the tOCHOn, were Here tins W90U looking after stoek interest- i " desert claim in the Big Bend section for some choice resi dence property in Boise.