The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 15, 1914, Image 3

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" ' ' y
C (insect!, oi Ontaiin. Oregon, win.
duly Htli, 1 0 1 0, ii ii ii ii. in.'- ii .-I I A
Many Exci'hg Experiences l.i
His Short Career.
$1,000,000 A YEAR IN TIPS
I I timi N ,01 lit. t.T tli- VA si:;
ml SKI BW, MOtlOtl 1. township I!" S.
Ilangp 161 . Willamette Mcrlilliin. DM
lib d II itli'C nf intent inn to make limil
line yenr proof, to establish ! h i in
to the land mIiiiv described, before
tbe Register iinl Receiver. V. S. I.ini'l
Buy a Good Toel Cabinet Now
You'll find lots of rcp.-iiiim; nnJ odd join to lie done about tie
I'l.u c during i'ic coming w , liter. Iluy a Keen KuttorTool Cabinet
nuw and be prepared fur all kinds of work.
Otlloe, Ht Vale. Oregon, on the 1Kb
dny of January, HI 14.
Claimant names ri witnesses:
A. E. Trent, lm Dale, Albert Hut
'Speed la Life," Said Gates One, and
He Lived Up to It Had Mania For
Special Traini and Faat Automobiles.
Always a Plunger. He Delighted In
Lavish Expenditurea,
ler. Jr., Albeit Uutlcr, Sr. , nil of
( lot IflO, ( begun.
Bract R Hester, Register.
N0TIC1 ii n; rnucviioN.
I)i imi Iment of flip Interior (' S.
l.llllll dlll'c lit 'll', Oregon, Decern
btrlfd, i!ii
Not IN I hic'y given Unit Clltffltl
Bf '
rr n "iltr v. 71.7
o 7 - ejJiiooHlJoojv "- - 3
lit Tw Jbei!m m "sBl
Haw :BaW swSnl V -v tV aW
L r ' ffnr - ff9al' n Hr
K2f mi' .Jobs E ' . amnasl am t ,"v fll aw
aw w -JBEassv VtasBf- 9sWsmaW BaWL. 4ao VaTJ Bar
Ki j -i Btt . "o an aa Bf
aW -'-iM I " ' L11' raff W V aVaWafoV
ViyS J .-O Y rgffi- -jyFnf y
"v i jrvmm vir
". i ; . ii i . . . vr i
VI HT E-JPfli ft (Eft i,
Ies. Kl -'nV lib'
Iejo Met. 4, f! If;
o.oo SNSsT ft lf5 ill I i . 71
IIS ff n
i.. (,
i r mfi
c W:-
Tin r
! i a
l 7M 1
U'n &
En I
mn mm
quality is famous. It mill to nil tools and Cutlery
every article who. 1) bean the Ki Rl kuiter trade mark.
Men should know bow UptrlOfthS Keen KutterSufrtv
Rasori are to all others. Tin y have tli natural "lianj; '
that makes '.Ii.t. inr o dimple and aaay matter.
Always remember tliat the Keen Kutter trade mark
i narantees money back from your dealer If you arc not
absolutely satmieU.
Ontario Hardware Co.
In Hon? Kon?, Paris,
or Portland
vmi ask tlic ilc-alur for a trnm oil
yj tf
M lamp, he will undoubtedly produce a xfc
W. Rayo and tell you there isn't a better Sfc
w. lamp made. Nj
I TheJteSfo Lamp 1
is known in every civilized country of the world
for its perfect lighting qualities its safety and
reliability. No glare; no rlickcr. Easy to
light and care for.
Ash Your Dealer to Show You
Standard Oil Company
A Complete Line of
At the Argus Office
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
' " 1
( "f "' ffjmi
Argus Office
In thei Circuit Court of tbe Stnto of
i)rpon, for tin- County of MhI
belli. If.
Moi ii.- L SketMnuton. Plaintiff,
NpIou ,i. BktfltagtMi Daftadwti
To ..- "i J. MkoflBftOfl) Dofeinl
ant. In tb imni- i f I be Htate of OfOaTOfl!
IN are DOfOfef rniuirprl to BOfMOf
nihi ntiHwpr tin- in i'n pin int III eii HUHiimt
vou In IIih Hbovc entitled suit by
Kittiirilay tMlrd iIh.v if .Ihii un r v. A D
1!Ml. or tor naut tbernof pliiintill
will upply tn the court for the relict
di niHtiil. il In i he cniiiplnliit, nu (He
h ii'in, ietuiHil cree tmever dlMOlf
Inu the boii'liof iniitriiiioiiv btVCtofoN
mid now cd-tlnu ii'tiM'i'ii plnititill
Mild "lefptuliiul unil for t tin MMtodj
nf Winnie K Kketlliiulon. I M ItMB
I Hi" imioii between pldintiir nm!
li I eii dn lit . noil I li . Ii'l'lee I in r I II U nil
Itltl le-t ill I be i. li n hint in nH 1. '',
:i. I. Mild "i. III bloeh No. 174, ill (he
city of Otilniin, Oiivmi. Tli In mini
In. m- is Mivi'l Upon IOD by plihlit'H
linn tbeiint in tlie Uiitall.i i n-. n
uei'kly lie .M-'ilier. pil Id ir bed II t llntn
I'ln, I lieipiti, for h c.iil'i eiltlve eekx.
I v older of lion. Ceo V. MrKn Itflit,
Ciiiiuty .IiiiIkp of .Malheur Coiintv,
'reu hi.
I " ite, I November lOtfe, I91S, ot lli.t pulil li'Ht Inn Nnveinliei
aoih, i:n:ij datu or iHt publiiNtloo,
jMiiuary lt, 1!)U.
U McOoumkIII.
Attorney fur pliiint llf.
In tha Circuit Court of the State of
Orp(oh for tbe County of Malheur.
V. C. TetittPi), I'lniiitiir.
Albert Neubuys, Defendant.
To lbnrl Ne.ibuye, tin above iiiuned
ilefemlant :
In th iimiiip of tbe State of Oregon:
Vou are hereby rpiiulrcd tn apptU
Mini iiiiini'i tbe complaint tt If, 1 ilaTMMl
you in the nbine entitled action nn or
before the atb day id h'ebi iniiy, 1 it 1 .
tbe mime In in the bmt luy of tie
time prenciiied hy ihe order of the
ci.iirt dlrci'tmu aervlcc of MMBMOM
lo this pause to be tun le upon you by
publication, and if you full an to
answer for want tnoreof the plaintiff
will Ink juiluoieut attains! you tor
the sum nf -1 Miii.00 with Interest
tlnleiin nt lb'' lute of ni per cent per
iinniim frn in tbe lluth day of Noveui
ber, l'.llo, and for I' ONts and dis
bursements of Kit i it act inn ami for an
order for the sale of jour real estate
attached by the plaintilf in said actlo'i.
mi are further untitled that tills
iiininniis ia sei veil tj(ion you by pub
lleatinii under ai.d by virtue of an
older ot the Hon. Mall .-ii liittlis. I'i'Ikle
id the above entitled Circuit Court,
which said miter was made and enternd
uu the 'J'lrd iiay of December, l'.U'l,
and directed tliat this hiiiiiuiiiiis be
p.lblishid once etch week tor SIX
successive weeks in the Ontario Argils
cniiiiueucinu with tbe iiaue of Dei em
ber IS, lilt.
1 be Hrvt piiblication of this sum
in in. is on Dee. 25, 1918, and the
Inst publication is uu i'tbruary 5,
Mcl'iillocb. Wood Kckburdt,
Attorneys tor 1'laiiit ill.
Always on the Job
If you bave a job of hauling you
want done, large or small, you can
alwava depend nn Johu landiugbaui
being ready for you. Call him at tin
Moore Hotel.
Three lute for sale 'i blocks wset
of poslottice at a bargaiu. Inquire at
Argua otflue.
Old papers at lb' Argus otfloe 15
cuts per hundred. Just what you
need to line your cabins and Place
under tba carpet
Excursions to Denver.
January l-i, 11, la ami 16, via
Oregon Slim t Line-I'iiion Pacific
for Natiiitml Western Stock
Sliow ami American National
Live Sto' k Aosoniation conven
tion. Tickets limited to January
Hal See agents for tates ami
further particulars.
Charles (!. (IntcM. (lend nt thlrty-nav
Pli, Iheil up to IiIm motto. "Speed b
life." I'nllou Iiik in the fOOWOfH, of
his fntlier, John V. (inten. In the lav
i li ili-tt'llnitlnti of tips, pninlim lor
hlirl' stakes mid plunging In the ltOt k
niaiket. be iniiile himself COMptCUOUt
also In the Inst few ears for Ilia rpe
mil breaking dashes ncruas the contl
neni in spi ial trains. It was on one
of these (illusions that n friend nsUed
him h,v he spent tbOBUdl of dollni
to go) i,, ,.w York n few niliiutes
HiMiner, mid he replied. "Speed Is life"
Il was not until he went to New
fort fen or twelve c.iis sjajo timf he
btgnn to loom up In the news i nhiinn
.s a Miuth he had been in the steel
and wire business uith his fallier mid
later had entered a Chicago bmkpriigc
firm, where be learned Ihe details of
the business Then be vtcnt east lUld
boilirht a seat on the Stock BtClUingO
OiH a Hug Wall Street Business.
The hciny operations of John W
tnitcs Were tr .inslerrcd to Cbnlles C.
Calcs ,t Co., In uln. li tlie father wan
ii ini'inlicr. and In the boottl times that
pre. oiled the panic of I:mi7 It ilnl a Ire
tiiiliilons business It, was iiotliiim mi
llsuill for the III in t rr, at limes
n .'re than Misi.iHiii imiii wi.ith of atOrh
fOI its ".'..".IMI customers, in,. I .loliu v
Cites said that Tor three ."is It did
nbniit per lent of all the bMltlOM
Iransiii led mi Ihe Sim li lAchaliu'e.
Ill Ma. IJMI7. the linn went out of
business, mid Ihe I Wo I Gileses, who
were '"tistaiil conipaiilniis. leti for Km
mpe The hoi se bad I u bullish at
the top of the market In I'.ss; and was
siipposisl to be greatly extended Wall
street tlureil that It illsi'lM'il with a
loss of, but MM W Cites
sturdily maintained that he and Ida
nm were ipiltthut lit II profit How
ever, the older (lutes suddenly return
ed at the lli'brht uf the October panic
mid. In pouitimn with other holders,
sold Ills Tennessee Coal mid Iron stock
to the Steel corporation
Utile was heard of Charles (!. Cites
for two years or more, but III July.
HMO. lie returned from Purls, where
be bad fallen III. mid was operated on
for appendicitis, from which he soon
risn ered.
The next full he IlKtired In a story
that he had lost iimmmi In a i;n inhlllu,'
MM In New forib ami, altlniiiuh he
I h bed the story. It was generally
Credited He had hue: been II I a miliar
tunic on the race tracks anil at gam
bllng resorts, ami mi one occasion was
said to have won I'JO.IKIO at a sitting
III Itetio
Record Breaking Train Trip.
His first record breaking trip was
mule In t'ebriinry. Mil, when he rode
li New York In a special train from
Yiiiiiii, Ariz. 3.000 miles. In ae"nt
four hours and nineteen minutes, In
i lulling htops It was admitted after
ward (hat the purpose nf (his trip was
to attempt a reeoiiclllathui with his
wife, but the esplmuitloii mail,' when
tlie train arrived was that .Mr. Hates
was suffering from an Injury to his
leg received while he was cranking a
fractious automobile In California and
that he had hurried to New York for
the surgical attendance I,, preferred.
The trip averaged about fortj miles
nn hour. Including stops, mid the final
dash from Albany was made at exinth
a mile a minute The fastest time was
ftoin Toledo to Cleveland. Ion inllea, In
ninety-seven minutes The run from
i hi'-ago took slvtecti bowl mid forty
nine minutes, an hour and II v mutes
les than the Twentieth I'liituiy lim
Miniit six weeks niter Mr Hates' ar
rival it became known that tils wife
M as to sue for a divorce She was
Miss Mary W Martin of St IahiIh, and
they had been married thirteen years
The details of the testliinuiv were not
in.nlu public, but Mrs Cites got her
tinal decree on Aug !. lull.
.lust a week later, while Mr Hates
wis in Paris in connection with his
father's funeral, the news came from
Minneapolis that he w ah to marry Miss
I'loreiiei- Hnpwond. mid the wedding
took place on Sept f, I!11
Boasted of $1,000,000 Yearly Tips.
lie was noted for the emu mmis size
of the tips ho guvo out vv berev er be
went, a sliit about which he wus ex
oeeillogly proud Asked alsMit It once,
after the trip uiciithuied. tie aald:
I give $1,000,000 away In tips every
vear I can't take It with iue when I
die I believe In Hieiidlng It while I'm
n live I don't know how mm h it costs
me to live I have more uionev now
than what father left me I work hard
tin- Hi cuter part of every day, and I
believe in spending uiv money
Ibis is a life of Mpced," he said, re
feirlng to his trip 'The faster the
better I'm used to MiMs-lals They are
iii.v only diversion. 1 like to go fast
"iidiii tor didn't like tbe s.,.,l at
which we truveled. but I told him
I ted me When I start for a pile e I
like to get there."
CopyriKht. 1913, hy the Panama- pucillc Internatiomtl Kxpostlion Co.
Till KINO i'V -nuplcs of the
I'aelilc International Bx poult Ion are inowi in these two iiius-
tra'lniix. At the left x 'Itain." by Albert .boxers, a figure that
wl'l he a compaiilnn to "Sunshine." by the same sculptor, orini-
inciitlhL' the I'oiirt of the I'mir Brnaona In the main pronp of exhibit pnl
ncea The caliiel with Its Moh.imineilaii rider is by I'rcderlck (I. it. Until.
Minute "Movies
of. the News
Right Off the Reel
The vv n In Ihe I l, elsily of
Kansas have been oldcled to learn to
-vv ini.
This goveriiiiii'iil has enrolled light
house keepers as aids In ctilorclni:
the migratory gmue law.
A sweet potato welching six ami
three fourths pounds was sent to Pros
Ident Wilson bf u North Curollnn ad
Indians still ,,w n I.ihsi.ikki.OOO worth
of property In the I'lilled Slates
What the) have been robbed of hasn't
Im-cii coinputisl
A llelvldere N J i pastor who an
noiiiiced a young woinau's death fnun
the pulpit has iicelvisl a letter lioui
her liiforuiluu hlui that she Is nut dead,
but mall led
Charles Huberts of Tulsu, Okla .
claims to have the lanrcst family In
the Country If not In the world He !
has In -en married several times ami'
has llfly one children.
Itcinoviil of the expensive slides la
the accepted explanation for the heavy
excavation operations In the I'nnama
canal during September The total
amount excavated was IJBJtTll cubic
Agricultural Department 8trt
Club System.
Hoys' "pig clubs' are being organl
ed in the hniitb by nuenls of the de
plilluielit of nurh lllllire to lie .
the supply of poll, and einnui.ic the
breisllng of good hns, Willi a view In
nxlucJiiH h,. In -It i ,,f Ihllit,'.
"Ill olaiil.lii Ihe boya' iig club,"
says Six-relmy UotWlOB 10 BIMklni lUO
aiiliollliceluelil. "it 1-, Hi,. or
the department to itabll b dubs lu
men BOUt Iter 0 lUttO, The animal bus
h.unlrv ilhisimi is conpeialiim wiib
the farmer)' co-operailve demuiwtn
tlon office III the bureau uf plant III
dilslry and has already e labllshed
clubs In Alabama and I .oiilslaiia. and
the movement is under w a.v in I le
"It Is the purpose iif the department
to have eviiv meinher of Ihe club eh
courage not only an Increased produc
t loll of Ihii Millie l.iinily. but a heller
breed of plus than bj being laOist at
present It Is a serious purpose the
Officials' of the ilepifrllneiit are eh'aeil
In 01. e that Is alined at the hi.-b cost
of ii npj
"The production of pork la not keep
lug pile,, with the Increased population,
and something must be done to har
monize these two elements If each
member of the lub and they will be
growing. It Is expisted, all the lime
will aee to It that one more pig. and a
better pig. Is ppslueisl each jear then
a long step will have been taken In
meeting the ever growing chasm Ihj
tween pork production and Increased
population "
Charged With Robbing Store.
Saielpoint K K lllaiubiird, who
was arrested on a ehai a of robbing
tbe store of K I. Little at Hoiinci
Kerry, was bound over 10 ihe dlstihi
court, his Londa being fixed at f&OU.
decorative sculpture nt the I'mimun-
;:: :M-M-i"M-w-:-M-;-i-w-M-i-r;
(in his i-i. i eii 1 1. fore tha southern
it Mobile v 1 1
1. 1 i vVlleoti isii.i .1 e tin
Win 1. 1 l In- ...i . I, nn math ' of the
l si it. in ill II- lull
i itlonahlpa "iiti tn unit
Oils i ( "..lull, aa II '
Ident tin the new s mi tha
Ileal in el. in n ii nt r.iti. t, his
ivn.-ils have n special slumlh -nm I
The United States will ntvtr
again aeek one additional foot of
territory by conquest. She will
devote herself to showing that
aha knowa how to make honor
able and fruitful uae of tha ter
ritory aha haa. AND SHE
TUNITY. The future ia going to be try
different for thie hemisphere
from the paat. Those atatea ly
ing to Ihe aouth of ua will now
be drawn cloaar to ua by innu
merable tiee and, I hone, chief
of nil by the tia of a common
ion !
- I
in ..
underatandmg of each other.
President Wilson's Snunli
Mobile. -j-
'H-'l-M-M-l-M-H II 111 I I I
Creek Inventor Promieee Craft Will Qo
a Hundred Miles an Hour.
Under one of the archways of the
I'oiil Si Michel. In Paris, on the river
Seme two men are working on Iho
coiistru. lion of n c.v bolllc like
craft vv In. h Is to take tbeiii acroxs the
Atlantic I'ln. craft Is of wood and
ailed cardboard, with sluing hoops of
roll It Is about eighty feet long by
sei en iiinl one half feet across There
Is a manhole Ml each end
The master of this cm lolls craft la
turned aerentj ami a Orcei.. OoaatBB
line I'aliejolll bv nninc Ills only as
Blatant is a young workman
"The craft now In the slip." I'miejottt
Is quoted as saying, "Is only a model.
I. iter on I propose to build another
nieasililiig '.'"J.! feet and driven bv Hire,,
lllteell horsepower lllotors. which will
develop a speed Of loo miles an hour.
"The secret of uiv invention lies In
the a ihui "i ibe propellere, arnica will
enable mj buttle to ivvolvc on aj own
nis at a dlzv rate Tlie persons Ill
aide vv III be on a Hour tilled vvlib nil
era which will remain cumpletelj I
hie alj pllpll and I intend In go from
I I. Havre and llniice to New
"lv I." it be added, 'has no keel.
If bv a -lei. I. or an.v nlber call e
leak i- STUUM a stflSXe of the propel
it In turn up hi.' ilovv II. II II I
a hat. . n in- repaired without thu
Ii i danger "
Man Wore Rubber Kind and
I $200 Richer.
siierifr .i r. M Ai.e ,,r weid conntf,
Cuio., picked up a diamond worth t'
III the lubber heel of Ills shoe while
walking on the st reds of lietiver. lie
had been sitting with his feet oh it
radiator, and he believes that IhU
softened the rubber until, when he
w.iikid out, it picked up ibe diamond.
lie was sitting with his feet oh Ills
desk when a friend noticed the spar
kle of Hie stone and I ailed his atteu
tlon to It The sheriff has laid dowit
a law law for Ills deputies that they
shall weir rubber heels In the rutiiro.
Chriatianla Bishop Diea.
Chr-lHthinia. Nor Ihe Kiglit Rev
Anton Christian Hang, bishop of Chris
Mania and of the Norwegian
( liurc-h Is .h .. 1 He wg bora lu l4u