The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 15, 1914, Image 2

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Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Ciiiea
in Our State
Hunt Buffalo In Street.
T . ; 1 1 . w ; 1 1 . A buffalo hum through
tho atroota nf Lapwal bronchi raeol
tactions of rrontltf tejn to old Iti
habitants bort, Tho boffalo htm obi
owaod by .hums Olliout, i Nm Piri
Iniliiiti, wliri rOOldOl iK'iir Iwootwator,
iiml wlui two liuffiilo mi lil rime h.
One of the iitilmnlH pumped nnd H'iI
lopod flown the rlxht of wiiy of I ho
CMMM I'nilrle riillwiiy until II reached
I.hpwhI. It wiih OOJOOOd by number
of I iidift riH on bonoboob iirouri'l tbo
town and throunh the Htreets. The
InilliiriH finally MOOOOtM In blOOOlWI
tin- ntiitiuil nml mtui iiIiik It to ItH own
Rich Crop of White Bean.
V"Iht. Owners if young orchards
may pay all expensca of cultivating
and developing tlxdr trees to maturity
by growing white beans. If their ef
fin' i. are an successful hh those of
A in: ii- i Hum km. hi h well known wOts
er valley farmer, who Ih hIho chairman
of the hoard of county commiHHionerH
here. Mr. iij-ofkujan last scuson
blunted wtiai I l.iM.wu s the large
navy Juiiij lictween the row of Irt't'N
In IiIm jimi , orchard a Huiinyaldc,
four iiiIIch smii beast pf Welser. Hli
fMffBfJftM hroiiKlit birr) more than
i an Horn for hi crop,
I, Would Give Up Annual Fair.
J,owlHton "'"ne committed members
appointed at the Joint mooting of tho
T,ewlton Exposition company and the
ommerclnl club, to report at muss
meeting of cltltens r,h Janunry 10 to
ilocldc aa to holding the fall fair, re
commend that the Interstate fair be
abandoned nml that In It place nn
IndllHtrlul bIiow be held In which lend
lug prodiictn of thin territory, OOMlOt
Ing of appleH, potatoes, corn nml henna
would he featured
Statewide Prohibition To Be One
Big Political leauee.
Ilnlxe That stale wliln irohll.iiion
la to he one of tl aln. U mil the
main, Issue In the coming political
campaign of Idaho wax made evident
at the recent meeting here of the
I.i.ii ill of UuslecH of the nll BalOO i
League of Idaho, wlllob declnreil lui
the Issue ami gae forth the eillcl
that no candidate fur the next legit
lature would receive the support ol
the dry'' element of the otBto UlOM
be pledge himself to vole for Htule
ajrMi prohibition 'I'll Im dei l.u.ilion I
of more than iihuiiI Importance, it Ih
gl'lli'l ,lll Colli eili'il. III Vli'W ill the full
thai M of the II OOOBtaM of the uLute
an- ' lrv " Ihc prolitluiliiii MMUM Ik to he
the paramount nlle III the lli'M slate
primary and gem nil elactlona is now
ailuiitted h leader or all parties The
Anil Saloon League tffVOtOM adupled
resolutions luillcatlng that II will
aw lug II" uppiirl to ilrv " and only
"dry'' caiiilulale
Bull Moose to Make Demand.
I ,n i i, ,ii lii ,i I. II. i Bill) I Ii d to
Stale I'll llll. I III lilp-llll III l: I'l.llM' III
hi initiation I'Mi'inl. .1 In Ih. pft) n
. . v ! i tint) in attend
the Mati ine.tini; at Holae Jauuar) I.
the following - lali mini wis ma, I.
. . i Ni 1. 1 . , punt ovoi
Hie pOli) ill .Vn elllhel".
i .i b) Ihla .hi entitled la fur
titer recognition u " HI ' eUi
county coiiiiui alonera la appoint two
I m-s mi each ilii linn hoard
In en i pi . nn i oi tiiir- count
Geneiaee Settles Hog Problem,
liciu - -i c 'I Ii. I'll y I .nun il nn I .mil
ooualilered Ihe hog ordluance, which
u.i adopted, awl from now mi no bod
can in' kepi hi town arbera Ihe) iii
i. postured neorer Ihoo IM fat ol
au roaldenee, nor bouood boo. rot than
t .. icct I'onalderablo trouble baa
boon reported at differ) liases re
ggrdlM ''" rotalog of boco '" Iowa
mi. i it viat. neceaaar) to do aootaUtlng
Bannock Chief Passes Away.
HlacktH.'i i lii.'f Hill Teton of ihe
Hamuli U lulu died here l.i-i week
The entire tribe attended Ihe funeral
at l tin .til butte, opposite Port Hall.
Aa tuirt oi tin' ii ii'iiiiuiv . relatlvi ol
the dead man gave calico, clothing.
etc, to ail w lui attended Cblel Teton
wan a wealth) man and bualBQBS man
iiger for tribesmen In ihla part of the
at ali-
Rich Strike Reported.
Salmon A II IS brought
Word ol rlcb eipoaun lu tbo Uold
fici.i group of claim- o:i ihoop creed
in thi QlbboMville dtatrlci The on
a Hie i. iilllng. gold ami -liver, and
ihc v aim arc aotd lo be i rutai I
IukIi ivmiiiv vcai- ago tin- properi)
wah w.iii.,t iiv ihc araatrt method
and in ii. -I about 111 per ion.
:rief news of Oregon
Thi -I nf tii
;i- on Rotnll Hbi I i
fienlei la be hi Id In
Cortland Jen i "
Bi nator ban will nob ""
i t . ildenl in r -1 ito ,ii' 8a !i
i MiOll ti-i to Si. mi ,i . nun ab Mr
W il nn returns to VublBgtOO,
in i i ii'ii urns al Copporfteld dla
(in . tin' rait that youtiiH wire able
to Ot llqOOf from Imal saloon, and
thai gambling was run Wldi open.
m Crawford, miw Borvtai his
twelfth year nn Attorney (Jimml ot
Oregon, lu lonMllj gnnonnoad him
Hclf as a 'undulate for the republican
nomination for governor.
OrtBl II I H run k of Oregon City hns
aniioiiiiced formally that h.p will gfljOjb
the republican nomination for govr
nor of Oregon at the primary next
btafokftoM and North Hend, which
protPHted ai;alii'-i thp dplnv of the new
dredge Mlchle nt the Columbia bar.
nre priuiii-.i'd II nball proceed to Coo
Hay a noon a It Ih given a mttlnfac
tory working trial.
The organization committee of the
federal reserve banking plnn will
n t In Portland In r'ebruary to ex
amine this (llwtrlct a a powslble point
In which to establish a regional re-
nerve bank.
Salmon packer have prolented to
Senntor Chamberlain against a pro
vision In the bill Introduced by Repre
nenlatlvp laifferly requiring label on
canned salmon to how (he dale of
(lovernor Went bn been notified by
the department of the Interior thnt
bla no (est inn that the atate and fed
eral government buy and complete the
North CAna! rrr""' flf 1b Central
Oregon Irrigation company, had been
forwanled to the reclamailon aervlce.
One hundred nnd ten Indiana on
the Klamath reservation have algned
and forwarded to ihe aecretary of the
Interior a petition unking him to re
aolnd the order Honing Wllllatnnon
and Spiunue rlvera to logging opera
Th. Alnnkn Flnhermen'a anMirluilon
In uiglng the relellllon of Ihe division
of Alaska flnherles, practically a hoi
Ished hv the v,.,i,,iry of coinim VM
In his .silinaies The I'nri land chum
h't of commerce has telegraphed Sen
titor t'hamberlnln lo the same effect
The Astoria National hank lui In i I
designated an a government deposl
tory. Fund or the war depart men!
for defraying expen-e at the forln
about the mouth of the Columbia will
tie deposited ;l ""' '""'ll when the
rsqull i l builds an' filed
The Albany commercial club ha
riiiiisteil Ihe Oregon id legation to
drop all plan for Hie iniproviini -nt g
the Willamette river excepting the
one i slalillshlng a three and a half
fool chaiinel lieivniii lln-gon Clly and
Thai Hie farmer of the Pacific
co I are annually spending LYnnnm'"
i. .iiiTi-ssiirilv tor grain hags, and 'hat
the lalinei-. nl lui olhcl' part of Ihe
I nit. ,1 St. ill i are so loollsb, wan the
slali nielli liiadi In the gralllgrovv el s
of I ' ti tn t llii county in loiivciiiion nt
Kepriseiitatlve Haw lev han taken
up with the agricultural department
tin- establll l.iuiiit ol an animal ipiar
aiillne statimi at I'niilauil If the mat
ler receives faviirahle conslileral ion
Mr Haw I v w ill ,cl . fW Bit
appropriation in eatsbllah and main
lain t lit h a BtStloU,
rteclarlni lhal tbe evldt nee In the
,,' VI I i. i 'r. .-. , II and SI. I
In Morgiiu, in in of thi late Indua
Ml.. I -. bOOl Ii" I Hiivli ti'l III Ills
,'ouii ni attempting lo poison Ihe otb
ei Inmate and iiiim hea, warranted a
Ibut ough nn nlgui Ion, t'lrculi I
I'll .ami let i, iii . in d llii' grand nil
and nidi led n lo make a thiuiiuuli ill
vcsiigalion of the institution
Cor the protection ol loosl BMf
chant- the i il. coiiiiiii
i innounred that the prncttci ol
eltaiu traveling salesmen Ol deliver
ag go. , .is from Irunbi rbecksd ukauj
g.iKO I hot law till The decision was
reudered at tbe rsojuesl "t Joospli H
moii. ot Portland, who desired a oofl
.truction ot ihe law and an order from
In- i iiiiimlssinii
1 the iiilraiii hisciiiciit of women
ind the organuai nm ot ihc progres
.,' port will be cvpilisive lo llie
tale through the printing ol eleclioii
in ni. i i. ihe announcement made b)
Sni.iaiv HIlBfOB. Of 'he printing
hoard He stales tliat thive and one
halt tons of pain i ,n n,i csaiv for
(all) sheet aloiii al the coming pri
in. ii v whereas luretolore two and one
half ions had I u suffuieut
The mine- ot Oregon made a sonic
what unexpected large uu tease lu
Bold vield for l!Ia compared with
1 The mine report ot llll showed
a prodUCtlOO of IT70.041 10 material
ni, i. h . over llll ' 'uu the prelim
inurv estimate for llll made bj Clia
fj Vole of the I u'li.l State.- gSOlofl
cul surviv BlvOWB that the gold out pin
nearlv doubled in lilt, amounting to
or $i'.'. I til more than in
The mine output of silver m
111! wa- ;.: oi fine oincss, while tin
estimate for i"i ; ibovi a ) b
Measures cf Great Importance
Confront Congress on
Washington. A heavy calendar of
hu in, ss confronted the members of
OOngrOH when they reassembled Mon
day after the Chrlstman recess
Among the most Important Items are
the Alaska railroad bill, the proponed
constitutional amendment granting
the right of nuffrage lo women, the
La Follette neamen'n bill, the Adam
nun bill providing for the aiupenaion
for two yearn of that provision In the
Panama canal act which will give to
American conntwlae venneln free tolla,
and the proponed amendments to the
Sherman nntl (runt law. On the last
named nubject It In expected that
President Wllnon will send In s ape
clal message at an early date.
The president reached Wanhlngton
Tuesday with a draft of his message
to congress upon trunt leginlatlon.
Thin will be gonp over at conferencen
between Die prenldent and antl-trunt
bill frnrnern of houne and nenate be
fore it in suliinltted to congrena.
Km. il i n. lit. legislation will nlno
receive attention when the prenldent
retiirnn The bill takes tbe form of
a nn .. me creatine; a eyatem of coun
try bnnk from which arure and
ti" hini,.rr. t an obtalq credit pa , "
rial lerinn of security god tluie of iim
turity; and the creation of credit aa
aorlatlona by which farming commun
ities can finance their own operations
Hope For June Adjournment
Score of other legislative subjects
are pressing for consideration In both
houses and congressional leadera pre
dict that the present session will be
crowded with work until well Into the
summer. Kfforln nre to be mado to
dlnpoae of the appropriation hill" nnd
to push the more Important work of
other character so It may be complet
ed by June.
Thin will be done no democratic
member of emigre can get out Into
their own state to Join In the cam
palgii for tho fall coiigrennlonal elec
tion President Wllnon ban Imprenned on
part) leader hi belief that the en
aittneiii Into law ol egllatlon prom
laed by the democratic platform
should be accomplished an early as
possible, in order that senator litnl
representative may lake an active
part In the fall campaign, when cn
trol of congress will again be at ntnke.
Tbe Alankaii railroad menniire ha
in ' place In both house and will
come up in once for consideration. It
is believed congress Will agree to the
financing of government run ! t i nV
elop the resource ot 'i ( a ami to
bring lis coal and minerals Into com
merce. Anti-Trust Laws Drafted.
A lent. Hive draft of antitrust b gi
hit Ion ha- been prepared hv majority
iiieinlH'is nl the house committee on
Ihe judiciary for Wi (ion b the full
committee, subject in a confer, in .
Willi President Wilson
The bills drafted cover these three
main points
First, Interlocking illicit, nates S. .
on.l Hade relations and prices Thud.
Injunction proceedugs and ilmnfjl
hv Individual!
II was decided that il would be bet
ter to draft several bill instead ol in
oorporstlni all lbs ami mist propo I
in, ii in an illinium- measure, supple
nn in, ii v to i he Sherman act n u
tempi to deflM combination.- and con
spiia. ' .- in rSStrslnl Of trade a far
as poealble boa been node in the bills
aire. id prepared The lull to Inhibit
Interlocking dlrst lorotoa i- regarded
by the coiiiiiiillce members as the
i Important Of lltO three It deals
lui hiiIv with banks and I rust com
PMlsa, bin applies to every industrial
corporation engaged In Interstate
New Haven Agrees On Reorganization
The deparimeiit of jii-i:.e has an
uoiiiii ed a pre limimii v agreeinent. de
Signed to eflei I a I'eorgUIIIUt loll of
the New Haven railroad and to pre
vent a -nil tor Its dissolution under
Ihe She i man law
lu compliance with department de
maud- the New Haven will dbfpOSt
of it- holdings m the Huston K Maine
rallioad. cancel it joint aggreciiiciit
controlling the Huston & Albany and
give up us irollcv lines and several of
its steamship hiic-
The dissolution was voluntary, al
though it followed threats that the de
partiiient of justice would institute
suits if the railroad did not come to
Save Suet, Say Experts.
iuerti an bOttaSWlVM waste valua
ble food and increase the cost of liv
ing vi Inn thev ihrow away suet or use
it toi' making, sais tbe depart
nietu ot Agriculture in a ataissasol
s i, i the esperti oontesid. contains
r .me food value as lard, and is a substitute tor frv ing pur
an. I ahortenlug. Cookbooki
luH' mlalod the bousswlves, tbs say.
Ontario, Oregon
in Neve WiNon Bhxk,
DR. I). ('. BRETT
Office Ind door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R II Depot
J W McCulloch VV Kckliarilt
Mcculloch, wood & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
I'u Hahiukt Skaus
I'll. I'AII.INK Si. mis
(iradtiates American School of Os
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone, lal I ilk
Office In I. O. 0. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . . Oregon
Will Pr.vipe in nil ru
Notary Public. Office over PiiatofJics
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Public Auctioneer
Will ntti'inl soles nnyw'horo
Terms Ueusonnl'lr.
I' 4'ij Ontario, Ore.
Knli't Oilell, Ontario.
Ben Hrown, Yale.
(' ('. Morton, i Mil's I'errv
N. O, White, Weiser llmlge.
J. E. Holly. Riverview
Abe I'ennv, Jordan Vallcv
Jim- HankntTer, ,,l ei mitt
J Buvdell, Nvbm
W II M.-Wilbaiii- .liiiitiira
Will Kllle, ll.ti HT
(iiiiiluntf of Missouri Auction
School. Hume, or write for
I'hone 201-n t Ontario, Ore.
Short ili-taiue from OntartOi '.",
acreii of the VW bOOl if laiul,
vvitli iir.-t class water riht. 48
acres in high -tatc of cultivutioti.
Will take 0 an ucre for tract.
I'o-t trade. Address
l'ostotiice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
The Most Qualified Judges
Prononnce Taylor k Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
KOK SALE In quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
tiiKiil brands, bv
L B. TEfER. Wholesiler
v !rf&ta
Mm wyr avW JI
SOME people eitend invitationa to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN.
They carry on their persona or in their homes large sums of money.
A CHECK BOOK is of no use to the professional thief. Still,
check is AS GOOD AS CASH to the tradesman or for the immediate
household wants. If you haven't a bank account
The Ontario National Bank
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Klec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
cc( a Miicnir man in you when you atari earli day with the use of
ln.iiti i Iciniik, tuinvan. v inl.iinr modern plumbing; equipment.
The indicating mark and ever preient
a. . nmpaniiiient of t'ivilitation il the im
regard for convenient bathing- facilitiea.
You know a "Standard Modern
Kathroom nf our installation ii proper eijuipment
for the man wliu valuet hiinaclf.
naniTi' Kfi aBari tti Ontario, Ore.
Loidl Mdrket Keport.
Corrected Oei. 16, for the litui-tit
of Arns n-Hilcra liy the Mulhriir Mer
CMiitlle i .11. im', v
rJuRn, per ilozen. lOo.
Huttt-r, it-r ..iiii.l, 'ii'c.
Oats, DM liiiiilri'il. tl.50
Wlu'ht. per liiiinlri'.l. 14.50,
liny, per ton, 5.
fntiitnia. tT lintnlti'il, 1.00
Oliiou, DOf hilinlii'il, J'2.110.
Appl.', per box, 14.00, to 1. .0
t'liickeim, iln-i-.-i'l. per uu 1,1-
Fork, drexaeil, Q to lUo.
I'm k, live, 7 to 7 'ji'.
Veal. I to lOo.
Heel 11 t 12o
Sunday School- 10 A M
Preucblna: Service 11 A M
Junior Letigiie II P.M
Kpworlti l.n.K'u. G::0P M
HreacbiiiK Service- -73:0 F M
11 -iiui, Jobua. P4STOK.
Congregational Church Notice
Sunday Services,
Sunday School 10 a m
Preaoblng Servioea 1 1 a m
O K Meeting 7pm
Preaching Servicea 8pm
Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock
Philip Koeulg, Pastor.
Miissat i.lM on 1st and 8rd Sunday
ol cui'li month. On nil other Sundays
at in A M.
II. A. Campo Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Davidson O U Paa
tor. Services at 11 :00 a m and 7:30
p m Sulil atl' oohool at 10:00 a m
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
Save money
and worry
Roof your buildings with Malthoid
roof them right and the cost will be
so slight in comparison with the
splendid results, you'll always be a
Klalthoid enthusiast.
Malthuid rooting comes from a grea
factory in the West where the
original ready roofing was made it s
the most scientific roof yet made anc
we are glad to recommend it.
EmpireLumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon