ONTARIO sar The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of r EASTERN OREGON e- (bntaxia The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVII ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 15, 1914. NO. 3 Gratis, DEADOXFLATTOHAVE IE Arrangements Are Complete BigT Crowd is Expected From All Sections r The arrangements for tbe rnbblt drive to bo livid Sunday are about complete and it l expected there will Ik several hundred In lloe to drive the rabbit to tbeoorall at the mouth of Jacobaon, where a lunob will be aervad. The Boulevard people are requested to meet ut the Butte at 8 a. m. where transportation will befuralahed thoae without boraa. Tbe men to take charge will be there and give out full instructions. Tbe people from Onta rio and Prultland are rsqusstsd to meat at tbe Ontario city hall, where tranaportatlon will be waiting and Instructions furnished The people from Payette are to hundla the line from tbe north. Tbe kill la to be at tbe mouth of Jacnbson gulcb where therp la a large Held enclosed with rabbit fence Ouna Mini dogs will not be allowed rn tbs drive, but dogs may be used at tbe final scene. Bring a good club with you. PUN FOR DAIRY MEET INGS NEXT MONTH Noted Speakers Will be Present Dairying Will Make Rich Section Arrangements an- being made to hold dairy meetings lu Nyssa and Ontario some time next month. A imiiiiI.it of noted talkers will be present inn! give addresses. Tbe stud- Dairy and Fund inspector from I'- i'Ii. in I Prof, Oravee from Corrallis and others from Idaho will be prsseut. One man will tell how he Is making money with tweuty oue cows on twenty acres. During 11)13 there were several hundred oows brought Into this seo tlon in. I it is expeoted that many mora will be brought In during 11)14, as tbe feed is here for them and the farmers are getting atartsd in the hog business, which Is a side line to dairy lug. Cows and hogs are going to make this tbe richest section of tbe wast. LOOKETT BROTHERS APPEAE TO THE SUPREME COURT 1 in- Lookett brother, convicted of cattle stealing after a sensational trial lu the Baker couuty courts, will appeal to the Supreme Court of Oregou, ac folding Attorney Levenv, who obtain ed today from Circuit Judge Andersun an extension uutil March 1 to tile a transcript and u bill cf exoeptioua in the case. Miik and MarsflVl Lookett wars oonvloted of stealing 5(5 head of cattle lu Baker county from John Thomseu and of driving them into Malheur county where they were apprehended Oue of I lie contentions of the defense was that the oattle, if stolen, had not been stolen in Bsker couuty but In Malheur county, but this waa over ruled by tbe court and this is one of tbe grounds on wbioh the appeal is being taken. Baker Herald. STANDARD OIL COMPANY WILL CONSTRUCT STORACE TANK The Standard Oil company has ai ranged for tbe construction of a large thirty-foot tank, a stable and shed on their ground here. This will in- i crease their storsge feci lies here very much and enable them to handle the trade to much better advantage. HARD WORK, LOW PAY FOR UNEMPLOYED Salem, Or That the I. W. W. of Portland who plan making the capital of the state their Mecca will find rough sledding in Salem was indicated when the state board of control de cided that with the exception of pos sibly 30 or 40 men, the best that could be done would be Jobs for a part of them pulling Mumps on tttnte property for three good meals a day and a small wage. It became evident the charge that many of the men do not want work and will not work, was well founded. Governor West without coiiHulting the other members of the board of con trol put 4() of the men to work at var ious state institutions. Ten who were sent to the Feeble Minded Institute, partook of a good dinner, announced that the proffered accommodations were not satisfactory and msrrhed back to the city. Others aent to the state fairgrounds took lit tle Interest In the work, and evidently were glad when the day's labor was finished. JOHN SKELT0N WILLIAMS B) 111!, l Am.! Iran Trass Association. John Skelton Williams, Assistant Secretary of ths Treasury, who It la believed will be appointed Comptrol ler of the Currency. MASKED MEN OUST WOMAN Bitter Feud Starts Over Homestead Contest and Home Burned. Aberdeen, Wash. Driven from her homestead 12 miles from here by a masked baud of 16 men, Mrs. Margar et M. Ross, well known democratic politician, sent an appeal to Governor Lister for protection. According to the account told by Mrs. Boss, the 16 men, all masked and armed, forced their way into the house, removed her and her two sons and after setting fire to the place drove them 1- miles and ordered them not to return under peualty of death Tin.' trouble began some time ag.i, when Mrs. Ross' right to the I um .i denied llcr two sjiis were i hen IBBBMi of assaulting a neighbor Tiny were tried and convicted on an assault charge, but succeeded In get ting a new trial. A bitter ieud in the neighborhood resulted. Suffrage Plans Are Nation Wide. ashingion i'laus for a vigorous nation wide campaign to produce a couMltutloual amendment giving suf frage to women were outlined by the congressional union for woman suf frage The program includes a sched ule of "demonstrations:" that will, ac cording to the suffrage leaders, "awa ken the country as never before to a realization of the issue." WEST DEFIES LEGAL ACTION Bring Saloonmen to Salem If Neces sary, Orders Qovsrnor. Salem, Or. Learning that lawyers for tbe saloonkeepers and city offl olals of Copperfield might attempt le gal action, Governor West telegraphed Colonel Law son not to pay any atteu tlon to any papers served upon him, and to bring the saloonraeu to Salem If he could get no assurance of co op eration in the enforcement of the laws That the governor intends to punish thoae who disobeyed his orders was proved when he telegraphed Circuit Judge Anderson to hear charges against the sheriff of Baker county. saBkL I jaj' F fJE i f - gx I il B .tfafl am laW BJP gfflfl YKBJ OREGON BOOSTER TO RF HFRF SATURDAY "- l"-IH- VIIIVIIVIII And Will Deliver a Lecture Saturday Afternoon at Dreamland Theatre Tom Richardson who did more than any one i to place Portlaud nn the map of the nation, will he In Ontario Saturday and deliver an ad drees In tbe Dreamland in the after noon at which time be hopes to meet most of tbe ladles and children of this section. Mr. Kluhardsou will be at Nyssn Friday afternoon and at Vale In tbe evening, coming to Ontario Saturday morning. There is an effort being made to have the people who vim i the Han Francisco fair stopover In Oregon mid visit tbe different sections and we believe the talk will be along those line. The address will be an interesting one and It will pay you well to be out and bear it GRAND JURY THROUGH RE TURNS SEVERAL INDICTMENTS The grand jury ended their lsbors on Frhlsy and were discharged fcy indue Andersun. of Bsker, who was looking after tbe business for Judge Biggs, who wss on a case at Bnksr. Tbe grand jury waa composed of llsrvey llatob. Big Bend ;(1. 8. Kldgs ly, Jamlesnn; John A. Ward, Nyssa; J. B Woodcock, MhI Ih-iii . U. A. New mau. Vale; John Wood and Irn Dall, Ontario. Among the iudlrtmenta returned wers tbe follow iug: J. 0. Broughn, obtaining mouey under falae pre tentes; John Harry, larceny from building; W. B. Maupln, larceny by bailee: Leslie J. Aksr, jointly with J. W. Smith, laieeiiv by I. ill or ex change. WEISER WINS BASKET BALL GAME PLAYED Here Friday Night-Ontario Boys Make Good Record Flay Vale Friday. Ontsrlo blgii school lost tbe fastest basket ball game played here this season to Weiser Friday night. 10 to 20. Tbe Outario tioya played a plucky game sgaiust odds of weight and perlenoe. They are giving a good e hitltlou for the amount of practice they have bad and show improvement with every game. Coach 1'eti n's team soured as the result of hard, spirited playing. Weiser showed a little mors team work occasionally, usually soonug fmm a rapid succession of pauses from the center. At the end of the first half Ontario was ahead - to 0. A house full of eutbusisstlo rooters watched the game. Tbe line up was as follows: "M Willi Wi I.SI.K Black aby rf I; rock man Strane, Test If Waters Maddux l.ocey Myers rg Hubbard Gramse lg Smith Officials, l'rsler and Bender. HAS BIBEE PUBLISHED IN SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Mrs. Jusalinda Major, who is now living at Ni-M Plymouth, was her e Tuesday trying to learn something of the age of an old Bible that has been lu in i family for over a hundred years The book has every appearuce of ago and the spelling iudioates that it was published some time in tbe seventeenth century. Mrs. Major says that it was handed down m her family fiom Mary Stewart. GOT !0ADS APOSTLE V...I IFCT1IRF HFRF I Mlbh I.L.UI VIIL IILIIL i Travels Through The Coun try Advocating National Highways Col. C. W. Thatcher, tbe good roads apostle, who has trraveled over 35,000 miles In a spring wagon hauled by a span of mules, will he lu Ontario on Friday and Saturday, January 2.' and 24 and give talks on good roads. He will address the school children on Friday afternoon and a publlomeet ii'g on Saturday. Ths Gilnnel Is advoctlng national highways, that Is roads owned and kept op by ths government, that will connect all tbe princlpsl cities of the United States. He promoted tbs highway from Dstrolt to Nsw Orlsaoa and many others. Watch for him and ba sure to bear blm. JUDGE JAS. T.CLEMENT DEPARTS THIS LIEE Well Known Citizen Dies in this City After Linger ing Illness. Judgs .1 lines T. Clsmnnt son of Tbsophllus and Cleora Wehstsr Clem ent, wss born Id Jackson county. Michigan May 31. Mm and di.-d in Ontario, Orsgoo. Jsnuary 0, 1014, His oijther was a sscond cousin to Dsnlvl Wsbstsr, tbs orator, statesman and senator. Like bin illustrious kins man, Judge Clement waa isa'sl n a farm and attended tbe district school in winter. In lHiiO he was married to Lucy E , daughter of Kll aud BBSS Hnyss. In 1807 tbsy movsrt to Mitchell county, lows; lu lHO'.i to hem-aster couuty, Nebisska aud lu 1881 to Canyon county, Idaho, settling at Wssboe, where he took up government I in i 'in tbe union mentioned were born, Boswell W., Ilwjpg near Notus, J. Buell, deceased, whuse widow re sides In Ontario, Mrs. Ki. haul Waters, of Waterville, Wash, and Mrs. I .dna Boyd, of tbls olty. 1 l,e m. the, dud at Wssboe in 1881 ind In Septembsr of tint year Mr. Clement moved to Outario, where he engaged in the lumber busiueas with yards at Weiser, Ontsriuand Payette. In 1 - . i.e joined (iresraud Co. gen eral merchandise business 'or several years. In 18HH tin served Malheur county as its first judge, lu Deceuibei 18HI to wns married to I. hm Hal.', at James town, N. D . In Februury 1108 she passed to the gie.it beyond, lu Sep tember 1010 he married Miss Olive Coulee, who survives him. Ths t n in i .1 occurred from the futility i eel. hue-. January 11, Ulltlel Hie auspices of the Odd Fellows. Bev. B. L. Milligaii his old frieud deliver ed the sermon at the residence, assist ed by I e. Johns, tbe Odd Fellows coiii-li.diug with appropriate services at the grave. MR. BIUINGSLEY ELECTED A DIRECTOR Of FIRST NATIONAL Tbe annual meeting of tbe stock holders of the First National us ok of Ontario, waa bsld at tiie bank iuesdsy evening January li. All of the old in. etors aud officers ware rsslscted sud J. 1. billiagslsy, the well known sheep mau, was also elected a dlrsctor. Mr. Billngsley ha purohased a small block of First National stock that has bteu bsld by a uou resideut The uddltlon of Mr. Billlugsley to the board makes it one of the strongest directorates in this section of ths oouutry. Tbe directors declared a very sun slautiui dividend. The past year has I. ecu oue of the most suuuesstul that the bank has ever bud. both io earn iug and volume of business. THAW IS DECLARED SANE BY COMMISSION Concord. N. H. The release of Har ry Kendall Thaw under I. nil would not be a public menace, according to the report of the commission appointed by Federal Judge Aldrlch to inquire into the state of Thaw's mentality. The commissioners found that Thaw was not afflicted with any of the mental diseases from which he was held to be suffering at the time lie killed Stan ford WhltS. While the commissioners say they have reached "a definite and positive opinion as to the present mental con dition of Thaw and his probable stute of mind at the time of the homicide," they refrain from expressing this opin ion, In view of their instructions from the court not to embarrass any subse quent litigation where the broad ques tion of Insanity might be involved. The report will be considered by Judge Aldrlch in connection with the petition of Thaw for admission to ball under habeas corpus proceedings. MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK Madam Schumann Hrlnk, ths noted opera singer, who has sued hsr third husband for divorce. LANDS OPEN FOR ENTRY UNDER ENLARGED HOMESTEAD ACT The department of the iuterior an nounces that they will open for entry under tbe enlarged boniestesd act, ou Jauuary 22, lands in tbs following townships: 15, 10 and 17 range 4.'), 14, tfi ami 4 east. These lands are north of Outario ou the high, rolling hills. Home of tbe settlers living lu that section rslsed good crops last ssason without irrigation. EASTERN STAR'S ELECT AND INSTALL OFFICERS EOR YEAR The following officers of Ntsi Chap ter No. VJ, O. K. S. were recently elected aud installed: Mis. II. W. ('lenient, winlhy ui.itiou. J. W. McCnllocli, worthy patron; W. 1. Luoipkiu. secretary, Mrs A. M. Lacky, treasurer; Mrs. J. W. Met ulloi li. conduct less. Mrs. ('has. Seguiue, assistant; Mrs. J. Pin., in, orgauist, Mrs O. A. 1'ogue, chaplain; Mrs. C. K. Keuyon, mar lull . Mrs. W. U. Sanderson, Ada; Mrs. K. Van ivurii, Kutb; Mrs. K. A. r'raesr, Esther; Mrs. 1.(1, lisiley, Msrtba.Mrs. I Duubar, Elects . Mrs. II. C. Wbi t worth, wardsi ; II. W. Clement, sentinel. Contempt Proceeding Against Mllltla liaker, Or. Proceedings for con tempt of court were Instituted by At torney James li Nichols on receipt of definite word from Oeputy Sheriff Herbert that the Injunction had In H n served In Copperfield aud that the sa loons were nut permitted to reopen. Mr. Nichols declared that the con tempt proi eedingH would "let him out," after which the ibsue would be squarely up to Sheriff i-.d Hand, who will be called to serve the citations for contempt as soou as they are is sued by the court. BE BVwV Lwl eB bW bbVLw- 4am I '' ' v 4ksja awj m BB r Mr ADJOURNED MEETING OF COUNCIL IS HELD Books of The Recorder And Treasurer Audited--Or-dinances Passed. An adjourned meeting of the city e.niiieil waa held Monday evening. i in I inni in. No. 218 waa passed. Tbls authorizes the contract for ttM construction of lateral district sewer No 1. Ordinance No. 249 was passed. Tbls ordains the assessment sud ap pointing D. P. Desrborn ns commis sioner to pro rata tbs assessment for distrlotNol. Engineers wers Instructsd to pre pare plans and specifications fur lateral sswer disrlct No. 2. covering blocks No's. 140. 147. 148. and 140. Petition prsylng for Inters! sewer in Villa Park addition waa received sad rafsrrsd to sewer commlttss. Knglnssr's report on tlnnl lospao tlon of trunk sswer No. 2 was pre sente, I, showing balaoos of 10.622. M dus ths con tractors, which WSS ordered i -iid In warrants. Ths bood of C. A Coobran, con tractor for sewsr No. 2 was ordered rslessed. Tbe complete rspnrt of O. P. Dsar born as auditor of ths hooka of tbs recorder and treasurer wan presented, mid placed on His. I VISITS IN ONTARIO Eight Hundred Acres of Young Orchard Planted In That Section A. II. I'm. who Is In the store at Jamiesoii. wss a visitor to Outario Tuesday mid did soma good boost iug for his suction. They have Kill) sores of three year old orchard there and expect to get some 1 1 nit tbls year. It is mostly apples, but occasionally Ibsre is a spot of fsiully orchard anj lu auotber la forty in us of piuusa- Tbe growers sis Jludlug out bow little water Is required l.-y nl the mini. ill to grow trses. Last ssssoa the trees were wet twice. At prsseut there is a uoverlug of twenty Miotics of snow over ths oroharils aud ths grouud will be wsll saturated in ths spring ami little extra water will be required to carry ths trees through. The Willow Wood atock farm, of which II. II Creel Is manager, baa about I '.'nil hogs on hand. I hey I have shipped several curs this season. MR M'WILLIAMS SELLS HIS INTEREST IN LIVERY BARN A. McWilli. tins lias sold bis luteitsl. in the Ontsrlo llVSJff, tbe red barn, to J. (i. Walker, formerly of New Plymouth Mr. Walker will keep up the high stiiudard of the linn aud hopes for a fair sbain of the patronage. Mr. McWilliams will devotu his time to buy iug and selling horses, making his headquarters at the stable. ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The auuuai meet iug ut the Ontario "Mitini.nl I. auk was In Id Tuesday even lug lu the I. mik rooms aud the same ottliers and directoiH were elected for auotber year. Tin- rep.iit showed the cuuditlou of the bank to tie very aatisfsctory to the stockholders and tlnal arraugineuts were made (or the lilting up of the new quarters fur the bank iu the Car tar bouse. The plaus call tor veiy elaborate liftings and the rOOtBf will tic- equal I., tbe best haukiug BOOM In eastern Oicgou.