The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 08, 1914, Image 4

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Knti nil in the ptotoAot Ht Ontario
Oregon, for t niiiMiu - ! !. thfOOgBtbt
matin ah wroinl-rlaHB mutter.
M. K. BAtN.
Brothff Uain, of the Ontario
Argup, htl misconstrued the
stand the Express took on the
County Fair question, when he
Htales in his recent issue that
"the Jordan Valley Expre's sup
ported the County Fair meas
ure." We tried to take a neutral
Aland on that question and did
not advocate either the accept
ance or rejection of the proposi
tion, aiming to put the question
fairly hefore the people and not
try to prejudice them one way
or another. We published the
statement made by the Ontario
people as a communication, the
same as we would have done for
the opponents of the measure,
had one been presented, for we
believe all sides have a right to
be heard on any and all ques
tions. The vote on the question of
the tax levy of one mill for the
county taking over the Malheur
County Agricultural association
holdings at Ontario was quite a
surprise to all, even to Ontario,
mi. I showed that the residents
in the country were opposed to
the mcaturo. Had the country
people got out and voted there
would have been a different re
sult and the Ontario boosters
Would have the White Elephant
still on their hands. Ah it is
the people of the comity will
have to see to it that the county
fair is conducted so as to rupre
flout the entire countv and not
a few, that reside near Ontario.
The general opinion prevails
here that this end of the county
has been ignored by the Ontario
fair management and has never
had a representation on the
hoard of directors or treated as
if Jordan Valley was on the map
us part of Malheur county, hut
that the south end of the county
was tit only to draw revenue
from and that the same treat
ment I in- been given to Jordan
Valley and the southern part of
this county by the county man
agement in all county affairs,
and we are looked noon as a
territory "for revenue only" and
II lot Of buhjeets only worth
noticing "just before election"
in order to get votes.
The tune lias arrived when a
declaration of independence
should he issued and the terri
tory embraced in the southern
part of the COUnty be deelnred
"lice iiinl independent" territory
and a county Orgitnisodi
Then i- .-iillicient assessable
property in this territory to
justity a county organisation
and the rapid development here
will soon bung the assessed
valuation up to the amount it
now is for the entire county.
We have more assessable pro
perty in the southern part of
this county now than the
assessment roll for all of Mal
heur county showed prior to the
year HUH) ami taxes were lower
then than they are now und so
it would be if the county was
li hied amt a counts created id
the southern part.
The older und richer u county
becomes the greater the number
of "tux eaters" it has, the more
voracious their appetite and the
more careless and lavish, it
seems, they become in the ex
penditure ol the county money.
The grafter's idea of "the county
pays the bill" seems to gain en
tire und full possession of the
mind of some of the ollicers
elected as the public servant of
the people.
But a small per cent of the
voters in the southern paitot
the county have, heretofore,
taken the trouble to go to the
polls and vote, realizing that
we were in the minority and
that the "powers that be" would
see to it that the southern part
of tut county would be properly
ignored when it came to the dis
tribution of beneffts. Jordan
Valley Express.
We see where the Express
is right. It is an outrage to
compel the people in the south
ern part of the county to con
tribute taxes to support the
northern end. In regurd to the
directors of the Fair, heretofore
most of the directors were stock
holders and we do not believe
that any of the Jordan Valley
citizens contributed anything to
start the fair, but now it is
different and the southern part
of the county should have rep
resentation on the board, in
fact we do not believe there
would be any objection to thern
having all the directors. Of
course it might not be convenient
to meet for the transaction of
business, but they would be
recognized and hnve a chance
to give their time to the upbuild
ing of the county. In regard
to a division of the county, we
believe the people affected are
the ones to decide such proposi
tions. When the necessary
( .' is circulated there will
ie no light made on it from this
Brief News of the Week
shiliHtmiiliil Kiil'iH Imrt Ihtii Known
In bunk ( leiirliiKB l lirouKliout the conn
folic mcordM show ,11 homicide In
ChlciiKO durliiK th month of Novum
Imt, iui in i-Mo-i- of nil,- u day.
New York'a population lends lon
ii hi - by 1 It la mild from (ho
Intent reports New York cnutlmicM
to Ki'uw. while London Is retroKrudltiK.
It In pointed out.
I L. state of Colorado does not hnv
the rlKlit lo prevent water from betas
carried ucross state lines, avcordltiK
to it rulltiK of Federal .IuiIkc IhwIs at
Deioer. The ruling obliterate state
The Loudon Times, In a special edi
tion, declares that the t'aclflc coast
la on the ee of a iti..i trade awak
i .ik because of ih- Influence of the
I'auauia canal on commerce
The Luther Hurbnuk company has
placed la (be vaults of u Han Francis
co bank valuable seeds which ll lata
reiiuii.'d I'., n-iirs work lo produce
from plant experiments
Coal production for the past year
has shown an Increase of 30,000,000
I., in mm. noil tuna, despite the. fact
that l Ik- strikes In Colorado and niln i
hindrances haw- bad I heir Influence!
I'elliiKra Is imiim-.I by bad acwcntKe
and not by bad food, says the Thump
son MrKuddcn commiaajon, In a re
port reail before the American Asso
olutloli for the Advancement of Mil
People in the News
The fourth trial of ir H Claris
Hyde, it'fcUM-il of the in ii tlt-r of Colo
nel ThouiiiH II Its Of , inlllloualre and
philanthropist, in l:o.i. OO0M TMOiaj
ill Kansas CltJ
W A Ki.imii- Hiicceeda the late .l.
epli I'ulleu Hoot as head of the Wou.l
men of the Win Id fruiter Mill hold
oliuc it ut oiii.i t ii -all until 1HI6, when
the national meeting occura at Sail
Captain Helner of the atettmcr Wil
lumette was the Intended victim of
a holdup in. in on board the ateamer.
The captttlu iHsurmcd the robber iu a
atrusKic in the ahlp a cabiu. Two men
were arreated and put in irona.
Cliarleti II Moyer, president of tbe
Weatern Federation of Miners, will
vlalt congress pe'raonnlly, to urge in
rOOtlfftUOM of strike coudltiona in the
Michigan copper district, deaplte the j
lujurlea he recently received at the
h.ihiU of an alleged mob.
"lluuboat" Smith, the California
hea weight scored a declalve vic
tory when he knocked out Arthur lel
We.N, the much heralded Caaadiau
fighter, in the 15th round of their
while hop- championship battle at
San Frnncis-c..
I. each Cries, of New York, knocked
out Mud uderaon, of Vancouver,
Wash In the aeeuth round of their
battle at l.os Angeles. This was the
M cond rhetor) for the New Yorker
over Viiilersoii In six months It Bjpaj
a one sulci! battle Cross was the
master of the Vancouver lad in every
round, and in the final he beat Auder
aon lo tbe floor three times.
The following pupils entered
school Monday, the 5th: Clay
ton Crocker, Edna Morris, Helen
Leitzke and Orace Marquis.
Ironside is now well repre
sented in" our schools. Besides
the families of Mrs. Lawrence,
Beam and Hmith, Mr. Molthan
brought in his two grand child
ren, Ruth and Hazel Howard,on
M outlay.
On Tuesday Alva Arnold was
taken home with a sprained
arm, due to a fall, which vie
hope will not prove serious.
Our high school enrollment
has reached 120, with 112 at
tending. The most pleasing
feature of the last six weeks, the
third school period, was the
marked increase in punctuality.
During that period the per cent
of the high school attendance
was 98 8-10. The number of
tardy marks dropped from 1)7 to
f, while 20 a ho failed in the
second period examination,
brought up their grades with
good margins, items which
should interest every patron of
the school.
Friday evening the high
school basketball team will play
the Weiser team in the Opera
House. This is expected to be
one of the bet-t games of the
season and everyone is looking
forward to it with great interest.
The team is practicing each
evening in order to make the
best showing possible against
the Weiser team. The Ontario
students are practicing high
school songs ami yells und will
be there in full force to buck up
the home team.
Idaho Woolqrowcrs Convention
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 12-13, 11)11
forest Reserve Convention
Hoise, Idaho, Junuury 11,
l'.H-l, Kxcursiona via Oregon
Snort Lino from points in Idaho
and Oregon. Tickets mi side
January 10 and 1 1, liil-i, limited
to January 11, 1914. Heuagenih
for rates and further particulars
Excursions to Denver.
January If, 14, 18 and 16, via
Oregon Short l.ine-l'nioii 1'acitic
for National Western Stock
Show ami American National
Live Stock Association conven
tion. Tickets limited to January
"1st. See agents for nites and
further particulars.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
t iirgnii for tbe Comity of Malheur.
W. C. Teuteu. Plaintiff.
Albert Neiihuys, Defendant.
To Albert Neuliiiys. the above named
In I In- name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby reunited to appear
an. I Miiswi-i the complaint llle.l against
you in the above entitled action on or
before the .th day ol February, 1914,
the aatue lieing tbe laat day of th
time preacribed by the order of tbe
court directing service of luuittiotii
iu tbia eauae to be made upon you by
publication, and If you fail ao in
Mi.swei for want toeteof tbe plsintitf
will take iinlgiucnt against Toil for
tbe auiu of 10iK.l)0 with interest
tbereou at the rate of six per cent per
Minium from tiie 3Utb day of Noveni
iei. r.'lo. Hinl for the ooeta and dta-
liuraeuienta ol alii action ana lor mi
.i. lei- for the sale of jour real estate
attached by tbe plaiutitf In aaid actloo.
You are further notified that tbia
auiuuioue is aerved upon you by pub
i icnt ion uuder and by virtue of au
order of tbe Hod. Daltou tiigga, judge
of the above entitled Circuit Court,
which said order was made und cut ci id
on the 8rd iiuy of December, 11)13,
uud directed that tbia summons be
p.ibllabed ouce each week for alx
successive weeks in the Oolario Argua
.-..uiuieiiclng with tbe iaaue of Decem
ber ..", ni:t.
t'be tlrat publication of tbia sum
iu, ii is ou Doe. 25, 111 1.1, ami tbe
last publication ia ou Felruary 5,
McCullocb. Wood Kckhardt,
' Attorney for Plaintiff.
Physicians Failed To Help Mrs.
Green, But She Finally Found
Relief In Cardui.
Mpetzp, Va. IWrs. ,T. C. Green of this
place, says: "I suffered with womanly
troubles so that I could hardly alt up.
Two of the beat dortors In our town
treated me, and I tried different medi
cines, until I gave up all hope of ever
getting well.
One day, I decided to try some Car
dui. It did so much for me that I
ordered some more, and It cured me!
Today, I feel as well as I ever did In
my life.
The pains and the trouble are all
gone. I feel like another person tn
every wav. I wish every sufferer could
know what Cardui will do for sick
A few doses of Cardut at the right
time, will save many a big doctor bill,
by preventing serious sickness.
It tones up the nervous system, and
helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy.
Thousands of weak women have been
restored to health and happiness by
using Cardui. Suppose you try It.
It may be Just the medicine you need.
N B HVi'V tn: I .dirt' Advtuorv DBt . ftt-
nnofa M.J.. in. ( n , 1. 1" m.- Tnn., for Special
SfUfrucfirmJ. nd w p.i. N. num. I rti
tn, Mnt In plain wrapper, on rcqutit.
Lotiia Hurtle baa moved bis barber
shop to the llrnt door north of the
harness shop, opposite the M. M. Co.
tore. Tbe room hat been enlarged
and inn. In over Into one of tbe oozlet
bops Imaginable. There are two
batb room and a lavatory and new
fixture are to be installed. II will
call it tbe O. K. barber shop and
hopea for a continuance of patrooage
from tbe people who appreciate good
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Mai
henr. as.
Mollie L. suiting!. in. Plaintiff,
Nelson J. Hkefflngtoo, Defendant.
To Nelson J. Haefflngton, Defend
ant. In tbe name of the Htats of Oregon:
You arc hereby required to appear
Mint answer tbe complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit by
Nut ui, Uv theHrd day of January. A D.
I '.til, or lor aaut tfesfwaf plaint ilf
will apply to tbe court for tbe rellel
di'iiiHii.l .1 lo the complaint, on tile
hen-Hi. i e for a d'-cree forever dlsaolv
nig tbe bondaof mntrimooy heretofore
and now exiatlng between plaintiff
and defendant and for the cuatody
of Winnie It. Hkelllncton. tbe Iaaue
of the union twin, plaintiff aud
defendant, and for a decree burring all
intereat of the defendant iu lota 1. 2,
3, 4. sod 6. Id block No. 174. in tbe
city of Ontario, Otegou. Tbia stun
ninna is aervetl upon you by publics
ttou thereof in the Ontario Argus, a
weekly newapaper, published at Ootn
rlo. Oregon, for alx coueecutire weeka,
by order of Hon. (ieo W. McKolglit.
Couuty Judge of Malheur Countv,
Dated November 20th. 191.1.
Date ot first publication November
Ola, It IS I date of laat publication.
Jauuury lat. 1914
U McOonagill.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Department of the Interior U. 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, Decern
bar Sri, IMS,
Notice ia hereby giveu that Churlea
C. (ioasett, ot Ontario. Oregon, who
July Ntb, 1910, made Homestead
plication No. ol si, for tbe Wf
ad SKI sWJ. aeotion 1, towuahip 19 S,
Kunge Itl . Willamette Meridian, has
Hied u itlce of iutentiou to make final
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register aud Receiver, U. 8. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on tbe lltb
day of January, 1914.
Clalmaut name as witnesses:
A. E. Trent, Ira Dale. Albert Hut
ler. Jr., Albeit Hutler. Sr. . nil of
i in ia i iu. Oregon.
Hi uc. R Heater, Keglster.
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Must Couiplte Line of Building Material. If you cannot lint! it anywhere else
come to us. We have it.
Are You A
A judge to tell GOOD CLOTHES from poor
to distinguish hand tailored work
manship from the ordinary machine
make. A hot Iron might make any
cloth look fairly well for a short while
but its the hand and the needle that
count for lasting quality and ap
pearance. You're going to Buy a
Suit or Overcoat
And you're going to buy them where you can do the
very best -best quality, best make and best appear
ance and best price, considering all the above.
Today We Have on Sale
300 High Grade
Suits and Overcoats
Not the kind that only look well when you buy them,
but they stay right when you wear them They are
hand tailored, the collar, the lapels, the fronts are
hand sewed and shaped
High Art. Strouse &
Bros.. Baltimore, Md.
The price for choice is $12.50 That's no more than
you pay for the poor ordinary grades that are machine
made The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating of it
Be your own judge, make your own comparisons, and
you'll And us right.
One Price Clothier, Ontario, Ore.
For Good Rigs and Prompt Service
The Eagle Livery
Horses Boarded By the Day or Week
Must Be Printed
We an printing more wrappers than any otlier two
otiices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
tak the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
They are the production of
, Proprietor
iVlgllS UlUCe