' Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies 1 1 m LOCAL NEWS We are making a specialty of XmnB candies. Onturio bakery. GoddaH serveH oyster cock tails and Tom nnd .lorry at all times Let him show yon. Ruth Test is homo from Boise where she has been attending school. Harper Zallar, professor of chemistry and physics at l'nget Sound University, is visiting at the W. H. LaxBon home. To all those who assisted me in the auto contest, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and the seasons greetings and best wishes and may the New Year bring you much happiness and prosperity. I). T. Mansker. Gleaning and pressing, ladies fine goods handled Club rates on gents suits if desired. Cope v iMinnuck. Miss Johns, who has been teaching in Wallowa county, is home for the holidays. Harold Sprout, who has been attending school at "Ml. Angel college, south of Portland, is home for the vacation. Harold is well pleased with tho school. Larue Blackaby, who has been clerking in the J. H. Blackaby store at Jorfen Valley for some time, is hoJvi for the Christmas holidays. TJe lays trade has been good iAhe valley this fall. Earl Black aby, who is a stu dont at the sate university and news editor of the college paper, iIim Emerald, is home for the vaoation. I Miss BeUy Taylor is in Port In od for the holidays. Do Downing, of Owyhee county, Idaho, was here Monday ca'.iing on friends. Mr. Dunning !ias been in the Idaho legislature for tome time and is now looked on aa a candidate for congres- i.inal honors. Heports from the d sert are that the-snow is from eight to ten inches ami covered with crust. Tba stockmen in the Junipers are picking up all the hay tboy can get and there is little left in the Jordan Valley section. William Lyells ar.d Myrtle Calmer were married at Vale on Christmas day by Justice Wilson at the home of B. C. Bichardson. Bofh young people are well known here and have the best wishes of all with fhem at their new home at Arrowrock, where Mr. Lyells is employed. Mrs. L. N. Cook, who is now engaged in writing a history of Idaho, was a guest at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. R W. Eckhardt ver Christmas. Fred Piatt aud his family, of ma. were visiting with rehi- ives hvlP on Christmas. The elftvator for the hotel i. lb here and will be in frfill.-d at ooce. In order to make room for a large und complete line of spring mill nery, all cut glass and hand pain ted ehioa is being sold at a 1 count of - oer cent at Let- mMi'B. Andy McGregor aud Mrs Hurlburt, of this place, were married Tuesday of this week. 'Jeorge FJaMuu is listed as French born soiojbi with the (). A. C. baud this yhar in their concert tour. JJF On Acre 01 tine sag' hutf rich sand) noil, flrM cluss water Ik. i inilev from Ontario, r'rice Hr sere. Terms given with Wte of interest or would trade for stock or other property. Must bs disposed of oon, um I am engaged Un-r buei'i I'ostoAit'e Ho. 91 Ontario. Oregon LOCAL NEWS Ladies cloth by the yard at Cope .v Dunnuck. Miss Stella Curry has accepted a position in the Nampa schools as teacher of music. W. E. Stewart was here fron Falk this week visiting with friends and looking after some business. Miss Ethel McNulty was a passenger to Fayette Wednesday. Mrs. Whitworth entertained on Monday afternoon with "f00" as the principal diversion. Miss Lenan is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Prune, arriving on the 24th. A tire in the Ontario Bakery Tuesday morning caused a loss of a few hundred dollare. Ladies tailors head(Uaiters, reasonable prices. Cope A Dun nuck. J. N. Thomason, the Owyhee rancher, was here this week for supplies. Charles Riley, one of tho early settlers of this section, celebrated his 84th birthday December 30. Joe Brunning is in th bospi tal, having been operated on lor appendicitis. He is doing all right. Mrs. Fred Bailey has returned from a trip to Seattle where she was called to settle up some business matters. There will be a meeting in Portland in April of those in terested in making the Columbia and Snake rivers navigable. Clarence Hager, who is now stationed at Milner, Idaho, took a run home for the holidays. Mrs. Cliff Boyer returned Monday from a trip to Baker City, where she visited her parents. P. M. Tuggart aud family spent Christinas with relatives at Vale. Miss Alma Michaelson, of Boise, was the guest of Miss LaVine Smith for several days this week. M. A. Bates, the Parma Her ald editor, was looking over Ontario Monday. Miss Eva Cummings was down from Boise over Sunday for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Cummings. Mrs. Gertrude (J rove left hist week foi Twin Falls, when- she will visit friends for a coup'i ot weeks. H. Crisman left this week for the Mt. Isis Oil company hold ings where he will do their assessment work for the coining year. Miss Alma Plumb, principal of schools at Pelamar, Idaho, spent the holidays here as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. L. (I, Olsen. SPECIAL DINNER Piano, Vkilm, and Singing Moore Hotel, Sunday Evening Ianuary 4, '14 75c SOUP Oyster risH Kaw oysters, sliced lemon Baked Salmon, tartar sauce REL1SIIKS ('nap celery, Dressed lettuce Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, India Keliah SALAD Shrimp Salad. KNTKfcKS Frieanse of chicken, cream dumnlint(s HauKna Fritters, natural sauce Peach Compote of Rice Hot Gingerbread1 IIOILKD Sugar Cured Ham, French Mustard HOASTB l'rime ribs beef, au jus Leg of young pork, apple sauce Young turkey with dressing, Cranberry Sauce hUKTAHl.KS Mashed Potatoes Billed IVas Creamed Asparagu; (Jreen Apple 1'ie H't Mines t'ie Steamed Pudding, Brandy Sauce Vui.illa Ice Cream Assorted Cake ORS. PRINZIN6 & WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. DR. D. C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar macy on Nev:ida Avenue Near R R Depot J W McCulloch R W Eckhardt Mcculloch, wood & eckhardt LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS I'n II until i Si- mi I 'n. Pai LINK Hk Ml- Oradnates American School of Os teopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block Telephone. 1.14 BIk H. H. WHITNEY PHYSICIAN and SUROEON Office In I. O. 0. F. BIdg., Ontario. - . - Ormon C. McGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice In all CourU Notary Public. Office over PostorHce Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST Telephone No. 732 Firt National Bank Building Transfer. Baggage and Express Meet All Trains JOHN LANDINGHAM W. H LEMKE Public Auctioneer Will attend seles anywhere Terms Reasonable. Phone 4"j Ontario, Ore. W. W. HINTON STOCK INSTKi'TOK K MAI.IIKI'K i i.l'NTY DEPUTIES- Rob't O'dell, Ontario. Ben Brown, Yale. C. C. Morton, Old's Perrv N. O. White, Weiser Hn.lg-. J. E. Holly, Rivervlew An- DSSMT. Jordan Valley. Joe Bankoffer, McDermitt J. Boy del I, Nysaa W. II McWillianiH.Jnntura Win. Kine. Harper J. H. BROWN Auctioneer (iraduate of Missouri Auctiou School. Rhone or write for dates. Phone 201-ii4 Ontario, Ore. SBa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FW Atlvrrtlwmcnta Money to loan Improved irr gated farms. W. H. Doolittle Co. For Sale April and October pigs, thoroughbred 0, 1. C. stock, pedigree with each animal, at reasonable prices. Impure of or write B, I. Ingle or J. B. Atherton, Ontario. Wanted horses to winter nl II per head, per month at the Conkliu ranch. Estray A yearling Jersey heifer at the Conklin ranch. Owner please call, pay charges and take her away. Eor Sale Well drilling outfit complete (i-horso power gasoline engine, doing a first class busi ness. Will sell cheap. Call at this office. For Sale White Leghorn pullets. A. B. Cain, miles west of Ontario. A watch was picked up on the streets here during Ihe fair of int. Owner can have same by paving for this notice and proving property. Boers, either Boise, Baker Rainier or other brews can be found at Ed Ooddard's and ho keeps them just right. Horses Pastured. On first class alfalfa hay, frosh spring water at 3. HO per mouth. Best of attention guaranteed. Scientific Poultry A Live Stock Station, New Plymouth, Idaho. Rhone 0.3. , .vfafriTfii f-i)i;N OF ONTARIO, ORE A Good Bank In a Good Country Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE banking, and with ample resources for the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Half Million Dollars OPPfCtM AND DIHKCTORS A. L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRLTM, Cashier T. TURNBULL, Vice Present C. W.PLATT Asa't. Cashier C. E. KENYON MoNTK GWINN I.. B. COCKRUM Special to Men Mid Season Cope & Dunnuck Will give with every Over coat or Suit from material in stock A Five Dollar Bill to clear out balance of woolens JANUARY CLEARANCE White Sale Prices from 10 to 40 Per Cent. Off Starting Monday, Jan. 4, 1914 Everything in the white line. Don't overlook this opportuni ty for bargains. $ $ The Most Qualified Judges Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey fit BEST ! FOR SAI.F. in quanti' One 'gallon up, audi? hi Otbei Guud brandt., liv L. B. TEltR. WhoKiler ONTARIO, We also have a few Blankets ai d Quilt left at very Reduce? Pi Malheur Merccintile Co.