The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 25, 1913, Image 1

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    :The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior ot
(Bvfaafa Mtm.
The Ontario ArgtiH
leads in Prest i jre,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch uh jrrow
The Produce from
i:,.(MMl.ii(Mi acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 51
Makes Small Reduction in
Plurality But Leaves
Proposition Safe.
Tho official count of vote polled
Ht the r.ecnt election win made at
Vale Hntiirlny arid then- were h few
changes from the lint report, l Inst,
week. Mm eniintv Picric selected hh
liln helper, Mr Wilson of Vale and
Mr. Hoydcll. of Nvssn. He promised
to give th.' Outiirlo people hii op
portunity to lie prevent, but failed
to lo to. While thin I ii miii n 1 1 mut
ter It Indicates flint tho clerk i not
h county clerk, but a ViiIp clerk in
tho oouuty oflfeo, tho olllee OvMootly
being 1 1 mi large tor hi in.
liny. lei I was chili ii,ii i.i t hi- Nyasu
election hoard.
r'ollo'vlng U'the olllcinl count:
Mai Mnj
1'rceir.cta I'"' Ajriint For A glint
Arcadia ' 68 26
I!., ui 1 4 3
Harren Valley 1 M 16
fiilC Bond M II :i
BoniU 4 36 ::
Hi.. an IP M 7
liuliy I 178 6l
Cairo -7ii 67 419
Cuilile It! 63 37
('initio Rock S 9 1
Crowley 4 U 11
Grange II IS 119
Harper . 1 U 17
Jameson 26 21 1
Jordan Valley 20 2"J 0
Juniper S 26 22
Junction 7.i I I 61
Malheur 2 R ''1
Nya H 166 147
Ontario 663 U Ml
Owvheo ' 16 .ii . 86
kci) Kutte I H
Snuke River U I
.Skull Spring I I
Summit I 6 1
Mar 2 21 l
Three Fork a 0 13 13
Weatfull 2 M H
Vale 13 362 '
Total ii, ; I 112.H 1022
ii ty for M
U. M, li i. 1. 1 ii.-. I Tueiday
m ruing Iroui u trip to St. l.uuia
where he attended a naattafl of the
aalcatueu for the .Simmons llarl'.varo
ciiuiiuy. Th nltlcei of the cum
puny believe that If 1 i going to la
ii good hiiBiueit-i yi-iii'. Wiiili- ii,,'
lirol f e v muiiliiH in. i , t to give
the people a chance to idjMt them
Helve to the Daa cmriiicv HH'iiUlv
tber u not a aloud lakaap bialaaaa
back. The U'yoiniug neutlon and
eantern l.nit.n Inne a heavy fall of
now, delay lug all tho trainn
Caldwell Bank Close,
raldwell I he American National
bank In I d tM doors Monday
uioniiiiK an, I is a)i in charge ot
lloiial Hank Kxamiin r brown The
deposit airtouuu-d to $114,000, with
ttbsetb, including atotkholdera' liahil
Ity, of IIJO.OOO. The renerve amoutit
ed to 23 per ceut, 3 ir icnt over the
I jbJ amount required (it't'icialn of
the bunk nay depositors Mill lu puid
in full.
Homeitedd tntry Canceled.
I.ewibtou. Hy order of the necre-
of tin- interior, the hone
euuy of Bala Watkius to timber land
in the 8t. Joe foreat renerve bun been
cameled. The government contested
this entry about two years ago, tin
local land nlln ruling m l ior ot Ibe
euti wuiuuu. An appeal wan taken.
Fight Tobacco Sal to Minor.
Kellogg. A crunade uguniet the sale
of tobacco to uiiuorn has beeu blurted
lu Wardner and Kellogjg by Probation
Officer J. J i-e. who has had coplee
of the fll ws on the aubject print
ed and baa distributed them in eigar
Idaho Boy of 13 I Missing.
Athol Waiter Luell, aged 13, ol
Car.-y wood, near here, in minnlng. He
told bin brother that be was going to
Spokane. He ha black hair and
brown eye, and hi carrying a bundle
containing two uii of eioUiea.
Milwaukee The eugenic marriage
law, which will 0 lOUJ effect .laiiiiary
1, recolved a blow when Horace II.
IVnlnisloy, an attorney, Issued n. slate
MM that n iiiarrl.u;e t ereniony In
WiT'iiiHln was MMMBBftf) and there
fore the eugenic measure wiib uhcIchb.
"All that In required In this state In
that two perauna who arc not married
al the time agree to accept each other
iih mates." said Mr Wnliii nicy. "No
Hcrlci In necissaiy and the ph
examination required In the late lav
cannot he enforced."
The i -ontentinii of Mr. n ..i.nslo) In
baaed on n decision of t. . i.iie su
premc court, April s, i:n:i. The de
clsion holds that mi) man or u
not married al the time may in ike a
legal anil valid contract of niiirrlnge
without any Ii, - .Ileal ' xnmim
Hon. priest. clergyman or m:v i-1 rati .
Oregon Teacher Hold Convention.
Hnlein Many educators all- I
Hie com cut f the eati in I i - i
nlon, Oregon Slate Tfachers' BJ
llpn. hi hi lii thin city MoriHn . Tci s
d.ty nnil Wednesday. The atate
IntOBdOOJ Bgyt it one of the must
llllpill lallt i (invention ol I ii 'ii I H
ever held In the slate.
Modern Woodmen End Rat Fight.
Hock Inland. III. The executive
council of the Modem Woodun n of
America aniiouiu ed that It hud ubati
cloned Ita fight for lncreaed Insur
ance rate and that the qui
would not he proposed at the national
hind camp meeting to he held In June
nt Toledo, Ohio, unlenn It originated
mm the mem hi rnhlp.
Senator Root, of New York, who
ay he will not be a candidate for
the republican nomination for presi
dent, owlnj to hi advanced age.
County Commissioner at State Meet
ing Ak For th Meaiure' Repeal.
House -The auto license luw wan
bitterly att.uked h the ..unity com-
mlnnionern in state ne- ..on I re and
resolutions vara pasted favoring it
The resolution adopted ulna ak
for a constitutional urn -udmeut pro-.
vidiug for Hie election of county com-1
miasioner to term of two, four and
nix year and UuU elassi-
fled Into first, H00OO, third unl
fourth ila ---, wiih a miiiimum salary ,
limit of $.'iiuii per year, that uutomo
i not only he reijuired to pay a $1
state fee, but DO aOOOOOOd their full
caah valui' a will
The resolutnui also end, rses: That
the public utilities commission bei onie
the state board of equalization, elect
ive lnateud of up utive, Hie lotuuilb
blouern to run on ticket;
that all count n .mine the timber
land within them; that publicity be
given to the manner In w hlejj taxea
are expended, and thai nou support
of a wife be made a felony.
Genesee Beat Indian Team.
Oaataaaa The tienenee high achool1
basketball team defeated the Fort Lap
wal Indian team here by a score of
51 to 23 Clyde Meyer, of Geneaee,
played the star game and did tome
pretty baeket throwing.
Colonel Roosevelt and, Chilean
Ex-Diplomat in Heated
islllllgloll.-Members of the dlplo
math corps, e:-a'clally r- n eseiitnllven
from the Sin , ail countrh s,
, , iu Inter t'-'l in a i :! 1
'ihiclon i I
ii, nt Dun.-., rail - ''' Dti Hfirtha1!
i oh an mliiintci
to He i.lnliod III
llago il" .1 ii unit oi divergent
'i ii report i bate attnu lad u
i lure baoanaa both ot
were ri lewed
h., ih rhih .in foreign
111 bin adiiress in the Koo eelt re
tin- Mom up iIih ttu .nl laaue
and a, million which
mulgaUoa kj ci-
idinl Mil. IM have ulmont en
in . i red
Thin atai. meia 1 said to have
urOU .led Hie lie ni I ololli i I.
who replied with, some heat, holding
that the Monroe doctrine still wan a
vital principle ol the ton Ign poll
tin Dotted fttataa. Ha Ii said, loo, to
1 have nuggented to the Chilean diplo
i incidental!) that it vun ill-ad-
nii tO iniiugur
..! i oontrot
NolhliiK olliciul has reached the
' Chilean legation here concerning uny
phaae of what diplomatic in
eliued to connid. r delicate aituutlou.
All of Commissioned Offices of Bat
talion Suffer at Guayma.
Hermoalllo, Bonora.- The eommU
ioned OfOOOtg and itiutiy 101100011
llU aorpofOia of the Tenth battalion
0 lh (gOTOj gurribon ut Uua.Mnas
, ,llal cl(yi ac. i.rding
to or(j brought In
Officers and men of the Tenth were
disarmed seseral duya ago by Hem ral
ojeda. federal oftimandaol. when he
. were plotting to de
io the insurgent side.
: b) of the federal
offk'ern who surrendered to the in
burgenls at Majton-i i, QOMTol Obre
gon, field I, nuiai ,.-r of the countltu
tionalistb i:i went- n Mexico, returned
here iia t in eating the ncattered
groupb of fed. 1 noldiera who had
deserted from lUe (juayiuaa garrison.
Idaho So cs to Stay Horn.
Hnlse A . ssinn xtrordiiiarv ol
tlle tu.-lfth Idaho legislature will not
,d h Hoveruor Haines After
giving coi id. -ration to the demand
from various nectiona of the state foi
an extra session, he Issued a state
meut here refusing to act.
Kctteii In .New urU Hv cuing World
Provlslondl Govirnmi'nt Proves to He
v,rV Resounclul l:idn Most
I Hint) (IrcumsidiHcs.
.in iiru iiy. i' iiianciai impover
Isliun ut ami an Increasing nrguiilzii
Hon of rtdiel h mils ia e
I. dill d lie pnnlsloUUl ' gincrillllelll
to I hat appears to be a desperate alt
nation, but conservative resident of
tho federal cupltal profi to btdlevi.,
in of Hie recent military opera
thins and Hie r.. t that I
tu secure
iii, nuy even though lu small aiiniu'ii.
that the gOTOnunWl may not lull foi
111,111) uiiuilhs uiihis mini- i
turn lor the worse occurn.
lu all d( pal ' in ' t: i i . waa little
in iu. etlng the uiy rolls. 'I hat
the goveiumetit in. i V not he able to
' h i loan I . i il'-'l b M--X-
ii rally, hut uoiie ban lent
.a Hi. i. nt that th.- country in
rich and that Hem ral Hie 1 1
,ii 1,1 do! beeltate to take
niou.-y a In r- h- i . ihl find It.
Already the cabinet has ills'
the coiiiisi aiion of 'lie prop, rty of all
Individuals who an- known to have
arrayed thi - agaioal the Huer
tu govciunii ut
Huerta Save Bank by Holiday.
Mexico City to protl I
runs oti I. i .aiiking II
l'ri suleiit 1 1 in i i.i i pro
olalmiag ho u Itk Ika
poaalb I OD ol one other innti
OVOd that no oile-i
than London and M
will tak. ulv Official
linaiiclul in
) . iiu!.- off aa much
I hut is
I us u fin .sla.
The id"- amount withdrawn
ol London ami Ifogli 0
u ih mandlng
their ino'ie.v. be. ral days ago, In said
to . xeeed 17,0 of thin
amount I4.0uu.oiu pesos ($7,000,000)
Witt withdraw u sin. e hint Tuesday
General Tannatt it Dead.
Spokam il 'I iiomas Kidding
Tannatt, for many years a resident of
ii ,.nd WashuiKtoii, died here.
He was a f anion figure In the civil
war and wub known nationally.
Growers Get Returns.
la Alston Th, bowl --'' 'in-hard
i.aion in now sending out finui
returns in full uttleuieiil for nhip
of applen during the pant neu
son Nearly 110,160 will be paid to
the grower for the 8250 boxen of up
pie handled 'I In.- repreneul the m-t
amount after deducting the cost of
handling and the charge for selling.
Wild ntw ikain otKVitc
U lest cHtne down f mm Juntiiril
TOOedaj leaving there ul I a. 111. and
mining here iu the iiltern on He
nay the people of the inleiior lire
plaoaad with the new train h.-iimn
a it ' inihli's them to reach the uihiii
Hue the hmiiic duv they leave Jniituia
iiml 'hey can lenve I: . for Ontario
in the moi'iiitig and g-'i tn Junliiiii
the name day. the remill of tne
elect on to continue tho fair ivanalia
n pleasant one for Hie .liinliun people
nn they fully apiireclnte the odviint
agH of iiu otiportuiitiy to iliow the
proditrex of the d liferent ectlOM,
Payette Apple Crop All Oone.
raette. -The tipple crop of the
I'a.M'lte valley ban about nil been
mined. There are HOW left In the
ratio) only about I'd cars of apples
at Krnltlaiid. I'liyctte lllld Woods Spur.
I Found Oullty of Aaaault.
aadpOlBl lalward Johnson, who
has been on trial In the ilislrht court
'with lhoottH Town
Ifai ha I Olll pla at Prlool rhror Ooto
her i.i. araa fooad luUt) ol aaaault
Governor' Secretary Out.
Ilolne. I apt! Q HiiN Is. private
aeeretnry to Uovernor Halnaa for too
l.o I Mar, luin renlgncd and BflM inline
dlati Ij nplwilnted ipeclul a-slstnni to
the altonicy general to aid (he puhl
utility commission.
Will Oabate Panari.i Toll.
Tollfltl jTh" hubjici of free Mia
thro.i ',h the rami inn will he de
i.lleil I. the high Hchooi I -alllH whirl
-re in comiiete for the lounly chin
Mr. Joseph T. Bowers, the Chicago
uffragitt, who will run for the board
of alderman.
Baker Sheriff Refuses to Close Cop
peiiield Saloon.
"i Id Kami, -h.ilff of
li'ik.-r county, Hail rofa l to earn
out HoM-rnor West's OfdOff to em I
1 1. 'I hi' al iipn. Hi. hi, ami haul
that the only way he knew that the
OVernor could have his .
lied nut wa-, to declare martial law
ill Copp. Hold and take Hi the militia
and euloiie the law with Hull assist
Ml Mi Hand declare:-, Hiat the .Ii ,
ii ii i alloi tie) has aih i. I him Hiat
is no law on the siaiule hooka
Which would warrant his closing Hi.
Copp. tin hi saloon or any nth.
loon wbhh has a lit .use, and i
Eon N't P ' at I I" -i. -mpiory ol
der iiiiisi jo uuoheye.i.
Sheiill Kami und Ihslriel .n,
(Jmiwln w.-re dispos.-d to aj
of i ninlitious at Copperfh-hl, and de
i lured HiUi the governor hud been led
to believe that a condition of lawless
nenn existed, when, un u uiutier oi hit,
ni. ie was nothing, they naid, oiler
than a neighborhood quarrel
Litter Visit Centraha.
Centraliat W'uah. tJovernor
I .Inter
was in Ceiitralia to look over the ty
phonl .-minium I lie governor hud a
decided I) optimistic view of the sit
uation He sunt that he had found ,
conditions not half an bad a tin y hail
b. .-ti rumor.-. i
"I think it will be only a short time
before the epidemic in matter of his
tory," nald the governor.
. - cn
t taffi
! :
cmo iieenniimnu
Officers Given a Vote of
Thanks for Services Dur
ing Past Year.
The annual meeting of tlm Malheur
Cniiiitv Kan n-Mii-iiil inn wis held In
the 'i i in mi' 1 1- In I cluh room on h'i idny
n f t it ii ii ni J l llilllugnlev whs re
el' ite I as a (Hi-ret ir tn llnlsh iii tho
batlneoi of the aoaootatloo
.1 If. Illncknliv. M B Conklln
ami J. Ii tiregg were appointed a
ciiinmitten to audit lln honks of the
rotO Of tlmnkn wnn tendered tho
oBeon and diiei'tom for the uinnner
In which the work wna cnmlueted ilur
iug Hi" pool POW, In responding tn
the v to ot Huiiikn ProetdaO)! Trow
Ihankeil the inemhern of the aiiniicla
Hon for the hearty nupport uceordod
him during bin term of offtOO anil
hoped that an even greuler elfort
V 1 1 I 1 1 1 he UCIile for Hie klll'l'esn of
tin- fair tor 101 1 aid thai nil tcctlona
ot the i ouiitr would be repreie uteil
anil theiehv henillt hy It,
Alinther meeting will he held to
wind up the alftiirn of the aanoelat ion.
The fruit men are getting much
di-Kii -. 1 1 .1 with the association, be
cause settlaiuelits 'are not being iiihiIc
foi Ho npiilet sold and It Is a clntth
I that miinv of iheiii will not ahlp
(hi'i'igh the ans.icii.i ion wotbaraaoBOfoi
it In tn in- regretted l.uit Her I
any tniiihle over the details "t tho
si t Hem cut the proportion MB lie
ma. la of glial aOOOfll ti t lie grower.
It Is wiling In tittle for apples an
...I -i i iiu in i he gis p. hs no t wo gin were
i:1 I th.- same. DMaoaa their omm
v.rv i.ii'i if Dioaaaorlly folIoM tlmt
the glial. , .In ill .,. 1 h,, i,, iiu with
i staff g. i Lu Bote th. in the
liinli with I I , I tin re
i llo In live 10 I I In, high
griele Bpplee, 11 the I. ii did
IM grading and peokloo it ooold bo
iiu. i. nt.
I he I Mini n, lull. .
II Ing I III' -IH hint IM-I k :
I . I. ' i nl -I I , B t). I'rtVlle.
BOO lot ' .1 I D , W. T. I .Kin k in,
junior will. leu; II. II Ciauel, tiei-nr
nr: I). I'. I) i.ihuiii, .-.. en tin v ; J. din
Dm Iron, senior deacon i darvla Joboo,
jinu.ii' . I. -.I. ii, Robert Odell, senior
i.-wui'l; A Zlmmermao, junior
atovBi d . R. B i.'iitiii i lu it, tv 1. 1.
I . w I icli liHVe bean
built acroaa the Payette rival have
i i nl 0 I he OOOO I vt ciimuiis
lonerOi bol there la aoaia hitcb aboat
Hie api'iou. he to the one at New
IM v uieiitli. Ti.- I'.iy.Ht) ami New
i 'i luiiiii i. brldaea will enabla the poo
l In Hv lug on vV II low und Hill. Willow
Ii reach I int. ii hi by a n uch shorter
innti, than la lore and will Increase
mil 1 1 Mile with those seen, his.
The high school t hall team
pi ajrad a OMtoh game with IM Poyoolo
leaui irllay evening uml m-ele a
l lenilid showing. It was the first
mutch fur all of them hoi 0M ami tbey
showed plenty of speed, but were Io
""' "f more piaetlce ami team work.
The l'u. i He boy were all old player
nod they have always been among the
bent in Hie valley, no that the show
lug of the local MM whs very good,
the score belug IU to J