The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 18, 1913, Image 7

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    f t ?tv vw
Horses Pastured.
On fitM i- ii1- efi lis liny, fresli
P t i 1 1 n in in .',. i r.o ;i i tnotitb.
Best nf Hitfiilini) tutu unit i-fl.
Scientific Ionllry A Live Stuck
Slntion, New Plymouth, Idaho.
Phone !.:?.
We're glad to
stand back of
We recommend it.
-We guarantee it.
-A guarantee doesn't make it wear
ny longer. It only shows our
onfidence in it.
-Because it has given every user
jch extreme satisfaction we want
ou to know about its wonderful
-We're anxious to talk the matter
ver with you.
Empire Lumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, bv
I B. TETER. Wholesaler
Administratrix Notice
In Hip Count t Cr nrt of the State of
Oiej:. n, tor Mi I In nr County.
In tin' i"hIIi-t i t tin' estate of Moiei
A. Woodruff. ! . ased.
Notice is liMcliy Riven thnt the
undersigned ling I ci-n nlv appointed
v the County Court of the State of
Oiikiiii lor Malheur County, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Moiea A.
Woodruff, deceased All perrons hav
iiiK rlHlin iii'.uiiHt the estate of said
deceased, hi' hereby required to
present the same to tne properly
uti (led, hy law required, at the
office of C. Mi'iimiHk'ill. In Ontario.
Oretron. within alx mouths from the
date of thia notice,
Dated this IVtb day of November,
Ella Woodruff.
Administratrix of tbe estate of Moses
A. Woodruff, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Mai
beor, sa.
O. S. Smith Plalotlff.
IsDam U A i. ill i urn. otherwise
known aa I. Q, Anderson, W. E.
Waltere, and Ida Walters, his
wife, Defendant
To Isbam U. Anderson otherwise
known aa I. O. Andcraon of the
above named defendants.
In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit hjr
Saturday the 27tb dav of December.
1913 cr for want thereof plaintiff will
apply to the Court for tbe relief
therein demanded, namely for a decree
foreclosing that certain indenture of
Mortgage, described In the Complaint
on file herein lor the sale of tbe pro
perty therein described, towlt:
Lots numbered Five (S) and alx
(6) in Mock No. 5 or the K.S. St D.
l'Mitt. I'm in HiiiidiviMiMii. according to
the plat thereof ou Hie In the office of
tbe County Clerk of Malheur County,
Oregon, also five shares of tbe capital
stock of tbe Owyhee Ditch company.
Tbla summon la aerved upon you by
publication there of for six oonseon
tlve weeks In the Ontario Argus, a
weekly newspaper published at Outa
no, Oregon, beginuing on the 13th
dny of November and ending on the
Jfith day of December, 101.".. by order
of Hon Dalton Biggs. Circuit Judge
of the above entitled Court .
Dated Nov. 6tb. 1913.
O. MnOoniigill.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Old papers at tb Argus office-- I ft
cents per hundred. Just what yon
need to line your cabins and I'lace
under the carpet
This is the Place to Buy His Gift
MAKE this your gift-buying headquarters. The best
place to buy gifts for men is at a Men's store. We've
always been recognized as the leading Xmas store for Men.
The seasons latest creations dress needs of every
description useful articles desirable as gifts are
here in large variety. Our merchandise, our prices
and our serviee are right in every way. If you are
in doubt we'll help you make your selection.
Nothing would be more appreciated or appropriate
than a Clothcraft suit or overcoat. A splendid gifc
at $10 to $25, with a guarantee of all-wool, lasting
shape, satisfactory wear and service. Let us send
him a suit or overcoat for Christmas. We'll ex
change it if it doesn't fit properly.
Some Good Gift Suggestions
Are criven below: Look through the list carefully. All useful things that men like.
desire clip the list and bring it in. It's the most convenient way to do your Christmas shopping
is best now. Make your selections early. We 11 hold them for you.
Check off the items you
Bath Kobe
Boxed Holiday Set
Cap, cloth or fur
Clothcraft Suit
Clothcraft Overcoat
Collar Bag
Cuff Buttons
Fancy Vest
Gloves, street or dress wear
Handkerchiefs, silk or linen
Hosiery, silk or lisle
Lounging Kobe
O'Donnell Shoes
Kain Coat
Scarf Fin
Smoking Jacket
House Slippers
Suit Case
Sweater Coat
Traveling Bag
Watch Fob
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stats
Chautauqua la Aaauresl.
Caldwell. The feature of the
week's development here la the suc
cessful conclusion of a campaign in
augurated to get together th. necea
aary guarantor to Inaure th. holding
of a Chautauqua here In July. On
account of the high cost It haa here
tofore been beyond the reach of th.
A new co-operative Chautauqua
plan, It la said, haa made it poeelble to
Include In the circuit such towna aa
can rats, a guarantee of from $1600
to $:mio. Caldwell haa aucceeded In
this .'ff.n-t. and the Hat of attractiona
will Include the 8plrella band, Dr.
Oreen, Pwlght Millis, Chapln, Kramer
and other enterilnore.
Sandpolnt To AdvertlM.
Sandpolnt. At the meeting of the
commercial cluh the report of the
committee which advised th. ralalng
of $250 for advertising purposes waa
adopted. The money, which will he
raised hy assessing every member 60
cents per month for four months, will
he iin. ,i lu publicity work through tbe
medium of the local papera.
It Is planned to get out apeclal edi
tions at various times during the year
and have the club membere work with
tne newapapera In making the edi
tions possible. These editions will
be aent to Iniiulrera from others parts
of the countr) In an endeavor to In
torcHt them in this vicinity.
Poison Testimony Olvan.
Boise. -Thnt William Tracy, held
by the police hh n suspect and believ
ed hy them to have killed Fred Will
lac. and Thomas Drown by poisoned
whlakey. did put a drug In the bottle,
which he later linked a bartender to
fill with whiskey, was the testimony
glv.n to the coroner's Jury. Owing to
the fact that the atat. chemist will
be iiiiabl. to complete his analysis of
the stomach and liver taken from
Brown's body until January 1, th.
Jury look an adjournment to (lint date.
Money Assured for Project.
Welaer. Kndlng nearly six months
of anxiety on the part of settlers, con
tractors and others, mine the an
nouncement with the return from the
east of A. II. Keller, cashier of the
local bank, that ample finnncea nre
now assured for the completion of the
Crane creek irrigation project, deHlgn-
I ed to deliver water on 1 ' acre of
land next spring.
ho State Auditor Wanta Shoahone
Commteaionsrs to Make Reduction
Wallace. Taxpayers of Shoahone
county will he losera of $779.11 In
atat. taxes If tne county officials com
ply with the request of State Auditor
Huston. Kt-lloKK will also lose
In a communication received from
State Auditor Huston the county au
ditor Is requested to reduce the valu
ation of the Win liliiittnii Water I'ow
er company ou tin- rolls from $l,2:i:i.
767 to $l,ni'.i, -."!, the lax coiniiilaaioD
having recommended " valuation on
ihe 99.87 miles of transmission line In
Shoshone i. unity of HSJN per mile,
or a reduction of $274,6. in Its assess
ed valuation. Hequesl is mad.' as
to the Postal Telegraph and Cable
cuinpany, thai Its assessed valuation
be reduced from MOM to $1800 or a
reduction of $4L'iiu
The North Idaho Telephone com'
pany is now asked lo be placed on Ihe!
rolls at a valuation or $66,096, aa
against an approximate valuation of
$$2,000 for 1912 and makug an aggre
gate reduction lu the count assess
ed valuation of tSMtt.
Idaho Orya Begin Work.
Caldwell Mate wide prohibition
for Idaho Is the intention of the newly-organized
state committee, which is
beginning active work, with Harry
Hays, of Caldwell, as chairman, and
Jake Mussell, also of this place, as
iicrri ry. The committee has chosen
A. A I'helps, of Boise, aa executive
aacretary and circulars have beeu aent
Headquarters will be opened in
Boise and an aggressive campaign will
be started at MM
Prize Winnino Stallion Sold.
I.ewiatou i'iccalo. a Belgian stal
lion who won the i liamiion-hip In that
class at the Northwest Live Stock
show, waH sold by Hiown a Moon of
Moscow to Stevens Brothers of Tain
man the considerate a being SSM
l i animal is 2 years old and weighs
1900 pounds.
Predicts Severe Wmtir.
ii. - William Mill . on. oft
i most i i il trap.
ill I..I: 'Oiinty, i-a I it, Judg.:ir,
from the eoata being pul on hy tin
fur in a ii ,-. Is of this vlcni
the vUttsi will b. severe.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario I'har
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R R Depot
J W McCulloch R W Kclil.ardt
Mcculloch, wood & eckhaw
Rooma 1-2-3 Firat Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Dh II AintiKr Skakh
l'l. I'lIMM Hkahs
Oraduates American School of Os
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 1.14 I ilk
Office In I. O. 0. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . . Oregon
Will Practice in all Court.
Notarv Public. Office over Postoffice
Dr. W. G. Howe
Telephone No. 732
Firt Nutionul Bank Building
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Public Auctioneer
Will attend hc!uh anywhere
Termi Reasonable.
Phone 4'i-j Ontario, Ore.
stooi immoral of maumoi
Koh't O'dell, Ontario
lieu Itrown, Vale.
C. C. Morton, I Mil's Ferrv
N. O. White, Weiser Hrnlge.
J. E Holly, Rivcrvi. w
Alw hennv. .Ionian Valley,
Joe Bankofter, MeDsrraltl
J Bovdell. Nvsmi
W. II M, -William- Jin. mra
Win Kme, Harper
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
siallinc'it irivili('i'.
Thomas W. Clajrett
Ontario - - OftgOO
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
QradoSM Of Missouri Auction
Sehooli PbonS r write for
Rhone 201 -nl Ontario, Ore.
jof for Sa!' '' In Rlvsrside
addition, ossr iub tation. In
nuirs at Argns.