Uriel News of the Week Tbe radicals ruled the New York rwpubllcan iitate conference and forced the approval of a direct or atate-wldp primary law. There la a well-authenticated report that ProBldent Huertu linn been as sured a loan of $760,000 pesoa by an American" corporation with Mexican connections. Heciwue they had ridden Mr. John Richardson on a rail followlnR the linking of her name with that of her brother In-law, five gray haired wo men of Wniikegnii, III., were convicted and each may be fined $200 and sent enced to six montha In Jalk It Ir announced that nearly all the hotel ownera of Han Krnnclaco, repre xentlnK more than ISM hoatelrlea have agreed with the Panama Pacific enrpoaltlon offlrlala that prlcea for rooms will not be Increased over thoHO of the pp'Hent, on account of the 1!MB fair. Telephone MOWttlM were Riven a Jolt In the stock market when Wall treet heard the report that Samuel Hill, head of the Home Telephone company of Cortland, Or . waH actively engaged In tii-i rim: the Independent telephone companies of the United States with tho PoHtal Telegraph company. Declaring that Intimately personal SUhJecta should he taught to children at home by their parents, the I'arentfl Rights League of America, organized In Han Francisco to combat the Intro dilution of "sex hygiene" Instruction and medical Inspection In the public schools, will i in a call to all mothers. Ex -President 'laft explninca ine reason he did not go back to Cincin nati to live was that he didn't want to practice law before Judges he himself appointed, when president. Andrew CarneKle's secretary flgurne that the Iron master has given away $.186,1 26,000 out of a fortune originally of $380,126,000. The release of ex -President Zelayn, Who was arrested In New York, clitirg ml with murder In his own land, was authorised by order of the depart im nt, on condition that he sail on the first host for Spain Indictments dunging graft In con nection with building highways In New York have been returned by the pedal grand Jury agulust Arthur Mi Lean, treasurer of the democrnllr state central committee. Jloys and girls are advised to stick to the farm by Champ Clark, speaker of the house, addressing a meeting of corn growers. Hcnator I'omerene ays, If he were a girl, he would rather base a good loaf of bread than dunce the liwo. or A In a wJKQEty aaW Confining our business strictly to L EG I T I MATE banking, and with ample ratourati for the needs of 0U1' CUStomera. we invite the banking business of rancnen, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Risourcts Over II, ill Million Dollars OH It KltS AM) DIKKCTOKH A. L. COCKRUM, Pfeatdawti H. B COCK RUM, CggbJt T. 'I IKNIU'I.'.. Vice Credent C W.I'I.ATT AsiTt. Cashier l . K. KKNYON MONTH tJWINN I.. H. t (HKIMM III,. .l.llll.li. -Mill Three cows and a DE LA V AJL SEP ARATOR will make more money than four cow with gravity setting Thousands upon thous ds of cow ownera have already proved this statement; any expo. .need dairyman will verify it for you. With such big saw..,; It is hard to understand why any cow owner should try to net along without a De Laval Cream Separator. If you are selling cream or making butter, and have no separator, or else an Inferior machine, we know if we could put a be Laval on your place we would be doing you a peraonal favor. If you haven't a separator don't make the mistake of starting with a "cheap" or Inferior machine. When you do buy a acparator aa aooner or later you surely will be aure to get the beat De Laval. Remember, you can't make money by trying to i.. money In the purchase price of a cream separator. A Ue Laval costs only a little more than the cheapest and will aave you twice) aa much aud laal five to ten times aa long as other separator. Hold on Kaay McBratiu y-McNulty Company Ontario, Oregon Hand Bags make good gifts. Sen sible gifts too for there is hardly a woman, but needs a new bag. Kid Gloves make splendid gifts. We have them for ev ery member of the family in all shades, sizes and prices. Auto & Driving Veils make good gifts. Fancy Little Aprons These dainty aprons make most acceptable gifts. Ready Made Gowns Everyone likes a nice gown. 75 of our season's pattern I .adit's' Hats at ONE-HALE PRICE This is a sal' all Ontario should know about. L Ghristmds Holiday Rates. Viu Oregon Short Line. Tic kets on sale between local' point mil to points in Oregon tuul Washington, Iecemher 19, 2, -'I, 22, a, "24, 25 and 31, 1913, I Miliary I, 1914 j limit, Jatmury "tli, ISM I. See agents for rates iiml further particular. ONTARJO out Good Bank Good Country Ternia 'im'l fawyi wV Boyer's. Ontario's Biggest Xmas ,oier,ff?M Wt x t Tfc Jifhm-M lyrrrrv.. jmsr Ontario's Ladies' Winter Suits make good gifts, anl we are making a special 20 per cent discount until Christmas. Officers Under Arrest. Boise. - .Several uf the new offlclats of Minidoka county may ! ousted from office while disbarment proceed ings probably will be instituted against three attomeye as the remit of i-iitr.ini luto thn rounty jail at Rupert anil tiikltiK oat a large quantity of liquor which hart been confiscated by the court from bootlegger. Charles NcImom. hhi-rlfr, la under nireet, chant- il with bootlegging, and wamnta were served on Attorney K. R. Dam pier, fit) Attorney W. R. Hyutt. Iro bale in. i iv.-i.i. County Clerk But ler ami J. W. Voorheea, who were charged with burKlary. Hyatt, Dnin pier and riittler later were dismissed. It la alleged that theHe men raided the jail after pIckliiK the lock and procured the liquor. Minidoka conn ty la 'dry" under the local option Ihw Governor Pay for Bridge. Lew 1st on (ioM'inor Maine ol Ida ho and (Sovcruor Lister of Washington met nt one of the local hunks with tha county commissioners of Asotin coun ty and the inijiir of Lcwtstou and formally exchuiiKed the conveyances and paid the purchase price for the l.ewiMnu Clarkstou bridge. 01481 NOMC1 KOK I'l'HUCATION. Department of the luterlor U. 8. Land mice at Vale, Oretiun, Decern bar lit, 1013. Notice it hereby uiveti that i ii-nl. -(' (iinHctt, of Ontario, Oregon, who Jill lib, If 10, made ll.imc.t. a.l A( plloatl m So, 01 1 hi. for Um fT sKi ml SCi RW, i'ction 1, towuslnp l'.'S. Kantie lt!K . Willrtini l li. Mil lli.in. ha llleil n illcc of intention to make liual three year proof, to catalillili claim to the laud above described, bt-fore the Keuuter and Receiver. I'. S. Land Ottliv, at Vale, Orenou. on the litb d.i of .'aniiarv, l'.'l I. Claimant uaiuen a wituesses: A. K. Trnt, Ira Dale. Albert Hut ler. Jr.. Albeit Uutler, St., all of Out il In. Ol'ClfOD. Bruce R Heater. Keuister. Notice Sealed propoaale will be received by the City Kccorder of the City of Ontario, t)reou, up to tbe hour of eight o'olook p. in. on tbe bth day of Jauuary, 1914, for the construction of about 1944 feet of sewer in euld city accoidiiik' to the plana ami speuiOca- tions tberefor on tile with i ul City Recorder. All proposals must be I ssuled. marked "Hropoeele tor Sewer Countructton" aud addressed to Harry II (liauel. City Keoorder. Ontario. Oregon. Tbe bids will be opened by i he Couucil at the above uttmed hour and the contract awarded. The Couucil, however, reservee tte riKht to reject auy an. I all bide or proposals. t.acti bid must le ac coiupauied by a . i titled check for five per ni of ..!. bid. Hy order of the City Council. Harry H. tirauel. City Keoorder. True Christmas Store Boy's Suits and Overcoats make good gifts, and we have some special attrac- tions in this line for you. Summons. Id the Ckrouit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for the County of Mai hear, es. Motile L. Sk. rtiiiKton. l'lalntlff, vs. Nelaoo J. HkefUngtna, Defendant. To Neleon J. Ukefllngton, Defend sot. lo tbe name of tbe state of Oregon: Vou are hereby required to appear and answer tbe roiiiiliunt Hied auallist you In the above entitled suit by Saturday tin .'trd day of January. A D. 1011. or tor Hiit thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demand d lu the complaint, on tile herein, I a fur a d-oree turever dlssolv IiiK tbe bonda of natriinooy In retotore ami nnw exUtlnw tetween pln.niilt and defendant und for the custod) of Winnie R. Kkctttuutou. the Issue of tbe union between plalntltf and defendant, aud f r a decree tarrlnu all int'-re.t of the defeodaut in lots 1. 'J, a, 4. aud 5. lu block No. 174. lu tbe city of Ontario, Oieuou. Ihu sum mons is served upon jnti by puhliaa ttoo thereof in the Outarlu Arus. a tveeklr newspaper, publi-hed at Ontn no, Oregon, for six couttoutlve weeks, by order of Hon tieo W. McKnltfht, County Jtidue of iMalheur County. Otfjgjga), Dated November 20th. 10LI. Date ot first publication Nnvember 'iOth. l!i:i; iUte of lait publication. January 1st, l'.U4. C McOonagill. Attorney for plaint iff Oregon Agricultural College FARMERS' WEEK December 8 to 13, 1913. Thia will be a notable eveut in tbe educational history of Oregoa. Fanners' Co operation will be the leudiutf topic of a stliiiulatiug aeries of Icemen. The week will becowJed it li discussioua aud demoastiatiooa in errr.vthiuK that makes fur the wel fare of the lariuer and home maker. WINTER SHORT COURSE January 5 to 30, 1914. The college baa spared no effort to make this the most complete sbort oourse in Its history. A very wide range ot coureee will be offered In Cieueral Agriculture, Horticulture, Auimal Huuabandry. Dairying. Foul- i try Keeping, Mechanic Arte, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce. Kureatry ' and Muslo. Numerous lectures and I disoueelona on Kmuun' Co operation I at home aod abroad, will be a leading feature. Make this a pleaaaut and , profitable winter outing No tuitou, Aocommodatious reasonable. Re duced rates ou all railroads. For further information address. II M. TKNNANT. Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon. Farmers' Uusiuees Courses by Cor reapoudeuce without tuition. Special lot of Christmas Candy, Nuts and Oranges ' Do not overlook us for your fresh candies from a fresh stock just placed on sale. SAVING TIME ruA Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time you save hy telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Gifts Delivered for Christmas ANYTHING you select from our big and varied stock of really appreciated Christmas gifts will be held for you and delivered for Christmas. No need to lock doors and screen windows to in sure a surprise. We will play Santa Claus. If you select a Hoosier Cabinet fur the housekeeper of the family wife, mother or sistei a Morris chair, lamp or good table for father or brother, gome tiling" attractive and convenient fur the rooms of the younger members of the family, you will delight each recipient. l'ay us a visit. It will be profitable to you. Prices rea sonable quality avv " vi'tll li,- hi, ,fii utile I T1 i I aisaa'BV waM I I loyou' Prices rea- I diTTvrnikW ' I high. Ontario Furniture Company Warm Winter Underwear makes a good gift, and we have a won derful line of the best makes. Sweater Coats Every woman, man and child has use for a warm sweater coat from 50c to $6.00 Warm Hosiery Every person has use for good warm hosiery as well as fancy hos iery for dress and par ty occasions. Warm Slippers make good gifts. Fancy Pillow Cases and Table Scarfs New lot of Party and Af ternoon Dresses just ie reived." ,, jj "To Special Notice " This afcowuxivtali' fttfrin ll-if open W 22, '2"2M' dhM ' I .It nl'-ilt II Mill afll'" J ky TELEPHONE f -,i .AvaawHi I 1