REMEMBER that each of the many hundred ar ticles shown in our window are in dividual, so that when you purchase one of them there will be no dupli cate sold to some one else. WHILE THEY LAST We are selling 51b. boxes of as sorted Creams at $1.25 each These are delicious chocolates and you are buying them for less than often quoted at wholesale. THE QUALITY of every gift Owe sell is the best that the market affords for the price and we invite your careful inspection. Yours for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year THE ONTARIO PHARMACY The Corner Drug Store One Block from the 0. S. L. Depot LOCAL NEWS Miss Bertha bhrives was n passenger to Vale Monday. We are making a specialty of Xmas randies. Ontario bakery. Mrs. Rachael Westerly, who has been visiting friends in Ontario, returned to her hoiie in Juntura Monday. Ooddard serves oyster cock tails and Tom and Jerry at all imet Let him show you. J. R. Hlackahy returned Mon day from a business trip to Cald well. :. i. ' , en gents suits if desired. Cope .v Dunnugk. Mrs. E. Dillon, who has been visiting in Ontario, returned to her home in Vule Monday. Music lessons given on the different instruments ty E. M. Brown, conservatory graduate. Call or phone Moore hotel. The man who says that his town doesn't amount to anything is the same man wln does his utmost to keep it from being anything. Letson has just received a shipment of Libby cut glass which he will be pleased to show you. A. II Keller has returned from the east where he placed the bonds of the Crane Creek irrigation project and secured enough mouey to finish the work, which was stopped by the failure of the Kuhnt. The Burrell Studio is pre pared to make tlaslilight photo of Home Xmas decorations, par ties, family reunions etc. during the holidays. phone 1311 W. Nine carloads of clover seed waH raised around Parma and is worth 4f,000. Ladies tailors headquarters, reasonable prices. Cope A Dun nuck. In order to make n in for a large and complete line of spring millinery, all cut glass and hand painted china is being sold at a discount of 2"i per cent at Let-son's. LOCAL NEWS On January first there will be a radical change made in the parcel post law, the weight limit will be raised and the rate lowered. The people seem to prefer it to the express com panies. A. E. Wade raided 18,000 pounds of Im'miis on his King man Kolony ranch this year. The Burrell studio is prepared to make flashlight photos of home Xmas decorations, parties, family reunions, etc. during the holidays. Phone IM W. It is understood that train No IS will be made a strictly limit ed train about the first, carrying only Pullman cars, mail and ex press. Music lessons given on the different instruments by E. M. Brown, conservatory graduate. Call or phone Moore hotel. Mrs. A. W. Trow was out Monday for the first time siuce her illness. See those 17-jewel watches in 20-year guaranteed case for $12.50 in the Letson window. Simply a snap. Mr. and Mr .1. Hartlett, from Ulenville, Muni., are guests i Mayor Trow' home. Mrs Trow and Mrs. Bartlett are sisteis. You may select the article you wish for the holidays ut Letson's and he will set them away for you. They have signed up for 37 IM cows for the proposed condeti sary at New Plymouth. Thomas (.'lagett, wife and daughter, are in Boise this week wtiere Mr. Clagett is looking af ter the interests of the Balfour, Cuthrie people. Letson will keep open even ings from now until the holi days. There was an inch of snow in the lower Snake Kiver valley this morning, but most of it had disappeared by noon. Christmas donations of any kind that might be useful for Holy Kosury hospital will be gratefully received by the Do minican Sifters. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Pukl Ailvnrtlomrnt Furnished room Cope, the toilor. for rent. For Sole Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, block 270 $1500 .lots 1 and 2. block 27J $500. Lots are in the center of the city, 1 block west of the two public schools. Address W. J. Cad by, Bandon, Oregon. For Sai.k Cheap, a house and two lots in west Ontario, best residence section of city. See Claud Bingham, Ontario. Money to tftl farms. l"itn Improvnd in W. II. DoohttU Oo. There is no substitute f of Royal Baking Pow det for making the best cake, biscuit and pastry. Royal is Ab solutely Pure and the only baking powder made from Royal grape cream of tartar For Sale April and October pigs, thoroughbred O. I. C. stock, pedigree with each animal, at reasonable prices. Inquire of or write E. K. Ingle or J. B. Atherton, Ontario. Wanted horses to winter at $;t per head, per month at the Couklin ranch. Estray A yearling Jersey heifer at the Conklin rauch. Owner please call, puy charges and take her away. For Sale 2 registered Hob stein bulls, April und September calves: 22 Ouroc pigs, -' and 3 mouths old. Cheap, if taken at once. Terms reasonable. Win ter A Trousdale ranch. Phone 203-K-4. Horse Lost Black gelding, 2 years old punt, white star in forehead branded j on right shoulder. Return to C. H. Trousdale and receive reward. Phone 203-. 4. For Sale Well drilling outfit complete li-horse power gusoline engine, doing a first class busi ness. Will sell cheap, ('all ut this orlice. For Sale White Leghorn pullets. A. B. CaiD, 2 miles west of Ontario. LOCAL NEWS Ladies cloth by the yard at Cope A Duuuuck. Word comes from Los Angeles that Dr. (ioldsberry is there in a sanitarium, having contracted a bad cold on the trip down from Portland. His many friends here hope for an early recovery. Charles Oarviu, the well known first class cook, hat opened a chili parlor in O'Con nor's confectionury store and is prepared to serve you with good hot lunches in u comfortable room. If you ever get hungry go and see him. William Crirtirh, one of the prominent residents of the Wat son section, was in Ontario and other valley points several days last week. Mr. Griffith says his section is quite prosperous as they always have a good crop of fruit and are not troubled with the insects there as in the more thickly settled sections. Malheur Mercantile Go General Merchandise New Shipment of Dry Goods this Week. Look us over. Our Grocery Department is Full and Complete i - We have what you want and need your trade. M. M. C 0. Everhart Drug Company 4th Door S. P. O. The store of the real Christmas spirit. Here you will find worth-while remembrances anyone will he tflad to receive as a gift.