The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 18, 1913, Image 3

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It takes the Ring to keep
the Girl
Purchase a Ring
worthy of the
Occasion, it will
be if it comes
from us.
w. w. LETSON
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
I forms Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS. Proprietor.
The Kroessin Harness Co. offer some
Christmas Suggestions
Which Will Interest You
Traveling Bags
Suit Cases
Street & Storm Blankets
Carriage & Auto Robes
Silver Inlaid Bits & Spurs
Pocket Books
Riding Bridles
Men's Belts
Hat Bands
Artistic Cuffs
Angora Chaps
Juvenile Chaps
Ingersoll Watches
Indian Robes
Bucking Rolls
Pocket Knives
Puttee Leggings
Braided Reins
And other articles too numerous to mention.
We will be pleased to have you call
and inspect our line of harness and
horse goods.
Kroessin Harness Company
Ontario Hardware Company
Hardware Headquarters
Tool Chests
Carpet Sweepers
Electric Lamps
Electric Coffee Machine
Coffee Percolator
Chafing Dishes
Carving Sets
Embroidery Sets
Manicure Sets
Pocket Knives
Scissors and Shears
Safety Razors
Ice Skates
Roller Skates
Boy's Wagons
Boxing Gloves
Toy Wheelbarrows
Air Rifles
Electric Toasters, etc.
The above are a few of the special
articles we have added to our stock
for Christmas gifts.
All our regular lines are complete.
Ontario Hardware
President Wilson Resents Army
and Navy Burlesque on
Philippine Policy.
Washington. President Wilson for
miilly withdrew tils recent acceptance
of honorary membership In the mili
tary ortler of the Carnbno, composed
of regulars and volunteer officers of
the army and navy who served In the
Philippine Islands In the four years
succeeding the Spanish-American war,
and ordered an Investigation of var
ious satires and travesties on the ad
ministration's policy towards the Phil
ippines as portrnyed at a banquet of
the Carabiios In Washington last week.
Objection was raised, among other
things, to one of the songs "Damn,
Damn, Damn the Insurrectos." Of
fonse was also given by the exhibition
of three big models of battleships la
beled, the "Fellowship," "Friendship,"
and "Piffle." A moving picture show
ing a three i nr pursuit of a Filipino
rebel colonc!. who wns finally caught,
only to be i.Mde governor of a pro
vince, nlso was criticised.
It wan made plain by the president,
through Garrison and Daniels, that
while outMlders may satirise the ad
ministration us they please, those In
Its service, like army and navy offi
cers should refrain from ridiculing Its
policies, even though they do not sup
port them.
Currency DIM Substitute I Tabled.
Victory for the administration
forces resulted In the first test of
strength on the currency bill. The
vote, 40 to 36, tabled a substitute of
fered by Senator Hitchcock, for sec
tion 2 of the administration bill, pro
posing a system of four reglonsi b.inks
with a possible Increaae to eight, the
regional bank stock to be owned by
the public.
The defeat of this amendment prac
tically Insured the adoption of the
Owen plan, which provides for from
eight to It regional banks, with the
stock owned by the national banks
ihnt become members of the respec
tive regional bunks
Postal Sank May Expand.
A bill to remove the limitation on
the amount that may be accepted from
depositors In the postal savings banks
was passed by the house.
The measure would permit unllmlt
ed deposits, but $1000 U fixed M the
maximum on which Interest wHI be
paid. Under the present law the limit
Is $10 In each calendar month, no ac
count to exceed $600, exclusive of ac
cumulated Interest.
May Impoee Literacy Test
The house will soon be In the thick
est of Its fight for Immigration re
form. The Immlgrution committee
probably will report a bill which
would Impose it literacy test, bar out
foreigners Ineligible to nuturallxatlon
and not provided for by treaties,
strength! ii the Inhibition against
aliens who udvocale the unlawful de
struction of property and Increase the
head tax per Immigrant to $5.
The proposed literacy test will re
open debate on the feature which led
President Tart to veto substantially
the same bill lust winter.
Non-Resident Law Asked.
Non resident enlarged homesteads
will be permitted in Oregon, Washing
ton, California, Miniiiiiiu and several
other western states, If congress pass
es a bill recently Introduced by Rep
resentative Taylor, of Colorado. Un
der existing law, non resident home
bit.ui. may be made in Utah and Ida
ho, but nowhere else.
The Taylor bill provides that the
secretary f Interior may designate
for nonresident entry, undi-r the en
larged homestead law, uot to exceed
l'.iicio.doo acres In each of the status
named, when he finds that areas set
tled on do not have sufficient water
supply for domestic purposes, such
as would make continuous residence
Kntrymen who avail themselves of
the uou residence homestead law, how
ever. In making proof must show that
they have cultivated one sixteenth of
the area of their entry beginning the
second year, and one-eighth of the
area for the third and successive
years until final proof is made, and
they must also reside within such dis
tance of their land as to enable them
to farm It personally.
Congress Favors Presidential Primary
A careful poll Indicates a clear ma
jority of the senate and house favors
presidential preftrence primaries.
Only a small mmorlty is outspoken
In Its oppoeltio-i to nation wide pri
maries, with tfct candidates formulat
ing the platfor i upon which they will
appeal to lb people for election.
President Wilson has adopted the
The sole obstacle in the way of
prompt a ; ion by congress on this
matter Is (he doctrine of state' rights
It is the MffJM which those really op
posed to the primary principle will
A Suitable Gift
for Every Stocking
Half the worry in selecting gifts for the holidays is due to the difficulty of get
ting the right goods and the right people together. If you will take time to
check over this advertisement it will suggest a solution for every holiday problem
Come and See Our Goods and Settle your Gift Problem.
Our Prices will Help You to Decide
; a
Santa Claus Says "There's
No Gift to Compare with
No Matter How Much or How Little You Want
to Spend for a Christmas Gift You Wont Get any
thing that will Give You So Much Pleasure
There's one of these instruments at a price
to suit any purse
$15.22 to $500.oo
Stop in any time and we will gladly demonstrate these wonderful instruments.
Toilet Goods
Toilet Goods make suitable, praotical
gifts. Our line includes Toilet Sets,
Manicure Sets, etc., in French Ivory,
Sterling Silver, Ebony, Etc.
Fine Hox Paper are always in demand
for gifts. Our stock contains a nice va
riety and the prices are right. We have
many beautiful and useful gifts in this
line. Fancy Hox Taper, Fountuin Fens,
Ink Stands, etc.
Leather Goods.
Leather Goods suggests gifts. This
includes many items suitable for ladies
and gentlemen. Our line is exception
ally fine, both to looks and quality.
I'oclcot Hooks, Furses, Hill Hooks and
somo of the latest Hand Hags.
Musical Instruments
There's nothing more appropriate, ea
specially, if they have any musical tal
ent. Music has a refining and elevating
inlluence. Wo have Violins, Guitars
and Mandolins, l'rioes are reasonable.
A Gift for Him
Ladies who are wonder
ing what to get HIM should
read this list of suggestions.
Cigars, Pipes,
Shaving Sets,
Fountain Pens,
Pocket Books,
Cloth Brushes,
Ash Trays, Ink Stands,
Cigar Jars,
Tobacco Jars,
Razors, etc.
See our stock. It will sug
gest many more suitable
gift items for men.
Genuine Hand Painted China
Stock is well selected and
beautiful, consisting of Plates,
Cups, Saucers, Sugar and ( 'ream
Sets, Vases, Hat Pin Holders,
Powder and Puff .Jars, Trays,
The Auto Voting Contest.
Ends Christmas Eve
Help your candidate ly getting
the votes on all purchases
made here.
A Gift for Her
There are so many gifts
that please the ladies that a
limited space will not even
permit mention of all the
suggestions. We submit a
Perfume, Jewel Boxes,
Manicure Sets,
Toilet Sets.
China, Candlesticks,
Mirrors, Vases,
Stationery, Hand Bags,
Vanity Bags, Etc.
Come in and see things not
mentioned here. We'll be
y.iail to make suRestionB.
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Complete Line of Building Materiul. If you cannot find it anywbere else
come to us. We have it.
Always on the Job
If yoa lisve job of bauliug 70a
nut cloue, Urn or sujuII, you oao
alwafa dapaod mi Jotin LaodioKbacn
balug ready for mi. Call bim at tba
Moore Hotel.
Beers, either Boise, Buker
Rainier or other brews can he
found at Ed Uoddard's and he
keeps them just right.
Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords