The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 18, 1913, Image 1

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    :The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior o
(fhttoio vixm.
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 60
Workmen Allow Tar to Ig
nite and New Annex Is
Partly Burned,
A Are In tbe new addition to the
Carter boose oa Hsturdsy afternoon
caused quite a commotion nnd it
looked (or a while aa though the old
landmark wss doomed.
The workman were heating aotna tur
for the roof and In aome manner it
caught fire and In a moment the whole
room, with pllea of roofing lying over
thi floor waa a man of flnmai, aooom
panled by denae amoke.
The flremea reaponded promptly
and bad water on It in a abort time
but tbla only tended to Increase tba
fury of the flamea aa the material Imd
sufficient naphtha In It to apread
Then the chemical angina got buay
and did effective work. The Are Imd
worked Into the roof and It waa necea
aiiry to chop in mv hole to reach the
flamea. There waa aome loaa in tba
hotel from the water and amokc, hut
none of the furniture MM moved
Tba loaa to the annex will be a few
hundred dollara.
Tba aawer la oearlng ootnpletlon.
Tba lateral to tbe graveyard alougb
will be flnlahed thla week and then
they will tap tba Boyer pond. Tbe
catch baalna are about all in nnd thu
job will I completed before tbe flrat
ni tbe year.
Hide will ba reoelved for the lateral
dlatrl(t aewar in a faw daya and tba
people lo tba other sections of tba
oily are getting huay and filing
petitions for other laterala to ac
commodate them ao tbut all aaotioua
of i In city will ba able to oonuect with
tbe sewer in tbe culv aprlng if the
open weather continue and tba work
nan be proeeouted all through the
winter moutba.
Washington Express Tax Law Falla.
Olyrupia. Waah The atate aupreme
court affirmed th decision of the
Thurston county superior court, de
claring the law pass
ed in l'.ni7 im putting a b per cent gross
revenue tax on the. slate business done
by express companies operating in
ROBBED OF $17,000
Wallace, Idaho. Without leaving aa
much aa a finger print aa a clew, bur
glars robbed the local poetofflce of
a little more than $17,000 and appar
ently made good their escape.
When the postmaster and clerks ar
rived In the mornlug nothing unusual
was noticeable around the office. The
eafe being locked apparently the same
as It had been left the night before.
Poatmaater Presley quickly noted the
disappearance of the three registered
pack a go and a hurried Investigation
followed, revealing the faot that they
were missing and robbery bad been
committed. A thorough search of the
office' and all doors and wlndowa did
not reveal a single clew, aa apparent
ly they had not been moleated. The
aafe had been opened without a
scratch being made and had been aa
carefully relocked, the only thing no
ticeable being that the inner door had
cot been locked.
Outlaw Not Thought Donnelly.
Walla Walla, Wash. Guards return
ing to the state orison with the blood
hounds used to trace the Chehalls out
law aay they believe the man Is not
Mike Donnelley, tbe escaped muiderer
from the local prison.
Canada To Exclude All Japaneee.
Loudon.-- A dispatch from the Timea
from Toklo saya that the Japanese
government has been notified that
Canada intends to prohibit all Immi
gration to British Columbia tor three
Parma boga made the Northwest
Llveatook ahow at Portland ait up and
take notice. One car of hogs shipped
last Friday by J. II Trout waa placed
on exhibition, with the result that
Mr. Trout brought hnme the sliver
cup, tbe sweepstakes prize of 9150
and another of 176 together with
others. It was said to be tbe finest
bnncb of hoga ever seen io tbe north
wett and waa of tbe Polttnd China
breed. J. P. Welboiirn also shipped
one carload of porkers to tbe Portland
msrket along with Mr. Trout . Fiank
Urlce shipped two and L. II. Lawaon
a mixed car of cattle and hogs.
Mexican Rebel Leader Seizes
Property and Makes Un
reasonable Demands.
Rl Paso. Tex Americans, Germans
and Spaniards, who arrived from Chi
huahua. Mex., report that Francisco
Villa, the rebel leader, virtually had
constituted himself dictator there and
that he refused to heed the requnsta
of representatives of foreign govern
ments. They aaaerted that the rebel leader
had aelied 98.000,000 worth of prop
erty belonging to foreigners; had put
to death about twenty Mexican civil
ians, and had commanded the Amerl
ran. German and Britlah consuls to
obey rebel orders.
Villa seised a large deparement
atore valued at 91.S00.000 and owned
by French, Oerman. English and Span
ish Interests
He also seised a brewery, a cloth
ing factory and all the grocery and
other stores owned by Spanlurda, val
ued at 98,600,000. He called a meet
ing of merchants of all nationalities
and told them they must pay him
sums of money, aggregating several
million di llurs, to support the revo
lution. Villa's expulaton of cltlsena or Spain
all of whom were progressive mer
chants, waa on pain of death. r-
Dr. Maria Monteaaori, originator of
the famous Montsssori method of
teaching email children, who recently
arrived In America from Italy.
ants of Robberies Alleged to Have
Been Committed In Portland.
Portland --Richard Mills, a Carllale
Indian school graduate, one-fourth
Sioux, and the owner of a 64o acre
farm In Nebraska . was arrested here
for the alleged robbery of five houses.
These are about one-half the house
burglaries In Portland alnce Mills
came here, December 9.
Mllla, the police charge. Is finan
cially well fixed, but steals for the
love of the game. He has served a
year In Deer Lodge, Mont, for bur
glary, It ia alleged, and, it la also a!
leged, that he served some time In tbe
Washington state penitentiary In Wal
la Walla for the same offense.
Spirited Election Results in a Small
Plurality for Proposed Malheur
County Fair Measure.
There was an election held lo thla
county on Mondsy to detsrtnlne
whether the fair at Ontario should be
taken over by the county and con
tinued aa a oouoty fair or allowed to
drop. Up to the time of writing the
vote Indicates that a (majority of the
people favor holding a county fair.
The people of Ontario and vicinity
were very much Interested in seslng
tbs fair continue i as they bava
watched It grow each year aluoe It
was started as a srasll street fair,
until It Is today recognized as among
the best fsirs held anywhere. Tba
people of Vale and also Nysea so
psreotly do nut consider a fair of any
benefit and therefore voted almost to
a peraon to oloee tbe fair and deprive
tbe residents of tbe nintv of the
opportunity thus sfforded to guln In
formation. However, tbe claim ia
made by many of the reatdents of
tbsse towns that they did not under
stand tba proposition or tbey would
bava supported It.
Among other things, it slso brought
out tbe exteot of the voting strength
of tbe Cairo, OnUrlo, Big Beod.
.Jameson and Juntura precincts and
established the fact that whatever
those plants favor will be adopted.
When tbe elections ma bald next
fall tbe county will probably cast
4000 votes and 1500 of them will ba
In the Cairo aud Ontario precincts.
aa there were fully 'J00 voters who
did not get to tbe polls on Monday,
tbe committee belug short of autooio
lies to haul them. It' alao ahowa
what can be done by organisation aud
systematic work, hew people realised
bow much fatter Ontario aud violnitr
waa growing than other sections of
tbe county.
There were many laughable things
occurred Tbey are telling one on
Dr. Whitney about bow be talked
two hours to U. C. Wilson aud Dr.
Hum. in. trying lo convert them In
favor of coui .lining tbe fair. When
all tbe arguraeuta were In, the
geutlcmen informed tbe doctor that
tbey had voted early In tbe day.
Mr. Slimier sou bad forty aevtn
Nysaa voters promised to support tbe
measure aud theu J. IC. tilackaby got
busy and secured promises trotu some
tweuty others. Tbe count showed
eight, about sixty abort aud the ques
tion is, what happened to those people
ami their votes. We presume they
will all declare that tbey supported
the measure.
It ia not difficult to figure out who
the t h n teen ut Vale I that was certain I v
an uuluoky number for Vale) were
who favored tbe fair but that one.
Work is to be resumed on tbe
Ontario oil and gas well ut ouce by
an experienced driller from Mexico,
whj was driven from the fields by
tbe insurgeots.
Bhriner, tbs last driller who worked
a tbe well, baa alwaya been sanguine
of the suooess of tbe well and be wrote
to his frisod in Mexioo to come bare
and take up the work. Tbe friend
sent a aoout here and hia report was
even better tban Bbrlner bad repre
sen ted aud theu Mason oame and made
bla examination aud olaima that both
men have been too oonaervative and
that be it ready to atart work at once
and will tiring in a commercial oil or
gat well. In esse be cannot do so be
will not expect anything for bis work
or expeueea, on the other baud when
be doet make it u commercial propo
sition he it to have a one half interest
In tbe well
The stockholders are requested to
briog or send their stock to the First
National bank at ouoeso that tbe com
loos, stalwart at Harper, be Is cer
tainly entitled to a medal.
The people ot Cairo and Ootnrlo are
much gratified over tbe results and
wish to thank tbe kind friends of
progreas throughout the county who
assisted tbem lo making It possible
to continue tbe fair. For Junturn,
Big Bend and Jameion, well they
can name whnt they want and wn
will do th.- rest
It wss really cruel tbe distress that
was canted by tbe dslay necesasry
to extend tbe tally sheets before tbe
count started at Ontario, aa maoy of
tba smaller precincts bad completed
tbalr counts aud ebowsd over 800
votet against tbe proposition and the
Vale people were fully warranted lo
starting their celebration. Next time
tbe clerk will ssnd supplies sufficient
and avoid theee Interruptions.
While there Is souis sora spots
around Vale tbey fared better than
i hey planned and may not realise
how fortuoate tbey urn that the fair
Wlthtuoness comes responsibility.
While tbe fair will hereafter ba
county institution snd will have the
Interest Of every i esiden t of tbe count y
In Its suooeass. tbe hard work, the
detail work, will ba for tbe people
of Ontario and vicinity to carry
out snd we feel that tbt taxpayers
can rely on tbe fair for 1014 being
better than any previous one held
here and a suooess in every way.
Tbe vote follows:
Maj Mm
Precincts For Agnet For Agnst
Arcadia 83 68 26
Basin 14 8
Barren Valley S 14 11
Big Bend 84 SO 4
Knmia 4 84 80
Brogan It H 7
Bully 6 76 71
Cairo 476 67 419
Carlile 16 68 37
Castle Rock 8 9 1
Crowley 4 16 11
Grange 12 131 11"
Harper 1 18 17
Jameson 26 91 4
Ionian Valley 20 29 i
Juniper 4 13 9
Junction 78 14 64
Malheur 3 64 .11
Nysaa 8 165 147
Ontario 668 16 637
Owyhee 15 60 35
Bed Butte 1 38
Snake River 31 89 M
Skull Springs 17
Summit 4 6 1
Star 2 kl I9
Three Forks 0 13 13
Westfall 2 34 32
Vale 18 361 MM
Totals 1476 1380 1128 1022
Majority for 96
Total vote 286ti.
mittee can complete tbe details of th'
Tbe machinery and grounds ara
being got in shape so that the work can
be started at once.
Louis Hurtle baa moved bla barber
abop to the first door north of the
barueas shop, opposite the M. M. Co
1 store. Tbe room has been enlarged
and made over iuto one of the oolet
shops Imaginable. There are two
bath rooms snd a lavatory aod new
fixtures are to be installed. He will
call it tbe O. K. barber shop and
bopea for a ooutiuuance of petrouage
from tbe people mho appreciate good
1 work.
Many warm tributes nrs heard these
days for the women, girls and bora
who labored on election day to have
tbe fair continued. At each of tbe
fairs held the departments given over
to the schools god Indies hsve beeo
replete with exhibits that were a
credit to the exhibitors and of much
Interest and profit to those who at
tended the 1 fairs and tbe girls and
boys fully renliznd the great educa
tional value of It to tbe community
Their hearts worn la it and tbey
did effective work.
Salem, Or Governor West called a
meeting of the state emergency board
for Thuraday morning, at which
he auggested that a deficiency of 980,
000 be created to give employment on
public roads for the next two months
to men now out of work. He figures
that the money will provide employ
ment for 1300 men at 92 a day and that
the work will be of advantage to tbe
atate by hastening Improvement of
The decision to call the meeting waa
reached by the governor after C. C.
McColloch, atate aenator, Mr. Weat'a
representative at the meeting of the
unemployed in Portland, had made bla
report. Senator McColloch aald that
the meeting waa orderly and he waa
convinced tligt the men actually de
sired work. The governor said If th
proposed road work la undertaken It
would have to be dona In the regular
way through the Mate highway com
Reubln O. Nevlus Diss.
Tacoma Keiibeu D. Nevlus, 1). Il ,
who founded more than 90 Rplscopal
churches In the Pacific Northwest,
died In tbla city at the age of 94. He
came to the coaat 41 years ago and
settled at Portland aa rector of Trin
ity Church, later becoming general
missionary for Oregon, Washington
and Idaho.
General Villa, rebel leader In North
ern Mexico, who is sccused of confis
cation of property snd demands for
sxhorbltant sums of money on enter
Ing Chihuahua.
moo Mile European Trip Mads On
Supplies Csrried.
New York The battleships Wo
mlng, Arkansas, Utah and Florida
came Into port here after passiug
through a five-day gale which marked
the end of their voyage of 9000 miles.
These vessels were part of the fleet
which left Hampton Roads October 2b
for the Mediterranean on a voyage or
courtesy and to demonstrate that a
squadron of United States battleships
could cross the Atlantic aud return
without being forced to depend on for
elgii ports for supplies.
Nine battleships composed the fleet,
and not an ounce of coal, oil or pro
visions was purchased In the seven
weeks or more they were absent from
American shores.
V -asssksssslaw L' '''mm
I SB assssssssB sstawF
9JKT--7". . l, . ,'.
Ninety Bushel to The Acre
Will Bring Him About
$200 Per Acre.
Fred Pllltbury who 1 1 ret en tbs Hlg
Bond, but 17 acres of pop com thla
season thst will torn nut ftO bushels
to the acre and shoold tell for enough
to meke him at lent 9300 totbeaort
Thn corn Is of the Pesrl variety, sight
nnd too rows. Mnoy of the stalks bava
six aod seven ears 00 them. This
corn was planted 00 sod and Mr.
Plllsbury has several acres more of
sod broken for the crop next spring
There is s good market for this pop
corn at about four cents a pouod. Mr.
Plllsbury alto haa some peach and
apple trees thst turned out big yields
of choice fruit. He now haa flue
Wiios. Northern Bpy and other apples
In linn condition. The Snow apples
are of tbe kind that the Jnioe tiles all
over when you press your teeth into
That the northwest has become
t ha rival of the ' 'mini alataa" haa .-..
I demonstrated by tbe flrat Corn .Show
held at Peodleton, December 5. The
people of Umatilla county had tbalr
first view of rsal Oregon Held corn.
There waa corn of every description.
Corn 00 tbe cob, in rows and piles 1
corn on talk), tons of them maaaur
ing 12 teat high. There wss ooru
In bulk, yellow com, white corn, red
rn and aevaral shsdes between.
Prizes given by tbe O. W. K A N.
and others sum in tad to 91,000.
Kutrlaa from 200 Individual exhi
bitors wsre represented. The exhibit
was judgsd by Proleasors Houddsr.
Hyslop snd Freuoh. of the Oregon
Agrlcultursl collea-e. after which tha
entire exhibit was shipped to Portland
and displayed for a whole week by
the lallroad.
In Portland. tLouseuda were
astonished to see the corn exhibited
In tbe shook, on tbesars. lu tbe suck,
lu tbe silo aod ground Into meal, this
being tbe product of the state of Ore
gon, where all was spretd out in oon
vinclng profusion and now Oregou
comes into the ranks of corn growing
The Wunn Bros, have completed
their work with the evaporator uesr
Frultlund for this season. Mr. Wanu
saya there la room here for several
evaporators and tbers is no reason wby
they 1 Mulct be operated throughout
the year.
The plant near ! run Inn. I cost about
.1111111 and haa a oapaclty of 1,500
pounds of dried product lu every
tweuty four hours. This year they
turned out about 50,0uu pounds of
dried apples aud a few potatoes.
There should lie tons of pess, beans
aod other vegetaldea turned out here
every year aud tbe aud rage
tablea that go to waste would keep
several such plants goiog aud the re
turns to the grower would more than
justify the trouble. The payrolls that
would go with a string of these plsnts
would he a faotor in tbe bulldlug up
Of tbe 01111111111 y.
The force of carpenters snd psinters
smployed In tbe library huildiog are
finishing up tbe iuterior work as
rapidly as possible There Is much
to do In tbe wsy of building shelves
for tbe books aud the oouuters and
partitions, but tba oou tractor believes
iliat it will all be tluishsd ami ready
to turu over to tbe llbraiy comuiiaslou
by 1 he first of tbe year.