The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 11, 1913, Image 5

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    While they last we are
giving a jar of Gold Fish
with every 50c package of
Armstrong's Croup Ointment
We are selling holiday gifts for
every member of the family and
our assortment of leather goods is
larger and better than ever.
New Novelties for the Children
in Every Line
Special 5 lb. Boxes As
sorted Chocolates $1.25
just the articles for par
ties and Christmas Trees.
The Corner Drug Store One Block from the 0. S. L. Depot
Charles Thebnud was here
this week on business. He
makes his headquartsrs on a
ranch near Bliss now.
Mrs. Dick Dearmond was here
this week buying furnishings
for her new home ou the ranch
above Vale.
Goddard serves oyster rock
ails and Tom and Jerry at all
t imes Let him show you.
Dad Springer believes there
should be a monument erected
over the grave of Mrs S. Cham
bers, who died September 3,
1848, and was buried at the
Agency. She wa a member of
the party that found the Blue
Bucket diggings, for which hun
dreds have been hunting for the
past fifty vears. She was the
first white person to die in Hub
Cleaning and pressing, ladies
fine goods handled Club rates
on gents suits if desired. Cope
& Dunnuck.
Frank Hulery, from The
Dalles, ha been at the home of
his brothel, Ed. lluler), the past
Letson has just received a
shipment of Libby cut glass
which he will be pleased to show
How many Red Cross seals
have you purchased?
The volunteer firemen have
their room in the new city hall
elegantly furnished, at their
own expense. it is certainly a
cosy home for them and they
take much pride iu it.
John Lynch is in Vale'today
making proof on his Dend Ox
Flat homestead. His witnesses
are ('hurley Carter. M. B. Ram
sey and Frank Duvis.
Men with material on hand,
bring it to the tailor shop and
get it made up. ('ope A Dun
nuck. We are milking a specialty of
Xmnsrandics. Ontario bakery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Eck
hardt were in Baker last week.
Judge Bigg" is in Baker this
week helping out on the bench.
David Landis started for St.
Louis this morning, where he
will attend a meeting of the 150
salesman representing the Sim
mons Hardware company iu the
Estray A yearling Jersey
heifer at the Conkliu tanch.
Owner please call, pay charges
and take her away.
The wool growers of the state
will hold their annual meeting
at the Imperial hotel in Cortland
on the 17th.
Wanted horses to winter at
$." per head, per mouth at the
Cbnklin ranch.
Frank Howard returned from
Portland Wednesday, where he
left his father, who was some
improved. Joe Howard is in
the hospital here, quite low with
A lap robe was found and can
be had by the owner proving
property and paying for tin-
nonce. .i .Marsueu Aiacniue
PH AdvvrtlM-ntcnU
Furnished room
Cope, the tailor.
for rent.
For Sale Lots 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, block 27(5 $1500; lots 1 and
2. block 270$500. Lots are
in the center of the city, 1 block
west of the two public schools.
Address W. J. Cadby, Bandon,
Fok Sale Cheap, a house
and two lota in west Ontario,
best residence section of city.
See Claud Bingham, Ontario.
.M.'iioy to
(! farms.
loan Improved irr
w. H. DoollttU Co.
For Salt A iril and October
pigs, thoroughbred O. I. C. stock,
pedigree with each animal, at
reasonable prices. Inquire of
or write 1. K. Ingle or J. B.
Atherton, Ontario.
For Salt Male April piga, O.
1. i . stock, at reasonable prices.
Inquire of or write E. K. Ingle
or J. B. Atherton, Ontario.
For Sale Thoroughbred
White Orpington chickens and
Browu Leghorn hena. A. B.
Caiu, two miles west of .Ontario.
Dry slab wood for sale at Van
I'ctten's lumber yard.
Solicitor wants work in Onta
rio, have also had experience in
grocery store. Can give refer-ence8.
RaKin6 Powder
Is the Housewife s
Greatest Help.
WHAT so tempting to the
laggard appetite as a
light, flaky, fruit short cake or
a delicate hot biscuit?
Royal makes the perfect
short cake, biscuit and muffin,
and improves the flavor and
healthf ulness of all risen flour
foods. It renders the biscuit, hot
bread and short cake more di
gestible and nutritious, at the
same time making them more
attractive and appetizing.
Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable for the preparation
all the year round of perfect
Ladies cloth by the yard at
Cope & Dunnuck.
Mrs. Frank Morfit dropped
copy of the Virginian on the
street and will appreciate its re
turn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan,
of Vale, made a trip to Boise
this week, Mrs. Duncuu visiting
Ontario frieuds on her return.
Wm. McBratney has just put
in a large shipment of furniture
carpets, etc. Furniture at all
prices, from the common to the
very best oak. Mattresses from
the cotton top excelsior, to the
best cotton felt ami silk .Hobs
made. Trices are the best you
can get auywhere. Full stock
of window shades, curtain poles
and curtain fixtures in stock.
He curries the very best bed
springs made. (Jood stock of
wall paper on hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver
of Vale, were visiting Ontario
relatives today.
The ladies of the Episcopal
Guild will hold u bazaar on Fri
day and Saturday afternoon,
December 12 and 13. -Beautiful
Christmas gifts, homemade
candy, also a large fish pond
where the children may fish for
a nickel. We promise the tish
will bite, ruin or shine. This
is strictly for the public, nothing
will be held in reserve. Come
in and look things over, at the
stou- vacated by Lumpkin.
See those 17-jewel watches in
20-year guaranteed case for
12 50 in the Letson window.
Simply a snap.
Malheur Mercantile Go
General Merchandise
New Shipment of Dry Goods this
Week. Look us over.
Our Grocery Department is Full
and Complete
We have what you want
and need your trade.
M. M. C 0.
Everhart Drug Company
4th Door S. P. O.
The store of the real Christmas spirit. Here
you will find worth-while remembrances anyone
will be glad to receive as a gift.
. H