The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 11, 1913, Image 4

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Entered in the pootoflicp at Ontario
Oregon for tranMuiflpioii through the
mails um aecnnd -class matter.
M K. It A IN. Publisher.
A. Hatch, of (iunninon, Colo.,
spent part of the week visiting
with A. II McConnell and
family. The two men were old
dchool friends.
Henry returned Wed
nesday from n business trip to
Li D. Owen, of Middleton,
was in town Saturday renewing
old acquaintances and transact
ing business. He formerly own
ed the Fruitland Mercantile
Two car loads of hogs have
been shipped to the Portland
markets this week from this
section. Q rover Bros, shipped
one of the cars and Munkinson
and Whealdon the other.
A large crowd attended the
public sale Tuesday afternoon
which was held at the C. T.
Hall home.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Car
nelix, November 20, a daughter.
Kay Russell made a business
trip to Caldwell lust Thursday.
It A Ik A
lilt. all
Three cows
and a
will make more money than
four cowi with gravity setting
Thousand upon thousands of cow owners have already proved
this ststement; any experienced dairyman will verify it for you.
With such a big aavlng It la hard to understand why any cow
owner should try to get along without a De Laval Cretin Separator.
If you are selling cream or making butter, and have no
separator, or tlae an Inferior machine, we know If we could put
Da Laval on your place wa would be doing you a peraonal favor.
If yosj hsven't a separator don't make the mlatake of starting
with a "cheap" or Inferior machine. When you do buy a aeparator
aa sooner or Ister you surely will bo aure to get the best ibe
Da Laval. Remember, you can't make money by trying to save
money la the purchsse priee of a cream sepsrstor. A De Lsvsl
costs only a little more then the cheapest snd will ssve you twioa
and last live to too tunes as long aa otoer separators.
Bold on Easy Terms
McBratney-McNulty Company
Ontario, Oregon
IIsLIHeV jaaaV'"' -sJLV ll rVaJsaaVjl
Kest Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Hot sis Hough t and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS. Proprietor.
A. J&lW&l . ..rh
Gifts Delivered for
ANYTHING you select from our big and varied
tuck of really appraiuted Christmas gifts W'H
be held for you ami delivered for Christmas.
No need to lock doors and screen windows to in
sure a surprise. We will play Santa Clans.
If you select n Hoosier Cabinet (or the housekeeper
uf the t.iunly wife, mother or sister a Morris
chair, lamp or food table for futher or brother, some
thing attractive and convenient for the rooms of the
younger members of the family, you will delight
each recipient.
Pay ns a visit. It
ill bs profitable
you. prices rea-
lalile quality
r '" Tn-
m k ...mi i irniBaah at .an
wai win i'c pi., manic . -we wan, LW
to you. Prices rea- iLLl uRIL
f t i 11 Li.naj
Jswr iV- iiuih. Irttrs.'Bawnr
I Sisir rtH'n i "O t nVL. f"S-f
Victor Griap and family left
Monday for their home near
Forest Grove, Oregon.
J. M. Royston attended the
stock show at Lewiston last
The C. E. business meeting
Saturday night, the W. C. T. U
meeting, the Ladies' Aid social
and bazaar are postponed in
definitely on account of the re
vival meetings at the Methodist
church, which are being con
ducted by Evangelist Hayes.
L. E. Griffith who recently
sold his drug store was in town
Kay Russell has purchased a
new automobile.
Harry Powell was called to
Caldwell last week to act on the
Mr. Mankinson is a business
visitor in Portland.
Mr. Sargent went to Boise
Tuesday as a witness in a gov
ernment timber case.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, with
some Nebraska friends, visited
at the Stephen home Sunday.
L Peterson left the first
of the week for Salt Lake to
spend the winter.
J. E. Frazier, of Midvale,
visited a few days this week
with his sister, Mrs. C. E.
Last month's report shows
several interesting figures.
There has been total enroll
ment of 50(1 which is 50 in ex
cess oi vue same unto last year.
Of this enrollment 22H are boys
and 27K are girls. The high
school stands out as champions
for tardy marks with 97 to its
credit, being more than all the
other rooms combined. The
tardy marks will be materially
reduced next month owing to
the activity of Mr. Haile by re
quiring personal excuses.
In Mr. Bailey's senior English
class, consisting of UH membera,
the attendance for two weeks
has been 100 per ceut. A rare
i it in .i in any school.
Owing to the crowded condi
tion of the west aide Bchool u
few children haveUeeu required
to cross the railroad to
siue Softool- If pi.M',.1 until
tious keep up a goodly number
more will be placed in tU tusl
side school. We feel this is not
working as great a hardship as
some would have us believe for
UM teachers are excellent, the
grounds ar large and with a
small"! number the children are
naturally bettnr cared for tlimi
is possible ui;der more crowded
bttpi A. B. Macpherson en
li cruel ami enlightened the
school bt a two davs visit the
past week. He left us in the
best of humor which wassugges
live of the good working coinii
turns u Inch are to be found in
all departments.
Mr. Peine reports the boy
basket ball team is getting down
to splendid work and all lovera
of clean athletics should make
it a point to attend the games
which wilj come later.
One of the most enjoyable uf
fairs that has taken place during
thib term of school wus the
sophomore nurty, given at the
home of E. B. Couklin, on the
noulevuid last Friduy evening.
A very enjoyable eveuing was
spent in pluying outdoor ..nns
A n milder of merry utdoor
games weie also played. Alter
the parly had bade their host
good night tbev were surprised
to find one of the wheels off the
bay ruck ami the teams and
buggies gone. When Kstol 1.
discovered that his horse am!
cart were missing he wus heard
to shout "Ah, 1 feel like a snow
ball in a hot spring." Never
theless we enjoyed our walk
home and it the iiper classmen
i.i ..i f..i it-
ami tin -iieui nine rooks
Hadn't put themselves to the
trouble of coming out and taking
our teams back to town we
wouldn't have had hall the fun.
Ladies tailors headquarters,
reasonable prices. Cope ft Dun
nuck. The Idaho State Poultry Show
will be held at Boise on the 20th
to 31st of January. For partic
ulars write Leslie L. Long, the
secretary. Valuable prizes and
about fifty loving cups will be
Kitchen cabinets and tables,
all new, just from the factory, at
McBratney's Furniture store.
Wm. Langhouthas purchased
the Royal rooming house at
Weiser and taken possession of
it. He will renovate it and
make it first class, where he will
be pleased to meet all his old
friends. ,
There will not be any meet
ings of the S. and C. club dur
ing the month of December.
You may select the articles
you wish for th holidays at
Lctson's and he will set them
away for you.
Frank Hulery, of The Dalles,
has been at the home of his
brother, Ed Hulery, the past
Letson will keep open even
ings from now until the holidays.
38 Betterments in 1914 Indian Motorcycles
Christmas Holiday Rates.
Via Oregon Short Line. Tic
kets on sale between local points
and to points in Oregon and
Washington, December 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31, 1013,
January 1, 1014; limit, January
5th, 1014. See agents for rates
and further particulars.
Notice Is hereby given that th
enmity superintendent uf Malheur
(-utility, will bold tbe regular muni
nut tun of applicants for hi. iii. cert It)
rates at Vale. Orsiioo. hb follows:
GommeuolDK Wednesday. December
17, 1013, at On. in snd continue notll
Saturday. December 20. 1013. at
4 p. in.
Wedneaday morning; Writing, r.
s. Hlatory, Physiology.
Wedneadav afternoon Phraicttl
geogiapb . readiug, rnmpoitiou.
matboda to reading, methods In
in il tin. ft lr
Thursday morning Arithmetic,
history of education, pbyebology,
methods in geogiapby.
Thursday uf t . i n -(ratnouiir.
geography. Am literature,
oh i sir, methods iu tauguage. theaia
for primary oertiHcuta.
Krldsy morning Theory and prac
tice, Orthography, Kugllsh, literature,
Friday afternoon School law, h!
gebia, geology, civil government.
Saturday roorniug (Jeometry. ho
taoy. Sat unlay afternoon (ianaral In.
torv, bookkeeping.
A. II Macpherson.
lii-piu i tin nt of the Interior U 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, I -.-1 u -
aartfi, !,
Not'ee is hereby given tlutt I'berle
I'. Oosaett, of Ontario, Oregon, who
.Inly 8th, 1 '. 10. made Homestead A(
plioatlou No. 01181. for tbe Wi SKI
ad SKI SW, taction 1, towuehip 10 S.
Range i I : Willamette Meridiau. baa
tiled u itloe of iuteutinu to make filial
three yeur proof, to eatabliaii claim
to the land above deeerlhisd. before
the Register Hud Receiver. U. S. Laud
Ottii-e, at Vale, Oregou. on tbe 14th
day of January, 1014.
Claimant name aa witnesses:
A. K. Trent, Ira Dale, Albert But
ler, Jr.. Albert Sutler. Sr., all of
nt it in Oregon.
Hi nee K Keeter. Kegiater.
Ontario Furniture Company
I skating pi
' over to
sophomores enjoyed a
party 1 uesdav by going
Sealed propoaals will be
by the City Recorder of the City of
lliitarlo, Oregou, up to tlie hum of
eight o'clock p. in on the bth day of
.Ihiiii.ii). 11114. for thecoustruotiou of
about U'Jti feet of sewer iu said city
acoordiug to the plans and specifica
tions therefor ou tile with said City
Keoorder. All proposals must be
sealed, uisrked "Propoaals for Sewer
Construction" aud addressed to Hairy
H tirauel. City Kacordar, Ontario.
Oregou. The bid will be opened by
the Couucil at tin- above hour
mill tbe rontract au tided
Tbe Couneil. however, reserves tbe
right to i. in i .mi aod all bids or
proposal. Kacb bid must te as
ouinauied by a t i title. I cbei-k for five
,er ceut uf en ''li bid.
Hy order of the City Council.
Harry B. (Jrauel,
City Recorder.
Complete electrification of tbe
motorcycle Is successfully aonom
pllsoed for tbe first time In the 1914
Indian models, which include an
electric starter, eleotrio lights, elec
trie signal and rear drive speedometer,
as tli" lesdlng feature amoog 38
betterments Incorporated In this fam
ous mske for tbe coming sesson. In
addition to being tbe pioneer ex
ponent of tbe electrically equipped
motorcycle tbe Indian Is alto tbe
first lo entry as stnudsrd equipment
mich a complete assortment of the
very latest accessories. By thea
two tremendous forward steps the
Indian maintains easily Its pride nf
place tlm long recognized fashion
arbiter .f the industry.
The Indian Electric Starter.
In the development of a successful
electric stnrter for arduous motorcycle
-j mi the I ml inn engineers equalled
their triumph of 101.1 tbe
('nolle Spring films. Tbe Inillnn
electric starter i a rowerful multipo
lar type motor generator, (mall, neat
and compact. It Is mounted on the
left side of the engine and alwaya
connected wltn it. Therefore, ahould
the rider stall tbe engine in t rattle or
in a arousing it can Instantly he re
started by throwing a swltob whlob
iiriogs the stsrter Into action.
Another decided advantage of the
Indian electric starter Is its bigb
operating speed, spinning the engine
at 500 r. p. in . so that the latter
begins firing very quickly after crank
ing commences and effecting a saving
In battery current. As soon as the
englnn begins running the stnrter
automatical! becomes a generator
and renewa the envegv taken from the
lotteries for starting, lighting signal
ing and ignition Tbe hattery equip
ment consists of two tats of specially
constructed blgh capacity units, lo
joi which might be oaneed by too
rapid charging or over charging is
prevented by a magnetic current regu
lator placed in the feed line. Arr
automntin cut nut prevents the bat
teries discharging through tbe starter.
Leakage of battery solution is pre
vented by special design vents, tbe
construction of which is patented.
Tbe Indian 1014 line will consist
of ssvsn solo models, aside car and a
quick delivery van. All machines
will be chain driven and six models
will mount twin engines of seven horse
power. As 00 per cent of tbe Indian
output of 35.000 maoblnea In 1013
was composed of twins. It isnnticipnt
ed hy tbe Heudee Alsmifnct;iring com
panv thst no less than 08 per ceut of
the tremendous output of (10,000 In
d inns for 1014 will be required to
meet tin. overwhelming populsr de
iiiimil for twin models. Befitting its
nsme, tbe 1014 Indian will, as usual.
In finished in red only.
Other 1914 Improvementa
Other features of the new modele
are: strengthened frames and forks
with drop lorged flttinga throughout,
longer wheel base, more secure engine
tautening, new cam deslgo. giving
Increase In power, heavier motor
sbafta aud inlet valve rocker arm
mechanism, new trussed handlebar
with irreveralbe binder poet, heavier
driving members of two speed gear
and Improved change gear control,
larger tires, new padded ssddles.
new obannel ateel rear stand, new
luggage carrier, new metal tool box
with large capacity and spring look.
Alwaya foremost In the rendering
of prompt snd efficient mechanical
service to Indian owners, tbe Indian
organ i-ii I inn hits perfected liana
whereby Indian users exclusively1,
wherever tbey msy be located, wilr
enjoy overnight service tbe oomlng
season Seven American brannhss and
2.500 dealers will enable tbe Indian,
mountad motorcyclist la 1014 to
commsnd '24 hour service, the quick
est and most cnmplste ever offered
tbe legioos of motorcyledom .
fofomflf gfrrtfo
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
Confining'our business strictly to LEGITIMATE,
banking, and with amule resources for the needs of v
our customers, we invite the banking business of
rancners, fruitgrowers, stockmen ana individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A- J?:.CKKUM' President; H. B. COCKRUM. Cashier
T. TURNBUI.U Vice-President C W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
, 1
r Warmth and
Comfort for the Home
T W ticicvcr thric arc children in the home k
W the o.mlort of the
is particularly appreciated. But all homes have need for it H
tt is ko convenient for heating the bedroom, bathroom, living
room or dining room. Lights at the touch of a match. Easy
to care for. Economical. Inexpensive. Can't smoke.
I fl . r-v aV
m i 1 ioen t smell. aa
M For Beet Results A , , c . . . M
A Use Pearl Oil w M
Standard Oil Gmpany m
tsIVspaaaH -s bbs- VHaM
KaW .aaaFWTVHa V ?r B r 1 M
a III F V JfsTaad ismasM
M aSSL:- X. fiTsF v i
i4- rateff X ha rx