The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 11, 1913, Image 3

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are the most ancient
Pieces of Personal adorn
ment. They have been
worn by women of Pride and dis
tinction, throughout Hiatory. and
to this Day, with Fanhlon'a Decree
of ahort Sleeves, ought to be worn
by every Woman of good Taste. A
Bracelet will add to the Beauty and
Grace of your Arm if it harmonizes
with you. We invite you to try
ours from the Diamond Set, to the
Gold Filled Cirdea. We have the
Bracelet for you.
A Complete Line of
At the Argus Office
The Kroessin Harness Co. offer some
Christmas Suggestions
Which Will Interest You
Traveling Bags
Suit Cases
Street & Storm Blankets
Carriage & Auto Robes
Silver Inlaid Bits & Spurs
Pocket Books
Riding Bridles
Men's Belts
Hat Bands
Artistic Cuffs
Angora Chaps
Juvenile Chaps
Ingersoll Watches
Indian Robes
Bucking Rolls
Pocket Knives
Puttee Leggings
Braided Reins
And other articles too numerous to mention.
We will be pleased to have you call
and inspect our line of harness and
horse goods.
Kroessin Harness Company
Ontario Hardware Company
Hardware Headquarters
Tool Chests
Carpet Sweepers
Electric Lamps
Electric Coffee Machine
Coffee Percolator
Chafing Dishes
Carving Sets
Embroidery Sets
Manicure Sets
Pocket Knives
Scissors and Shears
Safety Razors
Ice Skates
Roller Skates
Boy's Wagons
Boxing Gloves
Toy Wheelbarrows
Air Rifles
Electric Toasters, etc.
The above are a few of the special
articles we have added to our stock
for Christmas gifts.
All our regular lines are complete.
Ontario Hardware
Three carloada of Chrlntman tree
have brpn utiipped from Molalla to
I.ok Angelen. Trees were 4 to 10 feet
h'lgh nnrt each enr carried 1200 trees.
The first carload of brootneorn evei
hipped out of Josephine county went
to Ashland, where It will be manufac
tured into brooms.
Petitions are being circulated at
Medford for the recall of Mnyor Pur
din and every member of the city
Seventy-five citizens of MeMlntv
villi-, who have organized a military
company, are to be made a part of the
national guard by order of Adjutant
General Fincer.
Citizens of Grants Pass adopted res
olutions calling on the county court
to annul the i; mill roa tax levy ai
to the city of Grants Pass, the object
bring to save the city $67,000.
Thomas H Sheridan, ex-prealdent
of the First National bank of Rose
burg, was Indicted by the Douglas
county grand jury for obtaining money
by false pretenses, and for forgery.
J. D. Brown, of Arlington, has been
chosen to succeed Arthur V. Swift, c
Paker, as president of the Oregon Ed
ucntlonal & Co-operative Union ot
Frank Mrown, of Carlton, has been
elected to aid In judging the short
horn cattle at the International live
stock show at Chicago. The exhibit
Is the largest in the show.
In the past season the government
has cruised 250,000 acres of timber
land In the reserves of Oregon. The
work wns done In mature belts, with
the view of selling the timber to log
ging companies.
Jackson county was not visited by
a single serious forest fire In the pnHt
season, the protection costing about
half a cent an acre for the timber
holdings outside the government re
A meeting of 400 dairymen was held
at Forest Grove to discuss conditions
In general. Dr. James Wlthycombe,
bead of the experimental station at
Corvallla, spoke of breading of the
dairy herds.
President Wilson has granted a par
don to Harry Kedford, convicted at
Portland last spring on a charge ot
taking lienor Into the Umatilla Indian
reservation and sentenced to 60 days
In jail and to pay a fine of $100.
The petition of the Klamath sports
men's association against the closing
of Sprngue and Williamson rtvera to
logging operations haa reached Wash
ington and been presented to Secre
tary Lane by the Oregon delegation.
One hundred and ninety-four ro
crults In three months' time Is tb
record made by the Oregou national
guard In a campaign to fill up all
companies of the guard to wur
strength In the face of the present
Mexican sltuutlon.
Samples of the first sheet of pulp
ever made from yellow fir. and this
from mill waste, liaxe been received
by Governor West from ('. A Smith
or the C. A. Smith Logging company,
which has built a pulp mill in cornier
ton with the company's big plant at
Poultry produces more wealth for
Oregon annually than doe fruit, It
produces hulf as much as wheat, three
times as nun li ss wool, one and u half
times as much as hops. 60 per cent as
much as hay, twice as much as outs.
and 6 per cent of the totul agricultural
weulth of the state.
J. il. Ackermun, president of the
normal school at Monmouth, who
heads the western state teachers' as
sociation, has prepared the program
for Its session at Salem December 22
to 24. The big event of the session
will be the address of Dr. M. O. O'Shea
of Wisconsin.
Deputy Sealer of Weights and
Measures Buchtel has beeu notified
that In various parts of the state
cords of wood containing less than
128 cubic feet, the number required
by law, are being bold, and 'has In
structed the county sealers to make
That State Senator McColloch has
no legal right to serve as attorney for
the corporation department and the
state industrial commission, was the
statement made by Attorney-General
Crawford, who, In an opinion, advised
State Treasurer Kay not to honor war
rants for S2S0 a mouth as remunera
tion for Mr. McColloch's service.
Governor West has announced that
he will ask the next legislature to
appropriate $3552.35, a deficiency In
the amount expended for the trans
portation of Union and Confederate
veterans to the celebration of the 50th
anniversary of the battle of Gettys
burg. This amount Is owed the O.-W.
It k N. company, and the original
appropriation of $5uuo has been ex
hausted. With the hope of eliminating some
of the 22 saloons of The Dalles and
prowdiug for strict regulation of the
places where drink in dispensed, the
city council passed a rigid ordinance
which will become effective January
1, 1914. Open fronts are required in
all saloons, making the bars and all
persona Inside visible from the side
walk. The UMMl of the annual li
cense wflich saloonkeepers shall pay
was raised iruiu $uu lo fluou.
CWfrK r, a A
w TjsAWiHjpT
A Suitable Gift
for Every Stocking
Half the worry in selecting gifts for the holidays is due to the difficulty of get
ting the right goods and trie right people together. If you will take time to
check over this advertisement it will suggest a solution for every holiday problem
Come and See Our Goods and Settle your Gift Problem.
Our Prices will Help You to Decide
Santa Claus Says "There's
No Gift to Compare with
No Matter How Much or How Little You Want
to Spend for a Christmas Gift You Wont Get any
thing that will Give You So Much Pleasure
f ; 111 ili H Hi 1
There's one of these instruments at a price
to suit any purse
$15.22 to $500.22
Stop In any time and we will gladly demonstrate these wonderful instruments.
Toilet Goods
Toilet Goods make suitable, practical
gifts. Our lino includes Toilet Sets,
Manicure Sets, etc., in French Ivory,
Sterling Silver, Ebony, Etc.
Fine Box Paper are always in demand
for gifts. Our stock contains a nice va
riety and the prices aro right. We have
many beautiful and useful gifts in this
line. Fancy Box Papor, Fountain Prat,
Ink Stands, etc.
Leather Goods.
Leather Ooods suggests gifts. This
includes many items suitable for Indies
and gentlomen. Our line is exception
ally fine, both to looks and jual tty.
t'ocket Hooks, Purses, Hill Hooks and
some of the latest Hand Hags.
Musical Instruments
There's nothing more appropriate, es
specially, if they have any musical tal
ent. Music has a refining and elevating
intluence. W have Violins, (tuitnrs
and Mandolins. Prices arc reasonable.
A Gift for Him
Ladies who are wonder
ing what to get HIM should
read this list of suggestions.
Cigars, Pipes,
Shaving Sets,
Fountain Pens,
Pocket Books,
Cloth Brushes,
Ash Trays, Ink Stands,
Cigar Jars,
Tobacco Jars,
Razors, etc.
See our stock. It will sug
gest many more suitable
gift items for men.
Genuine Hand Painted China
Stock is well selected and
tiuitiful, consisting of Plates,
Uups, Saucers, Sugar and 'ream
Sets, Vases, Hat Pill Holders,
Powder and Puff Jars, Trays,
The Auto Voting Contest.
Ends Christmas Eve
Help your candidate by getting
the votes on all purchases
made here.
A Gift for Her
There are so many, gifts
that please the ladies that a
limited space will not even
permit mention of all the
suggestions. We submit a
tew .
Perfume, Jewel Boxes,
Manicure Sets,
Toilet Sets,
China, Candlesticks,
Mirrors, Vases,
Stationery, Hand Bags,
Vanity Bags, Etc.
Come in and see things not
mentioned here. We'll be
glad to make suggestions.
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot liml it anywhere elM
come to us. We have it.
Always on the Job
If you tiBVf ii job of buuling you
want ilmif, large or muni I, you oau
alwavt ili'iii'l on Jobu Leudiogbam
being rrady for you. Call him at tba
Beers, either Boise, Baker
Kainier or )L1iit brews can be
found at K I Qoddtrd'l and be
keeps tbein jul nyiii.
t Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords