The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 11, 1913, Image 1

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The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of
The Ontario Argu
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us arrow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres ia
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 49
Council is Asking for liids
To Construct Sewer
Lateral No. 1.
Tin contractor oo tbe big sewer
line bti work well along, all tbe bin
i pipe being laid and tbe gang of seveoty
man are do laving wait lateral
wblob la to drain tbe pond near tbe
cemetery. Wbeo that la completed
tba men will lay the lateral leading to
tbe Hoyer pnnd. It la now thought
that tin' work will be completed by
Christmas, but much depeoda on tba
ground enrouotared.
The strata nf water aand wni en
countered laat week and oaueed aome
delay and It la expected tbut It will
be cut again before the completion
of tbe pipe laying
When tba catob beetna are teaaoued
all the water from the ponda will be
turned Into them and It will then be
eeen tint tbe dralu ia severs! feet be
low tbe lowest part of tbe uuslgnly
pond that have been h breeder of
disease bare for eo many yeara.
The Council la now king for bids
to couttrnot tba lateral eewer No. 1
and later they will atart work organlz
mg for lateral No. 2 and on not 1 1 all
tbe city la oovered and etery lot
Tbe bee men of tbia aectloo held
their annual meeting la tbe rooma of
tbe Ontario Commercial ciuti on Tuee
day with an atteodaooe of seventy
Ufa members repreeenting 16,000
oo loo tee of bees. Keporta allowed
that tbe wet season hd curtailed tbe
pruduetlon aod tbat a many eertione
tbe Held wee arowded.
An effort ia being made to have
tbe eeaociatioo go more loto tbe
marketing of tbe producta aa it la that it would be a decided
advantage to market from a central
Tbere waa a splendid bauuuetat the
Moore, tbe dinlug room telng filled.
Tbe old offlcera mure reelaoted.
Tbere will be a field meeting held at
Waaboe on July 10, 101 4
Tbere were two carloada of hoga
ahipped fiom bare Tuesday and about
IJUJO paid out for tbem. It ia theee
practical demonatratloua tbat will
teach the farmer tbe neceaaity of
Retting into diversified farming and
always b vlng ejuistblng t. tell for
which there la a demand.
There were seventy one daeda filed
In Caldwell laat week by tbe Payette
Valley railroad and ludlostiona era
that tbe road will be turned over to
I lie Oregon Short Line about tbe flrat
of tbe year. Mauy cunjeoturea are
heard about what Uie . Inn t Line ia
going to do with it, but it ia only a
Three bora from Weieer broke into
the cellar of tbe Elk aaioou on Sunday
eveuiog. atole some whiekey and beer
and tiifii went to tbe Outario bakery
and mixed tbiuga up in bad abepe,
destroying aboat 120 worth of good.
They were turned over to tbe
Washington oounly autboritiea and
eeut to the Idaho 8' ate Reform acbool.
Tbe youngest, and apparently tbe
toughest, was about fouiteeo yearn
old, tbe otbera about eixteeu.
A special election la scheduled for
Deoember 10. Tbe question to be
submitted is: "Shall the enmity take
over tbe property of tbe Fair Associa
tion at Ontario?"
This will necessitate a levy of ouc
mill on the property of the uounty aa
equalized aod Anally aettled, which
will realize about 113,500.
This buys tbe land and freea It from
all encumbrHooee.
A one mill levy will amount to one
dollar on each thousand dollars ol
valuation; tlint I. If n man Is assessed
at ten thousand dollars be will he
called upon to pay tbe sum ' ten
dollars for this purpose If his
assessment is, aay 8646u tie will have
to pay the sum of 9(14 5. If his
assessment is 11400 be will pay 1.40.
Vale Enterprise.
Newark, N. J. Federal autboritiea
probably will Join state officer in an
Inveattgatton of tbe poison needle
myatery growing out of the experi
ences of Mrs. Marjorle Ornff In a moving-picture
theater here. So far the
only arreat la that of Armand Megaro.
a young South American, who Is held
In $20,000 ball on an aasault charge
made by Mrs. Oraff after a man seat
ed near her In a box Jabbed a needle
Into her arm and abe waa aelted with
The cases of five young women re
ported to have been victims of expert
encee similar to those of Mrs. Graff
are being Inveetlgated by the police,
and tbe attention of the federal au
thorities has been brought to the Oraff
case In connection with their Inquiry
Into several white slave caaea.
The needle used on Mrs Oraff had
not been dipped In polaon, so far aa a
microscopic examination ahowed.
There will be an effort to obtain the
nature of the drug uaed.
California Progressives Meet.
San Frimclaco. From every con
gressional district of California the
progressives of the state met here In
party conference, repudiated their one
time "affiliation" with the national
republlcana, cheered their leader.
Opposition Manlfsstsd to Plan Said
to Be State Wide.
Boise. Opposition that has devel
oped In many parts of tbe state will,
It la believed here, block the propos
ed call for a session extraordinary of
the Idaho legislature urged upon Oov
ernor Halnea to correct faulty legla
lation in the drainage act, and to pass
needed legislation for Carey act land
matters, as well as to amend the rev
euue lawa and take up such other
matters It la asserted need legislative
Prospects were bright for the call
at one time. However, alnce then the
state'a chief executive ia aald to have
heard from advisers In many parts of
tbe state who nave come out flatly
as opposed to an extra session.
Tbe state press has, lu practically
every Instance, criticised severely the
suggestion, principally on the grounds
tbat the taxes in this state are now
high, and to add an additional $20,000
or $40,000, which a legislative session
would coat, would only add to the
Two Shot In Duel.
Salem. John .oll-r. marshal of
Oervals, is believed to be dying from
a wound in the neck and left should
er received In a pistol duel which oc
curred when he approached two sus
picloua characters. Hay McCarrol, ar
rested several hours after the shoot
lag in this city, has made a complete
confession to 8heriff Km h, but de
dares it was hi-' companion who shot
the marshal. I Carrol has two bill
let wounds In l..- left shoulder, but
his condition is not serious.
Mlnsa Near Baker Busy.
Baker. Activity such aa haa not
been aeen in years In the Mormon
Basin country is being shown, and
several mining properties show bright
prospects. Estimates have been made
that there are at east 260 men now
working tbere, and that by next aum
mar there will be aa many. mora.
SBBassBaaaaVsjatat, ApTS LjY Kant ' JBuaakjflLaft
wan Kf-wsawfefaJt ' L A. la-aal saWLjassW. '?!-. . siJljVijSjjfJ' .V Hl
9 L 'h.m MieftT ' sBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPBssgBR
Tjff ' J jfl JslTataaKHamKl
Dr. Arthur Yager, of Kentucky, who
Is now govsrnor of Porto Rico.
FJeeing Mexican Troops Reach
Ojinaga on Border In De
moralized State.
Presidio. Tex. The complete rout
of Huerta'a federal anay In northern!
Mexico with the frantic flight of hi
generals for aafety on the border and
the demoralization of the unpaid
troopa waa establlahed'wlth the arriv
al at OJInaga. Max.. opposite Presidio,
or the clvlllana and soldiers who de
serted Chihuahua city.
In the remarkable hvgtra which
struggled for eight daya over the mr.
mile trail through the desert and en
dured great hardships for want of food
and water, were Oeneral Salvador
Mercado, Huerta'a deposed military
governor, and commander of the fed
eral troops in the north; Oeneral i'as
cual Oroxco, Oeneral Antonio Kojas,
Oeneral Marcelo Caraveo, Oeneral
Yuex Salaxar and a host of subordin
ate officers. They had deserted their
posts In fear of Oeneral Francisco Vil
la's rebel army.
Along with them came, burdened
with property they could carry, men,
women and children, representing
some of the richest families in the
republic. Their flight with the army
was in the face of reports that they
might expect no mercy should they
fall Into the hands of the rebels.
Llvsa of Foreigners to be Safeguarded.
Mexico City. Foreigners must not
be interfered with if fighting occura
in the federal district. This indication
ia contained In the general army or
ders. These orders specifically aay
that In the event of fighting the of
ficers in command of the government
troops must understand that the Uvea
and property of all foreigners are to
be respected.
Idaho Boya Win Hog Conteat With
Oregon Aggies Sscond.
Portland, Or. With nearly $00 en
tries, tbe Pacific International Live
stock exposition opened Monday morn
ing at the Portland union stockyards,
to continue throughout the week.
Idaho carried away first place in
the students' judging conteat and la
the fat carload hogs. The team from
the university ot Idaho made an ag
gregate More of HUH out ' a U08'
sible 3000, and won first prize, $80 in
The remarkable development la the
atudents' contest was the close score,
a difference of ilf 64 poiuta separat
ing the four te;
Oregou aSJfiei uiral college was sec
ond willi Z'M: Washington state col
lege third wi b 13ft.
No More Veal on Hotel Menu.
Portland. Or. Hotel keepera of
Or. .i,u, in an effort to lower the price
of beef, will not serve veal to their
patrons, if the terms of a resolution
adopted by the Oregon state hotel as
eociation are carried out
Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest wo
nan In the world, who recently cele
brated her seventy ninth birthday.
The Latest EsttfiiM Expense of
State for 1 9 14 U Now Plated
at $4, 165,000
Salem . The tax commission, in
making public the etate tax levy for
the fiscal ymt ending December $1.
1914. announced that the total amount
of revenue required for tbe general
state purposes for the year, not in
eluding amounts apportioned on a spe
clal mlliage basis, would be 83,888,
Added to that sum will be a tax of
one twenty-fifth of a mill, yielding
$88,171.30, for the Monmouth normal
school, and a tax of one-fourth of a
mill, yielding $238,670.60, for the state
road fund, making tbe total amount
needed $4,168,000.
To raise this money the average
rate of taxation on all property in the
state will be a little more than four
and one-third mille, or, to be exact,
.004365. The rates in the various
counties will vary widely, depending
on the relation of assessed to full caah
value of the property lu eacb county.
The loweat will be 3.1 mills and tbe
highest 6 6 mills.
Finer Univeraity la Aim.
Bugeue. "What the board of reg
ents iutends to do la to build a uni
versity tbat tbe state will be proud
of for years to come," declared Oov
ernor West In explanation of the de
cision of tbe regents, who met at th
university to delay taking steps for
the construction of tbe $100,000 build
ing, funds for which were approved
by the people at the receut referen
dum election.
Grants Pass Plana Annual Shoot.
Orants Paaa. The local gun club it
making arrangements to bold an an
nual shoot at this place on December
21. The day's work will Include both
shotgun aud rifle practice. For shot
gun practice flying targeta will be
used. Cash prises will be offered as
well as other prizes yet to be deter
mined. Will Ask Opening of Unit,
liermistou. A petition has been
drawu and will In- circulated in a
short time asking the opening of the
sixth unit of the Umatilla project.
Thla unit has some of the most valua
ble land in tbe country, lying betweeu
the feed canal and the "A" line ditch,
an area of about 3000 acres. Tbe
plan is to Irrigate from the feed canal
until the water supply from that
source is cut off, when the water in
this "A" line will be utilised by the
use of hydraulic rams.
Self-Defsnse is Proved.
McMlnnvllle. "Not Oullty" was the
verdict of tbe Jury that aat on the
trial of James Mute bens, who was In
dicted for murder In the first degree
for tbe shooting of Walter A. Kodgers.
Tbe Jury was out about two hours and
when the verdict waa read by Judge
Holmea the audience bandclapped for
three mluutes.
Remember that the real issue at tbe
election Monday Is for the county to
levy e one mill tnx for one year onlv
to buy the grounds and Improvements
of the Fair association. This will
mean a straight bill of sale covering
full title to nil the holdlnga.
The demonatrationa at tbe Malheur
enmity fair have added thouannds of
dollars to the enmity through the
adoption of Improved methods by the
stock men, the cattle men, the fruit
men, tbe dairy men. tbe hog raisers,
the chicken men, the general firmer,
the corn growers and feeders. Kvery
additional fair fill bring out ntw
Ideas tbat will be taken up aud made
Into dollars.
Chehalis, Wash. Deputy Sheriffs
Klrby and Howell, of Cowlltx county,
killed an unknown desperado Just
north of Toledo, 32 miles south ot
Chehnlls, on the Cowllti river. Tbe
dead man was one of a pair which, It
la alleged, robbed the Castle Rock
hardware store of Welhtje ft Oehlman.
The second man, believed possibly to
be Mike Donnelly, a mulatto, a paroled
convict from tbe state penitentiary at
Walla Walla, made hla eecape.
The details of the Immediate eventa
leading up to the shooting are said to
have been that when the sheriff's
posse approached the outlawa the lat
ter were on a level place at the top
of a email hill and had their campflre
la the middle of the trail. Salal sev
eral feet high surrounded the place.
Aa the offlcera approached they or
dered the two men to throw up their
handa, and apparently they did to,
stepping back out of sight and open
ing fire on the posse. The deputies
began firing about the aame time, and
eight or ten ahota were exchanged
In all.
Judge Bean Rules "Booze" Cannot
Shipped Into Dry Zone.
Portland, Or. A transportation
company Is not compelled to sccept
shipments of liquor into "dry" terrl
tory, according to a decision rendered
In United States district court by
Judge Bean In the case of F. Zlinmer
man A Co. against the O.-W. R. A N.
and the Oregon Short Line.
I'la'ntlff asked that the railroad
companies be compelled to accept
Illinois at Portland, consigned to Hey
burn, Idaho. The rallroada had re
fused to accept the shipment because
of the Webb Keiiyou act, which pro
bibits the shipment of liquor into
"dry" territory from another state.
Judge Rean In his decision says
that while the Webb Keiiyou law has
been held unconstitutional by one ot
the lower courts of Iowa, the supremt
court of Delaware, the only court ol
last resort which to his knowledge
has passed on the act, has held the
law to be constitutional.
No More Arms for Ireland.
London. -Taking official notice for
the first time of the antl home rule
preparations In progress In Ulster,
tbe government issued an order pro
hibitlng further Importatlona ot arms
into Ireland.
Mra. McCulloeh gave a surprise to
her busbaud a few evcuioge ago, but
one ot tbe neighbors hsd t go ami
give it away, so Mao eus not very much
aurprised. but they had a splendid
time juat the same
Mia. Frsser eiiterutinad on Saturday
Tbere were thirty two present, tome
elaborately gowuud and tbe dci-ma
tiona and refreshments were iu keep
log. "Mid" ws tbe principal diver
sion, with Mrs. Cockrum aa pri.e win
oer and Mrs. Jack I. an. lis second.
Mrs. WhiUortb quit 1"" lu the bole,
but she lost out as there was no booby
Tbe Cam. i u. his met at Mra Kra
asr'a on Tbureduy evening. Mrs.
Prinziug aod Mr. Kenyou were tbs
Mra. Van Fatten entertained a host
of trleuds on Monday evening.
At Spokane Apple Fair
Fruitland Gets First
On Five Box Class.
Idaho exhibitors at the Hpnbane
apple show carried off eleven prlxea
and learned enough to fael certain
they will win more next time with
tbe same quality of fruit. Method
of display entered Into the contest to
a considerable degree.
The Idaho prize winners from tbia
section were at follows:
Ten box class Arkansas Ulaoke.
B. F. Tustlng of Fruitland. second;
Kome Reality, O. W. Voting, of Fruit
laud, second.
Fire box olaaa Arkansas Blanks.
B. F. Tosslue. Fruitland. first; White
Winter Pearma in, Santa Rosa Orch
ard company, Fruitland, flrat; Rem
Daris, C. A. MMiiemnn. Fruitland,
flrat; Wineaapa, H. Ilarland, PayetU.
third, Black Ben. C. M. McBrlde,
New Plymouth, aeoond.
One box olaaa White Winter
Pearma in. Santa Roaa Oreoard com
pany, Fruitland, flrat; Winter baneua,
C. W. MoBrlde. New Plymouth,
aaoond; York Imperial, T. H. Hcck
wlth, Payette, aaoond.
E F. Walton. Bald organiser of tba
Natiooal Highways association, waa
liare laat week trying to create In
tereat Id the organisation. There
will be a meeting of tba Commercial
oluli early In January at which time
Mr. Walton will be present and given
talk .on what tbey are trying to do
Tbe propoeed highway will probably
go through I'liruui. Nyaaa. Outario.
Pajette and on to Walaar. Tba
road will be bought by the commission
and kept up by tbem.
With one good roed In each oom
tnunlty there will be an incentive to
build others ao tbat In a abort time
ell tbe trade centers will tie connected
by good higbwaya aud tbe farmere
will be able to reaob a market at all
times of tbe year.
What Is good business for an In
dividual abould be good busiuesa for
a county. If yon should otter a busi
uess wan a looatlon and iniprovatuente
worth 12 ..nun fr SUi.uOO he would
nut hesitate abo it taking it. Thla ia
tbe propoeitioii to be voted on Mou
day. The grouude and hulldloge
have cost tbe Fair association Aver
23,000 aud are today worth more
than that amouut. Tbey are being
offered to tbe oouuty for 13,t00.
The fair proposition was thoroughly
covered in tbe Argue last week aud
there Is little new to he said about it.
It la simply a question of whether tbe
people of tbis county wish to buld a
lair and receive tbe beneflts thereof or
not. Tbe grouoda and bnildioga
offered at this time at about half what
tbey would cost to duplicate Is un
iliiiilitedl.v the best opportunity tbe
couuty will ever have to buy grounds
sud buildings at any such price. Tbe
urouuds at Ontario osu be visited by
more people than if located ut any
other point In the county uud it ia
the attendance and gate receipts tiiat
makes a fair a success
'Die people of the county iiuve tuuob
to learu ahout what can be produced
here to tbe best advantage aud a
oouuty fair will demonstrate these
ttiiugs to a better advautage and ut a
smaller cost than iu any other way.
'1 lie arguments are all iu fuvor of
the fair aud the cost Is only a trifle
iu ooiupei isou to the tieoetite reoeived.
William limes aod Tboa. Turnbull
say tbat a fair lu tbia county Is a ueoee
sity aod tbey are among tbe largest
taxpayers, but they look beyoud the
present tax of oue mill on tbe dullai
and sse the benefits that are sure to
come from tbe holding of oouuty laira