The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 04, 1913, Image 2

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Intend In tin- pontofficf nt Ontario
Ornoton, fur trnnTniMu throti tl
matin an wi-ond-dawi Better.
M. ft MAIN. PuliliMlHT.
Thr ( Iregon Parmer, i publics
Hon of (he Btste I mtnigi stlon
Commission is just off tbs pre
ihmI topits will be supplied free
ol barge to snons Interested,
Jt jh ii careful ropiinn' if (be
agricultural situation In Oregon
end contains u vast amount ol
valuable Information for ivory
farmer in the state,
Farmers land pbullrymen will
be Iven an opportunity to see
the famooi champion hip hens
ol tbe Otegou Agricultural col
logg during Partners' eetk, Dee
mbei 8 t 18, A utility pnul
trv shnw will be can led On In
oonneetioo with tbe oourss,
opening ou Tueaday and con
tfnuing until Friday evening,
Tbe champion beui w ill I
hibited nl this poultry rh .
n a liei i let, Althougti I
will be many otber sttrsctivs
feattii 1 1, admit i hi to i be
In ni w ill be free, P tultry lec
; nii) deinoni I ti mi will be
givi ii b or) day by i ulti
I Tbero will b i bibin
of sggs i ml other poultry pro
duetc and ly products and
demonstration ol method
hoc i tnd yarding poultry,
killing, dreaaing sud p i king
foe Is, I teding mi Kin- .uiil an. 11
in Kt'.M- An eahihil "f henn,
a I 'mil poor will be
Vi'l.V lustl Uvtivo Ii aline A I
tog i 1st i tlii seany uw ful fi atari -
make till- pOUltl V ffllOW R
shot i i "ii, i in . tultry
ki ti
Peoria ill Up Npws
Thi- mi" ! n i ii. nj Iimh for
blil'l' ' I I
in. . 1 1 i" ' '
i .i i aid . i
iii oy I hi
. df n
I ' Ml
I '
I .11 i
I '
mi ri
tii ill
In :
0 to Ul ! -i I ' .' 'i
ll,:. lillg ll "
.' t ik of ties
Safe Cricked and Al.out $12,000 Car
ried Away By Robbers.
R" oliurg, Or. Entering Uip vnult
of the Myrtle Point Hank through a
i mdi.'i II oi enliiK on ;hc ',irid floor of
tiif Biriiuttirc, yf'Kga ilyiiamlteM thn
Iron Biifo nnd escaped with currency
nail :rcgfttlng $12,000.
robbery was discovered in tho
morning when the ofMolsJi opened tbe
li.i nl, for ili day's business. Trn f'or-
. a itage driver, ieyi be thlnki
ii,, i ...:k .,.:.. Gabbed ibortly after 2
k in the mornlnci as be beard
an exploeion Ol that boar.
i i iranoe to the depository whs
gained through the offloe or attorney,
who ( drop) 'iiiartere directly above
tlm bi
Local News.
Oal nt Ontario bakery and
get urn' priost on X it) ms candies,
M i s, W. I ;. Howe lia gone to
Pilot Rock to visit, with ber
mother, Mrs. N. .1. Gilliam, for
a fow daya,
A ii'iiimt arrived in Now
York Bunday night from Buenos
sand other South A merican
parti with one thousand tons of
beef in ber i efi ig ratoi
The govt n i i' nt bai with'
drawn 1600 acres In the Owyhee
river basin for storsge purposi
William VOgel wont ii to
I' ii nia this week where bt will
build a iiim i
Adam Murray, a sheepman
Iron Beui. ili, was in Ontario
I''. M. Silull ami fffifs returned
n their boms at Caldwell Mon
day site a visit with friend - in
V V . I lickoa will sell n
at public auction Bsturdsj ,
! c. 'i, on lot near First Nat'l.
M k
We me making specialty ol
- enmlios. Ontario bakery
M. Toe ii-einl ami family sre
now at Ontario, California,
found the roodi srj heovj
ni i bs way
The l.i i ii n jewi Iry store has
i ii adding steel bus over th
m indosj ami door in tbs
i 'in, making it a Hub
more ditticull for the burglar to
I; ., In - III
i guaranteed eu foi
ii in the l.'i-on window,
Simply a snap,
M . M Cullocb it '1 i"
i ,
I i
i 1 1 i i
. , , . i
!, I' Iv lgi Off J. i
d B11 turd
mber I ' and 18, Beai
! i o l
no a lurge lieh tond
. the L'bildren mav lish i"i
kel, We promise the fish
Mill bite, raiu oi shine, This
is itrictly for tbs public, nothing
will be held ii reserve. Come
in ami look things, over, at the
stoie vacated by Lainpkiu.
The Methodisl Ladies Aid will
hold their annual bazaar in
Franks hall Friday. A chicken
pie 'dinner and oyster iirpper
will bo servi d,
.Mr. and Mrs f'nry Til, ling
celebrated their second wedding
anniveraary Thanksgiving by
entertaining their relatives lo a
turkey dinner.
1 1. B, Robiuson left Wednes
day for a liii-iness trip to MoUO
tain home, returning Baturdsy,
Re. Ind Mrs. 0, B, Deal en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Rouse,
Mr. and Olive Hunter and tbs
I'rost faniilv at riiaiiksgivino
Iven Crsgsr and wife moved
to Payette last Tut sday.
Nlr. Vockeyjt Roe bungalow
u ill soon be finished, also Will
McConnell'a two story bones Is
about readj for tbs plasterers
Mr. Whealdon retui ned lasl
. from a trip to Portland ami
Willamette valley. Mrs.
don'.- moth i . Mrs, Bi andou ac
companiad him home and a ill
pend the winter bora.
Nellie Burnett, who under-
a sot an , srstion for appendi
citis mors than tWO weeks ago,
again taken ill Monday.
She wa i em. .veil to the Ontario
hospital for mother operation!
It was found a blood vessel was
ruptui 'I. but she is gstting
along ni ely now.
II. R. Fuller who has In en
very ill with typhoid lev. i i-
lowly recovering.
Brass! Rilket, ol this plaoe
and MlSI Wringer, of New I'ly
month wi re niairied la-l Sunday
aflernoii at the boms of the
bride's parents in the pre nee
. twenty :m ts. Their
ii lends sxten I congratulations,
l. F. Tusi iu and lamilj are
a visit with Mi.
Tussing1 i and 'ii from
Oakland, ('. lifoi nia.
Rev. Hsyes, tbe evaugi
who just closed of
iniiM in t iiii.u i.i, i-, conducting a
( lood inti i
shown fi'
Mr. M . of Midvale, was
In r.
Mr. and M . i 'I o lei
"I their twenty-ninth
1 1 . and I I ii
I I Wed
. i to help I
m I a
II cut her
. nt Culd-
Always M ihe Job
I I iIiiik' y.'ii
.1 UiO
Graduate of Missouri Auction
School. PhonS Ol write for
I'hone 201-nl Ontario, Ore.
For the Ladies
fi 4 With Each Box of De Luxe
Complexion Powder
The Powder that contains no lead, bismuth or harm
ful chemicals, but contains stearate of zinc, noted for
beneficial action on the skm and does not clog the
pores of the skin. Regular with chamois 50c
Special Introductory Price, Including
Vanity Box 50c
Everhart Drug Co.
Phone Vll
Quality Store
4th Door S. P. O.
BE HELD mm 17-20.
Notlss in berebf sires that th
eoooty raperlatenleal of ktslbeor
(M.lllty, will boM tlie 1 1 L'"l:ir . Muni
nation of spplicsnts for itel 'rtui
inti". at Vale. Oregon as follows
Oomntoelng Wednaday Deeenbi i
IT, 1911, at Ha in iiml .'.ml iiiuk iii.I il
oatordsy, Deessibai 10, 1918, si
i a. in.
WiiIiicimImv BMSSlag Writing. 17. i
ft, Htsteff, Paysleli
Wedneeday sfterooon Physical
ipby, read In a, eooipoltloo,
III alllllls III 1. .ill U, Illl'llle.U III
aril hn .'tin.
TbarsdiiT mornliiK ArllMncllr.
blstofi of iiIk 'lion, pbycbnlosy, I
BMSbjOdS in l'.e('U';i l .
I Ii ii t ilnv all' niimii '. i mii in,
gecgrapbo, Assertesa lltsratore, I
eli ilos, iiu'iiiniN In laosoesv, tresis
for i itino.v eerilfleate.
Krlilav tniiriiiiiu '1 liror Mini nraii. '
ties, Ortboavapby, BesllsbJlH ratare,
eiieni ittry
I'rlday iiftframin Behool low, nl
ejebta, geotoiff, etvll seeassnnt.
S.tur'tny inr.rnitiK UOOWStll
t H I . v .
irdny afterootn a n ml hu
lorv, boi kkeSpinf,
A. 'ii.
Ladie loth I I at
Copi A Duunuok.
' ggal f or ontahio.ome'
lJ' I I I X
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
Confining our business strictly to I, KG I T I MATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, wo invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruition nvn-s, stockmen and individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L COCKSUM. Preatdent; II B. COCKRUM, CesMer
T. TUKNHUI,. i" iPr t I W.I'I.ATI t. funnier
I.. I!. ('(K'KIU'M
Blacksmith Shop
Will be ready to tsoeomomodatc '11 of the customers,
both old and new. Satisfaction Guaranteed
WSb j 'f9i i W i
i kWeT9kA! I
. .... .
PR ft fl
Breakf st in a Good
Warm Room
iy be enjoyed on . : th cold
morningt if your hoi quip
ped with a
, -, SSiOKfCILEO ' cl
It takes off the chill i lakesthe
room warm, ooaty and ( .. rtable
d it i go convenient too for
heating the bedroom, bathroom,
nursery ana sewing
room. Can't smoke.
Dottn't smell. Inex
pensive, economical.
For Best Results
We Recommend
Pearl Otf
Dealer Everywhere
Standard Oil Company