The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 04, 1913, Image 1

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The Pivotal PoM of the Great Interior of
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 48
Enterprising Citiztns from
Every Section of Canyon
County Favor Plan Under
Way to Have Fair Taken
Over and Operated By
the People as Whole.
(Boise Statesman. Not. 27.)
CAUJWELL The Cakiyrm County
fair will continue to be one of the
beat county expositions in the weit
and will hereafter have the undivided
support of Conyon county In Ita en
tirety, according to realdenta of this
aectlon who have returned recently
from different aectlona of the county
The people am a whole are enthusi
astic over the results obtained
through the exploitation of the coun
ty's resources and are anxious that
the present method be continued and
If possible enlarged The cost per
capita Is small, they point out, while
the Individual results obtained
through maximum crop production
and the opening of the new markets
is large
The residents of the Payette valley
In particular are anxious that a feas
ible plan of continuing the fair be
adopted. A plan that is meeting
with general approval lu that section,
It is reported provides that at the
next general election the matter of
taking over the fair by Canyon coun
ty be submitted to the people Should
the plebiscite be favorable to main
taining the fair as a county organi
sation the preaent stockholders of the
fair association will In turn transfer
to the county the holdings of the as
sociation, valued at $42,00, the coun
ty to assume the mortgages now
against the property, aggregating
Under the plan proposed the board
of county commissioners would set as
directors general of the fair and huve
delegated power to appoint a fair
commission consisting of five or seven
members to take active charge of the
fair management. Additional commit
tees necessary for the proper pres
entation of resources are to be se
lected by the fair commission. The
fair commission is also to have au
thority to employ a secretary.
The adoption of a plan whereby
county officials will huve absolute
control of the organisation will do
much to solidify public favor lu its
behalf and will nullify once and for
all time the assertion ili-u the fair is
purely a local affair, declare the pro
ponents of the county control Idea. In
uddltlon they state, the fair is too
valuable as an educational feature to
be conducted on a public subscription
basis. In support of their contention
they assert that unnuajly (farmers
from the county gelher and view the
results of their neighbors' efforts;
learn from practical and experienced
men what their soil will produce, and
return home fired with ambition to
duplicate if not eclipse the records
made by premium winners.
The plan of the Payette valley
people meets with practically univer
sal approval in this section. Business
men of Caldwell, Nam pa and Parma
tire unanimous in stating that the fair
should be conducted as a county Insti
tution and are heartily In favor of the
plan advanced by the residents of the
fruit belt. The Interest of the entii
county, agriculturally, in dependent
upon the fair and all seem to be will
ing to forget personal animosities for
the public weal
Oakland Skunks Plentiful.
Oakland Skunks are so plentiful
In this vicinity that catching them has
become a lucrative occupation A to
sal barber has fl3e worth of kim of
animals caught duriag recesses- from
lonsorial duties
lewa Fugitive Caught.
The Dalles Sheriff Chrlaman ar
rested C E. Hsrvey at Big Eddy The
prisoner Is wsnted at Council Bluffs.
Iowa, for absconding with M00 be
louglAg to a railroad company.
jurei. Mexico Northern Mexico.
embracing the states of Sonora, Chi
huahua, Coahulla, Nuevo Laredo and
Tamaullpas, and Including the terri
tory from the border to a line 600
miles southward, will be wholly under
the authority of the rebel forces with
in two weeks. The forces which are
fighting Huerta will then Join at Quad
nlniiim. with a view of marching on
to Mexico City. This is the rebel plan
of campaign, General Francisco Villa,
the rebel leader, asserted.
This campaign, Villa said, contem
plated not only the capture of Chihua
hua city, but also the spreading of
the rebel or constitutionalist authority
farther south. In this Villa is to be
Joined by General Carranta, the head
of the revolutionary movement.
"We will move right on to Mexico
City," said Villa. "That Is our desti
nation. Our forces are working to
gether. The troops now In Sonora
will move southward, attacking Quay
mas on the way. Those In the east
now centered around Victoria, will
move southwest, while I will go right
down through the heart of the coun
try. On the way I will take Chihua
hua, where I will be in command with
in ten days. Then I will Join the
Oenersl Blenquet. Minister of War
In President Huorts's esbinot snd
commander In chief Of ths Mexican
New Road Goes Through
Best Section of Oregon
Work to Start Soon.
I ' E Kblver., of tbs Utah Con
struction oonipaoy, who was in town
Imm Vals receutly. said the contract
on the railroad work west of Vale ha
been let for tiU miles beyond Riverside
to Dog Mountain, a distance of 110
miles west of Vsls and tbst hs was ox
peeling orders any day to atari work
on that part of the line.
Creeosot is the nine of ths plsos
where the Deschutes extsnsioo is ex
pected to form a juoctiuo with tbe
Vale road. Crescent Is 150 miles
i - ud Dog Mountsiu. The track is
now laid to Juutara, Mr Rbivsrs said,
but slow progress is being made so tbe
wsges bsve been cut.
In speaking of tbe country, Mr.
Kbivers ssid tbe new road will pass
through some ,,t the finest farming
country" in Oretf'io. Io the Crane
Creek gap couotry, he ssys tbe ssgs
brush is as higb as a horses oack and
ths soil is tbe very best. Wells 175
feet deep tiini so sbundsnoe of water
that rises to within 10 feet of the sur
face. The Haruey valley. 50 miles
west of Vale, is aoottter rich section
that will sooo be thickly ssttled as
soil aad(cllmstio oooditious srs the
very best Mr. Rhivsrs predicted
wonderful developmeot orer a wide
aiea so soon as the railroad Is cooi
pleted through to Creeosot. Nam pa
afl ' fcr
rvW Hk
m m amef ' Vr 4 r EB.
Chief Executive Discusses
rency Bill, the Sherman Law, Nomination of
President by Direct Vote in Primaries
and Other Matters.
Washington, D. C In his message,
delivered nt a Joint session of the
houses of .in ri-vs nt the beginning of
the second MsssJsSJ of the sixty third
congress. President Wilson urged tin
mediate currency legislation, devoted
considerable space to the, needs of the
farmers nnd referred to the Mexican
crisis. The Sherman antitrust law, he
snld. should be chsnged so that Its
exact mennlng would be clenrer. The
president nlno urged the choice of
presidential nominees by the direct
I urge the prompt onsetmsnt
of legislation which will provide
for primery slsotiens through
out tho country at which the
votsrs of tho oovorsl psrties msy
choose th,ir nominees for tho
presidency without the Interven
tion of nominating eenvontions.
I venture tho suggeetion thst this
legislation should provide for tho
retention of psrty conventions,
but only for tho purpose of de
eloring and sooepting tho ver
diet of the primariee snd formu
lating the pletforms of the psr
ties. snd t suggest that these
eenvontions should eeneiot net
of delegstee oheeen for this sin.
glo purpoeo, but of the nemineee
for congress, the nominees fer
vsesnt seats In the eenete of the
United States, the oensters
whoee terms hove not yet oloeed,
the nstiensl eemmltteee snd ths
candidates fer the presidency
themselves, in order thst plat
forms msy bo frsmod by those
responsible to the people fer oer
rying them into effect.
vote of the people expressed at pri
maries. The message In full Is as fol
lows: Uentlemen of the Congress In pur
suance of my constitutional duty to
"give to the congress Information of
the state of the Union" I take the lib
erty of addressing you on seversl mat
ters which ought, as It seems to me,
psrtlculsrly to engage the attention of
your honorable body, as of all who
study the welfare aud progress of the
1 nIi. ill ask your Indulgence If I ven
ture to depurt In some degree from the
usual custom of setting before you In
formal review the many matters which
have engaged the attention and called
for the action of the several depart
uielits of the government or which
look to tin-n i for early treatment In
the future, because the list Is long,
very long, and would suffer In the ab
breviation to which I should have to
subject It. I sbull submit to you the
reirts of the heads of several depart
incuts in which these subjects ure set
forth lu in. -fill detuils and beg that
they may receive the thoughtful attt-n
tiou of your committees aud of nil
members of the congress who may
have tbe leisure to study them Their
obvious importance, as constituting tbe
very substuuee of the business of the
government, makes comment aud em
phasis on my part unnecessary.
Assert. That United State. Lead. In !
Pesos Negotiations
Tbe country, I am thankful to say, Is
at peace with all tbe world, and many
happy manifestations multiply about us
of a growing cordiality and sense of
community of li.ici.-t among the lis
tlous, foreshadowing an age of settled
peace and good will Mure and more !
readily each decude do tbe nations
manifest their willingness to blud them
selves by solemn treaty to the proc
esses of peace, tbe pr.s esses of frank
uess and fuir concession So far tbe
Lulled States lias stood ut tbe frout of
such negntl.. lions. She will. I earnest
ly hope nii.l mndeiitly believe, give
fresh proof of her s'neere adherence to
tbe cause of International friendship
by ratifying the set eral treaties of ar
bitration .minting renewal by the sen
lu addition to these It ha. been tbe
privilege f the 'iisrtinent of state to
gain the assent in principle, of no less
than thirty-oii unions, representing
four ri it lis of the population of tbe
world. t tbe negotiation of trestles by
which, it shi.ii I agreed that whenever
differences of i merest of policy arise
wblcl. cannot lie resolved by tbs urdl
nary proreeo of diplomacy they .ball
be publlclt analysed, discussed and re
tained uioii by a tribunal chose ti by
tbe parties before either nation deter
mines It course of actliu.
the Mexican Crisis, the Cur-
There Is only one possible standard
by which to determine controversies
between the I 'tilted States and other
tuition, nnd that In compounded of
these two elements -our own honor
nnd ur oblhrntioim to the pesce of the
world. A test so compounded ought
easily to lie mnde to govern both ths
establishment of new treaty obliga
tions and the Interpretation of those
already assuuied.
Predicts Downfsll of "Uiurp.r" Who
"Cast Aside Even Pretense of Legsl
Right and Declared Himoolf Dicta
There Is but one cloud upon our hori
soo. That baa shown Itself to tbs
south of us and bangs over Mexico.
There can be no certain prospect of
pence In America until General Huerta
has surrendered his usurped authority
In Mexico. Until It Is understood on
nil hands. Indeed, such pretended gov
ernments will not be countenanced or
dealt with by tbe government of tho
United Slut. We nre the friends of
constitutional government In America
We are more than Its friends: we are
its champions, because in no other
way can our neighbors to whom we
would wish In every way to make
proof of our friendship work out their
own development lu peace and liberty.
Mexico has no government. The at
tempt to mnlntaln nue at tbe City of
Mexico has broken down, and a mere
military despotism has been set up
which has hardly more than the sem
blance of national authority. It origi
nated lu the usurpation of Vtctorlnno
Huerta. wbo. after a brief attempt to
play tbe part of constitutional prcsl
dent, has at last cast salde even the
pretcuse of legal right and declared
hi. .lie If dictator. Aa a consequence s
condition of affairs now exists lu Mux
MS which has made It doubtful wbeth
er even the most elementary and fund
nmetitnl rights either of her own peo
pie or of tho Hi, iii of other mini
tries resident within her territory can
long be successfully safeguarded and
which threatens If long continued to
Imperil tin- interests of peace, order
and tolerable life In the lands linttio
illntely to the south of us.
Kven If the usurper lind succeeded
In his purposes. In despite of the con
stltiitlou of the republic and the rights
of Its people, ho would have set up
nothing but a precarious and hateful
power which could have lasted but a
little while and whose eventual down
fall would have left the country In s
more deplorable condition Hum ever
But he has not succeeded, lie hns for
feited the respect ami the moral sup
port even of those who wore at one
time willing to sett him succeed. I 1 1 1 It
by little he has been completely Isolat
ed. By a little every day his power
and prestige are crumbling, ami Hie
collapse a not far away. We ahsll
not. 1 believe, be obliged to niter our
policy of watchful waiting And then,
when the end comes, we shall hoie to
see constitutions! order restored In dis
tressed Mexico by the concert unil en
orgy of such of her leaders as prefer
ths liberty of their people to their own
m bit Ions.
Urges Measure Thst Will Prove Bene
fit to Farmere Hopee Per Quiek Ac
tion. 1 turn to matters of domestic con
eciii You already have under consul
eratlou a bill for the reform of our
system of banking and currency, for
uhlili the country walls with Impu
tlel:ce, as for something fundamental
to Its whole business life snd uecesss
ry to set credit free from arbitrary
and artificial restraints I need not
ssy bow earnestly I hope for its early
enactment Into law I take leave to
beg that tbe whole energy and at ten
lion of tbe senate lie concentrated
umiu It till the matter Is successfully
disposed of. And yet I feel that tbe
requeof is not needed - tbst tbe mum
bers of tbat great bouse need no urg
ing lu this service to the country.
I present to you In addition tbs ur
gent iiecesslty that spe lal provision
be made also for facilitating the credits
Heeded by tbe farmers of tbe country
The pending currency bill does tbe
funnels s great service. It puts them
upon an equal footing with other bust
ness men sud master, of enterprise, ss
it .hould. snd upon Its pssssge they
will hid IfcBsMSJvSi quit of many of
the difficulties which now hamper them
III the fjelit of credit The farmwre '
Cooeluoed on page
Bingham, Utah In a battle under
ground, with only the Hash of their
rifles breaking the darkness, Ralph
Lopes, Mexican outlaw, added two
more names to his list of killed, when
he drove back a posse of deputy slier
lffs In the Utah Apex mine.
Uopex, who started his career ot
crime on November 21 by killing the
chief of police of Blnghnm, tw depu
ties and a fellow countryman, ihouted
from the depths or his stronghold that
It would cost many more lives before
they "got him."
The men whom he shot were Depu
ties Douglas Hulsey and Tom Man. I
rich. The shooting resulted when half
a doten deputies penetrated the Andy
tunnel 900 feet in order to light a
smudge to smoke the desperado out.
Outwitted a doten times since l.o
pes began his career of bloodshed on
November 21, the sheriffs of seven
counties, In counsel decided to batten
up the mine and attempt to asphyxi
ate the fugitive with poisonous gases.
Illinois Suffrage Act Upheld.
Cheater, III. The Randolph county
court, ruling against certain liquor
dealers' attack on ths Illinois women's
suffrage act here, declared the law
complete, intelligible and valid.
Governor Tener, of Pennsylvania,
who ha. been offered the presidency
of the National Baseball loagua.
Monthly Rills Allowed And
New Ordinances Are
The council mat In regular ssssiou
Moudsy eveolug.
Mr. I loan celled attention to
amount of his sewer a.esesmeut. being
too much for tbe lend held.
Regular bills read und allowed.
The usual liquor license wsre
Reports of tbe records! . tisssursr
and chief of the tire department for
the mouth of November were reed snd
placed oo tile.
Ordinance No. -'4 1 grsntlng the
v. i-.i.i o Union a frsuohlse for tbeir
Hoes was psssed.
The street light ordered for Oregon
snd Nebrasks wss i baogsd to Ksusss
snd Ricbsrdson.
The metier of obetructloua on the
sldswalks was referred to tbe street
The oouucil went into committee as
a whols aud canvassed tbe election
return., declaring tbs aomlosss duly
Tbe elty attorney was ordered to
draft a drastic dog regulation ordi
nance snd present same at next regu
lar meeting.
BK' iQ IBiBsjLL i ' B
Bkv BB BV BflBesx. g
aw ' (A 'BBw
Association Makes Plain
Statement to the Vetera
Regarding the Special
Election Which Proposes
That the County Take
Over and Operate Fair.
Answering the question why It
whs nocensary to call a special elec
tion with Che attendant heavy expense
w It hlu a mouth after the general elec
tion On the .'..Hi day of February, 191.1
the Oregon State legislature passed
mi act authorising tho holding of
County Fairs In the several counties
f the state, and in the same act re
pealed the law under which tils
Malheur County Agricultural Associa
tion was orgaulied. Tho exlstaucs
of th. icp.'iillng cLauaii was not
known by tho Malheur County Agri
cultural Association until September
of thla year. When petitions were
Immediately gotten out for an elec
tion. Chapter 131 of the laws of ths
191.1 logt.lattire, provider, the manner
for purrtiaitlng alto, for Fair grounds
and by thla :wt It requires thst a ps
tltlon shall he reprsssnted to ths
County Court at a regular term of ths
Court, asking tho Court to call a Wnv Flection for the pun me of voting
upon the mutter. The next regular
term of the t'ourt after getting out
the pel n ion was the Nivsmber term,
and it was at thia term that the peti
tion was presented. It could not have
been presented nt an earlier date. Ths
law also provides tint the vote ahsll
be taken at a special election oalled
for that piiriMtse. Horu Is Chapter
131: Section 1.
For the parpose of purchasing
lauds fur fair sites ur llquldsttlng
existing Indebtedness thereon,
the i limit) court of sti) roiilil) lu
this Stale when dal) authorised
iii a majorll) tote of (he legal
inters ..I the nu ut) at S M'l
1111. Kill HON to he ...lie, I fur
such purpose, as hereinafter pro
tided, shall at Ihe regular Jan
io. 1 1 term ..i aald court uexl fol
lowing the ilulc of surh M'l -llll.
rl.HMOX lst HTM
ll, T upHii the tsxable prop
ii of Ihe count) al last equal
ised, of such amount as iua lie
declared for at ssrh M'l t I tl.
KI.MTIOM pis. Odcd, liowetM-,
thai surh lei) shall net exceed
one mill."
This Inw W plain and explicit. It
says a SI'KflAI, KI.Kf TION must be
Viliat the fount) Will Ue for Its
Answering your question what will
the Fair situ cost, and how much of
It will one mill levy pay ami youi
fin tlier iiies' ion -will the funds be
ii I only for paying pies.nt Indcii
IBBMBS We say that one mill levy will puv
for the entire Fair lte, giouiuls and
Improvement Free nnd clear from
all ludchieduesa and Incumbrance
This gcocysrty bus rsU the M.ilhcui
Agricultural Association approximate
ly l-.i. mi" The County will get it
for lU.OOU to 911,000, whatever tiie
one mill levy brings fiee limn all
Tin- following uie in 1. und numbers
ill.- amount paid out by tliu iu-so. 1.1
Hon in ac.pii'iiig real estate and ma
Ing permanent Improvement Fort
acres or I und tlu'.t cost :,,Mm and is
now worth much more. The cost
of leveling ami gruvriiig ami race tiuck
was 11,100, 100,1100 feet of lumber was
used costing 97.HOU, 9o was paid for
fenclug, 9740 for huidware and nails,
9IU0 fo: ssjBjfasjsj (o grounds, ll.u'.'i
for labor mi tin ido walks, Htl
fur palutiiLK, 9-60 for two wells, 97.M)
for water wo; Its ujid about ,i for
lucldonla! expenses
This law does uol penult the Coun
ty ."on it to make a levy for more than
one mill, which under the law cannot
Continued on last page