HOW THEY STOOD ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 HOW THKY 8TAND Mabel Wanton .30,510 Fred Ruttler 4,500 Ella Brosnsn 182,920 Wilmoth Curry 53,900 C. C Dor go 2,735 Frank Dorraan 45770 ThurziftErickJon 27,510 0. A. Fi.-M 7420 Mm. L. B. Fry 2,375 V. V. Ilickox 2,710 H. W. Hoopes 2720 Gretohen Hailey 209,491 Mrs J A Hogan 14,2!") Jennit Hodgkina 7490 J oli ii Hunt 2900 O. A. Koslmick 05,200 P. K. Koeuig MM II EKeater 2,200 Maude Kidd 757750 Ethel McNulty 95730 II M. Mets 2,940 R.G. McAnnick 2,110 V. W. Mursden 87 1,970 Eld en Mndrlen 81100 Mrs Winnie Minster 1,089,748 Maggie Moody 78,771 I) T MatiHker H22.U20 Mrs. Florence O'Connor 744 422 Nettie Peterson 120,301 Mrs. W. II. Raver 489,011 Mra A Htut.ner 48,980 Mra. JooKtaploH 3,050 HetHy Taylor 12H.035 Ruth Test 86y880 Mrs. Winnie Wimloni 119,188 F. Winston 11,880 Mrs. H. 0, W" in! v ..i Hi 881,688 Mrs. John Weaver ,7h5 Dotlie Ward 870988 Mamie Walters 188,818 Mr Harry Williams 81,400 Mi-h A. imiuoriuan 30,225 Fr.ii, k Van Pollen 23007 NVMMA. (leoigia Dennis 09,190 (Sertrude Pounds 12,00.r KltlJITI.ANh. I'.ri.ui Deal 23,57" Velvu i rimes 157,400 St.llu HurriH 2410 Kmiiui JohuHou 27, 16 A. C. Mm. emu. i 809,108 Ora Nott 808,848 Marion UoImiihoii 18,800 VAI.K Mrs L Dell 33,30(1 lllf .1. I'. HoUMtou 8,530 owtsm Mi-s Anna Robtrtion 18,080 I'AYKTTK Aiih.i i Irsjgory 1 l,0W May Hytr 15,710 T. it Nailsoo 4,88)1 Baa Roberts -'.sou Bather Ruaaall 81,880 Mm Simon 5,750 M Allot Williams 8380 si ii v Mm' in John B Flshsf 8,000 Diu.y Ma-oil 8,400 HUM i 'IN- roM Mrs. Knii.i 4700 Bl IfOTfVJ . . I 100 Dreamland Theatre One Night, Tues. Dec. 2nd THE CYCLONIC COMEDY HIT SIS PERKINS The newest edition of the big success that has amused millions The Higgest Laugh of the Season Prices, 25, SKATS ON SALE AT 0RE60R NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout Uie State During the Past Week. Mother In Tears See OIH. Ralem. The t.-arn of a mother pleading that she be permitted to e bar daughter, whom aba bad not aaan for four yum, won tha haarta of tba ntntf board of control and Mra. Emma Thompson was given an Interview with dor eldent child, Lflllan Larkln, iin inmate or tna state industrial h iinni for glrla. Tha board, however, denied a pa role, after a aaaalon of almost two hours. In which a committee of four, headed hjr Mrs. Jean Bennett, of Port land, pleaded that the girl be released Malde Want to Return to Homes. Albany. Cecils Dlethelman and Holds Kraner, who came from Lu cerne, Swltserlaad, to marry, after aa exchange of photographs and lot tnra with Keeper Klrti and Herman Young, newcomers, ohmiged their minds after seeing the men In the CHse. The young women now want to return to their mountain home. The huve no money, and a public subscrlp- Hon may be started for them. Rosehurg Couple Wed; Secret Held. Hoseburg. To be married In their own home, situated on one of Rose burg's busleet residence atreete, and to live together for seven daya with out even the Immediate members of their families having knowledge of the event, waa the unuaual secrecy ettached to th.i wedding of U. F. Hbli'iils and Mra Carrie Thompaon, of thla city. Hop Growers Plsn Union. HsU-iii, Or. Without a dissenting voice, 71 hop growers of tha Wlllam ette valley met here and took steps to effect e permanent organisation of similar nature to the big fruit unions ' h.t are now uniting the atrangth of the fruit growers of the northweat. Race for Senate Intent of Allshle. llolse, Mih, i Chief Justice James F. Allshle Intends to become a can dldate for United titatee aenator, sub ject to the will of the republican prl marlee This Is settled with the friends of the chief Justice, who have heeti clrculstltig the Information In the atate. Grain to Bring Millions. Winnipeg. Multiloba The govern men! of Hatikuliliewau announced Ihul i lie grain harwHi thla year would be valued at f I of which 071. iFiiiMioo Is represented In wheat and IL'MIOO.OOO In oitia. Limit For Women Clerks In Force. Portland. Or MiKliuilng Monday the employers of women clerks In I'mland stores must not pay them less than $! -f a week, or riiilr tin-in to work mure t tutu H hours and :'ii iniuiiti'H lii a .in more th.ui f.o hour In a wei-k. or after S p. in. on an iluy Tin' mini by the Industrial wel fare couiiiiIsmIoii Is the first of the kind to be iniide In the ('lilted States. Washington University Rsgsnt Named (il)iuphi. Wash h'ldrldge Wheeler, for man) egglS lunil of the schools i Mi.iili'.iiino ami hum mayor of that 1 1 . a piiiiniiii'iii iliiiiiM-rat, was ap I'liliiti'd a ii'Ki'iii ot tile iinlwrnll) of Washington to succeed Howard (I rove, ni iin- hue governor, w. ho reslai .! ii entl) 50 and 75c ONTARIO PHAKMAKY BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Hlllaboro'a eaJoona muet eiooe at 10 o'clock hereafter, Instead of ai mid night The Oregon supreme court holds that workmen's compensation law will not become operative until June 10 of neit year, owing to restrictions of the eonetltullon. "The Booth'-Kelly htimtef company? msoblne shops at Wend ting, said to be the isrgest of the kind la the state. were destroyed by fire at a loas of perhaps $16,000. At a meeting of stockholders at Dallas It was decided to erect a 110, "" hoepltal. Frank J. Coad waa elect ed president of the association, and Miss Edith Htarbuck sir rotary. Ashland cltliena are considering the plan of Installing water meters throughout the city. A doten of the meters have boon ordered from the Westlnghouae company for trial. Completion of preliminary surveys for the developmeat of 45,000 horse power within the next five years at Clear Lake, In the Cascade mountains, 76 miles east of ISugene. Is announced. The state water board has extended the time for the completion of Port land's reservoirs and canals at Clear Fork, on the Sandy river, from which water supply Is assured, to Juno 1. 1930. Htnte Knglnner Lewis will not rec ommend that approximately 20,000 acres of Isnd In the central Oregon Irrigation project be patented until be la convinced that the laud cau be re claimed Ten thousand turkeya have been ahlppnd from Douglas county to San Francisco, the farmer revolving about $20,000 for the birds The birds wore mnt to Han Francisco because of the higher prices prevailing thsrre. As a result of movements by com merclal clubs of the county and tnhnb Itanta or rural dlatrlcta for better roads, many miles of public highway In I'. 'Ik county are ready for winter use by automobllea. A plant for the pasteurising; of milk, tbe first In Kugene, will be opened sbout the first of tbe month by a cor i. .i. iii. .n formed by five men, four of them Danes, and the project becked by over 40 Danes of tbe colony woat of Kugene. Secretary Lane has ordered a public sale at Hermlston, December $7. of several hundred sires of Maxwell land on the Umatilla Irrigation project All the lands to be sold are centrally alt uated and each tract has an adequate water aupply. Tha committee working for prohibi tion In tbe election at Albany expend ed $46 $6, according to a campaign statement fllml by Mrs F.llsabeth Itob luson, secretary of the committee. The prohibitionists won by u majori ty of 41 votes, but saloon men may bring a contest. Senator Chamberlain has Introduced a bill authorising the secretary of war to turn over the Sand Islaud revenues to the Oregon fish commission. Also resolutions from the I'endlnton com mercial association advocating flood control and reclamation of awainp lauds In the south Although be has held various public offices In Marlon county fur more than 40 jraere, has served on juries mid otherwise acted In public capac (ties, J It. I. Minimi was unseated aa mayor of Woodburn by Circuit Judge Kill) on the ground that he la not an American cltlseu. Tbe Oregou State Sunday School association probably will meet In Al bany In unnual convention In April. I'lie meeting place ban not been ile iiiliil upon definitely, but many of in. ". ers of the committee which will miike the selection have Indicated a lllliiK'iess to come to that city. Senator Chamhorlaln has Introduced a bill appropriating $10,000 to aid the agricultural departmont In linpurtlug sheep (or breeding purposes Tbe de partment desires to aid farmers and raugeuisu In obtaining types moat aultable to their particular require ment With a rwserve of 34$ per cent, whlrli Is almost 10 per cent more than required by law; with nearly $6,000. OOu more loans outstanding, and yet over $1,000,000 more cash on hand or due from other hanks than thla time last year, the 170 atate and nation al banks of Oregea reflect tbe pros perity of thla stale Sunday porfortuanrea at the moving picture shows In tne Coqullle volley cities will bo a thing of the pant If the wishes of some are granted- At Myrtle Potut one faotiuo mag so much objection to the Sunday per- fortustices that the ally oounoll has passed an ordiaauo whloa prohibits tbe opening of the show home on Sun lay Deeding on the Siskiyou asoemtam leellou of the Pactft highway Ihrwagh Jaokson ooiuity waa started FnSevv under the provisions of the first ooa tract to be let under the new hoodie hJoJBfjrS) laws The section ot rood covers 13 utiles, and the eon tract price for the grading waa $10T,$40. whaah la the lardteet contract for highway con Competition-the Life of the Clothing Industry Everybody striving to accomplish more than the other fellow. Our $14.85 SUIT & OVERCOAT Set the pace for all. We're selling $20 Suits and Overcoats at $14.85, the great est and best that money can produce. Many new garments arriving daily bought last week by Mr. Alexander in New York. Btoe Serges as well as Fancies. Watch the English Model Suits and Chinchilla Overcoats, they are cutting a mighty figure in the large cities. ALEXANDER One Price Clothier, Christmas Will Soon Be Here! WE Toys, Dolls Airships Tricycles, Childrens' Books and a Telephone and a Good Warm Store and Hand Bags and Soforth The above is an attempt to write an "ad" when we were so busy arranging our display that we had not time to think what to say. We really don't know our selves all the attractions we have to show as lack of space is making it difficult to show everything. The Chairitable Public will Simply Have to Come in Here. Cash Variety SALE ARE PREPARED 1 Isf vwr jBwl b mVi tufj! 111 m as II ' K " a III 1 r iff JL Ontario, Oregon Store struct ,.n ever let on the Paolft