) ASKSGERMANYTO HALT NAVAL PLANS Churchill Proposes Cessation of Building Battleships. WOULD RELIEVE TAXPAYERS 8uggeti That Germany and England Build No Vaaaala For Ona Yaar Be liavaa That Smallar Nationa Would Follow Example of Greater Powora. Situation In Europe la Now Clearing. London. Wlnaton Churchill, the first lord of the admiralty. In behalf of the English government haa made a spe clflc offer to Germany of a year'a "na v:il holiday," wherein both nationa would agree to halt the construction of battleships. Widespread interest was aroused by the proposal, and much significance Is attached to the offer, which was made while he waa discussing the naval ex penditures of $375,000,000 a year and warning the nation of the Inevitably heavy increase In armuuienta If the rivalry continued. The pith of his sieeoh was contained In this paragraph: , "Now, we say lu all friendship and alncerlty to our great neighbor, Ger many: If you will put off beginning to build your two ships for twelvemonths we will put off In absoluto good faith the building of our four shlpa for ex actly the same period." If Great Hrltalu and Germany took the lead, Mr. Churchill added, there waa a good prospect of auecess In get ting other powers to agree to a naval holliliiy. thus rellexltitf the taxpayers of a burden of millions of dollars. Mr. Chun-hill first mlvis uted a naval holiday on March 'Jil when he waa api-nklng In the house of commons on the naval estimates, hut Germany did not accept his offer. "The proposal I put forward In the name "f the HrltMi government for a naval holiday Is quite almple." be Mid. WIXSTON 111 u. lilt I- "Next year, apart from the Canadian ships, or their equivalent and auirt from anything that may be required by auy development lu the Mediter ranean, we shall lay down four great ships to Germany's two. Now, we aay to Germany. 'If you will put off beginning to build your two ships for twelve mouths we will put off lu ab solute go si faith the building of our four ships for exactly the aume jsarlod." Mr. Churchill then expressed the opinion that if Great Hrltalu and Ger muuy took the lead all the other great countries would follow ault, and they would all be Just aa great aud as sound aa If they had built the ahlpa at pres ent projected. If Austria aud Italy did not build, the obligation, he said, would be removed from France and Great Britain, aud tba fact that the triple alliance (Germany. Auetrta llungary aud Italyi waa building uo ahlpa would make the proposal pos sible without the sltgbtest danger or risk. The first lord then added: -Ian't It likely that so great and memorable an evetit would produce an effect on the naval construction of the I 'nlted States aud Japan! Scores of millions would be rescued for the prog rajas of mankind." Mr. Churchill added. "That Is the proposal 1 make for the year 1114 or. If that year la thought to be too near. for 1915" The first lord warned that apart from aucb an agreement "the naval ex penditure of next year will be sub- I stautlally greater than that of this year. Whatever may be necessary, for the safety of our country and the main tenance of "iir influence all over the world will l ive to tie dons." Mr Churchill thought the fact that ths altuutlou in Kurupe was much clearer uow than It had been for some ( time, the strong evidences of a desire for peace snd ths greatly tmproved relations between Great Britain and Geriiumv rendered the moment fsvor able for the resumption of the con- elderuti. u of the suggestion of a naval holldav to which frlendh reference waa in;ole In a speech by the Germau Imperial chancellor." a' -,lssW WEDDING BIDS OF NO USE. Girl Rafuaaa to Mail Thorn Why? Married In June. West OfMtlKV, S I. When Mr. and Mrs. Silas A Mills received from the t'ligruvers a box of invitations to he sent out for the uiMrrlage of their daiiKhter. Miss Melon Mills, to William r-'orsytli of Orange, the daughter began to blush When her mother told her to address the envelopes the daughter blushed some more and said: "I don't think we will mall the Inf lations, mother." "1 hope you don't think we will de liver them personally," retorted the mother. "Hut there Is no use In fooling the folka," the young woman said. "W Ml save the money for the stomps, V cause Hill and I were married on lune 18." The mother bore up bravely under the shock, but more than aM friends and relotlves will have to forego the pleasure of seeing Helen Mills and "Hilly" Forsyth married on Thanks giving are. DENIES SNOBBERY IN NAVY. Officer Who Rote From Ranks Pralaea Hie Treatment. Washlngton.-Lleutenant I. I.yona of 'he navy, who reached his present commissioned grade from the ranks, has written a letter to the secretary if the navy denying charges whh-h have been made of snobbery In the navy and that graduates of t'ie Naval academy were disposed to I "-U down on notmradiiotcs and discriminate against them Lieutenant T.yons has hod twenty sewn years' experience as an enlisted man, warrant and commissioned officer, and he says that such charges ore un just ond untrue. lie dee (area that other men who have come from the ranks, with whom he has discussed the subject, feel the same way. MUSIC HALTS MARRIAGE. Bridegroom Ovarooma on Hearing "Marching Through Georgia." Kolomor.oo, Mich. DBltag tba mar Huge ceremony which milled John Peon, seventy years old and a veteran of the civil war. and Mrs Nancy R. Marks, a native of Alabama, a band passed by the courthouse, where the ceremony was being performed, play ing "Marching Through Georgia." As soon as the old man recognlr.tsl the air a thousand memories seeming ly flashed through his memory, and he was so overcome with emotion that It was necessary to stop the ceremony. After the band hod passed licyoud hearing the reading of the marriage vows was concluded by Judge Tailing. NO TRACE OF FAMILY MISSING FOR 20 YEARS Seek Information ot Wealthy Jy.'ie, Wife and Heirs. Kingston. Mo. After twenty years of gossip, theorizing and discussion re garding the disappearance of tin- fain tly of James McMillan, one time pro bate Judge of Caldwell county, the of ficials of the county are to take steps to trace their present whereabouts In the hope of disposing of farm and town property owned by them and upon which taxes have been left tin paid since tiny disappeared. The prop erty Is now deserted and haa been long regarded as haunted The dropping out of sight of Judge M.MIIlau aud the subsequent disap pearance of tils family at various times pro lded a mystery that has never boeu solved Leaving the county courthouse one evening, the Judge, at that time sorting his third term In the probate court and reputed one of the wealthiest men lu the county, atopped to talk with his moat Intimate friend, Thomaa I.alil law. "I think that I will go back to Scot land aome day, Tom," be said. "1 am fifty five years old and have been away a long time, but I have honestly growu homesick." He and Ijildlaw parted a few moments later, aud Judge McMil lau waa never seen again by hla fam ily or any one In the county. He did not leave by the nearest railroad spur. It was found, nor had be hired any ve hicle to take him rrom Kingston. For a time Mrs. McMillan lived quiet ly She received no word from her bus band, and Inquiries In Scotland proved that be bad not been seen there aud that no word from him had ever beeu received by his relatives there About three years after Judge Mo Mlllau's disapearance James snd QejMPt hla two sons, spent a day ai'out their usual haunts snd at night disappeared. They bad no baggage of any kind and were dressed lu their working clothes. No word has ever been received from tbem since. Two yeara pas- -d after the boys hsd disappeared wb N handbills were cir culated stating that Mrs. McMlllsn would sell sll of her belongings for cssb. The sales were held at the dlf fereut homes owned by her. and then ahe and her three daughters dlsap-Is-ared aa had the father and sons. The real estate twlonglng to the fam lly bad uot bts-u disposed of. snd no provision wss ever made for Its sale Crepe on Girl's Deer. Garfield. S J Jilted, a man here nailed craH- on the girl's front door and was arrested. PEGOUD MAY TRY AN OCEAN FLIGHT Topsy Turvy Aviator Believes Feat Can Be Accomplished. WANTS GOOD NAVAL PATROL Frenchman Who Haa Amazed World by Hia Daring la Modeat Young Fal low "Some Day You Will Die," Hia Retort to Suggestion of Peril Wanta to Be Firat to Fly Acroaa Ocean. Paris. Adolphe Pegoud. the topsy turvy aviator, intends. If he manages to keep alive, to give exhibitions of upside down flying In New York at the conclusion of his present tour. Hefore going to Vienna M. Pegoud gave au Interview in which ho uot only stated his purpose of going to America, but nlso expressed his will Ingnesa to attempt a flight across the Atlantic, piovldcd a proper naval patrol wos iruiirnnteed. M. Pegoud l mnll and dapper, with brilliant eyes, scintillating good humor. He cultivates n dark mustache, a la kolser. He Is a great Joker, even on ths subject of tils own thrilling Per formances While he cannot lie called a man without nerves. Iip undoubtedly docs not know the meaning of dangor. Ills attitude concerning hla upside down feats is not stagey, nor that of an acrobat seeking ndulatlon. He said at the bcKltinlin: of the Interview: "I ntn very proud to lie the first man to accomplish this foot, but other men con do It us easily os I. After I got the Idea I worked out the iwwslbllitlos on paper and studied the entire prol letn thoroughly. I kept at Hlerlot to allow me to attempt It merely to prove the Missb1llty of the safety of his make of aeroplane "Yon aslc whether I would attempt a transatlantic tlk'ht I hove not studied the question sufficiently to make a com plete answer concerning the possibility of success, but I think that such a (a) 1143. by Anu-rli nil Trees Association. AIMIL1US l-ROOUO. filght will be accomplished in the near fill inc. Certainly it will be the great est feat In aviation I hope to tie among the first to attempt It, even though I do not succeed. Persons talk about the foolhardl ness of my upside down flights. If I thought tlieui foolhardy 1 would not do them That la why I say 1 would at tempt a transatlantic flight now sajfj with a guarantee of pH.poi- naval pa trol, because I am sane enough to do sire to try It again If 1 fall the first time. "From a superficial study of the sit ustlou I believe that the flight might now be attempted across the shortest route, from the west oast of Ireland to Newfoundland. "A waterplane of sufficient size, au extraordinarily powerful motor aud wireless equipment could todsy nego tiate a large part of the trip without descending for gasoline. Given fair weather the craft could rest on the waves until help arrived With the wireless It could keep Its whereabouts kuowu. It would be necessary to fly much faster than the fastest petrol boats. "As transatlantic liners would prob ably be expeusive and Impracticable. I believe that torpedo boats and de stroyers would be the best craft i t Ina Me If any government wished to test the possibility aunVicntly to have a convoy of such crsft, starting a couple of dsys before the flight and spreading themselves across the ocean. I think It would uot be long In-fore tile greatest prise of the sir would be wou." DOG STUNG, AUT0IST SHOT. Hunter Thought New Yorker's Csr Hit Ammsl When It Yelped. South Norw .. Conn loon Hitch cock of New ork city waa shot In the hand by Lew 'tarred, a hunter of Can nous, near I. ere. who believed Hitch cock's nuto luid killed bis banting dog .-n n'chcock's machine whisked by and the dog yelped from the sting of a Ism the hunter fired point blank .in,) the ' ' irge atruck Hitchcock In the li-ind. ba lly lacerating It Barrett was arrested. jfl H LV Vk ZmZpS swasWl cmWrnt The value of Maltheid is recognized by everyone It's the greatest roofing material on the market. Otherwise we wouldn't carry it We know that our customer! demand the best and we demand the best for them. That ''hest" is Malthoid the roofing that is water- and weather proof more than merely in name. Let us talk to you about it. Empire Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon loo acrea of fine sage brush land, deep rich sandy soil, first class water right. ' miles from Ontario. Prico $o0. per acre. Terma given with low rate of Interest or would trade for stock or other pronerty. Must be disposed of soon, aa I am engaged in other buaineaa. l'oslollicp Box 94 Ontario, Oregon ONTARIO LAUNDRY Leave Bundles at Any Hotel or Barber Shop Prompt Attention Given Sll Orders. Farm Loans On Improved Property At current ratea. Any amount. For straight term or with In stallment privilege. Thomas W. Clagett Ontario - - Oregon J. H. BROWN Auctioneer iiiiilnati- ni Missouri Auction School, l'hotie or write for dates. I'hone 201-n4 Ontario, Ore. Oregon Agricultural College FARMERS' WEEK December 8 to 13, 1913. Tbia will be a notable sti ml in the eduoatioual blatory of Oregon. larintir' Co operatloo ww 111 be the leadiug topic of a stimulating series of tenures. Tbe week will be crowded with discussions and dsniouetiatlous in mi tiling thst makes for tbe wel fare of tbe iai met and borne maker. WINTER SHORT COURSE January tf to 30, 1914. Tbe college has spared no effort to make this tbe most complete short oourse in Its history. A ?ery wiOe range of courses will be offered In (isneral Agriculture. Horticulture. Ammsl llunsbaiidry. Dairying. Foul try Keeping. Mechanic Arts, Donisetic Science and Art. C'omnieroe. Forestry sod Mualo. Numerous lectures aud discussions on Farmers' Co operation at home and abroad, will be a leading feature. Make this a pleasant aud profitable winter outing. No tultou, AoeofDinodetioos reasonable. He duced ratea on all railroads. For further information address. II. M. Tr.NivVS'T. Registrar. Co rvallis, Oregon Farmera' business (bourses by reapoudsnoe without tuition. The Ontario National bank United States Depository State of Oregon Depository TS Our Bank lour Hank ? If not, we cordially invite you to inakt our hank your hank. We have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault, Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employees, "and do business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- -:- Capital and Surplus, $80,000 5 Pw Cent Net on Time CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT wMBL-r"''" s Two.AUtv I " flrralr.t avtr achieved. 7 II I' 'twin .qnipp.d ilh Kltrlna II. ..I I .ile I'tctnc 1ml I lM. I l.itrli s. .'!. 1 no Sill s,,,..,, Il.ii, .,. . .,,.1 I :,hin II...,. II .i II,,,. S,.,,.l... er. I'o.r V HI S,r , .,..., I.. , ,,,.,r. ,r ,,, . fifl.tKK) brand new red machines will ((o out"ovcr the Indian trails during the cnmiiift year the Jtreutcst motorcycle produc tion in the history of the industry. They will iIhsIi forth fully armed with M Thirty-Futht Better ments for l'J14!" Armed wilh powerful nnd heiiuliful Hlcctrical Pquipmcnt! Armed with a New Standard of Value which must completely overturn all existing ideus of motorcycle worth. All standurd Indiun models for II4 come equipped with electric head light, electric tail lif(ht, two sets high mnpcraitc ntoraj(c lut terie, electric signal, (Sorbin - Hrown reur-drivc speedometer. You cannot fully realise the I'M I Indian without a thorough study of the l'M Indian Ostein. It makn plsin s lioet til aaipslllajg Indian (set thet all motor, cycla-intsreatrd mrn can consider In their SS) pruht. Smd lor llie 1 1 t Indies Catuloi the moat interettintf volume ol motorevrle lilernttirs you've svar read. The 1914 line of Indian Motocyclea consist of : 4 1 1 . 1'. Single Service Model SJIHI.00 7 II. I'. Tvie Two-Twenty-l-ive, KeMulsr Model 22S.1W 7 H.P. Twin Two-Hisly, Standard Model 'mi ini 7 II. V. Twin Light Koadater Model 260.00 7 1 1. 1'. Twin Two Speed, Kegulsr Modi I 27S KI 7 II. P. Twin Two Speed, Tourist Standard Model .100. 00 7 H.P. I imii Mendse Speciel Model (with llcttrio Starter) 325.00 Prictt F.O.B. Factory U. S. Plumbing & Heating Co. 2 Doom East of Ontario Furniture Co. For Good Rigs and Prompt Service The Eagle Livery G. L. SMITH, Proprietor Horses Boarded HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS East and West Via 0. S. L. & U. P. Remember- The Union Pacific System u the Direct Route East THROUGH CARS AUTOMATIC Electric Block SAFETY SIGNALS D. E. BURLEY, (i neral Passenger Agent, Salt UlttCity, Utah. Electrically Equipped! Two.AUtv t.ml.rtl M.mUI. T StamUrff M.hUI. nt. .(..,, i 1. ,! By the Day or Week Very low round trip fares from Oregon Short Line points to Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, Omaha, Chicago, St" I'aul, San Fransisco, Iam Angeles and many other points. Tickets on Sale November 22, 21 and December 20, 22, l'JKJ Long Limits; Diverse Routes. See any O. S. L. Agent for rates and further particulars or write