The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 27, 1913, Image 6

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    Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords
Something New and Something Nice
We, the Oregon Packing Co., are presenting to
our customers a very desirable line of premiums
such as displayed in our window. All you have
to do to get one of these valuable prizes is to
trade with us. If you have not already got one
of our premium books, we want you to have one
it costs nothing and is indeed very valuable to
every housekeeper. Thank you.
H. H. TUNNY, Proprietor
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for the County of Mal
heur, H.
O. 8. Smith Plaintiff.
It-hum U. Anderson, otherwlin
known an I. Q, Anderion, W. E.
Walters, and Ida Wiiltera, hia
wife. Defendants
To Iibam O. Andenon otherarisa
known mm I. (. Andcrann of the
above mimed defendant.
In thename of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear
and anawer the noraplalot Hied agalnut
you in the above entitled anit by
Saturday the 27tb day of December.
1911 or for want thereof plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief
therein demanded, namely for a decree
foreclosing that ceitaln indenture of
Mortgage, described In the Complaint
mi file herein for the aale of the pro
perty therein deicrlbcd. towlt:
lint numbered Five (li) and aix
(G) In Hlock No. ft of the K.H. A D.
Fruit I hi m subdivision, according to
the plat thereof on flic In the office of
the County Clerk of Malheur County.
OrtffOa, iiImo live aharcH of the capital
took of the Owyhee Ditch company.
Thia iiimniona li aerved upon you by I
pnhlloatlon there of for six conieon
tlve week In the Ontario Argui, a
weekly newspaper published at Onta
rio, Oregon, beginning on the nth
day of November and ending on the
Jftth day of December, 1018, by order
of Hon Daltnn Bigg. Circuit Judge
Of the above entitled Court.
Dated Nov. fttb. IMS.
C. MoOonagill.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of lease of State lands.
The t"te land board desiring to
IfBie all unsold school sections (1G
and 30) will receive offera for name
up to December 21, 191 1. I ..-. -will
he made fur h term of one year,
aubjeot to cancellation in event of
anle of land.
Kemittance to cover annual rental
must accompany offer.
(J. O. Brown.
Clerk State Land Board.
November I, 1013.
June 10th. 1010. made Homestead
application No 01358, for the KJ
NKJ Sec. 18. and Eft HBJ. section 7,
Township His . Range 46 K , Wills
mette Meridian, hai Hied notice of in
tention to mBke final Hve year proof
to establish claim to tne land above
described, before the Kpglster and
Receiver, U. S. land office at Vale,
Oregon, ou the 11th day of Decemb
er. 1013.
Claimant names us witnesses:
Frank Welch. Charley Carter, of
Ontario. Oregon. M. B Ramsey.
Frank Davis, of VVeiser, Idaho.
Bruce R. Hester. Register.
Oregon, within aix months from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 13th day of November,
Ella Woodruff,
Administratrix of the eatnte of Mosea
A Woodruff, deceased.
Vale 01358, Burns 04831.
Department of the Interior U. S.
Land Otllce at Vale, Oregon, Novem
ber 3rd. 1013
Not Ire is hereby given that John
Lynch, of Ontario, Oregon, who on
Administratrix Notice
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County.
In the matter of the estate of Moses
A Wiimlriitr . la.'anfinH
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur 'mint v. adminis
tratrix of the estate of Moses A.
Woodruff, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased, are hereby required to
present the same to me properly
verefled, as by law required, at the
iilllce of C. Mt-Oonagill, In Ontario.
Horses Pastured.
, On first class alfalfa hay, fresh
spring water at $:.."( per month.
Bfft of attention guaranteed.
Scientific Poultry it Live Stock
Station, New Plymouth, Idaho.
Phone D-3.
Always on the Job
If you have a job of hauling yoa
want done, large or small, you can
alwavs dpend on John Landinghain
being ready for you. Call him at the
Moore Hotel.
Old papers at th Argus oflloe--2ft
cents per hundred. Just what yoa
need to line your cabins and Place
under the carpet
Q HV Skas aWt
4 WL iSlbR JfS JF aft. t m- ilaUJs J ik X aarXatefl I PV FJvM
aaHBaB ttafe'W' J"T- - atli .,r
-Zi. Price
$1650 at Factory
p H. it. OOOXBUM
I W w k. MUM N
Bermele Drug Co., Ontario Furni
ture Co., Ontario Hardware Co.,
Will give looo votes on the dollar
on all collections made during week
Second Prize
Third Prize
Special Prize
To candidate making largest gain
of week ending Wednesday, Dec
ember 3.
A Handsome Picture
at Ontario Furniture Co.
Special Vote Bargains for Week Ending December 6
will give 1000 votes on
the dollar on all sales
Ontario Hardware Co.
will allow 1000 votes on the dollar
on all heaters and ranges.
( oics Hot Blast, Howard and Wil
son Heaters, Lincoln Majestic
Range and Oil Heaters
The Ontario Argus
Is making the special
offer of 1000 votes on
every dollar received
during the next week
will give 1000 votes on the dollar
on all
purchased during this week.
Ontario Furniture Co.
will give 5000 votes on each
Booster or McDougall Cabinet
Sold and 1,000 extra on each dollar
paid down on same.