The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 27, 1913, Image 4

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Kni. n. I in the piiNtciflic" at Ontario
Oreiron. for tranatniriKioa tktMfft the
mail aa aeeoml-claaa matter.
M. E. BAIN. Puhliahrr.
Brief News of the Week
In an attempt to reduce th prlre of
IK" from 47 to 32 cent. tli tnemher
of thp t'hlriiiro Clean Food Cluh began
a two weeka' boycott of pkk dealer.
Summer ksu-1) and parasols displac
ed fura and flannpla In Chicago fol
lowing thp hllstard that recently
swept the entire country eaat of thp
Rooky mountalna.
A mighty army of women recruited
from ail ovtw the country will Invadp
thp national capital at the end of the
wpek for tha forty-fifth annual con
vention of tha National American Wo
nan Suffrage Aaaoclatlon.
Bottled llijucirx were aold by the
bliahel nt YoiiiikhIowii, Ohio, when Ml
saloon and wholeanle liquor hounea
ended Imalne bncnuan the proprle
lor had failed to obtnln llcenaps.
Thp llarvnrd football tpnm of 1BI3.
with Charles K llrlekley, fullback.
playing In the atpllar role, eatabllahed
a new epoch In Crlmaon i rldiron hla
tory by defeat IriK Yule II. to 6.
OtifclaaaltiK. nut gam Ins: and out luck
I tig their opponent, the university of
Chicago football Iphiii defeated the
unlveralty of Wlaconalii l:i to 0 and
won undlaputed title lo the "BIk Nine"
conference champlona.
Fourteen player were killed anil
176 were Injured In football game In
the eeaaon which li about closed. Thl
record of caaualtlea la only allKhtly
below that of 1912. when 16 playera
met death and 181 were Injured.
People in the Newt
Mr Hut pi Htarr Jordan, chancellor,
f I iMinl Htanford unlveralty, declar
ed Brltlah unlveraltlea were behind
thoae of America. In a apeech at I .mi
Hetty (Ireen, the rlcheat woman In
America, who waa 7H yeara old recent
ly, celebrated hy Retting on the Job
an hour earlier than uaual, Juat to
make her. If forget how old ahe waa.
Former acting chief of police K. A.
Hi. iter of I'ortland waa In the lime
light In civil aervlc Investigation of
chargea that he alept on duty and
committed other Irregularities In of
fice Mra Minnie Hhcrman Mich, wife of
l.leul I hocus W. I'ltch. II. H. N., re
tired, daughter of Wra. Tecumeeh
flherman, died at llulfport, Mlaa.
The of Alei Hweefc, of
Portland, lo l milliliter lo Hlam haa
been hold up by the foreign relation
committee or the aenale owing to
charge of unfllneaa being filed
Oompin t-ltd Labor Chief.
Seattle. Waah The American Fed
eruiliiii of Labor adjourned after elect
lug officer and dimming riillndelphla
aa the place of It iiegt convention,
which will aaeiuble mi the aeconil
Muh. Pit of Noti'inlici litis. Hiiumcl
Uulllper wiim reelected preldenl
TlM' oonvenllotl refuaed lo adopt a
resolution condemning armed Inter
vent Ion In Mexico, on the ground
uch Intervention might be u Mtlfluhlo
and ilcinililc
Two Air Soldiers 01.
Man Iii.'ko. luo uatlgatorH of
the air l.leuleuanl Hugh Kellt and
E 1. Islington, attached to the camp
of the Firm aero imp were killed
liiklaiilly at North Maud when the
fell from an aliunde ol about 80 fuel
In a dual control biplane.
4 Cavalry Troop Uo After Navajo
lbu.ueriu . N M In two
train lour troop of the Tucirth I nil
I'd MllM i-aMtli.i p.iM,ed Ihrough lirie
on the tt.n lo liiillui". where the) will
detrain an. I march Inn mile overland
l Hhipitick ageuc). on th Navajo
renertHllou to quell au iiiclplent up
ruing among the Indiana there
Former Mayor of tyracuas Indicted.
New York Jame K Mi-Unite. ei
ni.n oi of Striicue. N Y . and partner
Willi bin brother, lieorge II Millulre
In (he hukllici. of bomtlug tale high
way contractor, waa Indicted on the
charge of aollclllng a campaign cm.
trlbuilon from a corporation
Oes Mtiine Saloon Clod.
le Moinc. I.i l.'tert .me of DM
Molnck M x.ilomi I d.irk. folio in.:
a il.vlMon ol i he Iowa Mipicinc conii
The conn in:., I uii.iiiluinul that the
saloon iiiiiMiil pet n ion U lnuftn i. nl
becauae It In l.i.ii on Ihe lat gen. i .1
elecllou p the union ipul ....
3100 Ohio Saloon Clou.
I'lit.l.ilnl I'ropl trior of Umie
th. hi HOti r-.iloon In Ohio closed then
i - ol bualuea in accordance with
II . piotiMou of the BtaU Uqiksf ll
law, win h UnltS I he iiuuil'i r
i to one
f. I . . .11
Local News.
With eggs i.i 4" cents a dozen
most imy kind of a hen in profit
ahle. The average farm hen
lays about BO eggs a year, good
ones, that eat no more, lay over
100, Which kind have you?
The price of eggs and chickens
show whore the money is. Get
in the business right.
The turkeys, geese, ducks and
(thickens shipped from Kinmett
this month brought in $22,000.
Hee the stove in the imple
ment house that has been used
in the Ontario postoffice for the
past 1 4 years with no replace
ment of any kind. M M. Co
The valuation of Malheur
county was in around about
two million dollars over 1012,
but the state tax commission
says this is only 74 per cent of
the actual value, same as last
year, and assess the public utili
ties the same.
1). II. Connor, of Vale, was a
visitor in Ontario Monday.
Mm. OlfiHe was a visitor in
Vuli- the first of the week.
Horn November 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. flick Locket, a daugh
Another car American fencing
justin. Getour prices. M.M. Co.
Mrs. J. M. Carpenter and
Mrs. J. W. l;.-i-.l went to Brogan
W. D. Rillingsley, who was a
resident of this aection for a few
yenrH, was here this week from
1'ocatello, where he is now
Imaie.l II gpeaks well of the
growtli of his new home town,
but when it comes to climate
and the things that go to make
a home town, his heart is still
with the Snake river valley.
('has. Thebaud, who now re-iil)-t
mi In ranch near Bli-i-,
Idaho, wag here Friday on his
way to Vale, where he has busi
ness interests.
The I'livi'tle pajicrs announce
that the Kmpire J, Hinder com
pany's yardg at that placo are
In at class in every rettpect and
niulv for business.
Cooperation to be Urged
Farmara' Wk.
I'orvalll Farmer' week at Ihe
agricultural college thla year la lie
i-embei to li hlle II la destfMl
to make the regular course In furm
production a lroug and practical us
polbl within Ihe five day of In
o i net ion and demoualrallou, the ke)
uole of ihe coure will be rural or
gauliallon and cooperation Thl
nubject will be preiuited In led ure
and lantern cournea by I'r HactOf
Mm pli.rr.on, who returned thl fall
from a tour of II Ktiropeaii countrlei.
a a member of the American cominla
iou ir Mm pliernon procured an
intrucilte collection of photograph
while In Kurope, and thee will be
iihed lo lllutrate lndutrlal and eco
umnlc metbod among the rural peo
pie of Ihe old world
Bionomics I production, co operative
marketing. t-loe ytent of accouui
Ing and cbeuper credit are the cardinal
point In hla doctrlu of rural eco
Hemic. Found Guilty of Murder.
Si Helen ' Uullty aa charged In
the Indu -uncut" wua Ihe verdict of the
Jin t in the cae ugaluel John A I'en
del charged with murder lo the flr
decree (or the killing of Del)' Wehr
man on 1 .. t . i day, 1111, near Sup
pooe I'olumlua county . Oregon
Grant Pat Ask Cut In Rat.
ilr.iut l'.i- 'l'ir city ha served
paper upon ill Southern !'. ific of hrtngiiM .nl lou before th state
i . tread DOaaa1a4oa III aeeklng a re
In lion of the freight rale on tel
i. ills and structural irou from
l.uid to thl city. for H.." icid
s.iieni Uovoraor Wi la .. pr
Lull.. : urn ha offerel ,i i.. i ,.f
i thi ,ti i. I . ouvletHM
p.ion ' lilted
louii 1 in th (.!t .'Uier
h r i k
I reward ,'. r. j
Victor Griep and family from
Forest Grove, Oregon are at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Griep.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Troxell have
commenced housekeeping on
the Mrs. J. A. King farm.
Miss Eleanor Rodgers has re
signed her position as teacher
of the sixth grade. The place
a ill be filled by Miss Caldwell
who is expected from Illinois
the latter part of this week.
Mrs. Gertrude Creger and
Iver Creger were united in mar
riage at four o'clock Wednesday
Mrs. Win. Hallenbeck and
little son left .Saturday for an
extended visit with relatives in
Kansas and Illinois.
8. J. Kenepp has tiaded his
property east of town for prop
erty in Raker City, Oregon.
Mis. Kenepp and daughter,
Marian have started to North
Dakato where they will spend
the winter visiting relatives.
R. F. Tussing and D. L. In
ganl attended the apple show in
Spokane last week. Ten prizes
were won by Fruitland growers.
J. O. Si-riti -liliel.l made a trip
to Wendell the latter part of ihe
week to look after his farm in-
terests there.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E.
P. Nokes gave them a surprize
on their silver wedding anni
versary Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Frost en
tertained their friends Wcdn'n
day and Thursday evenings.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen have sold
their house and two lots to Mr.
George Frank, 'l hey left Thur
sday with Mr. Allen's brother
lot their former home in Tenn
essee. C. K. Huntington's bungalow
is Hearing completion He and
Miss Mime will leave soon tor n
visit in the middle Mates.
E. E. Hunter returnel Satur
day from Milium I ale vti.i he
and his son P. I have been
working on the former's furm.
Instructions and Ire-jlmenls Given
by vniiid Sims Makes
I hem So
Miss Hiuia la a i i ..!.. i. nl graiiu
ate iniiaaeuse. She la teaching the
fail. oil Velvet Iner S.VHteUl ot Healltj
('ultiire. Sue 1 giving fn e leeauu
ami treatuieut which will Invure psr
feet complexiou uiul remove all facial
i ;. 8b I doiug tin work
hi the huiues of our city sod will l
pleaaed to call upon you by appoint
m. oil All appointment with ber may
be ohtaiued merely by calling up our
lore or the Moor hotel. Do not
mis thla opportuuity of learning how
to look your licet. Her intariic tioua
iiml treameut arc fre. The Ontario
I'liete i o much tb..l iegood in the
rural comedy drama, "Si Ferkiu"
that uo one w. at the iimi.n!
iicce (hat baa been ii.'coidetl to the
play. It realitic picture of coim
try life apical to all . Iac for in
It la foiui.l couicdy au.l patbc. laugh
ter a-i.l trai It I I can uud whole
.otne. K hinror lacilap ami i)Ulut
ami it bit of homely philosophy arc
reuieii l cietl and laughed at over and
orr again
The premutation of this fauimia
plav at Oreamlau.l ou tie
ceuil 'J, will lutiolucea cuietull y
. It I 1 otupaiit ami (lie eiigagemeut
promictsj to be a itcor.l lieaker.
With Each Box of De Luxe
Complexion Powder
The Powder that contains no lead, bismuth or harm
ful chemicals, but contains stearate of zinc, noted for
beneficial action on the skin and does not clog the
pores of the skin. Regular with chamois 50c
Special Introductory Price, Including
Vanity Box 50c
Everhart Drug Co.
Phone 131
Real Facts In Regard To F. R.
fluffman's Illness. Relief Ob
tained By Cuiing His
Stomach Ailments.
Way nra ville. N. C -Mr F. R. Hutfmaa,
Of this city, My : " I suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines In vain.
After other remedies had failed, Thed
ford's Black-Draught restored mt to
health. I would not feel safe without
Black -Draught In the house. I
it worth its weight in gold.
It cured my Indigestion, and by this
means I was restored to health. I can
not express my gratitude for its benefits."
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedford'a Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and set in order your
digeslive system.
It has done this for others, during the
past 70 years, and Is today the mosl
popular vegetable liver remedy on the
anarket. Try it.
Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Office 2nd door cast of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R l: Depot
J VY Mct'ulloch It W I'
iMM M Firat Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Mil IIaiikiki Sit ah
llt. I'Al LINK SgAHH
ifitol'iatf American School ol O
tcoiiatliv, Kirkaville. Mo.
Wilaon Block
Telephone. l..i Hlk
rilYKlfUN and Sl'KOEON
Office in I. O. O. F. BUlg..
I'M A HI... . I IK Mil in
Will Practice in all I'ourU
Notarv ihililic. Office over Po(office
ifOOI INtMM tOM 04 ' mai iiki k
OOP! i v
Hot. ( Oilcll, Oii(urio
Hen thrown, Yale.
(' i'. Morion. I'M l'crr
Jv.lm Matiicn- Wt r l!riile.
J E Holly, Riverview
Ale IVnnv, J.iil.iu ..
Krl Wilkinaoa, McIVriuitt
J Boydell. V
v li McWilliaui. Jnntura
S hi Kine. Harper
For the Ladies
Quality Store
In a
sbEJIsbW .Jsa,
wl 1 '
Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM. Cashier
T. TURNBLLL. Vice President C. W.PLATT Ass'L Cashier
For Real Solid Comfort
On chilly cold days or for warming
la no better heating device than the
Wherever there axe children or old people it is particularly ;
Can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Easy to light and take car
of. Easy
For H..t KfMtill.
W. Rc.
AJkfSltAl Yomr
Standard Oil Company
H'flV Jj I Mr M 1 11 I i jfl
SSBBkw ..aBBBBVBl Aaf sT A JsT SsiKsl kJ9M
ff JflV JasBBBvratBk. JfL - i mbsI ajB----WWPaa
Select Export
Pale Bottled Beer
PILSjSN typk
Represents the highest class product
of the Brewer's art. We guarantee
all our product for purity.
B AKER. iiKKilil V-
Distributing Agents,
Dr. W. C.. Howe
Telephone No. Tli
Pirt Building
4th Door S. P. O.
ViTsaV liaV asV'aBBBa
Good Bank
Good Country
'thai cold corner"
to carry from room to room. Eco
inexpensive. Will last a lifetime.
Double Export
Dark Bottled Beer
Ontario, Oregon
Transfer. Baggage and
HNt All Trains
w i BW aF aV