The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 27, 1913, Image 1

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    The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of
&v&avi& t&m.
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 47
While Only a Few Hours
Trip Passengers from the
Interior Are Forced to
Lay Over All Night, Mak
ing it a two Days Trip.
There baa been no announcement of
any change in the running of trains
from J imt urn to Vale during (be paat
week unci th people are atlll com
pelled to apend more time in layovers
waiting for connecting traina than
they do In traveling and tbla la dona
merely to satisfy the whim of on
otflolnl. 05 per oent of the people
who patronize the road would be
better served by a different schedule,
but It MtDi to be a cues of the public
be damned. It auita me.
It la aomawbatalmllar to tha sltus
tlon a faw jwnrs ego wben the people
were trying to have eome aort of pro
tection at tbe railroad erotainga here.
Tba ofBolala rami urouud about oooa
a year and made a uromtae aud tban
forgot It. Tha accident that every
one had been expecting Anally oc
curred aad three people were nearly
allied. That little pleoe of negligence
baa cost the stockboldsrs of tbe road
several tlntwsaod dollara and there
are atlll more elalma that will coat
more thouanda, especially It a lory
gate a crank at the railroads In their
present temper.
If tba official were tbe stock
boders. It la a safe bet tbey would ex
amis more judgment In handling
the affaire of tbe company.
The big drainage dltob baa been
makiog alow progress tbla weefe owln
to the c lis ra. iter of the soil enoountered
In tba trencbea. The contractor can
not form any Idea what the formmloo
ti going to be fifty feet abead.
Wbile tbe big King pond has
been drained It baa not elfeoted the
bead of 'water In tbe others, abowing
there la no connection between them.
Tbe King pond seems to have been
fed by eeepage from the laud wast
of It.
Juatwbat feeds tbe lloyer pond la a
mystery aa it did not ovist until after
tbe landa around were Irrigated, atlll
there le no laud near it that ia watered
With anytblug like a fair run of
ground tbe pipe will reach Kansas
avenue by tbe last of this week.
Tbe contractors who have tbe work
of remodeling the Carter house are
doing their utmost to have tbe joh
ooiupleted wltbin the time specified in
tbe contract. Tbe bricklayers will
hare their work oompleted this week.
Tbe plumbers aud plasterers are
making good headway aod will have
tbelr portion of the job oompleted in
time. r
A carload of new furniture and
furuiahiogs have been purchased for
ur hotel and tbe house will be In tbe
brat class whsn tbe alterations aud re
furnishing is completed
Tbe contract for tbe remodeling of
tba Ant loor of tbe south i art of the
hotel will not bs let until tbe first
ooo tractors bars oompleted their
work and tbe hotel office moved to tbe
new location. In tbia way the guests
of the hotel will not be losonveuiencsd
In any way.
Great Crop of Wheat.
American Kails. The production of
wheat in tbla section will excess !.
000.000 bushels tbla year. Of tbla
1.000.000 bushels will be shipped east.
Tbs balance will be consumed at
borne and used for seed. Last month
120 carloads were shipped. Thus far
tbia month 110 carloads have been
ablpped while fully 250 carloads are
stacked up ou the ground la American
Palis awaiting cars.
A contract waa let thin week to
Minster Bros, for the rebuilding of
the room owned by W. II Brooko.
next to Dr. Payne's office. Louis
Hurtle, tbe barber. bns taken a fi-year
lease on tbe room and is having It
enlarged and made over to be suitable
for a lire class barber shop. A com
plete set of new fixtures will he in
stalled including (Individual bowls
and other modern aaoitnry derloee.
Tbe room will be ready for occupancy
abont December IBtn.
Rebel Commander By Straaetlc Ruse
Leads Federals Into Trap with
Disastrous Results.
El Paso, Tex. Oeneral Jose Ynes
Salaxar's qommsnd Is completely sur
rounded south of Snrngosn. Oeneral
Villa ordered hla soldiers to take Oen
eral Salaiar alive so that he may be
publicly executed as an example to
federal officers and federal sympathis
ers. Simultaneously repulsing a front
and a right and left flank attack, turn
ing the separate attacks Into general
engagement along his line of defense,
It miles long, Oeneral Francisco Villa,
by executing a clever atrategy after
4tat Amni. Ik silanLlnB .. I
u... u.v.. vU. .1U.U....H uKni
forces out or tneir camp nerore i terra
Blanca and hurled hla cavalry after
them as they fled In a panic to their
The decisive movement came about
wben Oeneral Villa apparently aban
doned his center poattlon at Tlarra
Hlanca, leaving; bis camp fires burn
ing. The federal forces, bent on a night
surprise, advanced upon the position.
Halfway to tbe apparently deaerted
Villa camp they were confronted with
not only ilia's main column, but de
tachments from the right and left
East room of whits house, scsns of
Wilson Ssyre wedding, and the brlds,
and groom.
Fratsrnsl Congress Disturbed by Pol
lev of Wisconsin.
Chicago. Condemnation of activl
ties of state Insurance commissioners
in the Internal affaire of fraternal In
surance orders waa expressed In reso
lutlons adopted here by tbe executive
board of tbe National Fraternal con
The resolution reeulted from re
ports of officials of tbe Independent
Order of Foresters of Toronto tha
tbe insurance mmlssloner of Wis
oonsln had dei . tided a change In
plana tor a apecial assessment of SO,
000 members which tbe order's con
stltutlon does not call for. Teacher Clearest.
Qulacy Mrs. Flora I. Foreman,
principal of tbe Qulncy school, receiv
ed from the school board a vote of
vindication of the charges of having
taught in ber school doctrines of so
clallsm. sedition and atheism An
appal will be taken to tba stats board
of education for further hearing
gjaj Saw
a4'Llavg v. "ggaaa
i . sanwaw
Ha 'ws! JsAaafaSBawafs!
No Friction in the Convention and
Only One Ticket will be Placed
In the Field
A meeting was held In theoity hall
oo Monday evening for tbe purpoeo
of nominating candidates for tbe city
offices, tbe election to be held on
Moodsy. Decern bei 1st.
While this wss a cut and drlsd
sffalr tbsre does not seem to be any
soreness anywhere around town aa the
result of the meeting and this Is sa It
should be. Tbsrs Is little txcuse for
local tights, it Is only necessari to
recognize the rights of different fac
tions In ordsr to secure hsrmony.
Tbe meeting was nailed to order by
11 B. Urnuel, who stated tbs object
of the meeting and called for nomina
tions for a chairman. W II Brooke
waa placed In nomination and
sleotsd by soolsmstion. Messrs.
Kroessin and Cookrum wsre appointed
aa escorts to lead bim to tbs roelium.
Mr. Brooks tbaoksd tbem for the
bouors conferred sod OS lied for nomi
nees for a secretary.
D. P. Dearborn was placed in
nomination and slanted by oolema
tlon, but was not furnished llh aa
lbs temporary organization was
I -
tbeo mH(J. ,mrmanent.
were in order for Ja nominee for
mayor and Jas V. Laoksy, altera few
Isudatoiy rsmarks, namsd A. W.
Trow as tbe best eaayor Ontario bad
evsr Inn!. There might have been a
second, but we did not bear one.
Telleis were appointed, Harry Parmer
and N. P. Minster, bit tbe nomine-'
tlon was aMds by acclamation and
tbs nominee called on for a speech.
New York. In a poll taken by the
New York Bun to ascertain the seutl
ment of state governora toward tba
administration's Mexican policy, of
the twenty who answered, fifteen were
against Intervention, four for It, and
one was non-committal. All, how
ever, declsred that tbelr states were
ready with mllllia In case Interven
tion was unavoidable.
Governor West of Oregon said that
"Oregon was getting ready for bust
nsss,' with two regiments of Infantry,
one bttttallou of field artillery and
one ambulance corps, but he added
that he was "with the administration."
Governor Lister of Washington de
clared "that the situation was being
ably handled by the president, but
that Washington, if called on, could
furnish 2.000 iroops In two weeks."
Governor Haines of Idaho believes i
that "Intervention is Inevitable," aud
offered one regiment of infantry Im
mediately aud a regiment of cavalry
aa soon its equipment can be gathered. '
Lswls County Bond Election get.
Nes Perce. At a special meeting
of the county commissioners of Lewis
county tbey decided to call a special
election on February II. 1114, to vote
140,000 bonds to build a courthouse
and Jail. About 60 representative clt
liens from different sections of the
county were present and all ware in
favor of calling the election.
First Snow Falls at Wsllscs.
Wallace For tba first time this
winter snow has sppeared In the
streets. Whlie less than an Incb fell
In the city It Is reported that several
laches fell on the higher points. The
lateness of the first fall la almost a
record In this district.
Fss Culture Is Captained.
St. Maries. Tbs farmers' movable
school from tiie university of Idaho
listened to Instructions from Profsa
sor Kannard aud Professor Olln here
The principal topics were the raising
of peas aui strawberries and a ehem
teal analysis and preparation of soil
for diversified farming. Professor
Kannard said that this district could
be made into a great pea and bog
producing country.
Mayor Trow tbanksd tbe people
for tbelr endorsement of bis admin Is
tratlon aod hoped tbe next mayor,
whoever he might be, would bare the
support of the entire people In bis
efforts to mske a greater Ontario,
it waa necessary for a people to bs
united to go absad.
For oonnollmtn. W. J. Plnnsy
nomloated J. K. Oregg. K. C. Vnn
I'etlen nominated Cliff Hover and
W. H. Doollttle nominated W. P.
Unman, II. L. Poormao nominated
Jas P. Laoksy but hs positively de
clined to aooept. and tha three men
were declared tbe nominees.
Nominations were then called for
a ty traasursr and Andy I.nckev
nsna O. W. Piatt, who asemsd to
be tbe unanimous choice for the posi
tion. All sections of tha olty ara repre
sented In tbe new council aad we
believe the people have selected a sat
of officials who will serve them wall.
Superintendent Mucphersnti Is boiuS
from bis trip to Jordan Valley and
other points In tbe southern part of
ths county. Tbe superintendent re
porta the most Interest manifested in
aabonl work tbat be baa found any
place. Tbe people came for miles
and tbe stores were olossd.
At Shea i He Miss McConnoll had
a splendid program prepared and
the superintendent, gave them a talk
on tbe advantages of harmony among
I the neighbors lo promoting school
Mr. Mac aaya tbe way tboee people
sens trout, ohioksn and such good
things Just mske a man 'a mouth
ater to tblnk about It. Tbelr spreads
were certainly par exoelleuoe.
Will Work
With South
Idaho Clube.
Lewlston. The executive railroad
committee of the lewlslou live stock
show met snd offlclslly approved the
tentative schedule for the special
train to be operated over the North
ern I'aclfli- from Lewlston to Fort
Isnd via Spokane, Seattle and Tuco
ma, returning over the s 1. g.
The committee will, In conjunction
i with the south Idaho commercial clubs
and tbe O-W. H. ft N . arrange to pro
mote a large excursion from south
Idaho points via the O W. It. 4 N to
Lewlstou fur stock show week.
Governor Haines of Idaho will be
present, and as Thursday is Spokuus
day a large attendance W expected.
Presldeut U. A. iiryan of Washington
slate college will be toaslmastar.
MothSrs Visit Kslloyy Qym.
Kellogg. Saturday waa designated
aa mothers' dsy at the Y. M C. A.
gymnasium, at which time the mothers
of tbe boys In ths junior gymnasium
class were Invited to be present and
inspect the progress made. The pur
pose Is to Interest the mothers in tbs
work being done and show tbe prug
ress made by the youngsters
Idaho Chlcksne the
Salmon Mrs Haynea of Sboup
has a pen of White Wyandotte hens
at the International egg laying eon
test st Storr, Conu . which Is leading
tbe field Her five bens hsvs aver
aged more tban 200 eggs aplecs. The
hens have been sold for 17s to an
astern buyer.
Test Cass of Liquor Law.
Caldwell That Jacob Forch. a
Nampa druggist, violated the law lu
filling prescriptions for intoxicating
liquors, and that his i&oo bond should
bs forfeited to the state, la the basis
of ah action filed In district court la
thu county.
Mrs. E. It. Hamilton paesed away
at her home in Vale, Friday, Novem
ber 21. After a brief service at the
Methodist church, of which she waa a
beloved member, the body waa taken
to Portland for burial, accompanied
by her husband aod mother, Mrs
Mrs. Hsmllton cams to Vale a brlds
six yeata sgo and by bcr untsltisb
devotion to duty and gen.rnl helpful
ness, mads msny frlsnds who will
sincerely mourn her loss.
Marriage Ceremony Performed
in Historic East Room of
White House.
Washington. Occupying first placs
In the Important events of the week
at the nation's capital was the wed
ding Tuesday afternoon of Miss Jes
sie Wilson, second daughter of Pres
ident and Mrs. Wilson. The cere
mony waa performed In the historic
Bast room of tbs white house, on the
very spot where Miss Nellie Grant
married Algernon C. F. Sartorloa on
May tl, 1171. and where later Mlas
Alice Koossvelt was joined la wed
lock to Nicholas l.ongworth
An altar bad been erected before
the broad window at the east side of
tbe room, aa waa done for the Kooee
velt wedding. Ilefore tbe altar wag
broad dais, on wblcb tbe bridal party
Miss Wilson, attanded by bar maids,
entered the Kaat room through tbe
Main doorway, from tbe Inner apart
ment, leaning on the arm of her father.
Mr. Sayre. Dr. Wilfred T. Oraurell. of
the Labrador mission, tbs best man.
and the Rev. Bylveater W. Beach.
awaited her at the altar. To one side
wsre the diplomatic corps. Opposlts
them were the guests of the senate
and the house and In another group
the personal friends of the Wilson
family and tha representatlvss of
Wsshlngton residential society
Rear Admiral Frank F. Fletcher,
who Is In command of ths Amsrlcsn
warships off ths coast of Msalco.
Threa Troopers Arrested snd Rsbsl
Officers Rsturn Csrtrldgss.
lioiiKlas, Ariz. -As a result of tbe
recent theft of 3200 rounds of ammun
ition from Troop L. Ninth United
States cavalry, six arrests wsrs mads
aud it waa said that 30 more might
Three soldiers and three Mexicans
wsre srrested, chsrged with grsnd
larceny and conspiracy to smuggle
munitions of war from the Uultsd
States Into Mexico.
Constitutionalist officers returned
tbe ammunition, although It had been
distributed among the soldiers at
Agua 1'rleta They declared It was
not the first time troopers of tbe
Ninth cavalry bad sold them ammunition.
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gsaw HaaawVwawama jAaavWwaj
uni nnie i cpthdf
Condensed Sayings of the
Noted Agriculturist Dur
ing a Recent Lecture at
the High School Building
in this City.
The following are notes from Prof.
Holden's lecture bere before tba
Mr. Ilnlden first gave a lecture on
"diameter'' He aalil tbat even a
right atandaid nannot make good
the mlstakss onos mstis. Ths actions,
manner and expression show what we
ars Ho also said true greatness Ilea
in doing tbe common things ot Ufa
snd therefore put the best Into your
Kuooiiriige tbosa who carry burdens
and do not criticise those who ara
doing wall. Don't be jealous of one
who baa dotie better tban yon have.
KdiicHtlon la necsssry beosuss books
sre tools which msy bs used to mske
hetier oltlsens.. All should know
bow to do things and be trained for
their work. Tbe person who shirks
tbelr boms work will shirk all their
life. Oo tba best every dsy sn I try
to do tbsm bsttsr tban ths dsy before.
Don't get discouraged, because tbsre
ara othsrs just as tired aa you ara.
lit very ojitluilsic, Imt hlsuialu
topic was alfalfa. Alfalfa on tba farm
makes rich land aad rloh people.
It Is a vsry profltabls orop and In
creases ths farm value. It exoeel
every other crop In tba yield per aore,
in feeding value, aa a drouth rasister,
ss a soil eurlcbrr snd balanoes tba
grain ration. Than It Isads to ilea
stock farmlog and be gave statistics
to show tbat tba ranchers who bad
live siock ware generally tbe ones
wbo paid their debts.
butter la composed of wind and
water. 1 gueas everything laoompoeed
out of the elements In the sir snd water
so that's nothing.
94 per oeut of corn and 110 percent
alfalfa la composed of cm lam oxygen
and hydrogen. Corn and alfalfa mage
a i iilauced ration for feeding because
corn contains the fata, oils aud standi
and alfalfa tbs nitrogen oslolum snd
This Is how to mske a pit silo:
Dig s well about 1'J feet In diameter.
Dig It deeper than it snd dig
It when dry or tba plsslsr will not
stick. 1'lsster tbe wall nil ths way
town with cement in 1 1. rstlo l:o.
This pit silo is bstter scconllug to
Mi. Ilolilen than sstsveallo, becauae
It can't freeze or blow down. It will
hold forty tous Thsn it Is cheaper.
The ssms slice sllo mads In thu uni I
nary wsy would probsbly cost about
"-'.." while tbe pit sllo would bs
mound 0:l). Milage Is merely cauned
corn. It Is takeu wbeu ijuits green
and it bests lu the pit ami kills all
the nrgutilo mutter. Then this sllo
takes at. out hslf of the power lo gi t
the corn In.
A Haifa ia the rlohsst plsut In
iligeatsbls protein. It Is shout 12. ,'l
per cent while wheat I. ran the uext
highsst is 11.2. Then llenrlchss tbe
grouuil while wheat dues uot.
A Haifa uiskes heavy beef to mske
Ion pounds gain II took I0.7WJ lbs. of
prairie hey aud 3.U&U It. a. of grain
With alfalfa buy it took only 10. nun
lbs. of I. ay aud lOoU lbs. of grain.
Farmers should be careful end out
alfslfa just ii n ths new shoots stsrt
up as thsn the plant has ceased to fur
uiali food for the other. If they wslt
too I .11 at they will cut olf the new
shoots and tsks a longer time to get
a secuud crop. Then It should, be
cultivated just like corn It will not
hurt the roots sny. they sre too deep.
The best time Is In tbe full snd early
sprlug, thsn If possible, after each
At last tha dream of the Uolse
people Is to bs realized. They are
f be on a malu line Of couras it
is only a log road ami It probably
cost the state school fund a fast hun
dred thousand dollsrs. but that does
nut count, a her yuu ooualder thst
ths dresm of a life time is to be
grstitlsd snl a uew ludustry addsd
lo Boles.