The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 20, 1913, Image 8

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Thorn is hut one month more
in which the MtndidfttM can
work for tho liitf antoniohilo
Thcro will not ho any more
liheral offering modothofl thnpe
made thin week. You will get
iin many votes on the dollar thin
week an at any time from now
on. We are Haying this hecause
some live imagined we wore
going to increaso the votes when
the contest drew to a close.
During the next four w'k
there will he Heveral hundred
lobotfibofl my their suhscrip
lion accounts and as many more
who will make purchases at the
ntores where the votes can he
At the present time no candi
date lias any decided lead, a
score or more of the cjimli
dates being in position to go to
work and get in the lead before
the final count.
If you think you are too far
behind to win the big prize gui
to work and win the weekly
pri.e, it is well worth the effort.
now tiii;v MTANh
Mabel Buotoo 80,510
Fred Uutllor I. 60
Kiln BfOtMB 188,880
Wilmoth Curry 58,900
0,0 Dolge 8,786
Frank I Ionium l770 BrioktOB 'J7,.ll
0. A. lield 7480
Mrs. L II. Kry '2,:7r.
V. V. Hickox 8,740
II. W. Iloopes ii7-jn
(int. hen llailey 809,491
Mrs.) A llogan 14,890
Jeiiiiu Hodgkloo ' 190
John Hunt 8900
o. a Kotholck 86,800
1'. K Kotoig 6006
II B Kotloi i800
Maude Kidd 7.r,77:.(t
Ktb.l MoNuUy m; 10
II. M. Moll i840
H. ; McAnnteh 8,110
V. W M.'.-.len 671
Klden Madden 81100
M, Wmmc Minster 1,089,748
Maggie Moody 78,778
D I' Mansker 888,686
I i 18
I It)
, II
I IU.11W
I l,H 10
I tl i
i 1,800
M ,060
i 7H'
. "
Local News.
kin M" ot (yOonaoi
Mn W H Rovor
Mi itiner
, he Htaplei
Ml I I 'V 1"!
Knih i i
l , t, ii uii W i dora
I w . lou
II ' SVhitworlh
M i John N u
l ii,. M
m ills W . 1 1
Mi- 1 1 H . Williama
Mi .in
Knink Vitu IVtUn
i ., 1 1 ,ni
(. in i. .If I'm. hi-
Mil I I i n.
I'l im;i I '
'i l ,i III 11110
m. ii. i Hrrn
Kiiiinii Joliuaou
A t M. mi in. in
Hi. Null
Morion ttobiuooa
vi I.
Un I Doll
Mi- i. i'. Houatoo
Mi-- Ann. i Kobortoon
i' Ml
Aidula Qrogory
Mn M'l
T. K Noilaoo
Mee Robert
K.-ther RusmII
Mae Simon
M Alive Williams
John M Fisher
Dttejf MoaOi
in M.N..I UK
Mrs. Frmor
We are very busy getting
ready oui Christmas display of
toys, dolls, chinaware and other
articles too numerous to mention
all suitable as presents. We
expect to be prepared by Thanks
giving day to entertain the pub
lic with the grandest display
and assortment ever offered in
the city of Ontario. The Variety
For Hale Two Indian motor
cycles. Inquire U. b. Plumbing
W. J. Pinney was a visitor to
Moise over Sunday.
Dick Dearmond was down
from his ranch on Monday.
Dick says that he has done well
this year on the ranch as every
thing he raised is in demand at
a good price.
The ladies of the lipiscopal
(iiiild are meeting overy Thurs
day at the Carter House parlor
and are very bucy sewing for a
lui.iiar to be held on or about
December II. Dainty and use
ful Christmus gifts, hand em
broidery and crochet are their
special efforts, also a number of
pretty caps, aprons and children
i Ic'thing. Any special orders
will be promptly attended to hy
ailing .Mcsdaines F. A. Fraser,
Chapman orOoldbuchcr. Watch
for place later.
Have you seen our blankets
yet, better get our prices now
before the stock is broken. M
M. company.
Attorney 0. 0. Wilson, ol
N'v-sii, was a business visitor in
' liitui m the liisl of the week.
Tom llalliday, of Vale, was in
Ontario Tuesday.
Mrs. C S. Jones returned
Tuesday from I visit with
illelids in V.ile.
Another cur American fencing
in i in i ill 00 r pi his. M.M. ( t.
Thanksgiving day services
will be held in the Cotbolifl
i him Ii ;it ID a. in., when a high
iiiiismvviII bo celebrated. Mi-Imp
ii'Miilly will preach the sermon
A iiivdnil welcome is extended
to all.
Mia 10 JotlOl OOI down from
Inni'ii.i tin- week renewing
;ii i M it 1 1 1 1 i lli e- hele.
A Ira ma woa shipping ft
carloads ol apples Wedlie.-ibiv.
Mr. and Mrs. II. aloRobt n
areagaiu in ohorga ( thMoort
!,.l. I.
I.. D (ioidoll, Ol Col lOX roiln
iv, NobroakO, who bought the
Murrcll place, has hi rive. I vvilh
In- family. Mr. Gordon ?01
-meesslul cattla limn in
!, i aud vaiII have smne good ones
. 1 1
See Ihe stove 111 the imple
ment liou-c that ha- been DSOd
hi the Ontorio pnatoflloa for the
I I ems with DO rephne
meiit ol any kind. M. If, Co.
Mr- Charles l'eteison and
laughter have returned from a
month - ti ip to California.
W. T Moody and family ba
m. v ed to Ml. i. ktoot , Idaho
11. C llastham, the Vale at
tunny, mis looking after a fe.v
cases here this week.
Dunniii Mv Mac wan in town
this week with las son and staled
he would move the family in
about the lust Ol the month.
Hoi mm Pastured.
On lirst olOM alfalfa hay, fresh
spring VOtOI t 9 60 per month.
Bool of attention guaranteed.
Seielllllic Foultiy I lave Sunk
si.uion, New Plymouth, ldobo.
Phone 84.
P.IH Arl.rtlcmMiU
Furnished room for rent.
Cope, the tailor.
For Sale Lots 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, block '271 $1500; lots 1 and
2. block 27 $500. Lots are
in the center of the city, 1 block
west of the two public schools.
Address W. J. Cadby, Mandon,
Foil BaLI Cheap, a house
and two lots in west Ontario,
best residence section of city.
Sec ('laud BingbfO), Ontario.
Wanted to Huy or Trade
Stock and new buggy for well
drilling outfit. Geo. Thiol, Fay
ette, K. 3.
Mon.j to loan Improved irr-
gated farroa. W. H. Doollttl. Co.
Horse Lost Black gelding, 2
years old past, white star in
forehead branded on right
shoulder. Return to C. II
Trousdale and receivo reward.
PI o 203-34.
Join the Many
who have taken advantage of our
For Salt Male April pigs, O.
I.C. stock, at reasonable prices.
Iii(iiire of or write K. K. Ingle
or J. B. Atherton, Ontario.
For Saie Two Indian motor
cycles. Inquire U. 8. 1'lumbing
For Sale T ho r oug h bred
White Orpington chickens and
Mrown Leghorn hens. A. B.
Cain, two miles west of Ontario.
Sage brush grubbed ami raked
at-5U cents per hay ruck load,
I miles west of fair grounds,
W a nli d Someone in Ontario
to work no commission. Would
prefer some real estate niiin
that is a hustler, full particuhu -Frank
McKlrny, Cambridge, bin.
8i ji
All High Grade Makes. Such as Nigh Art, Alfred Benja
min Fashion Clothes and Fitform Brands
Models and sizes for both MEN and YOUNG MEN
and a stock to choose from-the largest in the country
$20.00 and $22.50 SUITS $14.85
$25.00 and $27.50 SUITS $18.50
BLUE SERGE-The cloth and color for the Thanks
giving season are shown here in large variety.
One Price Clothier,
Ontario, Oregon
Dreamland Theatre, Monday, November 24
"A Bachelor's Honeymoon"
'' '. l.i ; ' ' UM- . " ' . '.
r: v . s - . . y S
m II H WmpVaHH r.t- mB iQatxtr 9l, "a mtU wmif . B.V.1 IK. Hi
HJhBi K?'t': '',TmSJiii'a'''BaHMa Vj-i WKtob. 4wB BHal
rKAv ''mcLSay vt' ; i ' i . &V ti ui B Lkaftai'
b B. mvi KiwB aBaBl mi 8o9v Bm Im BavgaKaVvBH i Bsi
BBaBi-dSawlBBaBaBaBBMiBlm ff Bar fl MffBr iM Si L Ti'-J8.
aw i , lt & ) n aw aan wp . r wb Kiaaajaaaav gaaam . W&J'&t H CaaS'r K
K tlaW I Mag Bfl t y vyLMa xSF 'I'
F jBX l" n lb Uml ii xL B TaT -B f arl m J(9t& JL b
rr w Kl?. l'. 8 888 airy -Q b la fl IeVvmvVS & jSB '
fcffKr UBRPV- sHKS
IhBhbw ' t ' fit it "1 Ci
K!i? fHdLHoIoHoH
C P aaWaSBK F B m J BaraTaTaTHararaTaraTaV.
1. .afl Ba I aTamHBlvaffafal
JB aW J33aWCS3BSr-. ST HOpOWBw.. BPaaaaaVJi 3 aFawaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav
A Real Comedy of Merit is what can be said of "A Bachelors Honey Moon
which is booked at the Dreamland for Monday, Soi 24. The play is full of clean-cut comedy
gnd original ami funny situations. Benjamin Bachelor is a widower with two daughters, twins,
gnd is completely unnerved at the thought of his sister, a straight-laced Puritan, finding he has
married an actress. His clumsy attempt to keep his newly wedded wife from finding he has two
grown daughters leads to some ludicrous scenes. The leading parts are played by Eddie O'Brien
and Miss Rott Ainsworth, who are supported by a capable company of well known players.
lour Money Hack if You Don't Like "A Bachelor 'h Honey Moon"
At the Dreamland Theatre
on Monday, Nov. 24
Prices, Special 50c, 75c. and $1.00
Seats on Sale at Ontario Pharmacy