The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 20, 1913, Image 6

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Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords
Something New and Something Nice
We, the Oregon Packing Co., are presenting to
our customers a very desirable line of premiums
such as displayed in our window. All you have
to do to get one of these valuable prizes is to
trade with us. If you have not already got one
of our premium books, we want you to have one
it costs nothing and is indeed very valuable to
every housekeeper. Thank you.
H. H. TUNNY, Proprietor
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of
Orogna, for the Coaotr of Mal
heur, m.
O. S. Hmitti Plaiotlff.
Iabam U. Anderson, otherwise
known aa I. O. Andereon. W. E.
Waltara. and Ida Walters, bia
wifa, Defendaota
To Iabam (J. Aodaraon otherwise
known aa I. U. Anderaon of tba
aboTa named dafendaata.
In the oidm of tba Stata of Oregon :
Yon ara hereby required to appaar
and answer tba complaint filed against
you in tba abova entitled aolt by
Saturday tba 27tb day of December.
1913 or for went thereof plaintiff will
apply to tba Conrt for tba relief
t herein demanded, namely for a decree
foreclosing that aeitalo indanture of
Mortgngs, described In tba Complaint
on file herein for the aala of tba pro
perty therein deecrlbed. towlt:
Lute numbered Fire (51 and six
(61 In Block No. 5 of the KB. A D.
Fruit Farm subdivision, according to
the plat thereof on Ble In tba office of
tbe County Clerk of Malheur County.
Oregon, nlao five abarea of tba capital
took of tbe Owybee Ditoh company.
1'hU aummona la served upon yon by
publication there of for all conaaco
tle waabe la tba Ontario Argue, a
weakly oewapaper pnbllebed at Onta
rio, Oregon, beginning on tba 13th
day of November and ending on tba
'Jfttb day of December. 1913. by order
of Hon Dalton Blgga. Circuit Judge
of tbe abore entitled Court .
Dated Not. 1913.
0. MoUooaglll.
Attorney for Plaiotlff.
Notice of Lease of State Lands.
Tba etate land board desiring to
leaae all onaold acbool section. (16
and 36) will receive offera for aama
up to December 21. 1913. Laaeee
will be made for a term of one year.
object to cancellation In event of
aale of land.
Remittance to cover annual rental
muat aooompaoy offer.
Q. U. Brown.
Clark stnte Land Board.
November 1, 1913.
Vale 01358. Burna 04831.
Department of tbe Interior U. S.
land office at Vale, Oregon, Novem
ber 3rd. 1913.
Notice ii bereby given that John
Lynob. of Ontario, Oregon, who on
June 10th, 1910, made Homestead
application No. 01358, for tba K,
NF.l Sec. 18. and KJ HE, aectlon 7.
Township 168 . Range 46 E.. Willa
mette Meridian, baa tiled notice of In
tention to make final Ave year proof
to ettebllah claim to toe land above
described, before tbe Register and
Beoeiver, U. 8. laod offloe at Vale,
Oregon, ou tbe 11th day of Decemb
er. 1913.
Claimant namea aa wttneeeee:
Frank Welch. Charley Carter, of
Ontario, Oregon, M. B Ramsey.
Frank Davit, of Waiter. Idaho.
Bruce R. Keeter. Reglater.
Administratrix Notice
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Malheur County.
In tbe matter of tbe eatate of Motet
A. Woodruff, deceased.
Notice i bereby given that the
undersigned baa been duly appointed
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County, admlnls
tratrlx of tbe eetate of Motet A.
Woodruff, deceased. All persons bav
ing claim agalnat the eetate of taid
deceased, are hereby required to
present tbe same to me properly
yerefled, as by law required, at the
ofhVa of C. McOonagill, In Ontario.
Oregon, within alx months from the
date of thla notl-e.
Dated this 13th day of November.
Ella Woodruff.
Administratrix of tbe eatate of Mosee
A Woodruff, deceased.
Department of tba Interior. (J. S.
I -and Office at Vale. Oiegon. October
nth. 1913.
Notice la bereby given that Clarence
U Compton. of Ontario, Oregon, who
on Jone 7th. 1912. made Uomeatead
Application No. 02283, for lota 3 and
4 and Ei HWJ. Section 19, Township
ITS.. Range 46 K . Willamette Meri
dian, baa tiled notloe of Intention to
make final commutation proof, to
establish claim to tbe land above des
cribed, before tbe register and receiver
U. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon.
on tbe 19tb day of November, 1918.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
L. L. Crocker. T. J. Walker,
Snodeo Ball, Albert Ball, of Ontario,
Bruce R. Keeter. Register.
MM n.n.f. at Hi. risua nttloe l.'l
cents per hundred. Jnst what you
need to line your cabint and Place
under the carpet
atafl aaMmraw 7 aaamak.
W r . l . tH BaPnVaaBBai aaaW
iarmaf Be aJ BlvW 'ml aaw fc ' bVbbbbbI bbbbbbV
Jfl Hi g Mf sV h Bavyl bt- fleaL aMgJaraBBBBBM af am jatttttMtmiEtm
f agHnlJMeeiWBBBBteaH IBHISSEffi
I -T VwJWlB Bvli IT m-'ttk -aaaaKuL tI!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB Wti bbbAAp'V eF iHtW
ei" I wis WflKSfVsl I wtw - r'-V- fc ' ! ..:m . - Sy B iSFMfl
tWNiaBMaflLF Lr H
mg0r w
$1650 at factory
Bermele Drug Co.. Ontario Furni
ture Co., Ontario Hardware Co.,
Will give 10(H) votes on the dollar
on all collections made during week
Second Prize
Third Prize
Special Prize
To candidate making largest gain
of week ending Wednesday, Nov
ember 26.
A 3-cup Coffee Percolator
at Ontario Hardware Co.
Special Vote Bargains for Week Ending November 29
will give 1000 votes on
the dollar on all sales
Ontario Hardware Co.
will allow 10(H) votes on the dollar
on all heaters and ranges.
Coles Hot Wast Howard and Wil-
son Heaters, Lincoln Majestic
Ranges and Oil Heaters
The Ontario Argus
Is making the special
offer of 1000 votes on
every dollar received
during the next week
will give 1000 votes on the dollar
on all
purchased during this week.
Ontario Furniture Co.
will give 5000 votes on each
Hoosier or McDougall Cabinet
Sold and 1,000 extra on each dollar
paid down on same.