ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLISHED BVBKY TnUKHDAY Entered in Ikt pMloBot nt, Ontario Oregon, tM tratiHtninMoii through the nimlM KH HfCOIlll clHH.' llliltt'T. M. E. HAIN. Publisher. President Bttth mid rty, of the Western I'uei'ie, mudo I trip over the old (Jolden (lute routo from Viiiii"iniiccH, N'evudit to tlit) Snake river and stated that he waft well pleased with thu eountry and would rriiiin Uiend the construction of the road. This would open up many fine valleyn that are now dor mant for want of transportation. Jordan Valley would he greatly henelitted and all the country between there and Winnemucea. I .iii week when tin- blizzards wore freezing the people of Ibt middle states the Snake river valley was enjoying line bright days, with just a touch of frost in the Doming and evening. A total of 1680,000 was paid to eastern Idaho farmers on Saturday for their HVgur beet crop. The production of sugar beets will stop when the free augur schedule goes into effect, the I'M I crop being the last they will raise, then lb 680,000 will he sent to the foreignera. People in the News Arthur II Carter, eon In law of 'rank 11. Nye, la under arrest nt Mln ncapoliH, charged with hlgamy. Me confeaaed marrying Mlsa Helina liar rlaon. ThomiiH K Wllaon, who began aa n -.-i i. al $4 a week In the employ of Mi. in A. I'll, Chicago, huh eli'dcil pifniiii.iii of the company, eucottedliiK the late Kdward Mortia. Frederick A. Hyde and Jooat II Schneider, convlcteil of achool land frainla Involving government landa In Oregon i 'nllfin iiiii ami other VOOtgfl ataliH, were taken la ruMod) at YV.ixli Ingioti, and will begin llielr leruiH. After yours of marital troiiblea ami aeparatlou from her liiiHhiind. Mra Katln 1 1 1 - I) OMbourne filed suit for divorce ngaliiHt l.lojil tahnuriio, step aou of Hubert I.oiiIm rites i-iikou Two liiinilinil ami unruly dollara for boxing IrHHoaa anil a ajajaj m physical Inilnlag Im the lurgi! Hem of eiHna contained In ilii' Hurt Urn arroiint of Mayor elect Mltehel, of Mew York. Mult for divorce Iiiin been filed h Mi.. Dr. H W '.,. wife uf the Port land phvhlcluii. on the grounds of crurltv Thr couple nlmi huvn differ rm !. over ownership of block In a eaiillarliim in I'ortland In- lli'iir) S Tanner, of I. oh An grin., h ho fiiMlisI tor 44 days, aaya he la willing to propose m, ullage to Mm ICiniiiallne I'liiikliarat. milHunl auffra aiHi leMilii ill Rnglood who Ih now In the Ciilicil Slate- He ailialrra her hunger strlkr methods imhi Indiana Hold Marahal At Bay Hanla l-Y, M PlflOM humlrr.l Navajo hull. in.-. rulliod in defense of eight renegades itn.l arc leporlml In armed ciirumpmcul mi llcaullftil Mount, ilu, ti iiiilo. houtliwcMt of (he Hhlprock W-,eiic. defying PottOd Hi. Hi M.iislnil llud-peth tu take prli oner the FMMfOdt v. Im arr wunteil mi ii.l.-i.il H.Hi.iulb i hurglag kjrjl atisiiiug naoouli tad Mg>) Brief News of the Week A treaty of pen e between Oreece ami TtsTKOJ has been signed. AU oil wo I . i.u 1.. i . , u ill,- Stand ard (Ml company hi In. II. .ii, i ,uul the riiuc tn ! oi . ..I .ii i. hi ui Mliaowrl A woiinia jiiin at S.iul.i Monica. 11 tried. rouMrti il unl iicommciulid foi liMiirm i i.nik s. . i accuaad ul Ii. .illUf. III. Wile, .lll.l ill: (uiluug the 0000 I lie Ami Saloon Icar.uc cou eiil nm at i . . ..l,i.i,-.l i ..n,; ,i Vt'lli .1 ,.:i.n K hi. r I ii - I i . . .1.. I.u in.-. Mini ti dl I'l officer lulerferlug in -iiiii i,.iiib h. Ii.'ill.l i 0(1 ,1. l l im in. ti i. . lei in nun . ilu.' . b l hi I'ruab ulrUh Ibbuu mod I (tod kimono - hip l ui: .m I (il.nl i ui bultl faahlou d Hum Ui ll uouiu etiu ui ol tin n ' l l.i.ik in . . .. ill.' ii in I '.. (ha r. . Dl till i: .1 I I.. Ilppl. I ,111.1 III. , mon iimii 6.0 - Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State Of Oregon, for the Coonty of Mai hour, Mollie L. sPMiii.ftnn Plaintiff. VB. Nelson J. Hkeftlntori, Defendant. To Nelson J. HkefHngton. Defend ant. In the name of the State of Oregon : Von are herehj required to appear nt. i answer the romplnint filed against vn in the above entitled tint i Saturday the'lrd day of .faniiary, A D. lull, or fur want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deniHinl'''l in the romplnint, mi flic herein, i e for a decree forever diMHolv ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the cuatnrly of Winnie It. Hkrlllunton. the lesne of the union between plaintiff nml defendant, and font decree bnrrlngall intereHt of the defendant in lull 1, 2, .1, 4. and Ii. In block No. 174, in the city of Ontario, Oregon. Thin mini mona is served upon yon by publica lion thereof in the Ontario Arum, a weekly newapaper, pabliihed at Onta rio, Oregon, for alx consecutive weeks, by order nf Hon. Oeo W. McKnlght. County Judge of Malheur Cutintv. Oregon. Dated November 20th, 101 3. Date ot first, publication November 20th, I tit date of laat publication. January let, I ' 1 4 C. Mcdonagill. Attorney for plaint llf. AHHCHHment of Trunk Sewer DiHtrict No. 2. ' (Correotiona from laat week I 8TATK OF OHKOON, COUNTY OF MALHIUR, CITY OF ONTARIO, SH. I, D. i" Dearborn, the duly appoint ed, quullfled ami acting Coiunilaaloner appointed by tho City Council of tho City of Ontario to apportion the coat of tho aevcr Improvement ordained by ordinance No. 2H7 between the differ ent plecea of properly benefitted by aald Improvement, do hereby certify that the following BKacnaniciit roll hat been prepared by me and Hint the ama c 1 1 hIihwh the nuiuea of the owuerH. t.o far aa known the descrip tion of the different plecea of propert aHM'-iHcil, ami thu amount of benefit Uh hcmhciI to each of the aald different placea of property; that said iiaaeaii incut roll repreaenta a careful and Oilllt:ible apportloemelit of the elitlie coat of hiicIi Improvunienl agalnat the different plecea of property uaaoaied, a heiclmifter ahown. Dated thla .'mi, day of October, A. Dl iti3. D. P. DKAUHOUN, Commlaaloner. II ll Mi -Ci-1 iv, loti and ti, Moat lo.oo C. A llurvln, lota 4 to 7 Inc. i.iock n tut Ida K Holm. Iota 13-14-l.ri, block 36 II l0 Mm Iv I. (Ju.ickeiiliuah lotn ll 17 block N "'"" C M Mchol loin J4-:T.-:' hb.k IM '"I1 Imnalil McDonald,, loin 8-9-10, U I M" S H lliewer. lola IK-I'J-'.'O, block m i A I lugiilla lota 1B-17. block 114 Ii I Idit ti A. Wlllluiua. lola II to 16. block :. -:,:l- Q W I'.uler, Iota i to 12 r.utr. I "'1'1 "" t ach interested peraon and property uwiirr in hrrcbv notiHird thai the a grrgate aiimiint uf naid aaacHHinent for hhi.I impiuMinciit ami each indivalual aaataamtn' will bo payable in thirty (III) dava after thr dale of continuation thereof bv the City Council, aid con lirtnalluii liring dated Nov. ruber 11 IWll: ami after Ihr ipiration of Haul thirl v (10) dya, naid Husraainrtit will boor intnrnl at thr ratr of right pot cent p-r annum, and will be payable nml cnforcahle in all rwpveta aa ordi nary city taxe. Such interoated permuiH ami property iiwnrm are further imtilicd that if the am. .unl of auch oaaeaameot aaaeaaeil agniiiHt any iiulividiial prorertv owner -.hull equal or i mi rd ihr aurn of 126.00, lien property owner, may at anv timr. within ten dav from the date of thta notice, tile with the City Kecorder an application to pas auch tamtmmtmi w iiiatalliurntM. aul nmtallmenta payable carlv fur ten vram with intrr.Mt at I per cent aiil appiicaiiiMi nwi -. mii.lr iion the written form provide! for that purpose, which may bo aecuied by appl.v'f'i: to the Cuv Kecoriler. llattnl thu lUh day of November. A D lii:: Hy order of the Citv Cnuncil. HAKKV H. UKAl'l.. t'lty Kecorder. lllilllkMillli ll.IV Kdtl'S Via OrOgOO Short Luir. Ticket- 00 -.ill Nuvriiilier Jt'th mil 'JTth, linnti.l tu Uttoaiboi lt Sir anv 0. s U iicnt lor i. it i olid iuilhcf iuiiti.iil.il- M 0 nl,., I Iv lUlilrv, ic:i Pom ; i Boli i ike Oily Ahds on the Job It .m have a Jul ot bOttllOl waul done. Urge or atuall, you can OlootO .l- cud on John Ijiuiliiigliaui being ready for you Call luui at Hie lluora Hotol Ordinance No. !.".. An Ordinance declaring; the Inten tion of the City Council to cause to be ronet meted, a sewer alon the following; described route to-wlt: lleginnlng at the center of the In tersection of Morfitt Street with Kan sas Avenue, running thence Fast to the renter of the intersection of said K.m us Avenue with the Alley in Hlork 1.10 apd 129; also tmKltfnlng at said last nnmed point and ruiuiln.; thie.ee North "n said Alley through Block! l!t and 2H to the point wlic R.ild lley Intersects the north 11' a of said BlOOft IM; also beginning nt the (enter of the Intersection of said KansiiH Avenue with tho Alley In Blk. IM aod IM antl riinnlng thence South in lie Alley through sr.ld Hlock ISO to the point whe.-e ihr- South line of Hlock 111 Intenierts the said Alley; also beginning at the center of the Intersection of said Kansas Avenue with the Alley In Hlock IM and III, ;iiel running thence North In the Alley iii BloCkl HI and 137 to the poftll wheie the North line of said Hlock 137 Inter MOtl said Alley; also bOfid nlng at the center of tho Intersection of Kald K iiihiih Avenue with the alley In Hlock IM and III, and run ing thence H .tilth In the Alley In Block IM to the point where said Allev In tersects the South line of Hlock D19. Satld sewer, with the property liene fltter the el, v and nssetsed therefore to be known and dOBbJBktOd aK "Ijiter nl District No. 1" Providing for levy bag a special assessment upon the property benefitted thereby; provid ing an opportunity for prOOOrty own ers to protest against Mich proposed Improvements; providing for the man ner nf making mid collecting the s- seasment therefore end declaring an emergoncy. IHK PEOPLB OF THI CITY OF ONTMtIO DO ORDAIN AH FOI,- l ,u : Section 1. Thnt a local Improve ment shall be made within the City of Ontario. County of Malheur, state of Oregon, by the construction of sew ers In and upon the following de scribed Htreeta: llegliinlng at the center of t tie In IciHoctlon of Mot fit I Street a il Kim saa Avenue, running thence East to the center of the Intersection ot aald Kansas Avenue with the Alley In Hlock IM and IMj nlao beginning at said last named point, and running thence North In said Alley through Block! IM and IL'N to a point where aald Alley Intersects the North Hue of said Hlock I I'M; nlao beginning at at the center of the Intersection of hiiI'I Kan ins Avenue with the Alley In Hlock i::u and I'.'! and running thence South In the Alley through said Hlock IM to the point where the South line of Hlock ISO Intersects the said Allev nlao beginning nt the center of the IntOrOOCtlOl of tnld Kansas Avenue with the Alloy In Hlock IS!) and 138, and tunning tlieuce Ninth In the Alley In Itlocks IS8 and 137 to the point where the North line of aald Block 1ST intersects s.ild Alley; also In- Inning at the center of the Inter section of Kansas Avenue with the Allev In Hlock 139 and 1SK. and nm Ding theme South III the Alley in Hlock 139 to the point where suit Al lev Intersil th the South line of Hlock 139, Bald tower, with the propel tv benefitted thereby ami uaHeased there fore to he known and designated as lateral I Hull Id No 1 '' Section :. That ni cnlnato of the i oHt of aald Iniprnv ill h.i D !U loujri till: ed .Hid dclcllllllle I the City Kllgllleei lo he the Hill.. Ol Tllt"e Thoiiauiid I'Ulrty Fight Hollars, wliicii estimate of the City Fnglnecrx hits t tiled with the ('It.. Hecordei and thr whole coal .unl expeiihe of K.ild bnprovc incut shall be raised and paid for b) aperlal aaaesgnienl to he levied upon ami equitably .iimii Honed brtwreu the udjace.it pI'OUOTt) lielielltte.l ihelell. .iccordlllg IIS Bald Hlteieiit plecea of liloperly ikMld be lielictllted Sei lion :: Th.it i:i elder lo alfoid tin- different propert) oonoea wiose propcity In to be aaaes-ed, an oppor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to Hie any protest any such proper!) owner nm. deal re to file .iKilii-l the coiiMi ucllo of said st-w era provided tor in this ordinance, ihr I'm Km order shall at once pro .ee.i to publish notice in the "Ontarti Ai Kilt. ' and Onl.u in I i.nioci .it." w aogl) newopopera pubishrd lo thr Cltj ot Out. ii in once each week for two (L'l cousei lithe week--, .i copy ol tin or dm. i ce indlcnllog tool tke Cltj Coon Oil will DO the l-l day ol I irrrmbio', n Hi ; .ii tke regular meeting lh. mot he. ir and ileicriulie am writ the proteal against the conalructlon ol told luin o eincin 111. ll may be lllet the ii.o Hood i.u MOk hoar se, t., ui i rii it u titer Ike heai iiik provided foi in tke toreajoing aei- l .tin shill have been had. and il shall have I, ecu detri nilnrd b the City Council lh.it (he construction ul ntid tea ! - -' .i l be , w ith. the 11 1) Council shall ti I got! BOI ! -IkOn OUe Week Horn SUl'lt ll.i.i lot i nieetlnj oi tke city Oouoeii, arklok prouoeeli ul contractor! lo do Iks work and furnish the unit Itr) for the .o st: union ot -ild irincui will bo ooooldercd nod the inuti.ui i.u doing such w.uk and furnlahtmi ninterlol lll awarded, notice of which nti i u aholl be publtshr l at lcit.' In a in w spa per publlahe t In tki ., not leb.-. Ikon ihi. ire such uteoClug. Suck . . icl shall not be .ih aided at .i amount In raceei ol tke eottntate Ol il filed II tie Clt) Kecorder tfti ' eootrool lo onatruct Ike aa d Improveoit nl I ,, ... tOO b.ild c-.tv Council aba 1 1 then upon a :nlllii- ioe ,t.it . libra, shall be to riitl'.. nl not i .llllOll t e. twecu the different Improvement, and thereupon aald commlaaloner shall prepare an as eesament roll, giving the namea of the different pieces of property aa seased. and the amount of benefit aRaessed to each of said different ple cea of property, which assessment roll as soon after tho appointment of such commissioner as It shall be practica ble to do so, shall be returned and filed by such commissioner In the office of the City recorder and there upon any Interested person or prop erty owner who shall be dissatisfied with the apportionment of the cost of said Improvement shall have the opportunity and he reipilrcd within ten (10) days after filing of such as-FC-isment roll hy said commissioner 'c file with the City Recorder, in voting, specifically and clearly any injection that such person or property owner nriy desire to urge against riich apiiortlonmenf. Section , At the next regular fleeting of the City Council, or at anv tpocJol or adjourned meeting, after the expiration of said ten (10) day, or at any time to whlrh the hearlne Of the objections of said special as Hessment may be adjourned the City ( ouncil shall act as a board of equalization and shall give each ob jector an opportunity to he heard as to the objections that have been filed Ht.d shnll hear and determine all such objections have been filed to the apportionment of such special asscss t i n t . and shall after such hearing, dther confirm the assessments, as Indicated by the assessment roll, or ir necessaty to do bo. shall first am e:;l the sune before such conflrma t.on. no that the apportionment that ihall be nude and confirmed hy the City Couiie I hIuiII be equitable and Mist between the different pieces of I to petty benefitted by said Improve ment and so that each assessment charged against any and all property ,'hscssed Bhi.ll not he more than tlu benefits thut shall have been co.i r.'tieil by ..aid Improvement. Section ti After the confirmation of the apportionment of said asseas m 1 1 hy the City Council, the city leeoitlei M.i 1 1 forthwith publish nl lesst once In tho Ontario Argua and In the Oatarlo Democrat, weekly ui wspapors published In said city of )'t;irlo, a n-dlce lo the property own- era and pei Bona, Interested, indicat ing the apportionment of said assess ment between the different pieces of property, aa confirmed by the city i. mnr. I, giving the date of auch con lir..iiitlon, the name of the owners of .he propcty assessed, ao far as the n line of such owners shall be known to the Kecorder, the descriptions of he different nieces of property ns- athsed and the different amounts of tuL netieflts charged agalnat each of i.u- different pieces of property as MHhcd. The city council shall have the power at any lime within thirty ,M) daya of the confirmation to amend said asBcssmcut roll, and hi tin expiration of said thirty days, ex ci pi as Is otherwise provided In this .i, looocOi the iiHflcssnic.il as co.itirm d t.n.iii Ii- final se.ilou 7. No suit hill be niuln i i nil to set aside or modify any such saiasmt'iit. or to enjo.n the city, or an. pel sou employed by the city, Ii .in makl'ig auch Improvement, or 'vying or collecting any auch aa--i loncnt. or from ll in ') ; bond, oi C nitestlng .he vail . :n icot unless I acli suit fl'lt 11 llUVe ...imncncrd with in thirty (Ml daya of the passage of the ordinance coufiriiiiiiK said asaesa II'. nt Provided, thai ill the event i.'iy s,e i.tl .isscHHlueiit nil. ill lie foil ,1 .w be Invalid or Insufficient in whole or In purl for any reuann whatever, ihe clly i ouncil may at any time In the milliner provided for the lrv ing of aay original uBKessmrut. OOOM a new .issrssmriit to he made and lev led whirh ahall have like form ami effect as an original assc-.-incnt. Section a. i hat the aggi amount of said aaarasmrut for said iliiiioruirnt, au.l each imlivitliia!, muriit. i-lut 1 1 be payable within thirty M) days alirr thr roiifinii.i Hon ol s.ild assessment by tile oft) council, us heiein.itter provided. Alt.i ihe exulmtlon of said thirty elm divs -ml asseHMineli! shall bear In tel est at thr rot! of cither eight per centum ll per ooot) per anuin. nod shall In- payable .unl enforcabli In all roopootl aa ordinary city I'rov bled, however, It shall be law ful for the i csierilve owners of niv 1'iopcrty so aaseased for such im I'l.iwmi" t in Ihe sum ol twenty-five Dollara (IH&.OOi, or nunc al any tune within Ion (11) dsvjn after notice tknl such asarssiiiriits have been levle 1, I . first published, to file with the Ct. Krcordrr of the City pi Onl.i n uppl ration to p i) took as Beooaoeoi in Inotallmenu, nod toeo written .Muille.u on .-hull stair (hit the -H.l .ippii.iint ami propert) ovoer doea hereby waive any and all ir- regulnrttbM or defeneee, Jurladlci onnl oikerwlao lo tke proceeding! to u. t the BOWer! for which said in. :it Ii lev ied and n the ap- port loo men! of thr est ikoroof sahi application h.iil contain a provision tknl the tatd appllcal o and pri ow ue t neoooo tool in ten iioi annual Installment, with Interpol nl tke boom mil no nil 1.1 loasBiameota vklcb bovi not hern pud a that aipreeaed In thr bonds ibsue.l to po) lei such Improve ment Said application aknli coni. ii .; statement, b) lol oovenlenl on, of the propel l) .! ih. M oustruotl N such application ahall ' filiM b) tke Cltj Recordei II the am ounr oi sucb. prevloua uoeeementi for street Im provements or sewers, as-' oj unpaid, al red the . ot s.ii.l pro .i shown b the last ta roll of the '.i it l i .in . ;. el't - Thanksgiving Day We will Close our Store at 12 O'clock, Noon We Will Have Fresh Currants, Celery, Lettuce, Grape Fruit, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Cranberries. Don't Fail to See Our Imported Japanese Bamboo Baskets we have many kinds. They'll help you with making your dining room look cheerful Raders Ontario, Oregon. It quality Is what you want we hdve It For Good Rigs and Prompt Service The Eagle Livery G. L SMITH, Proprietor Horses Boarded By the Day or Week Or A In a Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE banking, and with ample resources for the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of raniiu'is, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Hdlf Million Dollars OFHl KKS AND DIKKITOKS A. L. COCKKl'M. President; ll K I'tK'KKl'M. Cashier T. Tl KS1U I.'., We President C W.I'I.ATT Ass't. Cashier C. K. KKNYON lit INI K tiVVINN L. B. CiK'KKl'M luoxriiiruts under the direction of the i i engineer of such rit ; pro ! I that npplleoltoo for such bondlnf mi. iii ( rooolvod bj tna bit) Room Ii i in OOOao vxlirie the amount of assesn inriit together with previous assess inouta foi stirrt UBprotraonoota or, ra i.u.'itist too propert) land ro Bj unpaid, shall rcee.l ihe vnlnotloo ol ii propnrtXi a ikown tj tno 1 isi Ul of the count . If the OWnor shall before making such ,i uKi .uitui , conk I i too I Or) of .iul cit or I'liuii of uu - anta o a the valu- Btloa is- shown bj the last tax roll ' ..on That the lOHIbPfl I ouds to anticipate, and p tyabli of the collection of th- t in- stalluie la ol Iht a mca with thr provlsl the Laajlnlal i .iud t: ih tst oiich imiirovanastfa. an i Mall orders promptly Pilled ONTARIO. ORE Good Bank Good Country XXVI. Lord's Oregon Iviws. Sittion 10. All of s:iiii work shall he iloiic iii accordance wiih the plans nod anoctflootlooa for .-aid propnood Iniproveuieiits, and wlmh plans and sprciflcations arc uow on file in the of the city Rooordt r of too "it of Ontario, and which are hereby bjooo a p. in oi ibis ordinance as fully as though srt forth at length th.r -in. Hon 11. That all ordinancea and of ordinal -.es In conflict here with b mil 100 same are hereby ex pressly appealed. !.'. Iuasmuch as the Clly of Ontario has long suffered by reason loQUOte droloon anJ sewernse, f which the health and safet of the people of t.nd city ha been and ia constantly reduced antl : this ordin. -sar- to the In health and safety of the people of the Cll) t On- aud an (into, and this ordinance sh.ill iu full forc- J joi from anl aftt r :ts passag-' v r too I on cii and the '