The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 30, 1913, Image 3

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Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
'" eflM PfBs
'4(4 'BPBBBsBBgJBi, I
afJM8& iX
VV f, W B f
lkJBII T'Be 1
When you remember that gns is fuel, you realize how much is
saved if the gas does not escape, but is field in the stove and
buined. This hot blast draft is not found in other stoves.
We Guarantee a saving of one-third in fuel.
We Guarantee that the stove will hold fire 12 hours without at
tention. We Guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to three
hours in the morning with the fuel put in at night
We Guarantee uniform heat day and night with fwood, coal or
Investigate It costs you nothing
Ontario Hardware Company
Rainier ffteer
The Beer of Quality
We have it in
and barrels.
retail. Also
the bar.
The Quality Beer
The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
IS Our Bank Your Bank ? If not, cordially
invite you to make our bank your bank. We
have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault,
Burglar l'roof Safe. Bonded employees, and do
business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- -:-
Capital and Surplus. $80,000
Is thr Poorost Kind
of Economy.
When buying a heater do not
be influenced merely by the
price. Ask yourself a few
questions: Is the stove heavi
ly made? How long will the
castings last? Is the stove
economical in fuel? Is itXair
tight? Or is it leaky?
A heater with a reputation a
heater with a guarantee.
Burns any fuel.
pints, quarts
Wholesale and
serve it over
Administrator's Notice.
! In the Cnnnty Court of tbe 8tate nf
Oregon, for Malheur County.
! In tin' mutter ot the eatate of Peter
BoutnD, 'I' reMM.'it.
Notice l hereby Riven that the
j undersigned hue been duly appointed
I by the County Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for Malheur County, aa ad
miniitrator of the eatate of Peter
Booton, deeeaeed.
All persona baviog claim against
the eatate ot said deceased are required
to preaent the aame to me tit the office
of C McUonaglll, at Ontario, Oregon,
within aix niontna from date hereof
Dated tbia 2nd day of October, 1013.
Wm. Houtnn.
Administrator of the eatate of Peter
Houtnn, decease. I.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notioa la hereby given tbat the
mil. urn business heretofore conducted
in Ontario. Oregon, under the. Arm
name of Rrpeldlng and Keeeeler, haa
been tbia day dissolved, Mr. .lorn
P. Erpeldlng retiring nnd Peter Kea
seler continuing the business. Mr.
Peter Kesteler oolleoting all outatand
log accounts aud paying all bills.
Dated at Ontario. Oregon, this lat
day of October. 1913.
Peter Kesseler.
Vale 01293 Horn. 04623.
Department of Dim Interior, U. 8.
Land Ori'oe at Vale. Oregon, October
7th, lilt,
Notice la hereby given that Law
rence K Olson, of Ontario, Oregon,
who on May 16th. 1010, made Home
stead Application No. 01203. for the
8. NKJ and N SKI. Section 34.
Townahlp 17 8.. Rauge 46 K . Wll
lamtte Meridian, haa Hied notice of
intent len to make final threoyear
proof to establish claim to the 1 n..
above described, before the Ketfltor
and Receiver, U. 8 Liuid Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on tbe lOtb day of
November, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses.
Albert H Worth. Stephen I) Moore.
OH A. I'ltlmer. Krneat C. McDowell,
all of Ontario Oregon.
Ilrcce K. Ketter, Register.
Alvd)s on the Job
If you have a job of binding you
want dime, Inrge or small, you oan
alwava depend on John Land Ingham
being ready for you, ('all I at ths
1 .' ii '..i
Lotdl Market Keport.
Corrected Oct. I.'i, for the beuetlt
of Argus readers by the Malheur Mer
oantila Company.
Kggs, per dozeu. il.'io.
Butter, per poiiu.l, 30n.
Oats, per hundred. $1.50
Wheat, per hundred, 11.50.
Hay, per ton, 95.
Potatoes, per hundred, 1.00
Onions, per hundred, -.00.
Apples, per box, 91.00. to 91.50
Cblvkeus, dieaeed, per pound, 1 Hi
Pork, dreeeed, 0 to 10o.
Pork, live, 7 to 7Sc.
Veal, 0 to lOo.
Beef Ho to 12n
Mh- i.l - A M ..i. lat and Hrd Sun. lay
of each month. On all other Sundays
at 10 A M.
II. A. Caiupo, Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Davidaon D D Pas
tor. rJervioea at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
pa BabUtb school at 10:00 am
Kvery Saturday
Uabbatb School 10:30 a m
Hi til. st i.,ly 11 in a m
Young pecplea meet lug 1 :30 p qj
Sunday School- 10 A M
Preaching sen n-e 11 AM
Junior League 3PM
Kpworlh League 6 .30 P M
Preaobiug Hervloe- 73:0 P M
Tt.omae Johoa. P4 8TOR,
- -ee i
ConyretjdtioBdl Church Notice
Sunday Services,
Sun. lay School 10 a m
Cn-actiing Servioea 11am
C K Meeting 7pm
reaching Services 8 p m
Midweek Lecture every Wedoeaday
evening 8 o'clock
Philip Koenlg. Pastor.
Home Made Candies
Opposite Dreamland Theatre
Our candies are pure and whole
some. Our rough randy will cure
that cold y.u have or a fp
your thruat.
dive us a Trial
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Calf Has Wooden Lag.
Oem. N. J. Pearson, a dairyman,
recently had a leg of one of his calvea
broken by an O.-W. R. ft N. train. Mr.
Pearson atarted to kill the calf, but
his three boys pleaded so eloquently
for the animal's life that Mr. Pearson
spared It With the aid of the boys
Mr. Pearson put splints on the leg of
the calf and placed the little animal In
the barn. A wooden leg was devised
for it. It Is fastened above the break
and extends to the ground, preventing
the quadruped's foot from touching the
earth. The young bovine haa become
xpert at hopping around.
Car Thieves Confess.
Nampa. Through a confession ob
tained from George Klontx of Salt
Lake, who with Oeorge Thomas is un
der arrest here, Chief of Pollr-e Ma
loney declares that he has broken up
one of the most thoroughly organized
gang of thtaveft operating In the north
west. The confession Implicates three
others, and revenls n system of boxcar
and store robberies that have been
committed In various towns between
Huntington and Halt Lake.
Gooding Idaho Candidate.
Boise. Formal announcement of
the candidacy of ex-Governor Frank
R. Gooding of this state for the United
States senate was made here He will
contest the seat held by James II
llrinly, elected to succeed Klrthind I
Perky, Democrat, who was appointed
on the dentil of Weldon II Heyhtim.
Kx-Oovernor Gooding Is the first can
didate to announce himself. It la well
known that Senator llrady will be a
candidate and that Chief .lust Ice All
shle will l. In the race.
Idaho Likes Newell Plan.
Boise. The plan proposed by Mlrec
tor Newell of the reclamation service
that Idaho should enlist the service of
the government to work co-opcrntlvel)
with stati' to finish uncompleted Irrl
gallon projects In this atate or those
projects which have either failed or
have mil been satisfactorily construct
ed, Is meeting with general approal.
and the next legislature will In- asked
to pass the necessary laws so that the
stnte may proceed to carry on a plan
of reclamation of this character.
Fancy Horse Show to Be Livestock
Show Feature.
Lewlstou. The appointment of a
-Or.. . . 'n-l il committee to IlIlM'
charge of the administration of the
local features of the forthcoming an
nual llxestock show Iiiim been author
ixed b the governing board of tin
Lew 1st on Commercial club.
In addition to the r... pi ions which
will be given in honor of prominent
noli and women from all parts of the
northwest, the atock show week will
witness the staging of the first so
clely horse show ever given In the
Lewlstou ClarVston valley. The event
will be held Thursday night. Decent
ber 4 The boxes in the grand aland
will be appropriately decorated, and It
Is expected that hoi let) people from.
every prominent city of the northwest
will be present.
It seems aaeured that special trains
will come from Montana. South Idaho,
Pendleton. YV.illu' Walla. Portland,
Spokane and Seattle Tacomu. A spe
cial train from Chicago la being uego
Hated for.
Cow Eats 15 Sticks of Powder.
Kellogg. N. A Gilbert reports that
a cow of his has eaten lb sticks of
dynamite which had been left by a
Shoshone county road crew on the
west fork of Pine creek. The cow
died and Gilbert is after the count)
commissioners to pay him for tbe
animal, claiming that the county was
negligent In h-awug the owoVr out.
Hsject "Dry" Petition.
( i. cur d Aleiie- -The county com
missioiieix rejected the petition aek
lug for a special election to vote M
local option The application was re
jected on the grounds that there w. i.
not sufficient legal signers.
Odd Pillows Close Session.
Wcihi-r Mi'- most successful grand
encampment of 14. .ho lldd Fellows.
Kehi-katis and affiliated orgauUalloi.h
. rdel
KM of grand lodge
I ami the c i ion of Boise as
. '14 .oi.veulion all
Awarded Damages for Loss of Foot
MospiUl Mij. I in., il a .i
. - K'llll Ol
i.-.!:i,.. . mm i I .i II
will. V r- huh. l iu
Official Washington Takes Keen
Interest in Mexican Pres
idential Election.
Washington. Official Washington
awaited with keen Interest the out
come of elections In Mexico under
supervision of the Huerta provisional
government, recognition of which has
already been denied by the American
Significance waa attached to the
dlspatchea from abroad, coming on the
heels of the report from Washington
that the president and secretary of
atate were at work on a pronuncta
mento which would define this na
tion's attitude with relation to the pol
icy In Mexico of the foreign nations
and also to the atatement Issued In
Philadelphia by Senator Bacon, chair
man of the senate foreign relations
committee, to the effect Hint the In
terests of the United Mates In Mexico
are "infinitely greater" than thoao of
the other powera.
President Oppoaea Single-Bank Plan.
Whether there shall he one federal
reserve bank with branchea through
out the Cnlted Statee or aeveral hanks
as provided for In the administration
bill promises to he the cbief Issue of
the final currency reform fight In the
senate committer.
The president made It known In
emphatic terms that lie was opposed
to the central hank plan as siii .esteil
by Frank A. Vandqrllp of the National
City bank of New York, anil as In
dorsed Informally by many BJMBBBF1
of the senate committee He relter
ated through Secretary Tumulty thai
the Glnse-Owen bill, with Ita system
of 12 regional reserve hanks related
only through the functions of one fed
eral reserve board sitting at Washing
ton, was "admirably suited" to tin
in ' ! ol the country.
The president made It clear to the
senate leaders that he did not bell...
the senate committee should try to
disturb the foundation or the hill that
passed the houne to the extent i
would in he r. moili'li d to pro
vide for II single hunk
Seamen Get Relief.
The I .a Folliltc -iihstuiilc lor (In
"seamen's servitude" bill, so amended
ns not to affect the treat) relations .
the United Mali lllltil the I
has had an opportniili) in readjust
them, passed the senate.
The I .a I'ollelle silbsl llule 1 1 r I t
in many respects from the nrlclnal bill
which passed both bourns of Con
gress, but whclh did mil meet
with Ihe approval of I'reslilenl Taft.
Its chief provisions would require liu
proved worki.ig quarters ami worklm;
conditions on ships; Increase Ihe re
iiulreuienls for safety applla s and
efflclemv of sailors: releii
from some of ihe stringent regulations
that conip.1 them to remain with ships
when In fori'iru ports and direct the
abrogation of am trestles that pro
I. il. ii Ihe enforcement of tin pro) is
Ions iigalin-i foreign ships coining Into
American ports
National Capital Brevltiea.
The urgent deficiency bill, provld
Ing for the abolishing of the coin
men e court and removal of about 1999
deputy revenue i nllectors from chll
service, has been signed by the prtsl
Itepubllcans, Democrats and Pro
grcknives of the house will Join in pi
seating Miss Jessie Wilson, daughtei
of the president with a wedding gift
Speaker Clark will name a committee
to carry out the plan
Senator Chamberlain has been des
ign.ii.-d b Ihe floor leader, Senator
Kern of Indiana, to act in Ibal i aps
Ity during his absence from tbe city
I'reslilenl Wilson has commuted the
sentence of Frederick A Hyde from
two years and that of Joust SchuelU i
from 14 month to : days' Impru
oliuieiil Jle did not nuiH flues ol
110.000 and IIOOO respectively assess
ed against Hyde and Schneider TUe
two men were convicted of land
frauda In Oregou and California
Hear Admiral Charles K. Clark, te
tired, commander of the battleship
Oregon when she made her faunm
trip around Cape Horn al the op.
of the Spanish war today accepted the
Invitation of Secrelsr) Denlela to be
on the bridge of his old ship to lend
the International fl i through (In
n I '. 1 I
lie lulling the pr.n in al eompl
of ihe Panama canal among the marks
of ' henilli flit piovnlin which the
nation, be saya, has in Ho
uli nt Wilson Issued hli
first '1 baoksgivlng proclamation, nun
log Tbursda), Noiinl
giung da
The big express companies Lai' ..'i
vised tbe IjBtl
mission that (hey hav- get IsWe to
ubati'li ih. .i oppc 'ih. com
i,i ill) n-il in
noma ed thai the i on's Mot k
system of r..u would
" s 4M6r!'
You'll Have No
Kick Coming
If you pay for an ;u I mission
UfeSftb Our pictures IN the latoi
and most exciting to be had.
If You Visit this Moving
Picture Show
with the whole family, you'll he
more than delighted, and will
c'-rt aioly come sprain
Moving Pictures Hore Tells
What's (Mif On
Dreamland Theatre
W. W. Letson
Successor to . H. (irauel
Staufler Hand
Painted China
Libby Cut Glass
Standard Watches
KH. acres of fine sage brush land,
deep rich eaiMiysoil, first class water
right. !V miles from Ontario. Pure
9MI. per ecu- Term K'ven with
KM rale of intcrcH or Would trade
for slock or -'thcr property. Must
l.c llM-cii of soon, us I am engaged
in ol In i IiUkiiii
I'ostotlice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
I'roinpt Attention (liven
All Order.
I miii Mr vu c
West hound.
No. 17 Oregou Wash I.M I III a m
, lluiitlngtnu I'asa I H a Ol
Bjg, I'M. I Vll 1 . III
No '7 llnutingt.'ii I'aa Xi p iu
No. U Oregon Wash Kxpress SS p IU
I nl In Hi II ' 1
No. IH Oregon Wash Mil fill a in
No. . ' llolS .Himellger h il. it 111
I s.t Mall III aw
.o. T lloiae I'MMfliger 3:60 p
No. H Oregon Wash Kxpress 4 10 p in
Malheur Valley llianch
Vnle train leu van Vale daily at
a s. iii. arriving In Ontario at I0
Hi l irning will leave, gggafg Suiolny,
at Ma n., arriving ft Vile at IU 10,
leaving foi Unman nt 1" 10, arriv
ing then II ,i. ii iiimliig will leave
Mi gad at i. arrive, at Vgjg i 10,
Leave Vale i.l ' arriving at I Hi
tiirin at B'MO, aad retgre la Vg
.in will
conn- 0 llil.ul ' H the in .inlng ml
r.toic ..' '. i. m . making the III IB
Lbal day instead of