The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 30, 1913, Image 2

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    M sjattatB1 w f w 7
v rT. W ' 1 :
Merit always win
M;tl!hoid has every merit that eoe
to make good roofing.
-If you demand the talt, but one
word expreikei it that's Malthoid.
Make known your demands to us.
Empire Lumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon
or remodelieg a bathroom receives our
prompt and careful attention. However,
we suggest that
li obtained and
future repairs
avoided by giv
ing m the cun
trart (or new
work. Perma
nent satisfaction
is further assured
by our installing
guaranteed fis
luies. Booklets
showing t he
man beautiful
slesigns of these
lis t ures fret
upon request.
?tnji T "I skua" Laval r
I lloara Kaal '
llaUtU Karallarafe.
lvtCi"' ' r'JsW "T
Ontario Ore.
.,, V.'.V.s.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'i
Oeorge Temple, aged It. a Chemawe,
tudent, shot Watchman Oeorge Stay
nlff. The latter hit the boy on to
head with the former'a weapon. Both
may die.
The Notl tunnel on the Eugene-Coos
Hny railroad U nearly ready for the
rails. Tralna may be run from Bts
gene to Mapleton within the nest
School fund loans In Oregon aggre
gating $100,000 may ha forfeited un
laaa the notea are renewed or fore
closure sulta ar) brought, aaya Oover
nur Weat.
Representative Humphrey of Waah
Ington may vlalt aome of tha mora Im
portant river and harbor projecte la
Oregon If RepreeenUtlve Htwlay
finds he, can't make the trip.
The C. A. Smith lumbar company
haa bean aaaed by Oovernor Wasit of
Oregon to defend Ita title to 10,000
aoree of land whloh. It la intimated.
haa been obtained by uaa of dummy
acbool land eelectlone
Ouy M Llndaay. former caahlar of
tha Cltlsena National bank of Baker
City, waa freed of tha charge of mla
approprlatlng funda, becauee of tha
governments failure to produce any
damaging evidence agalnat him.
George H. Oeorge. president of tha
Astoria National bank, vice prealdent.
eecretary and treaauror of the Colum
bia Hiii'i Hackers' aaaolcatlon and ona
of thf foremost cltlaena of Oregon,
died at his homo In Astoria
That the national foreet, which re
cently waa opened to homeateadlng of
available agricultural landa, la on tha
brink of an era of development la
the opinion of J. Roy Harvey, newly
appointed supervleor.
Secretary of the Navy Oanlels haa
Informed Senator Chamberlain that In
sufficient room on the baltleahlp Ore
gon will prevent Oregon guardsmen
Irom accompanying the ahlp through
I ih' Panama canal, as an aacort.
Suit haa beeu riled by the attorney
! general of Oregon agalnat tha gover
I nor. secretary of elate and treasurer,
for reoovary of $14,000 aald to have
bjggg unlawfully spent out of the ponl
tontlary revolving fund.
Senator Chamberlain haa been told
gf tin' state department that tha pro-
. .. i i..-1 i tiv ('Mia him been
i 1 iriniivii ..
changed to make the lumbar duty 70
' per cent ad valorem, an Increaae of
I i," per cant. Instead of 21$ per oent
I as Intended
Events Occurring Throughout
tho State During the Put
Water a Ba Lowered.
Klamath Falla According to a lat
ter received by Prealdent Maaon of
the Lower Klamath Marah Land Own
era' association, from Representative
Slnnott. officials of the reclamation
service are drafting a form of bond.
upon the elgnlng of which inatrument
the government will cloae the gate at
the railroad track, ahuttlng the water
of Klamath atralU out of Lower Kla
math lake, which will allow the recla
mation of much marah land around
the lake by lowering the water level.
Tho bond la to Inaure the government
agalnat any damage aetlona that
might artee, and to protect the gov
ernment agalnat any damage to the
water light of the Van Brimmer
Wash Dresses
We just received a large assort
ment of women's and chil
(' en's wash dresses made of
percale, gingham or galatea,
most any color you want.
Women's Drosses $1.00 up.
Children's Dresses 2.5c up.
,n,i 1 1
lour Mail
Mvii'h and
t Inlili. ii -Shoes
Something New and Something Nice
V. the OngOtl PftckingCo., arc iysontiiur to
OUT customers a vciy deelrtble line of premiums
such as displayed in our window. All you have
to do to got one of these valuable prizes is to
trade with us. If you have not already got one
of OUT premium books, we want you to have one
it coats nothing and is Indeed very valuable to
ever) housekeeper Thank you.
H. H. TUNNY, Proprietor
"Wets" and "Orye" Wage Campaign.
Salem. The moat atrenuoua wet
and dry campaign ever carried on In
Salem la now being waged. Both aldee
are well organised and until 10 days
ago It was conceded even by the aa
loon Intereata that the city would be
voted dry on November 4, but within
the laat week the weta have perfected
their organisation and now declare
they will win the election. It la gen
erally conceded that the reault of the
election roata largely with the women,
and both aldea are centering their
onmpalgn on them. The last time the
Issue waa presented In Salem, with
only the men voting, the city remained
wet by a very email majority.
Bight-Hour Law to Be Teatad.
Salem -The stale board of control
baa requeated Labor Commlaaloner
O. P. Hoff to bring ult against the
board to test the question of whether
the eight hour law applies to the em
ployee at state Inatltutlona. If the
courta ahould hold that It doea apply
to the Inatltutlona. It la stated thBt
no one of the Institutions would have
Hiifflclent appropriation to carry It
through next year without a deft
clency. The governor haa aald that It
might be necessary oven to call a apo
dal attaalon of the leglalature to pro
vide for the emergency.
Fair Supervisor of Schools to Let the
Pupils Build Highway.
KuKeni' It'iail building, a course of
Mud) for Um rare! sciiools i' eyreteSw
lame fount), la to be Introduced will
In a few Btn b) MIhh OoMts VSB
Hlber, school supervisor III the Slu
!uw ilihinvt Instructions tare Ml I
in. ill, .1 I Ills Is III.' tlref "M"
of Its kind i'mt tried in Oregm U
tual road building Is IBS lulorntor
Mi.rk wlilim will accouipiui) ihi
tgejTM Tta ilill'li'ii of Hash diMrlct
will build inula maintain durltiK the
approaching rainy season n strip ol
,-,.iiin toad near the sehool building.
TIM m hool fftsOM reta -tnmU ita wis
tei ami is r.aind In the best condition
will be Ifes winner of a unique con
i, -..t in which school children on Ita
Siuslaw e.iKeil) are awaiting to Par
Count) Judge llelnuis W. Tltomp
sou. I.ane county's most ggghrg good
roads enllittslast, was so pleased with
.oinan plan to teach the fuildu-
u hi road building in the nirul
.i ' ' , tiiinic,.i-ly offered
m i i , si g prta I (Of "'!
Komi loaiia i-oiiieai.
rWe Don't Pretend
to carry everything the people may want, but
are safe in saying we have the greatest variety
to be found in Ontario.
-We have lately added a large assortment of -Laces,
Ladies' Neckwear, Back and Side Combs,
Barettes and the celebrated Auerbuch & Sons'
Line of Candies,
L Our stock of China and Glassware is the most-
complete in town.
We have given our order for Christmas goods
Toys, etc., and the store will be well supplied in
that line.,r.r.or nf different articles needful to th(
Housewife cover our 5, 10 and 15 cent tables.
-We want YOU, reader, to look over our stock.
You will surely find something you have been
in need of
Wp are receiving the last of an entire mill cut
We are short on room and cash.
It will pay you to get our prices
on this lumber. Nuff said.
Empire Lumber Company
One Dead. One Hurt in Wreck. One man was killed out
right another wua slightly ln ucd and
mo valuable lace horses were hurt ill
i wreck alt miles uorth of I'ralrle
Cttj on the Sampler Valley railroad.
It, l.eit Ittchardaon of Haker waa
HI) hi he jumped fivni U gWgf
tin ag car which fell on nun. ggej
William Hall of Johu Day was In
11 - tf
Alitu tr. 'No
If yon, in solo ooniM full
Mured loon OUr ftVBgfc ll'eon
lv fMir fiiifi aiii.v nr n',lsl 0
tin' h'miic ii llln slrondsi)
gulo, Ws hlwoyi reedy to
ti ... ti.l to calls ol all kiiula of
gulo ropoii vork And we bevB
strtrj laiilitx unit pleoly f
ubilitv U do aM work promptly.
Onuurio Auto Company
Has Vision of Railroad.
Klamath Kails There la every lu
di.ition that the railroad from thla
city to Merrill aud from there to Kern
y. Ntv . will be built next summer
rhere Is also evidence that the road
to that north will be built to connect
wall the lllll line coming south and
(hat both klarriuian and lllll intereata
will use the same line for the heavy
capo.Ulon Unci
Recall Nominees 11 Fight to Stay.
Hood Km. i V thai c.inJl.latee
nominated l) ihe MOBll petitioners
have signified their int. nnons of quail
fyiug and making Ihe egg) agamsl the
itiemliera of the pre.ui county court
at Ita Suit-Blur election
Equaluation Board Mecta.
Salem The stale board of squall
sat ion tu i:an holding bearings Krulay,
wheu repreaeutatlvea of the large rail
rod coiupanlea appeared before the
h 7 t -
People in the News
Adolphus HumIi, multimillionaire
St l.ouis brewer, died In Germany,
aged 76.
I'rlnce Taro Katsura. ex premier or
Jupaii and a cloae friend of the em
peror, died after an emended illness
Yuan Shi Kal has been elected pree
idem of riilna by the two hOBBSl of
it,,. gpghBreg parliament. He will
rule Ore re!Si Twenty candldatea
were nominated
Mrs jeuuie May Eaton waa placed
on i rial at Plymouth. Mass, Monday,
on an iiidlctmeat charging her with
the minder of her husband. Head Ad
miral Joseph Q. Eaton. U. 8 N., re- j
The petition to have Lola Norrla
and Marsha Warriugum, who eloped
to Keutf with Digga aad t'aminetll,
declared dependents, waa denied by
Judge Shields on the reconiniendaUotl
of the probatiou corxMulttee.
james M. buinvan, American minis
tster to the Dominican republic, haa
Induced the warring factloua In that
country to sign a peace pact
According io information brought to
Victoria b a Japanese lluer. Dr. Sun
Yat Sen. orgsulser of the t'hlneae rev
olution or 1911. haa not left Japan,
but Is In hiding at the laland empire.
Failure ot ilovernor Johnson of Oal
, to MUM a new medical board
oung physicians from
,, i r.g UerereS Ul practice
. h mainline lanauur.l. tue fam
ou militant suffragette leader, eatled
from Horv (or the lulled Slates
aboard the liner La I'roveuc .
it la rumored (hat (he w(dow or
Mayor liayuor will seek to have the
will of her late huxbaud overruled on
(be grounds thai sufficient funds for
her matmeuauce hate not been prowled.
Poultry Wanted
All kinds of live poultry at
the highest cash market
Phone 18 for this week's
prices or write
Ontario Ice & Cold Storage
II ...l
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.