ONTARIO The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of EASTERN OREGON f) (Bmi&ti The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow mm. The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year 1 . Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. ir- VOLUME XVI ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1913. NO. 43 DIES OF BURNS Home Destroyed By Fire Mrs. Orval Decker Fright fully Burned Last Sat urday Morning Succmbs to Injuries. Mm. Orval Decker died Sunday venlng m a remit of burne received Nut unlay when ber home wn destroy d by fire. Tbe Deckers wero living on the old John Dorn plaoe. weat of tbe Malheur river bridge, which was aold a atinrt time ago to Mr Katort aod leased a fear weeka ago to Mr. Decker. The Deokera were out lu the Held when the flie waa discovered aud ruihed to the bouae. wheie the baby waa aaleep. Mra. Decker got into toe house flrat and fell down, probably fainted. Mr. Deaker weot In and got her out and than went buck and rea oned tbe baby from anotbei part of tbe room where tbe Are had not reach .I Mra. Decker'a clothing waa burned off and abe only lived until NiiihIhv evening. Mr. Decker waa everaly burned around the fno aud hands, but not seriously. A aubacrlptioo was taken up to en able tbe husband to take the body of bia wife to Oolorado for burial. MAN HAS HEAD CUT OFF BY FREIGHT TRAIN It is Presumed Unfortunate Man Fell Between Cars Unknown Here The body of a muu named (Sallagber waa found on the railroad tracks uear Nyasa Weiluesdey mornliig It Is supposed that he fell between tbe cars some way aud went under tbe wheels aa he was badly inaugled. The body waa cold when found m. I it Is supposed several Mains passed over him. Little is known of the limn except that he lisd leeu working at odd j. .lis iu the ueighburhnud lor several months. NO CHOICE INDICATED IN MEXICAN ELECTION RETURNS Mexico City. At the close of the M . un election Indications were that not sufficient votes had been cast to constitute a legal choice for the presi dency to aucceed General Vtcloriejio Huerta. It was eatlmated. Judging from the results In the capital, where It waa expected the vote would be up to tbe average, that fewer than 10,000 or the 80,000 eligible voters In tbe federal district went to the polls. There are about 3,000,000 eligible voters lu the entire republic. It would be no sur prise if congress, tbe members of which also were voted for, declared the election void when the body la or ganized and revises tbe returna. The leadera of the Catholic party claimed a long lead for their candi dates. Frrdenco Gum boa and General Kacou. If this claim is correct, it is generally thought that General Felix liiaz and Seuor lieuuena ran second. There waa no disorder In Mexico ! City. The polling places opened at 9 The election officials appeared to be a representative class of It liens So far aa could be ascertained, no gov ernment employes served In that ca pacity. Diaz Save a Last Tis With Huerta. Vera Cru:. The last shred binding General Felix Dlaa and General Vic torlano Huerta waa severed when Gen eral Dlaa telegraphed to the depart men t of war his resignation aa brlga dier general of the army. v. General Dlaa applied to the Ameri can conaulate Monday alght for pro tection and was taken on board the United State gunboat WtxMllng. CHURCH QUESTIONS REMAIN UNSETTLED New York. The general conven tion of 1913 of the Protestant Epleco pnl church panned Into history In hope less deadlock on two Important resolu tlons, with the most far-reaching topic of leglalatlon before It unconsidered by one house because of an error In the other, and with a positive refusal to oontlder a request of the Women'a Christian Temperance union that un fermented grape Juice be substituted for wine In tbe communion service. On the proposal to establish a sepa rate bishopric for negroes In the south and on the proposed elimination of the worda "Jews, Turka, Infldela and her tlca," the house of ln-l .; -. and the house of deputies were deadlocked. On the proposal to require a two thlrda vote to change the name of tba church, adopted by the deputies, the blahopa refused to act because the resolution waa sent to them only the day before adjournment, while It waa adopted by the lower houae more than two weeks ago The original draft of the reaolutlon was mislaid. REDEDICATE CONGRESS HALL President Wilson Occuplaa the His torlc Chair Uaed by John Hancock. Philadelphia. Congress hall. In his toric Independence square, where the aenate and houae of repreaentatlvea eat from 1790 to 1800, was rededl cated with patriotic exerclaea, the oc casion marking the completion of the restoration of the hall to altnoat Ita original appearance. President Wilson waa the Central figure In the ceremonies and deliv ered a JO-mlnute addreaa. The prealdent waa the laat speaker. He sat In the high-backed chair which waa uaed by John Hancock when he prealded over the continental con great. Katharine Clklna Wada Young Hltt. Klklns. W. Va. Katherlne Klklns, daughter of the late Senator Stephen H Klklns, was married here to Wll Ham F It II i Miss Klklna name was prominently before the public re cently lu connect Ion with a re port that he waa to wed the Duke of Abrutxl. Tbe bride is a granddaughter of ex United States Senator Oassaway Da vis, and Mr. Hltt la a son of a former reple .. ,l.,ll e ll, cull K I Sjaj I I pill lilt nola. CHARLES F. MARVIN Ptii.ii' i Antaiioau traas A- cUtluu Charles F. Marvin, who waa recent ly appointed chief of the United States weather bureau. ALFALFA EXPERT TO GIVE LECTURES IN THIS COUNTY Arruugemeuts are lieiug made to have Prof. II.. Men. tbe alfalfa expert. deliver several lecures lit this county about tbe 10th of Nuvenibei. Prof Holden believes alfalfa sb-.uld be raised on most of the land in this section, with or without irrlgiitionjaod bia talk will i .doubtedly be of in ternet to every eeclion. Ider of laud iu this Oregon Wins Trophy. Tula. Okla. The atate of Oregon waa presented with a silver loving cup given by the Chicago Aaaoclation of Commerce for having the best atate or district exhibit of farm products at the International Soil I'roducts expo eiUou which Is being held here in oonnertlou with the Interuatlonai Dry Fnnulug congreee. r N W H M F --- ruraim House Warming in Located in City Hall Building is Enjoyable Affair. - The house wnrmlng party at the Commercial clnh rooms on Wadoes day nluht was attended by over sixty couple ii ml proved a aucoeaaful affair. There were nearly eighty tickets acid and the committee having lo charge tbe purchasing of the furniture feel sore they will bava a nlca fund when tbe returns are in from tba Halloween party to be given Friday evening. Till-: NKW CITY HALL AND NASHVILLE STUDENTS AT DREAMLAND SUNDAY NIGHT The Dreamland announces tbe Nashville Students for Sunday and Monday ereninus l'hey me at the Auditorium theatre in HolselM week unci the- maMgsjf has ttaxl that they are filling lb house every nluht. They have I een beie before aud gave good satisfaction. They have an excellent baud with them and will tflve M Col.cert lu limit uf the IllCUtlt- oii .Sunday eveulng and a parade ami concert M.. ii. lay. Popular prioee. 25 aud I1& cents. If you enjoy music and comedy tbia will be a treat. Pullman Collage Team Defeated. Portland Three thousand football enthublasts saw the Multnomah club defeat Washington state college on Winged M" field, 7 to 0. Oregon Wins, 27-0, Ovsr Idaho. Kugene Hy a acore of 27 to 0, Ore gon eliminated Idaho from the race for the conference fooi hall championship on Kim-aid field. BIG DRAIN DITCH WILL SOON REACH THE CITY Hard Gravel Makes Slow Work in Ditrir inif With i Under Drainage Alkali Will Soon Disappear. The big draiuag ditch la usariug the center of tbe city aod ita effect ,,n the water boles lu the northern uirt is apparent. In liigking tbe ditch it is found tbat a layer of concrete gravel aud bard ' pan underlie the old channel and holds all the water fr ro drulning through. , In this way the alkali cannot be waabad tbrou-h tbe aoil aud naturally i cornea to tba s irtaoe. With the under I diainage it "ill te but a few years nbs tbe while alkali will disappear. The Jbai -i gravel eoeoontered laat week held them down to about 700 feet. This aeek tbej ars out of tbe old river channel aod expect to make better time. ' BBBBaBHBJ BMBMMMaMBasBaaxwasssssswaMsslsCSJsBBlrS?ffg'. ' ' . ." :!1 MMFR A R -- "-; mm New Club Rooms Tbe rooms hail been decorated ami presented a very Invitlug appearanoc and the oluh members received many compliments un tba handaomeuartere they bava. Tba music by Mra R. . Payne and Mr. Brown waa all that could be ae- elreri by the dannera. The young people ara counting on n big time Friday evening and there i will be a large attandanoe. HOME OF COMMKKC IAL CLUB WALLS OF NEW LIBRARY WILL SOON BE FINISHED The bricklayers ou tba new library iitnl Unit made good headway last week and tbe carpenters have the joist in plana for the celling of the main floor. I' will be tint a few days more when the bricklayers will llnisli theii woik ami tbe root II I be iu place Tba work baa been delayed son e on socoiint uf tbe large amount of concrete uaed. Welfare Commissioners Deny Reports entile. Mrs. Theresa S Mc.Mahon and Mrs. Florence II Swansoii, mem i In i of the state Industrial welfare commission, issued slgued statements complaining that they had been mis quoted by the newapapers in their expressions at Everett concerning morals of working girls Seural churches and women's organizations of Everett have requested Governor Lister to remove Mrs Mc.Mahon and Mr. i Swanson from the commission. SIX CARS OE CATTLE SHIPPED THIS WEEK Trainload of Cattle and Sheep Sent From Juntura Vale Ships Cattle Horses Same Day bix oarloada of cattle ware ahipped from here Tueaday by Frank (Jrlce to the Fortlaud market. They were part of the shipment tbat were brought iu here a year aa from Mexico. Tbay were well bred rattle of a fair sizs for tbat country aud tilled out so that they avsraged about 1001) pounds. A shipment of five cars of cattle was made from here ou Friday. A train load of cattle aud sheep csuie out from Juntura last Friday aod tbey also shipped come bursenaud cattle from Vale tbe same date. Two carloads f aowa and oalves were eblpped Wdoeeday t Fortlaud aud will tie fed In traaaif ,.i I.. 0r,od lb, . ttmutA by j B Jobueon and J. K. Comatock. s. seeks no ad- Dm0NAl TERRITORY Mobile, Ala While avoiding any mention specifically of Mexico or any European influence connected with the Mexican situation, President Wil son delivered a speech here before the Southern Commercial congress which appeared to be freighted with signifi cance and which served to point with further directness the policy of the United States not only toward Mexico, but toward all Central and South American republics. A acore of South American diplo mats sat Just behind the president while he spoke and many of his re marks were nddreaaed In conversa tional tones to them. The president spoke only In general terms, but many of his aentences were pointed with a meaning so clear ns to leave little doubt of their Intent. The president's speech waa uttered with a confidence which bespoke the dominant part the United Statea ex pects to play In the future of the American republics. Not through any Idea of "material Interest," he care fully explained, but through a love of the people of constitutional liberty. "The United States never again will seek to obtain one additional foot of territory by conquest," he declared, amid applauae. ATTEMPT TO POISON GIRLS Mrs. Effls Creaswsll, Inmate of State Training School, Is Arrested. Salem, Or. Mrs. Kffle Cresawell, an Inmate of the atate girls' training achool, waa arrested on a charge of having attempted to poison the other 14 Inmatea of the Inatltutlon. According to Mrs. M K. Hopkins, acting superintendent of the school, the woman put atrychuliie In the cof fee and tea which, waa served to tbe Inmates at supper. Several of the girls, upon tasting the beverages, an nounced that they had a peculiar flav or and Mrs. Hopkins made an Invest! gatlon. She says she learned that the Cress well woman, who waa committed from Salem several days ago on a charge of delinquency had smuggled tbe poi son Into the institution and had Indue ed Slella MorKim, committed from Al ban) , I. ula Stullli, committed from Corvallls, ami l.ydla Hill, committed from Columbia count . in put It Into the coffee and ti a THOMAS A. EDISON IS) mm. by Amsrliaii ft AssuclaUon Thomas A. Edison, ths great invsn tor, who has recovsrsd from a Severn illness. BOY FRACTURES LIMB WHILE PLAYING CAME OF FOOTBALL Klubard Adam, tbe i.iiib year old on of Mr. and Mrs. I.. Adam, gol lulxed Up in a football game Saturday and received a fiactored gg lu the a i iiniusge. Tbe youuu man bus l.een euduilng a lot uf pali. like a little hern, but is pm-i the gofgl of it i.'.w. Football Is a fggafftj game and Wbeu Imlolgk-d In by hoy or man broken legs, arms and heads must tie expect!. Agglee Unable to teere at Seattle Seattle The University of Wash lugtou football team defeated Otagon Agricultural college by a score' of 4. to 0 on Denny field here. - m .affHsv Cm TRAINS COLLIDE And Five Persons Are Injured Construction Trains West of Vale, on New Line, in Rear End Collision While Rounding Curve. Five men wero injured In a rear end collision near Juntura Wednesday ifernoon. between two construction trains. One train waa baoklng op. going weat and struck a gravel train at a abarp curve, the two oabooae belog wreaked. Conductor 11. II. Hyrd wns riding n top of the caboose, watching the track and received a cut on the back of ins head and one lea. but was feel ing good this morning and Ik la thought he will soon recover. Fred Uuokley, a bmaeman. waa riding In the oupnla of tbe caboose mi the lookout and bia condition la considered serious He haa a nadljr crushed knee and leg and has not re covered from the shock. He will lose bis lag anyway. Albert Hughea ase'atant traok sup erintendent, 'ha. head, chest ami leg Injuries, mostly bums from the atuva upsettluu. His condition was uood this morning and a rapid recovery la looked for. Wast ley llinkaon, tbo dump man of the gravel train died just before lie reached tbe hospital. Due otbsr man was injured and he was left at Vale, and the otbara were brought to tbe hospital here on special train, accompanied by Or. liartlett, of Vale, wbo called lu Dr. I'nyue to aaalat In oreaalng the wounds. FIVE CARLOADS OF CATTLE FROM EL PASO Arc Shipped in Hy Payette Men and Will he Fed Here Until Spring. Five (isi loads of cattle arrived hero I'll. lay from hi Fa.... Texas Tlu-sn . mi . weie of all ages, si.ea aud con ditions. M having been loaded iu live cars It is said they are tba tails of '-ipin bead and It Is easily be lieved w hen one taken the time In luug them oer carelully, as they aic cer tainly tbe iiintleat looking l unci, that were ever In the yards here There are mauy that show the uld Spanish bioorl and others tbat are evidently a cross with some foreign antine!. showing u large hump at the sbouders. Tbete are two year olds lu tbe biiuch uot auy larger than n Jersey calf aud four year olds that aie no larger than a yearling The hunch show what can lie ex peeled by inbreeding fin .enluiie. aa the peoua uf Mevioo have been dolug. Ill" little lull, shotting that they pay absolutely no attention to breed ing. The aulmala are very poor, man) juxt uhle to walk and their ap pearancH Indicates they were inland where ti-i .1 water and were scarce and far H.ai I. The Doited Htatea has little to fear frosj tin- Importntli n nl tins gnsAV ' f.n inn hef and It .wll onh . m. i In foi tfie oheuper cuts, it I einw Imnos ihla In get auy Hteak liuin ll.. ai Ihls Is 11- - first. .f a large number of nhi mri.i . thai are heluu brongbt '. i. by i'avt-tte man, whofltforeou Willie ima- them iu the Vail.,' all I taking them to the rgnwffg kfl His p log WORK OF REMODELING THE CARTER HOUSE TO STARTSOON The .It tin I to plaua for reupaieling the Carter bouae are here aud ems as tbe contract can be 1st tbe work will be started. Tbe addition, will be built ou first so that the work will uot lulerfsra with the hotel busiuaas. ,