The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 23, 1913, Image 8

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Is the Basis on Which
High Art Suits
and Overcoats
are offered to every man and young man
Slfyfe-all wool material and the very fin
est tailoring is what you get in HIGH
that always show a saving from $2.50 to
$5.00 over other makes.
Our stock this season is larger and more varied than
ever. We are prepared to fit the man of regular
build, the stout man and the tall man
$16.00 io $30
$15 to $28.50
Special showing of Popular Priced Suits and
Overcoats at
$7.50, $10 and $12.50
MacldnAWl of the Famous Oregon r OM tf
Citv Make, in the new plaid colors PJ dllll pO
One Price Clothier,
Ontario, Oregon
Home of "Ajax" Suits and Overcoats for Boys
A natatorlum I to be added to
Seaside's Hat of summer amusement
before another season.
Milk tenting devices have been re
ceived by the pupils of the public
achoola of Polk county.
The Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany is settling Its taxes of more than
$67,000 In Jackson county.
The government forestry service baa
begun to burn timber tracts in South
ern Oregon which are Infected with the
pine beetle.
Oregon Is to have an official exhibit
at the Eighth International Dry-Farming
Congress and Exposition In Tulsa
October II to November 1.
A fountain, constructed on Corin
thian lines and made In Klamath Falls,
has Just been tendered to the city by
L. M. Schofleld.
Freewater has taken steps to build
the first link In the proposed macad
amlted road from Walla Walla to Pen
dletoA. Three hundred apple packers of
Hood River formed an association to
adopt a schedule of packing rates and
maintain a uniform system of pack
ing. A number of rond districts of Clack
amas county are planning to levy a
special tax. The county court Is In
favor of better roads being built
throughout the county.
A hen, which Is a cross between a
Plymouth Rock and a White Leghorn,
raised at the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, broke the world's record by lay
ing 291 eggs In a year.
A local option election will be held
at I nil hi November 4. Petitions were
circulated so quietly that only a few
of the 'weta" were aware of the plan
until the petitions were filed.
From effects of Injuries sustained
In a full dowu u flight of stairs Mrs.
Cordelia Mills, aged 81. died at Keno.
The woman never recovered conscious
ness after the fall.
A second crop of slrawberles Is be
ing harvested by R. J Taylor, of In
dependence. There will be on the av
erage of a pound to the plant, or 60
boxes In all.
Klamath Falls Is planning to build
hitching racks. The city will secure
a tract of Kind near the buslm-ns sec
tion for the accommodation of farm
ers' teams
Joseph Hchafer, Ph I)., for 13 years
hemi of tln history department of the
University of Wisconsin, has assumed
the duties of general director of the
nlverslty of Oregon extension division.
His office will be at Kugene
Crater Lake being inland and under
the control of the state police. Stat
Uitme Warden Plnlo) can Impose n li
cense on persons who fish In It, statu
Attorney Oeneral Cruwford. In un opin
ion for (Jovernor West.
A force of engineers under the di
rection of l..nii Orlswold iiinl W W
Peters of the state hlghwa) coiiinus
slon. ha begun the work of survevmn
a route between Astoria and West
port The annual convention of the Ore
gon State Killtorlal Association met
in I'ortlund. Nearly 76 editor, rep
resenting as many uewspupers, were
present when Colonel E. Hofer culled
the convention to order
J. C La France, convicted of swind
ling the Modern Woodmen of America
out of $3000 by planting a body us hi
own on the Cluckanias river, was sen
tenced to from one to five years In the
penitentiary b) Circuit Judge Kuva
uuugh at Portlaud
The hearing In the case of Dallas
vs. II V Uuleb. owner of the water
system at Dallas, has been set by the
railroad commission for October 28, at
Dallas The complaint allege thut
ene.slv charges are being made for
the water
The Oregon Trunk railway truffle
department report that 32. DUO sheep
have been shipped from Heud during
the past 10 days, probabt) the great
eat export movement of sheep In o
short a period ever knowu In the state
The sheep ure to be fed In Montana
in transit tor the Chicago market.
Uovernor West will not consider ex
tending clcuieiu to Mike Spauo and
Frank 8emour, aenteuced to be
hanged October SI for the kllllug of
Ueorge Dedekalou. In Medford, who,
la a signed statement, attempted to
fasten the crime on Thomas Frlcas,
until a complete Investigation ha
been mad
That Oregon rank tint tn the per
centage of attendance of school chil
dreii is a statement made b the school
superintendent of Erie county. Pa.,
in a letter received from bint by 8u
permtendent of Public Instruction
Chunhill. The writer ay that hi
information wa obtained from the
comparative study of school systems
lu the various states as compiled b
the Kusaell Sage Foundation.
liepreseutatlva Huwle) has Intro
duced bills appropriating $100. unn each
for the purchase of site and the erec
turn of public buildings at Oregon
Cit). Corvaltts. Ashland and Grants
Paa. He also has introduced a bill
aut horning the establishment of a life
saving statiou at the mouth of the
SuUUw river and one authorising the
establishment of a uuulug eapertmeul
Several Candidates
Make Good Gains
V. W. Marston Gets Biggest Vote
Wins the Weekly Prize.
There are only nine weeks
more in which to work for the
automobile, the contest closing
on December 24th.
Any one of the candidates,
who will devote his time from
now until the end of the nine
weeks, can easily win the auto
mobile, us at present there is
not a single caudidate devoting
their time to the work of secur
ing votes.
Can you possibly earn more
in nine weeks than this auto
mobile is worth?
Do not imagine that you can
slide along easily, work a few
days at the close and then stand
a chance of winning, because
you will be mistaken. Some
one will realize the value of the
prize, go to work for it and win
in it by steady, persistent effort.
There are over seven hundred
people in this section who will
pay their subscriptions to the
Argus in the next ninety duys.
My the use of due bills, paying
these subscriptions in blocks of
five, this will mean 2, 100,000
votes, nearly three times s
many as any of the candidates
have at present. Come in today
ami we will help you get started.
Bee Roberts
Esther Russell
Mae Simon
M Alice Williams
John B Fisher
Daiay Mason
Mrs. Frazier
Mabel Hlantou 30,510
Fred Buttler 4,500
Kll.i Brosnan 101,900
Wilmoth Curry 59,000
C. C Dodge 2,735
Frank Dorman 13,520 Ericksou 27,510
C. A. Field 7420
Mrs. L B. Fry 2,375
V. V. Hickox 1,740
H. W. Hoopes 7M
(JreUhen Huiley 205,7:: I
Mrs J A llognn 7,705
Jeunit lludgkins 74i0
John Hunt 2900
O. A. Koshnick 88,780
P. K. Koenig 554u
II K ester 2,200
Maude Kidd 570830
Fthel McNulty 95730
II M. Mets 2,940
U. (J. Mi -Amuck 2,110
V. W. Marsden 710,251
Klden Madden 31100
Mrs Winnie Minster f9 1,709
Muggie Moody 78771
D T Mansker 704,000
Mrs. Florence O'Connor 732,512
Nettie Peterson 120,301
Mrs. W. H. Ruver 422,023
Mrs A Stutzner 45,800
Mrs. Joe Staples 8,060
Betsy Taylor 109,800
Ruth Test 88,680
Mrs. Winnie Wisdom 119,188
F. Winston 11,880
Mrs. 11. C. Whitworth 271,447
Mrs. John Weaver 0,785
Dottie Ward 31888
Maude Walters 111,805
Mrs Harry Williams 34,400
Mrs. A. Zimmermau 33,790
Frank Van Petten 23007
XV- v
(ieorgia Dennis 09,190
liertrude Founds 12,005
Fruui Deal 10,870
Velva l i rimes 142,400
Bulla Harris 2410
Finma Johnson 87,846
A. 0. MintuiiTt 188,800
Ora Noil 808,088
Marion Rftfriatoa iO,oo
Mr 1. Dell 81,860
Mr- J- Pi Eiotata N "30
Mis Anna BoborlaoN 18,080
AUlula Oregon- 11,060
Mav Mvtr to.tttiO
T R Nailaon 4,232
The regular meeting or the Ontario
Woman' olub wa bald Thursday,
October 16tb, at the home of Mr.
Foguaf Mr. Whitney presiding.
After tbe buins bad been trans
acted the .lull listened to Mr.
Whitney' moat interesting and de
lightful account of ber trip to tbe
State Federation She mude those
who heard her feel tbo internet aud
iMithiimasin he liu.i galoed from the
leader of tbe Federation be had
met and from tbe paper ibe hud
beard reed and discussed. There
were 150 member of club, present,
though all ware nut ,-,,, i, i, i dele
gate, 70 olub were represented.
One of tbe moat interesting peter
w"s a report by tbo committee on
Education. It was a plea for tbe
higher eduoutlon and for tbe Uni
versity of Oregoo, o much iu need of
Mr. Kggert'a report on the Scholar
ship Loan 1 iiml was also interesting,
sbowiog that over 4,000 bad bean
loaned young womeu to aaslat them
Io obtaining an education. It wa
gratifying to tbe club to learn tbat
their donation to tbe fund last year
wa tbe largest of any olub.
Mrs. Wbltnay gave tba club de
lightful sk..t.hf. of tba obaraoters of
om of the lead lug women In tbe
State Federation and of tbalr differ
ence of opinion at the meeting,
notably oo , tbe quaation of tbe state
normal acnool aod prohibition.
The bour being late toe nt of the
program wa deferred and the club
Tomato Like a Doughnut.
Cottage drove. -A tomuto grown by
Q. W. Sheary hue the shape of a big
doughnut, Including the hole. Tba
atem by which tbe fruit wa held to
plant waa attached Inside tbe bole,
whirl', waa about an Inch and a Quar
ter In diameter. A rough line enclr
olea the freak, giving It the appear
ante of having been sewed together.
Library Opinion Divided.
Klamath Pall. Controversy over
the action of the county court la re
vealed by the contemplated circula
tion of a remonstrance ugalnst (lie
building of tbe new Carnegie
library on tbe famous "courthouse"
County Road Is Street
Balem. The attorney general has
rendered an opinion to the county
Judge of Lincoln couuty that a county
road running through a town automat
ically becomes a street when the town
la Incorporated, and the maintenance
of the street thereafter devolves oa
the town.
Mistaken for Deer, I Killed.
Medford.- KImer Conger, IS years
Old, living on a ranch near Jackson
ville, waa abut and killed In the Deae
Indian couatry, the other side of Ash
land, when mistaken for a deer by an
other member of the hunting party.
Oufur Apple Harvest On.
Oafur The apple harveet I oa la
this vail) and ike applea are of an
exoeytlouall fine quality this year
and have colored better than aver be
fore Home Visitors Excursion
Via Oregon Short Line East to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis
and many other p. nuts October
25, November 22 ami 21, Decem
ber 20 and 22. Limit W day
from date of sale. West to San
Francisco, Los Angeles and
other points November 22, 24,
December 20, 22. Loug lim t.
See any O. S. L. agent for rates
and further particulars.
tauoa at Urauu P